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Fuel Processing Technology 143 (2016) 151–161

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Fuel Processing Technology

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Fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosics in a twin screw mixer reactor

E. Henrich a, N. Dahmen a,⁎, F. Weirich a, R. Reimert b, C. Kornmayer c
Institute for Catalysis Research and Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Engler-Bunte Institute, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
WEHRLE-Werk AG, Emmendingen, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A process development unit (PDU) with 10 kg/h biomass capacity was designed, built and operated for fast
Received 8 July 2015 pyrolysis of biomass. A twin-screw type reactor, in earlier applications used for treatment of coal, oil shale, oil
Received in revised form 10 November 2015 sand and oil refinery residues, was used. Test campaigns with a variety of biomass types were performed. The
Accepted 12 November 2015
results with hard-wood, softwood, wheat straw and wheat bran are reported and discussed in this paper, verify-
Available online 3 December 2015
ing the suitability of the twin screw reactor along with a new product recovery procedure. Liquid pyrolysis
condensate, termed bio-oil, is the main product of FP and the yields are about 65 ± 10 wt.% for wood but only
Fast pyrolysis about 50 ± 10 wt.% for cereal straw, which is a typical result for all fast growing types of biomass with higher
Twin screw mixer reactor ash content. These product yields and properties are similar to those found for other FP reactor types and recov-
Bio-oil ery procedures.
Bio-slurry © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction a pressurized entrained flow (PEF) gasifier in a BTL (biomass to liquids)

process for synthetic bio-fuel production by preparing a densified and
The development of fast pyrolysis (FP) of biomass was initiated unified liquid feed from various types of biomass [13,14,15]. A large
more than 30 years ago in the wake of the oil price crisis in 1973 and PEF gasifier for syngas generation [16,17] is the central step of a thermo-
1980. The charming idea was the conversion of abundant woody bio- chemical biorefinery and is followed by syngas cleaning and the
mass in a cheap, single and simple conversion step by FP at 500 °C catalysed production of organic platform chemicals or liquid transporta-
into a liquid condensate termed bio-oil, with the aim to substitute a tion fuels, according to the concept of the bioliq process currently under
substantial part of crude oil based fuel oils and motor fuels. The work development at KIT [18].
was pioneered by Scott and co-workers at the University of Waterloo A mixture of solid biochar particles suspended in liquid bio-oil is
in Canada [1–4], a country exhibiting large forest biomass resources. termed bio-slurry or biosyncrude and produced by FP as an intermedi-
In the EU extensive research, development and demonstration work ate fuel with high energy density allowing for a more convenient
was supported by the European Commission and co-ordinated by handling, storage, and transportation compared to the original biomass.
Bridgwater since 1995 [5–7]. The actual technology status of FP is Simultaneously, a slurry is a suitable gasifier feed which can easily be
reviewed by Bridgewater in [8] and the actual state-of-the-art in active pumped and atomized into a pressurized entrained flow gasification
countries is reported by Meier [9]. Although some pilot plants in the reactor [13,19]. Bio-oil contains ca. 60 ± 10% of the initial biomass
MW-range exist and first commercial plants are erected, no general energy, but combined with the pyrolysis char, the energy content in a
breakthrough of this technology can be observed. Crude bio-oil is a bio-slurry can be raised to almost 90%.
mix of several hundred constituents and has a poor quality regarding Compared to the application of bio-oil in internal combustion
the direct use as a motor fuel. It is unstable and not miscible with diesel engines, a much lower quality is sufficient for gasification. Contamina-
or gasoline. Quality improvements by upgrading procedures or other tion with solids and especially ash containing char particles is a main
bio-oil applications are reviewed by Czernik and Bridgwater [10] and obstacle for more challenging applications. In a slagging entrained
Xiu [11]. A multistage hydrogenation process to upgrade bio-oil to a re- flow gasifier [25] ash is even needed to generate a molten slag layer at
finery feed is reported by Venderbosch [12]. the inner gasifier wall to protect it from corrosion and erosion. The
Therefore, the aim of the FP process development work at KIT is not lower quality requirements for the gasifier feed also allow some simpli-
bio-oil production for direct use as a fuel oil, but serves as a first step for fications of the FP process itself: No perfect separation of char from the
condensate is needed. In this paper even a simultaneous recovery of
⁎ Corresponding author. pyrolysis char together with the pyrolysis condensate has been investi-
E-mail address: nicolaus.dahmen@kit.edu (N. Dahmen). gated, and the results are reported.

0378-3820/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
152 E. Henrich et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 143 (2016) 151–161

Another characteristic of the FP process at KIT is the use of a special 2.1. Feeding section
pyrolysis reactor type. The so called twin screw mixer reactor has
originally been developed in Germany by Lurgi half a century ago for A batch of up to 100 kg crushed, dry lignocellulosic biomass is kept in
the FP of materials like coal, oil shale or vacuum residues of an oil refin- a closed feed storage vessel. A small characteristic biomass particle
ery [20,21,22,23] and was already applied commercially. Twin screw length L of less than 0.5 mm and a water and ash content both below
mixer reactors operated at 600 °C with up to 1.1 m outer screw diameter ca.10 wt.% are desirable feed properties. Wood was fed as sawdust,
and 600 m3/h circulating heat carrier were already built [25]. The essen- whereas chopped straw was further grained in a hammer or knife
tial design characteristic is the circulation of a hot grainy heat carrier in a mill, especially to smash the thick ca. 5 wt.% stem nodes, which present
closed loop via the twin screw mixer reactor and a heat exchanger. The a bottleneck to rapid heating-up as required for FP. Drying is achieved
heat exchanger and the reactor are the source and the sink of heat in the by passing a stream of warm air through the well mixed feed bag
closed loop. Heat carrier circulation is maintained either by a pneumatic prior to operation
or a mechanical heat carrier lift followed by gravity flow. An expensive feed flow control system with a continuous balance
This paper describes design and operation of a FP process develop- turned out to be rather sensitive to minor process disturbances and
ment unit (PDU) with a twin screw mixer reactor with 10 kg/h biomass caused frequent process disruptions. It was finally abandoned and re-
capacity. Product yields and compositions of pyrolysis char, condensate, placed by a calibrated simple and robust screw feeder with volumetric
and gas from hardwood and softwood as well as from wheat straw and flow control, which supplies the FP reactor with a sufficiently constant
wheat bran pyrolysis are reported and discussed. Conclusions are drawn volume flow of feed material in a range of 6–16 kg/h.
in view of a reasonable further development direction for biomass FP, as
it will be conducted utilizing the 2 MWth FP pilot plant also available at
KIT. 2.2. Heat carrier loop

