Dynamic Stabiiity of Periodic Pipes Conveying Fiuid: Dianlong Yu

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Dianlong Yu^

Laboratory of Science and Technology on

Integrated Logistics Support,
Naiicnal University ot Defense Technoiogy,
Changsha, Hunan 410073, Ctiina;
Department ot Mechanical Engineering,
McGill university,
Montreal, Quebec H3A 0C3, Canada
Dynamic Stabiiity of Periodic
e-maii: dianlongyu@yahoo.com.cn

Michael P. Païdoussis
Pipes Conveying Fiuid
Department of Mechanical Engineering, In this paper, the stability of a periodic cantilevered pipe conveying fluid is studied theo-
McGili university, retically by means of a novel transfer matrix method. This method is first validated by
Montreal, Québec H3A 0C3, Canada comparing the results to tiwse available in tJie literature for a uniform pipe, showing that
it is capable of high accuracy and displaying good convergence characteristics. Then,
Hujjie Shen the stability of periodic pipes is investigated, with geometric, material-properties perio-
Laboratory ot Science and Technology on dicity, and a combination of the two, showing that a considerable stabilizing effect may
Integrated Logistics Support, be achieved over different ranges of the mass parameter ß (ß = mf/{mf -\- nip), where mf
Nationai University ot Detense Technoiogy, and mp are the fluid and pipe masses per unit length). The effect of other different system
Changsha, Hunan 410073, China; parameters is also probed. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4024409]
Department ot Mechanicai Engineering,
McGill University, Keywords: periodic structure, transfer matrix method, dynamic stabiliry, pipe conveying
Montreal, Québec H3A 0C3, Canada fluid

Lin Wang
Department ot Mechanics,
Huazhong University of Science & Technology,
Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China

1 Introduction vented. Recently, the stability of periodic structures witb moving

Piping systems conveying ñuid may be found in many engi- loads has triggered a great deal of attention. Aldraihem and Baz
neering applications, for example, as beat exchanger tubes, steam studied the dynamic stability of periodic stepped beams under
pipes, pump discharge lines, marine risers and piping in oil or gas moving loads using tbe finite element metbod [17,18], and Ruz-
pipelines. It is not surprising, therefore, that tbe dynamics of pipes zene and Baz investigated the steady-state response of axisymmet-
conveying fluid bas received a great deal of attention [1-5]. It was ric shells with periodic stiffeners [19]. Using the band gaps to
soon discovered that the dynamical behavior of the system can be control the propagation of vibration tbrough a pipe conveying
quite fascinating [4], and bence, continued study of tbe problem in fluid has been carried out extensively [20-24].
the 1960-1990 period was mainly curiosity-driven. Nevertheless, The main reason for using a periodic pipe structure in piping is
as discussed in a 1993 paper by Païdoussis [6], what was initially to control its vibration. Here, however, we focus on stability of a
curiosity-driven began finding applications 20 or 30 years later. periodic pipe. It is hoped that this study will eventually be useful
This process has continued at an accelerating pace as more and in designing periodic pipes for vibration control, mainly to form
more applications emerge, as may be sbown in Ref [7]. Eor exam- past experience and as revealed in Ref [6], it is very likely tbat it
ple, piping used in ocean mining, on-board liquefied natural gas is only a matter of time before this happens.
(LNG) production, bydrocarbon storage in solution-mined salt Many methods are available in the open literature for calculat-
caverns, and micro- and nanotube applications in engineering and ing the conditions of instability of pipes conveying ñuid, for
medicine. example, the so-called exact and Galerkin-type solutions [3], the
The stability of cantilevered pipes, in particular, has received a finite-element method [25], and the transfer matrix method
great deal of attention [3,8,9]. This is a nonconservative problem, [26,27].
and is therefore, capable of displaying some at-first-sight surpris- Use of the transfer matrix method in the study of dynamics of
ing behavior [2,3]. Examples of more recent studies have been on periodic structures is "natural." Yet, it has only been used in deal-
the effect of a nonuniform fiow profile [10], aspirating as opposed ing witb stability of curved pipes conveying fiuid [26]. Here, tbis
to discharging fiow [11], cantilever pipes with an end-mass and method will be formulated for the stability of straigbt periodic
flexible supports [12], viscoelastic pipes [13], and pipes on uni- pipes, based on the transfer matrix method developed by Ma et al.
form or nonuniform elastic foundations, e.g., Ref. [14]. A very im- [27], wbicb is not available in the English language.
portant set of studies considers local versus global stability Specifically, in this paper, the stability of periodic cantilevered
[14,15]. pipes will be studied, in which the periodicity is either geometric
The propagation of elastic waves in periodic structures has also (e.g., involving the diameter in adjacent segments) or in the mate-
been studied for a long time [16]. Interest in this topic has been rial properties (e.g., involving the density or the modulus of elas-
enhanced by the discovery of the existence of complete elastic ticity), or both.
band-gaps witbin which sound and vibration propagation are pre-
2 The Transfer Matrix Method
Correspondence author.
Figure \(a) provides a sketch of a binary periodic pipe system
Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division of ASME for publication in the
JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. Manuscript received January 8, 2013; final conveying fluid with N cells. The pipe consists of a finite repeti-
manuscript received April 28, 2013; accepted manuscript posted May 7. 2013; tion cell with alternating segments: segment A of length U and
published online August 22, 2013. Assoc. Editor: Kenji Takizawa. segment B of length /¿. Thus, the lattice constant (the length of

