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M O N A D , S O U L , P E R S O N A L I T Y S Y N T H E S I S M E D I TAT I O N ( / N E W - PA G E - 3 )

September 4, 2018


“True power is not an exchange of authority but the affirmation and revelation of
essential Identity.” (Working with the Will)

We’re living in a time when a new level frequency of divine energy is starting to pour
into humanity and the planet. This is the energy of divine power, will and purpose. In the
Trans-Himalayan teachings this relates to the monadic level of our being and of the
planet. It’s not that masters in the past haven’t awakened to this depth of reality - they
have. It’s rather that there has never before been such an activation of this energy in
our collective planetary life that it pours into humanity as a whole. In Mercury, DK says:

“Elsewhere I have said that Earth may serve as a station of light for this corner of the
galaxy, which is quite an extraordinary statement if you stop to think about it. What is
the potential role of this planet, what chance does it have of fulfilling it, and what is the
best way forward? The return of the Christ and the externalisation of the Hierarchy are
part of a much vaster Plan then you can imagine. The relevance to the human kingdom
is all that man has been able to grasp so far, but a synthetic grasp is necessary to
glimpse the whole. The human kingdom must be put in perspective as only one in the
system. Identification with the whole will enable some faint understanding of the
purpose of that whole. This will be the most difficult part of the teaching to get across,
but in some ways the most important for it sets before humanity something of the
purpose in which they can play a part—not only as a kingdom but as part of a much
greater ‘whole’.

“Already I despair at being able to get this across without being totally misunderstood,
but that will be my challenge and that is why it is the third part of the third phase—in
some ways the whole body of teaching disseminated through the three phases could be
said to have as its goal the conditioning of the field of humanity so that a seed of this
Cosmic purpose could be dropped into that soil.” (Mercury, p. 36)

The Three Levels of Our Being - Personality, Soul, Monad

In the Trans-Himalayan teachings, the self is understood to have three levels:

personality, soul and monad. Each of these, like everything, is an expression of the
Absolute Self.
We can consider our personality like our planetary or Earth self. It has, on a good day,
solid boundaries and many different ecologies and evolutions that compose our
personal self.

We can consider our soul like our sun self. It shines unconditionally and just as the sun
doesn’t ask the orbiting planets the exchange rate each day to share its light, so also do
we as souls shine love, wisdom and light unconditionally into our field.

We can consider our monadic self – our spirit – like a black hole. At this level there is
no self, but rather an empty space of pure electric being, vibrating with divine will,
purpose and power – the dark light of the Life force.

Radical awakening to the Absolute Self is able to occur at each of these levels of the
self, though it is much more likely to naturally occur at the level of soul than personality,
and the monad resides ever in unbroken awakening to and as the Absolute Self. Each
of the three aspects is understood to hold a primary quality in terms of its expression of
divinity: intelligence for the personality, love-wisdom at the level of soul, and will, power
and purpose for the monad.

Spiritual Traditions Expressive of the Three Levels of Our Being

If we look to the spiritual traditions and their evolution, we see that the first two of the
three aspects – Intelligence and Love – have been grounded already by some of the
great masters of the past. These birthed traditions that have allowed expression and
exploration of the qualities inherent in the personality and soul aspects, with the
sadhana, or type of spiritual practice of that tradition, centering in on that aspect.

One tradition where intelligence and mind are the primary focus is Buddhism. The
Buddha demonstrated awakening from the personality without any emphasis on shifting
of our level of consciousness deeper into soul or monad, and hence the emphasis on
intelligence in Buddhism to be able to discern the reason for one’s suffering and the
path to awakening. Because the Buddha’s teaching uses the intelligence of the
personality as its foundation, it is described by DK as synthesizing the wisdom of the
1st system, and has having established the “Temple of Light” on the mental plane. What
DK means by this is that after the Buddha’s life and work, there existed a field of
potential illumination in human culture, where anyone who comes into contact with his
teaching can enter into a path to understand themselves, their life, and awaken to their
true nature.
Then Christianity (as well as such traditions as Sufism slightly later) came along, and
this brought a sadhana of love (related to the 2nd system), and a form of spiritual
approach, practice and living rooted in a profound commitment to love and world
service. As DK has taught here also, this allowed the establishment of the “Temple of
Love” on the astral plane. This means that from the time of Christ onwards there has
existed in human culture a field of love and dedication to service that has had a major
impact on our collective story, and that can be draw on by anyone who contacts it to
take their path into Christ’s love and consciousness deeper.

