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Títol About me

Nivell educatiu Primary 6th English

Curs Idioma

Centre Escola Bellavista- Joan Camps i Giró Municipi Les Franqueses del Vallès

Codi centre AT Maresme-Vallès Oriental

Nom auxiliar Nom tutor/a
Joseph Walsh Immaculada de Tomas Ventura

To know, understand and respect English culture and differences between people.
De convivència, To value the foreign language, as a means of communication and understanding
sensibilització i
between people of diverse origins and cultures and as a tool for different learning.
To acquire the skills necessary to enable them to express and understand simple
messages and function in everyday situations.

To listen to and understand verbal messages, using the information provided, for the
execution of diverse specific tasks related to students’ experience.

To acquire the skills to enable them to express and understand simple messages and
function in everyday situations.
To express themselves orally and to interact in a simple and routine manner with
De comunicació i
aprenentatge regards the given content and development. To also use verbal and non-verbal
lingüístic language and adopting a respectful and co-operative attitude.
To express a receptive and confident attitude vis-à-vis their own ability to learn and use
the foreign language.
To practise the main questions and answers used in an interview to know about new
friends, especially “Why?” and ”Because...”

1- Full group
- Powerpoint presentation about Joe: Description of Joe and his city, country, family,
pets, house, favourite things and places, and hobbies.
- During the Powerpoint presentation Joe explains the text and the photographs, along
with the new words.
- The children can ask questions related to the presentation.

2- Half group
- Boardgame: Each group of three sits around a table. They have a boardgame per
group, a dice and a counter each.
Seqüència - Prepare the game by giving out the instructions and the language to use such as: “It's
didàctica your/my turn”, “Throw the dice”, “Move the counter”, “Take a question card”, “Answer the
(pas a pas) question”, “That's correct”, and “That's incorrect”.
The pupil who has the largest number is the first to take a question card.
If the pupil answers correctly, he/she can move the counter the amount of spaces that
appears on their dice.
Then, the next person repeats the procedure, and so on.
The winner is the one who gives the most correct answers.

3- Full group
After practising orally, they answer individually a written quiz about the presentation.

Valoració Observation Chart added

Comunicativa lingüística i audiovisual X Individual X

Artística i cultura X Parelles
Tractament de la informació i competència

digital Petits grups X


Aprendre a aprendre X Equip

Coneixement i interacció del món físic
Tota la classe X
Autonomia i iniciativa personal X
Social i
X Altres

RECURSOS Computer, Overhead Projector, Microsoft Powerpoint, Quiz, Boardgame, Dice, Counters, Question
Cards, Observation Sheet.
1 hourCOM
1 - Powerpoint Presentation
ACTIVITAT 2 - Boardgame DURACIÓ 3 sessions
3 - Written Quiz

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