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Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 23 (2020) 35–40

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Original research

Key performance indicators in Australian sub-elite rugby union

Tim J. Mosey ∗ , Lachlan J.G. Mitchell
Queensland Academy of Sport, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objectives: The primary aim of this study was to determine which key performance indicators (PIs) were
Received 12 April 2019 most important to success in sub-elite rugby union, and whether the analysis of absolute or relative data
Received in revised form 6 August 2019 sets as a method for determining match outcome was stronger than the other.
Accepted 16 August 2019
Methods: Data was taken from 17 PIs from 76 matches across the 2018 Queensland Premier Rugby
Available online 22 August 2019
Union season. A random forest classification model was created using these data sets based on win/loss
Results: The randomForest model classified 53 from 73 losses (72.6%) and 53 from 73 wins for an overall
percentage accuracy of 72.6%. The randomForest model based on the relative data set classified 57 from 73
Sports losses (78.1%) and 57 from 73 wins for an overall percentage accuracy of 78.1%. McNemar’s value of p = 0.84
Science confirmed that the relative data model did not outperform the absolute data set. There were positive
associations between match outcome and relative number of kicks in play, meters carried, turnovers
conceded and initial clean breaks.
Conclusions: Outcomes in Queensland Premier Rugby can be predicted using relative and absolute data
sets, though the difference between absolute and relative set usage was not as substantial as in profes-
sional rugby. Absolute and relative data sets can be used to create match strategies and assess match
performance. A game plan based around an out of hand kicking game and accumulating more metres
than the opposition, whilst minimising turnovers when in possession were key to success.
© 2019 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Practical Implications 1. Introduction

• Develop match strategy and options which maximise kicking in Performance Indicators (PIs) are often used to assess and
general play and accruing 200 m in total-carries more than the quantify success in a variety of sports,1 including rugby union
opposition. (henceforth rugby).2 Understanding what is critical to perfor-
• Developing training drills and playing styles which encourage mance is important for coaches and performance staff alike, if they
players to maximise their ability to carry the ball through the wish to improve skills and physical attributes.3 The most directly
tackle and turn the ball over at the breakdown. attributable PIs should distinguish between winning and losing in
• Develop game sense in players which enables them to use multi- team sports such as rugby. In contemporary literature, researchers
ple strategies at the ruck to minimise turning the ball over when have looked to analyse multiple PIs and their relationship to match
attacking. outcome4 and how PIs effect match performance5 . Furthermore,
• Use partial dependence plots to set objective team performance recent studies on rugby at the elite level, have suggested there are
markers in important performance indicators. PIs which are more important than others in having an effect on
• Develop strategies to limit the amount and effectiveness of the match outcome.2,6
opposition’s kicking game. It appears that the frequency of kicking in general play differen-
tiates between success and failure in domestic and international
rugby matches4 ; winning teams tend to kick away greater por-
tions of their possession across a match. Winners in rugby also
have lower error4,7 and turnover6,7 rates than their opposition.
Additionally, winners have a more effective defensive game, with a
better success rate at the ruck6 and complete more successful tack-
∗ Corresponding author. les overall.4 From an attacking perspective teams who carried the
E-mail address: (T.J. Mosey).
1440-2440/© 2019 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
36 T.J. Mosey, L.J.G. Mitchell / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 23 (2020) 35–40

