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Quality Management Journal

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Team Players and Teamwork: The New

Competitive Business Strategy

To cite this article: (1997) Team Players and Teamwork: The New Competitive Business Strategy,
Quality Management Journal, 4:2, 17-17, DOI: 10.1080/10686967.1997.11918780

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Published online: 24 Apr 2018.

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use of multiple levels of analysis, maintenance of a diverse ....ery nature of successful teams and the work they do.
mix ofcompetencies among the team members, identifica- \ Vhile they all are well presented, four seemed to be par-
tion ofstress factors that affect me group. and measurement. ticularly informative: clear purpose, consensus decisions,
At this time Guzzo indicates that there is not unity of style diversity, and self-assessment. These behaviors are
theory or method among investigators, in that differences not a mere list of idealistic notions for the perfect team,
outweigh similarities. Of course, this very fact makes the rather they are descriptions of observable traits that are
topic a fertile field for the inquiring mind to explore. manifested to various degrees in successful teams.
T he Society for Industr ial and Organizational Giventhe models of a team and its fou r styles of play-
Psychology, which sponsored thisvolume on cutting-edge ers, Parker works to illustrate how a team develops as the
theory; research, and practice of team decision making \WOUS styles of its members contribute to or detract from
and effectiveness, should be commended. The material its purpose. Tuckrnans four stages of team development
presented draws together the significant theoretical and (forming, storming, norming, and performing) are used to
empirical developments in the ways of approaching many establish this process. A significant element of the descrip-
of the issues that have to do wi th teams in organizations. tion of this process is that [he stages are clearly identified
Team Playersand Teamwork. The New Competitive as pans of a model rather than a consistent picture of the
Business Strategy. Glenn1\1. Parker. 1990. San Francisco: real world. This is a refreshing change from the view that
jessey-Bass Publishers. 178 pages. man)' cookbook team-building theorists purport in their
Predicated on the concept of personal styles postulated popularpress handbooks and manuals.
by Carl Jung and popularized by the Myers-Briggs Type Throughout his book, Parker stresses the importance
Indicator, Parker presents an insightful research-based of having a balance of team player styles. By balance he
team model that focuses on team player styles.The model means having the capability to use the various styles when
is based on information gained fro m a structured survey required by the team. 111is is stated as: (1) completingtheir
instrument mailed to the chief executive officers and vice work in a high-quality manner; (2) reaching their goals
presidents of human resources of the 100 top companies with a strong commitment; (3) developing and maintain-
in the 1987 FORTUNE list of America's most-admired ing a positive team climate; and (4) raising questions
corporations. Fifty-one swvey instruments were returned. about the team's goals and methods. He clearly discusses
The research suggests that there are four styles of players the effect of overload and missing styles on the team's
who contribute to team success. The players are viewed development and function. But in final analysis, the
as (1) contributors-the task-oriented team members; burden of maintaining this balance rests with the team's
(2) collaborators-the goal-directed team members; own self-assessment.
(3) communicators- the process-oriented team members; Parker's research and integration of contemporary
and (4) challengers-the questioning team members. team concepts serves as an enduring treatise on the subject
Teams are characterized by 12 behaviors exhibited by for management, team members, and those whofacilitate
their members. Each one provides an insight into the the process of teamwork.

QM)W 4, no. 2 17

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