2. Description of the FP process development unit The purpose of the heat carrier is to supply the heat for pyrolysis by
quickly mixing a cold or preheated feed with a surplus of hot carrier ma-
Fig. 1 shows a flow scheme of the PDU designed for 10 kg/h biomass terial of ca. 550 °C. The hot heat carrier loop consisting of the FP reactor,
feed capacity. The facility consists of a feeding section, a heat carrier loop a bucket elevator and an electric heater constitutes the technically most
for FP operated at 500 °C, a cooling section for product recovery and a complex and expensive section of the facility. Other design options e.g. a
final section for production and handling of bio-slurry products. These pneumatic lift of 1 mm quartz or SiC sand with the hot flue gas of
sections are described in the following in more detail. pyrolysis gas combustion are discussed elsewhere [24,25,26].

Fig. 1. Simplified flowsheet of the fast pyrolysis process development unit (PDU).
E. Henrich et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 143 (2016) 151–161 153

2.2.1. Heat carriers 2.2.3. Twin screw mixer reactor

Heat carriers which have been tested in the PDU are temperature The design of the twin screw mixer reactor and its working principle
and corrosion resistant grainy solids like 1 mm quartz or SiC sand or is shown in Fig. 2. The intertwining screws rotate in the same direction
1.5 mm diameter stainless steel (SS) balls. The most reliable operation and permanently clean each other as well as the inner reactor walls.
and the highest availability and throughput of the PDU were obtained Radial mixing with a rotation speed is in the range of Froude number
with the SS balls and further investigations were confined to this heat one: Fr = (2 n)2 r/g = 1 with n = 3.53 s−1 (n rotational frequency,
carrier. r = 0.02 m outer screw radius, g = 9.81 m/s2 gravitational acceleration)
Up to 1.6 t/h SS spheres can be lifted with the bucket elevator and where centrifugal forces at the outer screw radius and gravitational
circulated by gravity flow in a closed loop. The spheres showed negligi- forces of the heat carrier just compensate each other, proved to be a
ble attrition; after 1.000 h of operation time the weight change of 1000 suitable design criterion for scale-up [35]. A dimensional analysis of
of SS spheres was found to be below 1%. In the pyrolysis reactor the cold screw mixers shows, that the Froude number is part of the set of dimen-
feed material (bulk density between 100 and 300 kg/m3) is rapidly sionless numbers needed for scaling [36,37]. This eases free flowing
mixed with a surplus of hot SS balls (bulk density 4800 kg/m3). A similar to a fluid bed. A suitable balance between sufficient radial
volume ratio of about one ensures efficient mutual contact surface for mixing and axial transport is achieved by a pitch-to-diameter ratio of
heat transfer and results in a heat carrier-to-biomass bulk mass ratio the screws in the order of ca. 5 [21,26].
in between 30 to 100 (with sand only ca. 5–20) and a temperature The residence time distribution of heat carrier and biomass in the
drop of 10–100 °C of the heat carrier between inlet and outlet of the twin screw reactor shows a non-linear dependency on the rotation
pyrolysis reactor. frequency, see Fig. 3. Suitable operating conditions at about 3.5 Hz
with a Fr-number near 1 are indicated and lead to a Bodenstein number
2.2.2. Bucket elevator and heater above 50, indicating that plug flow conditions are a reasonable approx-
The heat carrier leaves the horizontal pyrolysis reactor with a imation for reactor modelling. At these conditions up to 1.5 t/h heat
temperature of about 500 °C, is vertically lifted by 3 m with a bucket carrier circulation, the filling level in the reactor is about half of its
elevator, and discharged into a small buffer vessel. The vessel is total volume or less as shown in Fig. 4. At higher levels there is a risk
arranged at the top of a 0.12 m diameter, 1.5 m long vertical cylinder of reactor plugging in case of feed flow fluctuations. Mixing of feed
gap heat exchanger with 1.1 m2 surface area. About half of the ca.10 L and carrier at such low levels may not be very efficient, but sufficient
SS ball heat carrier inventory in the loop (ca. 50 kg or 10+ L) is in the to serve its purpose [27].
1 cm wide annular gap volume of the heater and passes the exchanger
by gravity in about one minute; it is heated electrically from 2.3. Product recovery section
both, inner and outer, sides. A calibrated and controlled screw feeder
at the heater exit, transfers a constant heat carrier stream to the FP Much development work has been devoted to various types of FP
reactor. reactors [5], but dedicated reports on FP product recovery variations

Fig. 2. Design of the twin screw mixer reactor process development unit with 10–20 kg/h capacity.
154 E. Henrich et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 143 (2016) 151–161

Fig. 3. Residence time distribution in the twin screw mixer reactor.

or design details are scarce. In most cases the standard recovery mode is tube condenser as an aqueous condensate at the final cooling tempera-
used without much explanation ture near ambient.