Journal of Applied Mechanics Copyright ©2014 by ASME JANUARY2014, Vol. 81 / 011008-1



(b) (c)
Fig. 1 (a) Sketch of a binary periodic pipe, (ö) one cell with segments A and B, (c)
the segment B with ng subsegments

one cell) is a = lA + lB, which is illustrated in Eig. \(b). Eor the As is well known, the solution to Eq. (3) may be written as
periodic pipe with N cells, the total length L=Na. In order to
improve the computational accuracy and convergence of the trans-
fer matrix method, the segments A and B are divided into «^ and
«5 subsegments with length /V«/i and /B/«B, respectively. As an
example, segment B with «g subsegments is shown in Eig. l(c). where X,, are the roots of the characteristic equation of Eq. (3),
Segments A and B can be chosen to have different geometrical
and/or material properties. The flexural rigidities of the segment ^-2mfUÇiX^Q}{mf + mp)=Q (7)
A and segment B are Ê^/^ and Eß/g, respectively.
2.1 Solution Based on the Initial Parameter Method.
Neglecting gravitational forces, intemal damping, extemally = 1,2,3,4
imposed tension, and pressurization effects, the equation of *W = (8)
motion goveming flexural vibration of a pipe conveying fluid then
can be written as Ref. [8] The elements of [C] may be obtained via [26,27]

)-^ = 0 (1) [C] = (9)


where w is the flexural displacement, El is the flexural rigidity of where the elements of [D] are D„p = {i2.„Y^\ n,p = 1,2,3,4
the pipe, mf and mp are the fluid and pipe masses per unit length,
respectively, and U is the flow velocity, x is the axial coordinate, 2.2 The Transfer Matrix for Uniform Segment. At first,
the transfer matrix for a uniform pipe segment is considered, for
and t is time.
example, segment B illustrated in Eig. l(c).
Eor a harmonic traveling wave, the flexural displacement w
may be expressed as
(2) {Ao}=[/(O)

where fi is a natural frequency of the pipe and i = \/—l

Substituting Eqs. (2) into (1), one obtains a fourth-order ordi- are defined as the amplitude vectors at the origin and at x, respec-
nary differential equation for/(x), namely. tively. Then using Eq. (4) one can get the following relation;

(3) {A} = [R]{Ao} (10)

According to the "initial parameter method" [26,27], a solution in which the elements of \R\ are [26,27]
of Eq. (3) may be written as
, m , p = 1,2,3,4
fix) =foCPi (X) V2 W W (4)
where/o,/o,/o^,/o are the four initial parameters to be deter-
mined, which denote, respectively, the values of/and its first, sec- •j.}jg displacement, slope, bending moment, and shear force are
ond, and third derivatives with respect to x at x = 0, (pi (x), cp2 (x), given by
cpj, (x), (p4 (x) are solutions of Eq. (3), thus, satisfying the follow-
ing conditions [26,27]; w=/(x)exp(/í2í)
1 0 0 0
e = w'=/'(x)exp(¡nO (12)
M = EIw" = Elf'\x) exp(;ní)
0 10 0
(5) Q = EIw'" = Elf"'{x)
1/^3 (0) cpj [ü) cp-¡ yj) 0 0 10
(^4(0) cp\ {Q) (^4 (0) (^4 (0)
0 0 0 1
We now define {q} = [w, B, M, ß f , or