ball further with each carry6 and effected a higher number of clean turnovers conceded means the team in possession gives possession
line breaks4,6,8 were more likely to win. This general play effective- to the other team at the ruck only. This didn’t include ball lost in
ness was coupled with a greater ability to win set piece ball at the the tackle. Turnovers won means the opposite: the team defend-
scrum8 and lineouts won against the throw.7 ing dispossesses the attacking team at the ruck to win the ball. An
It is challenging to suggest that winning and losing in com- initial clean break refers to an attacking player going through the
plex team sports can be attributed to analysing absolute PI data defensive line without being touched by a defending player. Total
in isolation.9 Previous literature on elite rugby populations has carries in the match refers to the total number of times the team
shown which PIs contribute most substantially to match outcomes with the ball takes the ball ahead either being tackled by the oppo-
at Super Rugby and International levels.4,6 Kicks in general play and sition or breaking through the defensive line. Breaks to defenders
tackles made were the top two discriminators between winners beaten ratio refers to the number of times the attacking team breaks
and losers in Super Rugby,4 whereas in international competition through the line compared to the totalled number of defenders they
a wider range of PIs discriminated between winning and losing.4,6 evade a) at the defensive line and b) subsequently after they have
and no significant differences were shown between winning and broken through the defending line. Data was readily available in
losing teams across all the PIs assessed.4 It was suggested that dif- the public domain therefore ethics approval was not necessary to
ferences between winners and losers at international level were obtain.
masked by variations in playing style across teams.4 The PIs determined by numbers in the data collected for a single
There are two sides in a contest and research focusing on abso- team in a match were considered the absolute data. For example
lute data across key PIs limits the potential to assess winning if team A kicked 20 times during the match and team B kicked 15
performance against the performance of the losing team within a times, the assigned absolute values would be 20 for team A and
match. Comparing sports data or PIs relative to the opposition could 15 for team B. Secondly, for each game, descriptive conversion was
be a more accurate descriptor of match outcome.10 Using relative undertaken by calculating the difference between teams’ absolute
PIs, that is, how many more or less of a particular action a team per- data, with this data set being termed the relative data set. Using the
formed when compared to their opposition, may be a more effective previous example, the relative data values for team A would be +5
method of analysis.2 The use of relative numbers rather than abso- kicks and team B would be -5 kicks.
lute numbers can differentiate a PI’s strength in determining match Multi-collinearity between predictors in both relative and abso-
outcome. Using data that is relative to the opposition gives differ- lute data sets was investigated using the rfUtilities package.12 No
ent results. Relative data analysis in a professional domestic rugby multi-collinearity was found between predictors in either data set.
competition was reported to be a more accurate method of assess- Methods of analysis and the justification of these methods have
ment than analysing absolute PIs.2 This type of analysis gives elite been described previously,2 though briefly, PIs from both absolute
level rugby coaches and support staff the opportunity to be clear and relative data sets were used as predictors for match out-
and evidence-based in their match evaluation strategies. comes (win/loss) in two separate analyses using a randomForest
For coaches and practitioners working with sub-elite popula- classification model using the randomForest package13 in R.14 A
tions, it may not be appropriate to apply data from elite competition decision tree uses a binary separation in a variable to classify data
to their circumstances. Indeed using the results of studies done in to categories, or produce an estimate for a continuous outcome
on elite populations, and applying them to sub-elite groups can variable.15 The randomForest approach utilised a large number of
be problematic. With this in mind the primary aim of this study these decision trees and aggregates their results to improve pre-
was to replicate the methodology of a study which assessed the diction accuracy.16 The mean decrease of accuracy (MDA)16 and
impact of PIs in elite level rugby competition2 using sub-elite com- mean of the distribution of minimal depth17 of each PI were cal-
petition data to ascertain whether the same PIs were of similar culated to establish the importance of each predictor in predicting
importance in sub-elite competition. Further to this we wanted game outcome. The use of relative PIs rather than absolute val-
to know whether or not using absolute or relative data sets may ues gives an entirely different perspective. While the impact of
be more accurate in predicting match outcome. Finally, we sug- absolute PIs on the likelihood of winning a match is implicitly
gest how this data may be utilised from a practical perspective for compared to mean values, there may be cases where the oppo-
sub-elite level coaches in rugby. sition performed many more of a particular action than the team
whose outcome is being predicted. In this case, if we assume that
the likelihood of a team winning increases for each of a certain
2. Methods PI, this must also be true for the other team. A simple example
may actually be points. If a team scores 30 points then statisti-
PIs for the 2018 Queensland Premier Rugby (QPR) regular and cally they are more likely to win than they are to lose. Obviously
post season competition were downloaded from the OPTA website though, if their relative score is -5 then they will lose the game
( Intra and inter-rater reliability of PIs derived from as the other team will have outscored the mean value by more.
this method have been reported to be <5%11 . The 2018 season con- Therefore, the relative frequency (how many more or less than
sisted of 9 teams playing 18 rounds of 4 matches plus 4 post season the opposition), could be a useful metric that tells a unique story.
fixtures (76 matches). Due to the assessment of PIs on a binomial This has been supported previously.2 The relationship between PI
outcome (win/loss), matches ending in draw (n = 6) were excluded MDA and the mean minimum depth in each model was quantified
from the analysis. The study design used in a recent paper2 was using a Pearson’s correlation coefficient.18 When interpreting MDA
replicated and the full set of PIs for each match was analysed. The values a negative value denotes a less important variable.19 When
PI’s selected were the same as a previous study2 for comparative interpreting mean minimal depth a lower number denotes a more
purposes between elite and sub-elite competitions. These PIs were: important variable. The rfPermute package20 was used to calculate
turnovers conceded, turnovers won, missed tackles, average carry a p value for each PI for both the absolute and relative datasets.
by an individual player (metres), penalties conceded whilst defend- This p value describes whether each PI significantly improves the
ing, total metres carried in the match, initial clean line breaks, own model’s ability to predict whether a team won or lost by being
lineouts won, defenders beaten, kicks in general play, penalties con- included in the analysis. Partial dependency plots21 were gener-
ceded when attacking, tackles made to tackles missed ratio, total ated for example PIs which the research team thought were most
tackles in the match, breaks to defenders beaten ratio, offloads in helpful in demonstrating the value of this type of analysis. These
the tackle, own lineouts lost, and total carries in the match. Briefly, plots show the probability of winning (100% likelihood = −1.0) or
T.J. Mosey, L.J.G. Mitchell / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 23 (2020) 35–40 37