2.3.1. Standard FP product recovery mode 2.3.2. Alternative FP product recovery mode
The first step in FP product recovery from the hot product gas is usu- In the standard mode the char and condensate(s) are recovered
ally the separation of char dust particles by use of a cyclone at pyrolysis separately. For gasification, they are mixed later on to produce the
temperature of 500 °C. Efficient char removal avoids the contamination desired bio-slurry feed. Separate handling of warm, highly porous FP
of bio-oil with ash containing char, which otherwise could prevent the char powder in air involves a high risk of self-ignition and dust explo-
use as a motor fuel. In a second step, at temperatures somewhat sion. This risk can be reduced with the following product recovery
above ambient, a liquid condensate is recovered in a quench condenser mode:
by injection of recycled, cooled condensate. The viscosity of the con- For gasification, char particles and condensate are mixed anyway
densate obtained must be low enough for common circular pumps later on to form a bio-slurry. Combining char and condensate recovery
(ca. ≤0.5 Pas) to avoid pumping problems and guaranties a sufficiently in a single step already in the product recovery train can reduce the
high overall heat transfer coefficient for efficient cooling. technical effort and simultaneously eliminate the ignition and dust ex-
In the PDU, one or two-step condensation can be performed. A main- plosion risks of the pyrophoric pyrolysis char. This has been achieved
ly organic condensate is first removed at a higher temperature between by contact cooling of the hot product stream immediately down-
60 and 90 °C. The higher condensation temperature allows for a water stream from the FP reactor in a scratch cooler. At condensation temper-
content ≥15% in a homogeneous liquor without later phase separation atures above 100 °C, a tar with low water content condenses. The hot
to maintain a sufficiently low viscosity for pumping. The organic and liquid tar is soaked into the pore system of the char and solidifies
water vapours remaining in the pyrolysis gas are then recovered down- there after cooling. Some sticky tar film is left outside the particles and
stream in a second condensation step with a conventional shell-and- agglomerates them to form larger char crumbs during cooling.

Fig. 4. Level in the FP reactor at increasing rotation frequency for three different heat carrier circulation rates.
E. Henrich et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 143 (2016) 151–161 155

To obtain a soft and less sticky product, lower condensation temper- and hard wood (Fir/spruce and beech wood, respectively), wheat
atures between 90 and 60 °C or even below can be applied, where most straw and wheat bran.
of the water vapour condenses and the char particles are collected in a Biomass feed analysis: The water content was measured by drying
sludgy product, which covers the heat exchanger surface in a thick but the material at 110 °C according to DIN 51718. The ash content was de-
soft layer. The layer has been removed in periods of several seconds termined using the DIN 51719 procedure at an oven temperature of 815
by a scraper to maintain sufficient heat transfer. To recover a small °C. The superior calorific HS value was measured in a bomb calorimeter
remainder of aqueous and organic vapours in form of a clear, aqueous according to DIN 51900-1. The elemental composition (CHONS) was de-
condensate, a second conventional condenser was operated down- termined with a Microelementar Vario EL instrument of Elementar; N, S
stream at about ambient temperature. This small condensate volume detection limits are 0.5%. Averages of four measurements and moisture
can be mixed with the quench product to produce a single gasifier corrections have been applied. The total biomass feed for a run was de-
feed, at least during warming-up prior to gasification. If the exit temper- termined by weight.
ature of the scratch cooler is low enough to recover the majority of FP product analysis: For char yield determination the char crumbs or
water vapour, there might be no need for a second condensation step, bio-sludge from the scratch cooler are extracted several times with dry
since the small remaining organic vapour fraction can contribute to methanol by accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) in a Dionex apparatus
the calorific value of the pyrolysis gas which is used to heat the circulat- at 10 MPa and 40 °C. The char weight is determined after drying. Ion
ing heat carrier. Solid char crumbs or pasty bio-sludge products with a chromatography shows, that also some solid ash components are eluted
viscosity ≥ca. 1 Pa⋅s are not suited for injection cooling and circulation during solvent extraction. The extract has therefore been analysed after
for quench condensation. extraction for “residue” ash.
This one-step bio-sludge recovery process was tested in the PDU. Complete deagglomeration and extraction of char crumbs requires
The scratch cooler is not a simple piece of equipment. The design of very efficient mixing. Measurements were repeated 3 times with a
the first scratch condenser was a vertical 1.5 m long SS pipe of 0.06 m relative standard deviation of ± 2% for liquid condensates and ± 5%
diameter, equipped with a cooling jacket and a half-cylinder scraper for char crumbs. CHONS elemental analysis was determined in the
for the inner pipe surface, operated periodically every several seconds Microelementar instrument mentioned above.
to discharge the condensate/char sludge layer into a vessel below. The water content of both condensates and char crumbs has been
determined with the Karl Fischer standard titration method (Metrohm)
3. Experimental procedure after dilution with a 3/1 methanol–chloroform solution. The water
content is the sum of reaction water and moisture. The reaction water
The heat carrier loop is preheated by first circulating the heat carrier fraction is calculated from the total water from Karl Fischer titration
with the bucket elevator at a constant rate of about 1 t SS balls per hour. minus the known moisture fraction of the dried feed material.
The 8 kW electrical heater in the heat carrier loop needs a few hours to Pyrolysis gas samples are taken periodically during steady state con-
achieve a stable operation temperature of 500 °C in the facility. Some ditions, and an adequate number of samples resulted in a reasonably
more hours are required, until the thick thermal insulation of the PDU accurate average value. Analysis was performed in a gas chromatograph
heat carrier loop is approximately in thermal equilibrium. After this pe- for determination of CO2, CO, CH4, H2 and C2–C5 alkanes and alkenes
riod with manual heater control the facility can be kept at steady-state after drying of the gas. The determination of the absolute volume flow
conditions with automatic control and is ready for start-up. rate is achieved by adding a known, constant flow of Ne to the pyrolysis
reactor as an internal standard. The water vapour loss with the pyrolysis
3.1. Description of a test run gas was not determined and is part of the reported mass deficit.