The Coming Sadhana of Power

What then is the sadhana of power? What is the sadhana of the Life principle, as
opposed to the intelligence and love principles, which will allow the Temple of Power to
be founded upon the physical plane?

The sadhana of the life principle involves the choice to take one’s focus off the
development of the personality and soul, and both make demand upon, and surrender
into the Life-current.

In Shamballa School we work with the understanding that monadic identification with
the will, power, and purpose of Life is available to all beings. While the antahkarana, or
the bridge in consciousness between planes, and the aspects of our being and
communities of lives who reside on those planes, requires construction over time, the
sutratma, or the Life-thread that anchors the monad in the heart chakra, is ever-present
and unbroken. This allows the monadic Life principle to be contacted via the heart, at
least temporarily, by all human beings regardless of their level of consciousness
development or worldly activity.

At the macrocosmic scale, while the cosmic antahkarana is steadily being built by the
various communities of lives residing on the cosmic physical, astral and mental planes,
the cosmic sutratma remains unbroken just as it does in the human being. That cosmic
sutratma extends from its anchoring point in the supermassive black hole at the centre
of our galaxy, through the heart of our sun, into the aura of our planet through
Shamballa and down to the core of the Earth.

The sadhana of power is identification with the monadic Life principle, and participation
in its sharing and transmission. This naturally brings awakening to our monadic identity
as God – the Life-force of the universe, and we begin to access the power of the Life
principle, which resides in the capacity of monadic purpose to transform and transfigure
the planes and consciousness composing its field simply through the potency of its
presence (see the Mysteries of the Black Hole Teaching paper for more on this).

When we work with the Life principle, we take our focus off consciousness and activity,
and yet both of them burn more brightly as a result. And since the monad resides
always in instinctual self-realisation as the Absolute Self, contact with the Life principle
involves both evolutionary awakening to a wider sphere of identity, will, purpose, time
and space, as well as radical awakening to the Absolute.

The Coming Cosmic Revelation

The Tibetan associates the personality, soul and monadic principles with planetary,
solar and galactic scales of consciousness. Therefore we could say that while early
Buddhism opened up one of the first truly global orientations among the traditions, and
Christianity, through its emphasis on the solar principle of Love, brought in the
revelation of the solar truth: “God is Love” (our solar Logos forms part of the heart
chakra of a greater cosmic Logos), the Will, Power and Purpose aspect of divinity
brings in the galactic perspective. This relates to the anchoring of universal Life on
Earth, in the form of human monads, as cosmic kundalini.

Of course there have been and are traditions that have had the Will and Power aspect
at their core (the Ancient Egyptian School and Islam, for instance). However, it is only
with the recent release of the Shamballa-Force that the beginnings of the revelation of
Earth’s expression of galactic purpose have broken through, and its connection to our
solar and planetary purpose have begun to be experientially understood.

This release and dawning revelation, perfectly coordinated with the intersection of the
plane of our solar system and that of the galaxy (related to the 2012 phenomenon),
have been withheld by Hierarchy until now so that intelligence and love could be
developed first by humanity, as the foundation for the arrival of power.

This is why the Shamballa Impacts have only just begun and why they change the
whole game. Now the path is no longer just about the transcendence of suffering or
loving service to all beings. Now the field is starting to be ready for the revelation of the
galactic PURPOSE that wills to be lived on our planet, and the release of the Power to
BE it.

The Third Phase

This makes plain also that the ‘third approach’ is much bigger than just the third phase
of the Trans-Himalayan tradition. The third approach is the release and revelation of the
Will, Power and Purpose aspect of divinity on a planetary scale and with cosmic
significance. It makes clear also that the Trans-Himalayan tradition can be considered a
pioneer in terms of its focus here. This is one of the deepest reasons for the extensive
teachings on cosmology we have, and for the source of the teachings coming
unequivocally from Masters. It is all to provide a participatory framework into which the
Seed of Planetary, Solar and Galactic Purpose could be dropped as the Power of
Shamballa is released to implement it.

Earth is about to awaken. Humanity is on the verge of self-realisation as an expression

of the galactic monad, here to ground and transmit the electric power of Life into and
through the cosmos. Are we ready?!

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