Table 1
Mean accuracy decrease, p values and the mean value of minimum depth distribution for the Random Forest model on the absolute set of data.

Variable Mean decrease in accuracy p value Mean minimum depth

Turnovers conceded 13.5 0.0099 2.49

Turnovers won 10.5 0.0198 2.86
Missed tackles 9.1 0.0297 3.33
Average carry (m) 7.4 0.0297 3.97
Pens conceded in defence 6.7 0.0297 3.93
Metres carried (total) 6.5 0.0396 3.12
Initial clean break 5.6 0.0297 4.21
Own LO won 5.3 0.0396 4.2
Defenders beaten 5.1 0.0693 3.56
Kicks in play 4.8 0.0495 3.51
Pens con in attack 4.2 0.0594 4.8
Tackle made/missed ratio 2.8 0.1782 4.05
Tackles 0.8 0.3663 4.03
Breaks to defenders beaten Ratio −0.4 0.4851 4.02
Offloads −0.9 0.5842 4.29
Own LO lost −0.9 0.5743 5.49
Total carries −1.0 0.5050 4.02

Table 2
Mean accuracy decrease, p values and the mean value of minimum depth distribution for the Random Forest model on the relative set of data.

Variable Mean decrease in accuracy p value Mean minimum depth

Kicks in play 25.1 0.0099 1.89

Metres carried (total) 23.1 0.0099 2.03
Turnovers conceded 18.5 0.0099 2.4
Initial clean break 10.6 0.0198 3.2
Defenders beaten 7.1 0.0495 4.29
Own LO won 6.6 0.0099 3.34
Average carry (m) 6.1 0.0495 3.74
Pens conceded in defence 6.1 0.0990 3.02
Offloads 6.1 0.0198 3.73
Missed tackles 4.7 0.0792 4.28
Tackles 3.4 0.1287 4.22
Total carries 2.4 0.1485 3.87
Own LO lost 1.8 0.1782 3.34
Tackle made/missed ratio 1.5 0.2475 3.98
Breaks to defenders beaten ratio 1.4 0.2772 4.27
Pens conceded in attack 0.6 0.3366 4.08