An air-dry, well mixed amount of 20–100 kg biomass feed allows for 3.3. Representative analytical samples
several hours of operation and was found to be sufficient to determine
reliable mass and energy balances within the limits of reproducibility Taking representative samples, and their correct preparation for
(see chap. 5.1). After a change of the operating conditions, new steady analytical purposes is an important activity and decisive for the correct
state conditions can be attained within several minutes, because of the evaluation of a test run. Samples of only few mg are needed for the
short char and heat carrier residence time of ca. 10–15 s in the pyrolysis elemental CHONS-determination (ultimate analysis), and only ca. 1 g
reactor. The heat carrier inventory of ca. 50 kg needs 2–3 min for one for measuring the superior calorific value HS in a bomb calorimeter.
pass These two measurements are decisive for a correct energy balance.
At a constant heat carrier circulation rate of 1.15 t/h, a constant bio- Moisture in the bio-feed is measured by weight loss of larger samples.
mass feed rate of normally about 10 kg/h was fed into the pyrolysis If the liquid product separates into two phases, two samples have to
reactor by the volume calibrated screw feeder. At constant heat carrier be analysed, and the composition of the total condensate and its calorific
circulation, the reactor exit temperature of 490–500 °C and the temper- value must then be calculated from the mass ratio of the separated
ature drop of 20–50 K within the reactor could be kept at reasonably phases.
constant values with occasional manual control of the heater and the In the course of a run, bio-sludge samples are collected in several
biomass feed rate. A constant stream of pyrolysis gases and vapours 10 L plastic buckets with a lid to avoid evaporation losses. Total yield de-
carries out almost all the fine and highly porous char particles. The termination by weight difference between full and empty buckets is
moving SS balls of the heat carrier act like a ball mill, and the small simple and accurate, but taking small samples after homogenisation in
char remainder in the heat carrier is further crushed and then carried the range of a gram or less without evaporation losses is difficult and
out in a second or third pass. Heat carrier samples taken downstream requires much care. These difficulties are even greater for bio-sludge
from the reactor during operation showed a low carbon content, samples from straw, which are prone to immediate phase separation.
accounting for 10–20% of the biomass feed, a value which depends The corresponding scatter in the elemental composition or in the
strongly on reactor design and operating conditions, especially the gas bomb calorimeter measurements increases the potential error in the
phase velocities in the reactor outlet section. energy balance compared to the mass balance.

3.2. Feed and product analysis 4. Experimental results

For the experiments, four different types of biomass have been The yields of char (including the ash content), condensates and gas
selected, differing in chemical composition and fuel properties: Soft produced are the essential basis for the selection of suitable FP process
156 E. Henrich et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 143 (2016) 151–161

conditions and equipment design characteristics for an envisaged Table 2

application. Average yields of FP products in wt.% with standard deviation, referring to moist feedstock
as fed into the plant.
For comparison of the product mass and energy yields reported in
the literature, the char fraction in the bio-sludge obtained by the work FP feedstock Hardwood Softwood Wheat Wheat
described here was determined by extraction with methanol followed straw bran

by drying. To get the total condensate mass fraction, the amount of Number of runs 7 5 4 3
aqueous condensate from the second condenser with some volatile or- Water content 9.5 13.5 9.7 12.0
Ash 1.1 0.5 6.0 5.5
ganics was added to the bio-sludge minus char value.
Product wt.% wt.% wt.% wt.%
Char + ash 18.5 ±1.6 14.9 ±0.7 24.5 ±1.6 18.2 ±0.9
4.1. Feed properties Total condensate 66.5 ±1.3 69.1 ±1.4 51.4 ±3.9 60.0 ±3.5
Tar condensate 39.2 ±10.6 43.2 ±5.5 44.9 ±4.2 47.6 ±4.8
The composition and other properties of the feed materials are sum- thereof H2O 8.3 ±4.0 9.3 ±2.6 19.7 ±4.7 16.4 ±2.5
Aqueous condensate 27.3 ±10.8 25.9 ±5.9 6.5 ±1.9 12.5 ±3.3
marized in Table 1 together with the total feed mass, the average feed thereof H2O 13.2 ±4.9 15.1 ±3.8 4.7 ±1.5 7.8 ±2.1
rate and the number of runs in a campaign. The FP reactor throughput Pyrolysis gas (difference) 15.0 ±1.9 16.0 ±2.1 24.1 ±5.3 21.8 ±4.4
determines the volume of released gases and vapours of ca. 0.5 Nm3/ Measured gas 15.6 ±2.3 11.5 ±0.9 21.5 ±3.5 13.3 ±0.5
kg or ca. 13 m3/h at 500 °C for 10 kg/h feed rate. The known volume Deficit −0.7 ±3.6 4.5 ±1.4 2.6 ±7.6 8.5 ±3.9
of the facility from feed entrance until condensation amounts to 4 L
put together by the reactor, the condenser and, to a small extent, the cy-
clone and piping. This results in a residence time of little more than one the total dry gas volume, followed by 30–40 vol.% CO and 4–8 vol.%
second. CH4, the rest consists mainly of hydrogen and lower hydrocarbon
vapours (see Table 4). The large CO2 fraction reduces the superior calo-
4.2. FP product yields rific value of pyrolysis gases to less than half of that of biomass. For
wood with typically low ash content, the non-condensable gas fraction
In Tables 2 and 3 the measured yields of the solid, liquid and gaseous amounts to 15–20 wt.%; for biomass with more ash the amount can rise
products are presented as the average of all runs with one type of bio- up to 25 wt.% or more, since the inorganic ash constituents in the char
mass together with their standard deviations. In Table 2 the 100% can promote the catalytic vapour decomposition to smaller gas mole-
mass reference is the material as processed; Table 3 is obtained from cules. Correspondingly, lower condensate and also higher char yields
Table 2 by subtracting the moisture content of the different feedstocks can be observed. At convenient final condensation temperatures slightly
and refers to the dry material with ash. Water data in Table 3 refers to above ambient, water vapour still makes a significant contribution to
reaction water originating from the pyrolysis reaction. the gas volume, at 45 °C ca. 10 vol.%.
In Table 2 the experimental values for the condensate from the
scratch cooler and the condensate from the second stage are given to-
gether with their water content. The ratio of the two condensate yields 5. Discussion of the results
depends on the temperature after the first stage which usually varies
between 60 and 70 °C without control. Thus only the total condensate 5.1. Reproducibility of product yields
amounts are suited for comparison between the different types of
biomass! Before conclusions from the FP yield data are drawn, the limits set by
The solid, liquid and gaseous FP product yields are in the same range their experimental repeatability should be known to avoid over-
as known from other FP reactor types: for wood with ca. 1% ash, the interpretation. The scatter of experimental data is illustrated in four
mass yield for the total condensate is 65 ± 10 wt.% and 15–20 wt.% campaigns with runs at the same feed and operating conditions: seven
for both char and gas. For wheat straw with ca. 6 wt.% ash, yields for con- runs with hardwood and five runs with softwood in Table 5; four FP
densate are only 50 ± 10 wt.% and both char and gas are increased to ca. runs with wheat straw and three successive runs with wheat bran are
25 wt.%. summarised in Table 6, all using a well-mixed feedstock.
It is known by comparison of literature reports, that the yield data
4.3. Pyrolysis gas composition for many minor individual FP product constituents in the 1% range
and below, can differ up to half an order of magnitude or even more
After water vapour condensation the most abundant component of [6,28]. This fact is not well understood and probably partly caused by
dry pyrolysis gases is CO2 with about 2/3 of the mass and about half of analytical difficulties with the complex multi-component mixture.
Fortunately, for bio-slurry applications via gasification or combustion
Table 1
such composition details are not needed. Therefore we confine our
Fuel properties, elemental composition, and test run data of feed materials. repeatability check in Tables 6 and 7 to the main lumped products:
char plus ash, total condensate including reaction and moisture water
Parameter Hardwood Softwood Wheat straw Wheat bran
and the main non-condensable gas constituents CO2 and CO.
HS MJ/kg 19.5 20.4 18.0 19.2 The repeatability of the experimental yields is not excellent and it is
HI MJ/kg 18.1 18.7 16.3 17.9
not advisable to rely on a single run. Even the mean values of the
Ash wt.% 1.0 0.5 6.0 5.5
Moisture wt.% 9.5 13.5 9.7 12.0 lumped solid, liquid and gaseous products from several runs still show
Bulk density1) kg/m3 ≈280 ≈140 ≈100 ≈280

