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LAAAAAAAAAABARAAAN GERUND VS INFINITIVE fcjat0)\p Verb + ing = singing, eating, etc... * A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding "- ing." * Gerunds are often used when actions are real, fixed, or completed. : “I enjoy cooking.” INFINITIVE female arel (a): cok =r] ema Cone ° Infinitives are the “to” form of the verb. * Infinitives are often used when actions are unreal, abstract, or future. 0 ‘ ’ “He wants to swim.” COOEOOOOOOOOPOOGOOEL EO COCOPEOCEOEEEOCOOOEOOCOEGEOLE AAARRAARABAAAAAAAAN would like | would like to go home now. adore | adore skating, would love | would love to see you again! don’t mind | don’t mind cooking. would prefer | would prefer to take the bus. would mind — Would you mind talking quieter? would hate —_| would hate to upset you. enjoy | enjoy reading novels. Where do you want to go? Keep going! Don’t stop! We are planning to visit next year, It's stopped raining! What did you decide to do? I've finished painting the wall. I'm hoping to study there next year. We need to be there at 07:30. be I'm interested in learning more about interested in it. think of What do you think of skiing? be looking —_I’'m looking forward to seeing you forward to again soon! | didn’t ask you to wait for me. before ‘Turn off the light before going out. What are you trying to say? He agreed to pay 50% now. | told you to be here on time. after ‘Add the salt after mixing in the flour Ineed you to help me with this. She wants me to buy 2 new car. spend | spend an hour running every day We expected him to win the match. ting or to + verb decide not We decided not to go to the party. Move driving = I love to drive try not | will try not to do it again. like swimming =| like to swim ask__not asked you not to calll me again. I hate cleaning = | hate to clean tell__not | told you not to tell anyone. | prefer walking to work = | prefer to walk It started raining = It started to rain Base form Modal verbs Modal verbs Exceptions can I can'tdrive. could It could be worse. let They didn’t let me go to the party. will She will be here soon. would You said it would rain! make They made me tidy my room. We may be late might I might lose my job. help He helped me fix the car= What shall we do? should We should go now. He helped me to fix the car You really must try it. avoid I wear a hat to avoid getting burnt. afford I can’t afford to fail this exam. , ' i can’thelp I can’t help worrying about it. agree We agreed to meet at 09:30. can’t be bothered fail We failed to solve the problem. quit | finally quit smoking last year. manage — We managed to solve the problem. bother Don’t bother asking about my day. mean _I didn’t mean to upset you. beworth —_Is it worth visiting the museum? can'tstand I can’t stand getting up early. | can’t be bothered to go anywhere today. involve The role involves greeting clients. offer The man offered to carry my bag. pretend | pretended to like the soup. goon ‘They went on partying all night refuse They refused to help me. end up J ended up telling her everything. wish | wish to speak to the manager. insist on He insisted on paying for me. forget Lorgot to close the window. worry about I'm worried about losing it. think about I'm thinking about moving house. They forced me to tll them everything afraid of |—_mnot afraid of flying. How did you get them to do it? Bood at {'m good at singing. without He left without sayi bye. It took three hours to paint the wall. ut le left without saying goodbye. instead of |__| got a job instead of going to college. Base form My parents caught me smoking. might as well We might as well try again. The teacher saw me cheating. would rather | would rather stay at home. Nobody heard me erying. *** Different meanings *** | stopped eating = | am not smoking now. | stopped to eat = I stopped doing something unless in order to eat, tl I tried restarting the computer = I restarted the computer to see what happened. ry I tried to restart the computer = | wanted to restart the computer but | couldn’t do it. Did you remember to feed the cat? = You didn’t forget to feed the cat, did you? remember Do you remember feeding the cat? = Do you have a memory of ‘feeding the cat’ beusedto —_| amused to getting up early = It is normal for me to get up early now. used to used to get up early = | often got up early in the past, but | don’t now.

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