losing (100% likelihood = 1.0) across the range of values for each PI tion existed between these variables in the absolute dataset. Partial
presented. dependence plots for the top four predictors (based on MDA) were
McNemar’s Test was used to calculate the statistical significance produced for the absolute (Figs. 1A–D) and relative (Figs. 2A–D)
of each model.22 data sets. These demonstrate positive associations between match
outcome and absolute number of turnovers conceded, turnovers
won, missed tackles and average carry (metres). Positive associa-
3. Results tions between match outcome and relative number of kicks in play,
meters carried, turnovers conceded and initial clean breaks for the
The randomForest model based on the absolute data set from relative data set are shown.
the 2018 QPR season classified 53 from 73 losses (72.6%; 95% CI
65.4–79.8%) and 53 from 73 wins for an overall percentage accuracy
of 72.6% (CI 65.4–79.8%). The randomForest model based on the 4. Discussion
relative data set classified 57 from 73 losses (78.1%; CI 65.9–79.3%)
and 57 from 73 wins for an overall percentage accuracy of 78.1% The primary aim of this study was to ascertain which PIs were
(CI 65.9–79.3%). The McNemar’s value of p = 0.84 confirmed that the most important predictors of success in sub-elite rugby. Our
the relative data model did not outperform the absolute data set. data indicate that relative PIs and absolute PIs predict performance
Data relating to each variable’s MDA is shown in Table 1 and 2 — with a similar level of accuracy, in contrast to previous research.2
the absolute and relative data sets respectively. The absolute data The top four predictors of match outcome from the relative data
set model contained 9 predictors whose distribution varied signif- set (Fig. 2) suggest increases in kicks in general play, total metres
icantly from the null, while the relative data set model included 8 carried per match, turnovers conceded and initial line breaks are
predictors who were varied significantly from the null. The mag- the strongest PIs related to match outcome. In contrast, the data
nitude of significant MDA values ranged from 13.5 to −1.0 in the collected in an elite population2 found penalties conceded whilst
absolute data set and 25.1 to 0.6 in the relative data set. Mean val- defending as the fourth most important PI. This PI ranked eighth in
ues of mean minimum depth for predictors in the absolute data our data using a sub-elite population. There could be a number of
set varied from 2.49 for the strongest predictor to 5.49 for the reasons for this. Perhaps the penalty options taken by elite teams
weakest. In the relative data set the strongest predictor was 1.89 differ to that in sub-elite competitions. Perhaps elite teams accrue
and weakest 4.29. A strong, negative correlation existed between more points from penalty kicks and hence accumulate more points
MDA values of predictor importance and mean minimum depth throughout matches. To our knowledge no research has looked at
distribution within the relative dataset, while a moderate correla- this point. Perhaps sub-elite teams may not convert penalty oppor-
38 T.J. Mosey, L.J.G. Mitchell / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 23 (2020) 35–40

Fig. 1. Partial dependency plots depicting the likely performance outcomes calculated for four key PIs using absolute values. Negative values indicate an increase in the
probability of a win, which positive values indicate an increase in the probability of a loss.

tunities into points as well as elite teams, though further analysis touch and have a lineout in the oppositions territory. Further anal-
into whether this is the case is warranted. Similarly, to the elite ysis into determining how to quantify the outcome of general play
population,2 penalties conceded when attacking was ranked last. kicking is warranted.
This may suggest a consistent refereeing style across the south- How consistently predictors are chosen in the early splits of
ern and northern hemisphere in which attacking teams are given each tree within the randomForest analysis is an indication of
appropriate advantage. Further research into refereeing practices how important these predictors are and will result in a low
and rule interpretation is warranted. Our findings highlight that dif- mean minimum depth value.23 Pearson’s correlation coefficients
ferent strategies are employed by successful teams within different between minimum depths of each of the predictors did not confirm
competition levels in rugby. greater levels of agreement for the relative model as is observed in
We observed that kicking in general play from a relative per- elite competition.2 These smaller differences would suggest that
spective was the top PI. This was comparable with the elite data using either absolute or relative data may accurately differentiate
set2 though the impact on the model was not as large (MDA 25.1 vs between winners and losers in sub-elite rugby.
51.6). Strategic kicking may be more important in elite competition. The partial dependence plots created using the current dataset
Elite level players required to kick are likely more accurate than suggest there are upper limits for some performance indicators
their sub-elite counterparts and, consequently, may impact game above which no further advantage exists in relation to match
outcomes in a more meaningful manner. Type of kick (e.g. grubber, outcome. These upper (and lower) limits can offer a quantitative
high ball, chip kick, long kick) was not delineated in either this study threshold measure for coaches and support staff who wish to set
or previous2 and therefore the outcome of general play kicking was objective performance markers within game plans. For example,
not considered. The context to this is important. Effective kicking aiming to carry 200 more total metres in a match than the oppo-
can potentially result in the attacking team (the team that has just sition improves the likelihood of match success, though staying
kicked) gaining an advantage by either regaining possession before more than 200 m ahead does not increase the likelihood of success
the opposition picks up a loose ball, by the opposition making a any further (Fig. 2b). Similarly, accruing 4 less turnovers across the
mistake upon trying to gain possession (by catching or picking up match than the opposition increases the potential for match suc-
the ball) or by a territorial gain, where the attacking team may kick cess, but the likelihood of match success increases no more when
deep and a) tackle the opposition in their own territory or b) find staying 15 less turnovers ahead of the opposition (Fig. 2c). These
T.J. Mosey, L.J.G. Mitchell / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 23 (2020) 35–40 39