Elemental composition (moisture free): Table 3

C wt.% 48.3 49.5 43.8 46.0 Average yields of FP products in wt.% referring to moisture free feedstock (mf) with ash as
H wt.% 6.1 6.2 5.9 6.3 calculated from Table 2.
O wt.% 44.5 43.8 44.3 39.1
S, N wt.% S b 1, N b 0.5 S = 0.2, N = 2.9 Char + ash 20.5 ±2.0 17.3 ±1.1 27.1 ±2.0 20.7 ±1.0
Total condensate 63.0 ±1.5 64.3 ±1.6 46.1 ±4.8 54.5 ±4.8
Campaign data: Reaction water 13.2 ±1.0 12.7 ±2.0 16.3 ±4.1 13.9 ±0.3
Total biomass feed kg 400 280 100 160 Pyrolysis gas as difference 16.5 ±2.2 18.4 ±2.6 26.8 ±6.5 24.8 ±5.8
Feed rate range ca. kg/h 10–16 10–15 ~6+ 10–12 Gas, measured 17.2 ±2.8 13.2 ±1.1 23.8 ±4.3 15.1 ±0.7
Number of runs 7 5 4 3 Deficit −0.7 ±4.3 5.2 ±1.8 2.9 ±9.4 9.7 ±5.1
E. Henrich et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 143 (2016) 151–161 157

Table 4 Table 6
Composition of the dry pyrolysis gas in wt.% and vol.%. Feed properties and mass yield percentage data for individual FP runs at comparable
Component Hardwood Softwood Wheat straw Wheat bran
Run no. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3
wt.% vol.% wt.% vol.% wt.% vol.% wt.% vol.%
Biomass Straw Straw Straw Straw Bran Bran Bran
CO2 10.81 52.16 10.84 44.19 17.51 52.82 17.22 57.33
CO 4.91 37.22 6.39 40.94 7.44 35.28 6.32 33.08 Moisture % 9.57 9.95 9.65 9.70 12.03 12.50 11.50
H2 0.03 2.67 0.05 4.57 0.03 2.29 0.03 2.22 Ash % 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.5 5.5
CH4 0.46 6.10 0.71 8.00 0.76 6.27 0.48 4.41 Feed batch kg 25.40 19.70 27.90 29.55 60.0 50.0 50.0
C2H6 0.07 0.52 0.11 0.65 0.24 1.08 0.21 1.03 FP products in mass %:
C2H4 0.12 0.88 0.16 1.04 0.14 0.65 0.19 0.97 Char + ash 23.78 23.65 26.95 23.55 17.72 17.70 19.24
C3H8 0.07 0.35 0.13 0.53 0.22 0.66 0.20 0.67 Total condensate 53.26 49.20 55.80 47.20 57.13 58.90 63.96
i-C4H10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.11 0.25 0.01 0.03 Total gas 26.50 18.27 21.86 19.59 13.80 13.22 12.78
n-C4H10 0.02 0.09 0.02 0.07 0.31 0.70 0.10 0.25 Product sum 103.54 91.12 104.61 90.34 88.65 90.82 95.98
sum 16.49 18.41 26.76 24.75 Deficit (100%-sum) - 3.54 8.88 - 4.61 9.66 11.35 9.18 4.02
CO2 17.30 12.34 13.98 12.69 9.73 9.12 8.82
CO 7.44 .97 6.06 3.45 3.38 3.32

a relatively large standard deviation in the range of about 10% relative.

