Unit 1 - Task 2 - Writing Production - Group 900003 - 196. - Parrafo 5

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Unit 1.

Task 2 - Writing production

Presented to:
Jorge Mario Saucedo - code
Luis Roberto Torres – code 1065581522
Manuel Alejandro Amaya – code 91530532
Mayerlis Rangel – code 1067717808
Yaqueline Gómez Sánchez – code 30188093

Presented to
Carlos Cesar Casas

Group: 900003_196

National Open and Distance University – UNAD

School of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities - ECSAH
Psychology Program
English B1
March of 2020
1. Text written by the group


Paragraph 1: Describing your occupation and your duties at work (Jorge Mario Saucedo)
My duty as a leading maintenance technician I am responsible for managing and administering a group
of people qualified in different tasks (mechanics, electrical, inspection ...) and thus ensuring that
maintenance is performed in the best way always looking for efficiency and productivity for the
company, without ignoring the physical integrity of all employees.
Below are certain characteristics that I must take into account and that must be implemented in my
1. Plan and assign activities.
2. Provide materials and supplies for the performance of tasks.
3. Order and supervise the repair of the equipment.
4. order spare parts.

Paragraph 2: Describing the place of work: Maryerlis

I work in a clinic located in Agustín Codazzi, in it different services are provided, including clinical
laboratory, at moment we provide first and second level services, my workplace is small, however, it has
all the necessary equipment for the process of samples. This is divided by different areas; hematology,
immunology, microscopy, microbiology, among others. There are two cubicles for samples and a certain
space for the transcription of results, I can say that it is very cozy and I really like to exercise this

Paragraph 3: Describing reasons for having this occupation (Luis Roberto Torres)
I choose this occupation because I like to help people, I always liked to be a medic or something related
because is a noble occupation, and every time I go home I feel that I am saving lives or just making
something for someone that really needs helps, and that’s why I choose this occupation, also my
grandmother was a Nurse so, I “had it in the blood” this occupation.

Paragraph 4: Describing your skills and weaknesses: Yaqueline

In each of the different professions or jobs we do, we all have both skills and weaknesses that at
different times in our lives we make them known with our behavior and attitude.
In my work as a nursing assistant my skills are: being tolerant, having commitment and attitude with
what I do, I have the ability to listen and take the opinions of others in a self-critical way, willingness to
help, I establish harmonious relationships with the patient and with his family and with the work team, I
provide nursing care to patients applying the ethical principles of my profession. I am a person with a
humble attitude, able to face risks, obstacles that cross my work environment, I also love and respect the
life of the human being, I am a woman with leadership.
One of the weaknesses that I present and that I can not only show in my workplace but anywhere, is that
I have always been a very serious person what makes me think that I am in a bad temper, that is one of
the weaknesses that I have and I've always tried to improve, other weaknesses I have is impatience and
distrust. And another that I have not lived at any time of my work and I do not wish to have that
experience; But what happened to many of the colleagues is to get out of the parameters: nurse-patient

Paragraph 5: Answer to the question: If you could do any kind of job, what would you like to be?
(Manuel Alejandro Amaya)

Since childhood I was inclined to two ideas. One of my dreams was to be a great footballer, I think that
all children have dreamed of being one, but for this they need certain skills that I do not possess. The
other was to be a great doctor, to help sick people overcome their sufferings. Unfortunately my talents
and aptitudes served for other labors in which I am doing very well and I contribute to helping our
2. Comments made to the classmates

 Jorge Mario Saucedo

 Luis Roberto Torres

 Manuel Alejandro Amaya

 Mayerlis Rangel

 Yaqueline Gómez Sánchez

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