Fig. 2. Partial dependency plots depicting the likely performance outcomes calculated for four key PIs using relative values. Negative values indicate an increase in the
probability of a win, which positive values indicate an increase in the probability of a loss.

thresholds could be seen used to prioritise a team’s strategic objec- ability to cover-tackle, arising from a lower fitness level which
tives, for example, instead of attempting to accrue 15 less turnovers may inhibit them reaching the attacking player early enough, if at
than the opposition, it may be more beneficial for players to focus all. Another explanation may be the contrasting playing styles and
their efforts on minimising the oppositions run metres or their structures between northern and southern hemisphere teams. The
ability to execute kicks in play instead. wetter winter in Europe compared to the drier winter of Australia
There may also be a discrepancy between sub-elite and elite may result in playing styles more suited to faster game speeds in
players in match awareness and strategy. Fitness, strength and the southern hemisphere. However, this remains to be confirmed
anthropometric differences also exist between elite and sub-elite in sub-elite populations and further investigation is warranted in
populations24,25 and between international and provincial level order to determine whether this is the case.
players.25,26 Sub-elite players may lack the necessary fitness qual- The use of both absolute and relative data sets can be impor-
ities to maximise the benefits of an in-game kicking plan. General tant and results should be interpreted within the appropriate
play kicking requires the attacking team to chase the ball down- context to be effectively utilised in preparing players for com-
field. As multiple long kick-chases may take longer to recover from. petition. For example, strategies to maximise a team’s ability to
Players at the sub-elite level may lack the necessary fitness to accumulate 200 m or more than the opposition (relative analysis)
repeatedly chase kicks effectively and maximise territorial gained. can be developed by coaching staff whilst setting a bench mark
Further research as to why the difference in strength within this PI of 550 m (absolute analysis) carried as a minimum, to exploit the
exists is warranted. winning potential of their team. Absolute values set the minimum
The MDA for total metres carried surpassed that of both average requirement which teams need to be able to attain during a match
carry and clean line breaks. Previous research,2 conversely, demon- to maximise the chance of winning. Thorough pre-match plan-
strated that the average carry PI was more important for winning ning may suggest the use of absolute values if an understanding
matches. Further research also indicated that clean line breaks dif- of the opposition’s match statistics or typical match strategy is
ferentiated between match success in domestic27 and international unavailable. The coaches’ use of relative data when creating match
competition.8 Sub-elite defensive patterns and players’ fitness lev- strategies may be more appropriate when they have a thorough
els may combine to explain this result as players exhibit lower rates understanding of opposition tactics and they understand the min-
of ‘working off the ball’. Sub-elite players may exhibit a reduced imum absolute values needed to hit during a match to maximize
40 T.J. Mosey, L.J.G. Mitchell / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 23 (2020) 35–40

the chance of winning. Absolute datasets are important and can Acknowledgements
provide coaches and support staff objective measures upon which
to build match strategies. Relative data sets can give further depth No financial assistance and grant support has been provided for
and context, as well as flexibility, to these objective targets. this project.
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