Corresponding percentage errors from Table 6 are:
and about 10 wt.% reaction water, the resulting water concentration in
For straw: char 24.5 ± ~ 7%, condensate 51.4 ± ~ 7%, gas 21.6 ± the smaller bio-oil volume would be around 40 wt.% and a phase sepa-
~16%, CO2 14.1 ± ~17%. ration is almost inevitable. This must be kept in mind for the FP of ash
For bran: char 18.2 ± ~10%, condensate 60.0 ± ~6%, gas 13.3 ± ~4%, rich low quality biomass types. The phenomenon of phase separation
CO2 9.2 ± ~4%. is not completely understood and deserves further investigation. In a
recent paper by Oasmaa the state of knowledge today is presented
5.2. Mass and energy balance and discussed [38].

The calorific value data from bomb calorimetry (Table 1) and the
superior calorific values HS calculated from the elemental composition 5.4. Mass balance deficit
with the Channiwala equation [29] (see Table 7) are in good agreement.
The HS values of the averaged products have been calculated in the same In the FP experiments it was observed, that a large fraction of volatile
way; the corresponding data are compiled in Table 7. The diagrams in organic vapours can escape with the pyrolysis gases, especially at higher
Fig. 5 show the energy share of the different FP product fractions. The condensation temperatures.
chars contribute a significant part to the calorific values of the bio- A mix of volatile vapours being in equilibrium with the aqueous
slurries, on the average about 1/3. condensate mixture (solubility in water) escapes in the last condensa-
tion step together with the pyrolysis gases. These oxygenate vapours
5.3. Stability of pyrolysis condensates are usually not determined in the GC of the pyrolysis gas and thus usu-
ally are not considered in the mass and energy balance.
It is known that bio-oils with a higher water content of typically
≥25 wt.% are prone to almost immediate phase separation into a lighter Constituent CH2O CH3CHO CH3OCH3 CHOCHO CH3OH C2H5OH
aqueous phase with dissolved organics and a heavier organic phase,
Boiling point/K 254 294 249 324 338 352
which contains the entrained char particles. Even at lower water con-
centrations a delayed phase separation is frequently observed and indi-
cated by different top and bottom compositions in storage vessels. The The mass balance deficit of several percent as frequently reported in
same phenomenon is observed for our bio-sludge products from the literature [5–7] can be explained in this way at least to a certain
wheat straw and is a nasty nuisance for correct sampling. extent. A better and detailed explanation and quantification of the
Preliminary data for the composition of light aqueous phase separat- deficit phenomenon still remains an issue to be done.
ed from bio-oils, sludge or slurry show a water content of about one half, The high mass balance deficit of wheat bran is probably partly
about a quarter of dissolved non-volatile sugar derivatives and about a caused by the high 2.9 wt.% nitrogen content and originates from the
quarter volatile water soluble organics [30]. The heavy phase has usually ca. 18 wt.% protein content. Conversion of the organic nitrogen in the
a larger volume of 75–80% and contains the char and a still significant feed to molecular N2 could not be analyzed. Most of the protein's nitro-
amount of water in the order of 10 wt.%. gen forms ammonia which increased the pH value of the bio-oil from
Low quality biomass with much ash like straw shows lower bio-oil usually 3 to about 5 in this case. Acetic acid is one of the major FP
yields in the range of only 50 wt.%, i.e. 10–20 wt.% lower compared to products and a pH of 5 indicates the presence of an ammonium
wood (see Table 2). For an ash-rich lignocellulose with 10 wt.% moisture acetate/acetic acid buffer.

Table 5
Mass yield percentage data for individual FP runs at comparable conditions.

Run no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5

Biomass H H H H H H H S S S S S
Char & ash 16.6 17.6 18.0 18.1 18.6 19.2 21.7 14.1 15.3 14.4 15.7 15.2
Total condensate 65.7 66.4 67.1 68.1 67.7 64.5 66.1 67.2 69.9 68.0 70.0 70.5
Total gas 17.7 16.0 14.9 13.8 13.7 16.3 12.2 18.7 14.8 17.6 14.3 14.3
sum 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
deficit 4.7 1.4 −1.1 −4.4 −3.8 2.6 −1.6 6.3 2.9 5.7 3.9 3.6
Total water 20.0 20.6 21.6 21.2 21.7 23.8 22.9 25.6 26.0 23.0 23.4 24.0
CO2 7.8 9.6 12.3 12.4 10.7 9.4 9.4 6.8 7.2 7.0 6.6 6.1
CO 4.5 4.3 5.3 5.0 5.7 3.7 3.9 4.7 3.9 4.2 3.2 3.9
158 E. Henrich et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 143 (2016) 151–161

Table 7
Mean elemental composition and superior calorific values calculated with the Channiwala equation. Energy yields are calculated from the corresponding mass yields.

Hardwood (mf) C H O Ash HS Mass Energy Yield

g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg MJ/kg kg/kg MJ/kg e%

Feed 482.6 61.0 445.4 11.0 19.41 1.000 19.41 100

Char + ash 137.3 8.0 48.9 11.0 25.36 0.205 5.20 26.8
Gas (corrected) 56.4 1.9 106.6 0.0 5.87 0.165 0.97 5.0
Reaction water − 14.7 117.5 − − 0.132 − 0.0
Condensate, total 288.8 36.5 172.4 0.0 25.32 0.498 12.60 64.9
Org. condensate 200.1 21.7 119.7 0.0 24.31 0.341 8.30 42.8
Aqu. condensate 88.8 14.8 52.7 0.0 27.50 0.156 4.30 22.1
Products-feed −0.64 −3.3

Softwood (mf) C H O Ash HS mass energy yield

g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg MJ/kg kg/kg MJ/kg e%
Feed 495.3 61.8 437.9 5.0 20.04 1.000 20.04 100.0
Char + ash 120.0 7.0 40.6 5.0 26.58 0.173 4.59 22.9
Gas (corrected) 65.9 3.0 115.3 0.0 7.61 0.184 1.40 7.0
Reaction water − 14.1 112.5 − − 0.127 − −
Condensate 309.4 37.7 169.5 0.0 26.11 0.517 13.49 67.3
Org. condensate 218.7 19.6 153.5 0.0 21.34 0.392 8.36 41.7
Aqu. condensate 90.7 18.0 16.1 0.0 41.07 0.125 5.13 25.6
Products-feed −0.56 −2.8

Wheat straw (mf) C H O Ash HS mass energy yield

g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg MJ/kg kg/kg MJ/kg e%
Feed 437.8 59.1 442.8 60.3 17.55 1.000 17.55 100.0
Char + ash 172.6 8.8 29.6 60.3 24.42 0.271 6.62 37.7
Gas (corrected) 93.5 4.0 170.1 0.0 6.65 0.268 1.78 10.1
Reaction water − 18.1 144.8 − − 0.163 − −
Condensate 171.7 28.3 98.3 0.0 27.87 0.298 8.31 47.4
Products-feed −0.83 −4.7

Wheat bran (mf) C H O N S Ash HS mass energy yield

g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg g/kg MJ/kg kg/kg MJ/kg e%

Feed 460.0 63.1 390.8 29.1 2.0 55.0 19.32 1.000 19.32 100.0
Char + ash 106.1 5.4 33.3 7.2 0.0 55.0 18.69 0.207 3.87 20.0
Gas (corrected) 83.5 2.7 161.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.46 0.248 1.35 7.0
Reaction water − 15.5 123.7 − − − − 0.139 −
Condensate 270.4 39.5 72.5 21.8 2.0 0.0 32.83 0.406 13.33 69.0
Products-feed −0.76 −3.9

1 calculated with the Channiwala relation [Cha02]. Pyrolysis gas based on measured values.

5.5. Condensate-to-char ratio for bio-slurry production For wood sufficient condensate is available to suspend all pyrolysis
char. For wheat straw the condensate yield is still sufficient. Potential
In view of the bio-slurry preparation for the bioliq process it is desir- lack of condensate can be compensated for with a mixed feedstock,
able, that the recovered condensate volume is sufficient to suspend all using the surplus condensate of wood or any other waste liquids.
recovered char maintaining a slurry well to be pumped, if possible. As
an experienced rule of thumb a condensate-to-char mass ratio of two 6. Energy consumption for FP
or more results in a free flowing slurry, at least after warming and
mixing [19]. The condensate requirements are caused by the high pyrol- The heat needed for FP corresponds to the enthalpy of the pyrolysis
ysis char porosity, which first soaks up much bio-oil until sufficient free reaction ΔrH plus the energy to heat the pyrolysis products from
liquid remains outside the char particles. The following condensate/char ambient to the final pyrolysis temperature of 500 °C. The pyrolysis
mass ratios are obtained from the experimental yields in Tables 2 and 3: reaction enthalpy for lignocellulose is not constant but varies with the
product spectrum. ΔrH can be calculated by summation over the
known or estimated heats of combustion or formation of each educt
Hardwood Softwood Wheat straw Wheat bran
and product in an empirical stoichiometric pyrolysis equation. The
Moist 3.6 ± 0.3 Moist 4.6 ± 0.1 Moist 2.1 ± 0.1 Moist 3.3 ± 0.1 heat of combustion of complex organic compounds or moisture-free
Dry 3.3 ± 0.3 Dry 3.7 ± 0.1 Dry 1.7 ± 0.1 Dry 2.6 ± 0.1
liquid or solid organic mixtures whose elemental compositions are

Table 8
Experimental energy consumption during FP of dry lignocellulosics.

Feed HS (dry) MJ/kg FP reactor type Heat carrier Heat for FP MJ/kg(wf) Number of runs Ref.

Hardwood 19.5 Twin screw SS balls 1.32 ± 0.36 8 [27]

Softwood 20.4 Twin screw SS balls 1.96 ± 0.42 10 [27]
Oak wood Fluid bed Quartz sand 1.46 ± 0.28 [34]
Pine wood Fluid bed Quartz sand 1.64 ± 0.33 [34]
Maize plants Fluid bed Quartz sand 1.35 ± 0.28 [34]
Oak chaff Fluid bed Quartz sand 0.78 ± 0.20 [34]
Wheat straw 18.0 Twin screw SS balls 1.25 ± 0.30 2 [27]
Wheat bran 19.2 Twin screw SS balls 1.28 ± 0.30 3 [27]
E. Henrich et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 143 (2016) 151–161 159

Fig. 5. Energy yield spectrum in percent of the initial biofeed.

known, can be estimated with ca. ± 1.5% error with the Channiwala FP products from ambient to 500 °C. In addition, FP reaction enthalpy
equation. contributes between 0 and 1 MJ/kg, resulting in a total of about 1–2
MJ/kg, or 5–10% of the HS of water and ash free lignocellulosic biomass.
H S inðMJ=kgÞ ¼ 34:91 C þ 117:83 H–10:34 O þ 10:05 S–1:51 N–2:11 A These practical considerations have been confirmed experimentally
C; H; O; S; N and A ðashÞ in wt:%of the elements and ash A in literature [33,34] and in own experiments. Fig. 6 shows a typical
ð1Þ temperature recording at the reactor inlet and outlet during a run. The
energy flow Q_ (kJ/h) which is transferred from the constant heat carrier
As the Channiwala relation for HS depends linearly on the elemental _ HC (cp (SS balls) ≈ 0.7 kJ/kg⋅K at ca. 550 °C) to a constant
mass flow M
composition, an application of this equation to all educts and products
co-current hardwood flow F_ at steady state conditions, can be calculated
of a stoichiometric chemical equation must result in zero reaction
from the temperature difference ΔT between inlet and exit of the pyrol-
enthalpy. However, it is reasonable to use for the simple pyrolysis gas
ysis reactor Q = M⋅cp ⋅ΔT.
molecules like CO2, CO, H2O, etc., or for C in char their well-known
In most of the test runs a temperature drop ΔT between 20 and 40 K
calorific data. Then, and when applying the Channiwala relation to the
along the reactor was observed. Corrections considering some energy
remaining components a reliable value for the enthalpy of the pyrolysis
input or loss from or to the reactor environment have been estimated
reaction ΔrH can be achieved. The higher the carbon (char) and water
from the temperature drop at zero feed flow immediately after feed
yields during pyrolysis, the more heat of reaction is released. A rather
stop. In addition there is also some heat consumption by the small
simplified equation for the decomposition of dry lignocellulose to
nitrogen flushing stream. Experimental values from [34] in Table 8 are
water and carbon is:
compared with our own data. Data corrections are explained in [27].
C6 H8 O4 →C6 ðH2 OÞ4 →6 C þ 4 H2 OΔr H ¼ −560 kJ=mol: The broad variation of different educts and product yield spectra
is responsible for the relatively large range of FP process energy
H S ≈ 2:880 kJ=mol H S ¼ 6  393:5 kJ=mol HS ¼ 0 demand.
The discussion above explains why a range rather than a definite
This lets expect that lignocellulose decomposition to char and reaction value for heat consumption for FP of lignocellulose exists. According
water would be a highly exothermal reaction, liberating almost 20% of to Table 8, energy consumption for FP is in a range between 1 and
the heat of combustion. Slow pyrolysis of dry wood gives rise to high 2 MJ/kg or 5 to 10% (some insulation loss included) of the lignocellulose
char yields – especially at higher pressures [31] – and can sometimes HS value depending on feed material, product composition, and operat-
proceed spontaneously even without external heat supply, like the ing conditions. The energy demand for straw pyrolysis (≈1.26 MJ/kg) is
self-sustained Stafford process [32]. During slow pyrolysis of wood lower than that for wood (≈ 1.64 MJ/kg) because of the higher char
the charcoal plus water yields are high and amount to about 50 wt.%. yield. This amount of energy can be supplied by efficient combustion
The corresponding yields during a FP are reduced down to almost of the pyrolysis gases, eventually together with some residual vapours
25 wt.% in favour of the desired organic condensate. The reaction heat of volatile organics escaping at optimized, higher condensation temper-
of FP is then expected to be no more sufficient for a self-sustained atures. Higher final condensation temperatures have the additional
heating of the products to 500 °C. A thermo-neutral lignocellulose advantage to ease cooling for product recovery and supply also
pyrolysis is expected in the range of about 17% char yield [31,33], sufficient energy for wood pyrolysis.
which is within the typical experimental range for FP of lignocellulose It can therefore be concluded, that an efficient use of the combustion
with higher ash contents like cereal straw. The specific heat cp of either energy of the pyrolysis gases is sufficient for a self-sustained FP process
lignocellulose or the pyrolysis products cannot be measured up to the and obviates pyrolysis char combustion for this purpose. Thus the char
hypothetic 500 °C pyrolysis temperature due to decomposition. An remains completely for the bio-slurry and contributes a very significant
extrapolation of cp from ambient temperature to 500 °C predicts values part of the resulting ca. 90% (Table 7) of energy (related to the water
of about 2 kJ/kg⋅K, resulting in ca.1 MJ/kg heat consumption for heating free feed material) maintained in the combined product. In this way, a
160 E. Henrich et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 143 (2016) 151–161

Fig. 6. Typical temperature recording of the heat carrier at the reactor inlet and exit during a FP run.

gasification fuel with maximum energy content can be provided to The bio-oils from lignocelluloses with much ash like straw have a
syngas production. higher water content of usually N30 wt.% and are prone to phase sepa-
ration. The heavier, dark and viscous organic phase collects the char
particles, and a smaller (around a quarter) volume of a lighter ca. 50%
7. Summary and conclusions aqueous solution of volatile water-soluble oxygenates and non-
volatile sugar derivates separates at the top.
Fast pyrolysis can convert more than half of a lignocellulosic biomass Measurements of the residence time distribution in the twin screw
into a liquid condensate, called bio-oil, for more convenient handling, mixer reactor show that plug flow behaviour is an adequate approxima-
storage, transport and use. In the bioliq process the bio-oil is used as a tion for modelling. Optimization of process conditions could become of
feed for a pressurized entrained flow gasifier. For gasification, the qual- special interest as soon as small bio-oil fractions are removed as
ity requirements for bio-oils are much lower and large char and ash con- valuable raw materials for chemistry and the large remainder is still
tents can be tolerated. Even all pyrolysis char can be suspended in the converted to biosyngas.
bio-oil to prepare a pumpable bio-slurry or biosyncrude as a gasifier The energy consumption of the FP process was measured at constant
feed with up to 85–90% of the initial bioenergy and a high volumetric biomass feed rate and heat carrier circulation, by the temperature drop
energy density, corresponding to about 60% of heating oil. of the heat carrier stream between inlet and outlet of the pyrolysis
The low quality requirements for bio-oils or bio-slurries allow FP reactor. Measured values range from 5 to 10% of the initial biomass
process simplifications and modifications. superior calorific value (1–2 MJ per kg water and ash free biomass).
In order to investigate suitable versions, a process development unit The large variation is caused by different biomass feed types and oper-
with 10–20 kg/h biomass capacity has been designed, built and operat- ating conditions resulting in different product yields. The combustion
ed. Different to the conventional design with a fluid sand bed for pyrol- energy of the pyrolysis gases should be sufficient to supply the heat
ysis and a separate char recovery with a hot cyclone and bio-oil recovery for the fast pyrolysis process without char, eventually supported by
with a quench condenser, the focus of our test facility was on a twin some organic vapours remaining in the pyrolysis gas at somewhat
screw mixer reactor for pyrolysis integrated into a heat carrier loop higher final condensation temperatures.
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