011008-2 / Vol. 81, JANUARY 2014 Transactions of the ASME

(13) The boundary conditions of a cantilevered pipe are

where the elements of matrix [//] are At the fixed end (x = 0) : WQ = 0o = 0 (24a)
At the free end {x = L) : M^ = Q^ = 0 {24b)
//ll = 1, H22 = 1, //33 = £/, H44=EI (14)

and the off diagonal terms of [//] are zero. Substituting the boundary conditions Eq. (24) into Eq. (23) yields:
One can obtain the following relation of the two end-nodes of 'WN' ' 0 "
the yth subsegment of segment B: n 0
"N - iri (25)
{q}'.= [Hj][Rj][Hj]~^ {q}j_^ (15) 0 Mo
0 .00.
where the elements of matrices [Rj] and [Hj] can be obtained via
Eqs. (11) and (14), but with A: in Eq. (11) replaced by lj = ¡BlnB, in which
which is the length of theyth subsegment, and with El in Eq. (14)
replaced by Eg/ß, pertains to segment B. The superscripts / and r T33 Mo
stand for the left and right node value of (i?|, and the subscript;
in {i/ly denotes the 7th subsegment.
Due to the continuity of displacement, slope, bending moment, A nontrivial solution requires that the determinant of the coeffi-
and shear force at interface 7 - 1, one obtains cient matrix of Eq. (26) must vanish, i.e..

(16) det[A] = 0 (27)

and hence. The dimensionless parameters for this system are defined as [3,8]

(17) u=,Jmf/EIUL, (o=

For a given value of ß, a selected real value of to, and a small
[Sj] = [Hj][Rj][Hj] - 1 (18) value of «1, say M, =0.1, the dimensional parameters in Eq. (7)
can be obtained from the following:
is the transfer matrix of theyth subsegment.
For segment B with % subsegments, we have = ßmp/i\ - ß), {/, = {ui/L)

where [Tg] is the transfer matrix of segment B. For the periodic pipe, the material and geometrical parameters
Similarly, the transfer matrix of a uniform pipe for segment A of segment A or segment B may be substituted into Eq. (29).
in one periodic cell, can be written as Obviously, the values computed by Eq. (29) depend on the chosen
parameters for segment A or B. The chosen segment may be
(20) called the reference segment. The values of my, i/], and fi, f'rom
Eq. (29) are substituted into Eq. (7) so as to calculate the roots Ai,
where [T^] is the transfer matrix of the segment A. X2, Xj,, X4 and then to obtain [C] and [R] and to evaluate the real
and imaginary parts of the determinant of matrix [A]. If the real
2.3 The Transfer Matrix for One Periodic Cell. Next, the and imaginary parts of det[A] are both zero, then «i and cu, corre-
transfer matrix for one periodic cell, as illustrated in Fig. \{b), is spond to conditions of neutral stability; if not, then the procedure
considered. should be repeated for a new pair of real values of M, and w,.
Similarly to Eq. (16), the continuity of displacement, slope, Finally, we can plot the {ß, MJ and {ß, w,) curves, where u^ and CÜ^
bending moment, and shear force at the interface of segment A are the critical flow velocity and frequency.
and B guarantee In the calculation, for a given value of /? in a given range, the
two-dimensional search for Uc and co^ is performed. AH the values
satisfying Eq. (27) wili be recorded, and {ß, u^) and {ß, cu^) curves
will be plotted.
From Eqs. (19)-(21), one can obtain
3 Algorithm Validation
First of all, we need to validate the correctness of the transfer
where [T¡] is the transfer matrix of one periodic cell. matrix method for the periodic pipe. Because no other work
appears in the open literature on the stability of a periodic pipe
system conveying fluid, the algorithm will be validated by calcu-
2.4 Stability Solution of a Cantilevered Periodic Pipe. For lating the stability of a "degraded" periodic pipe, in the following
N periodic cells, we have sense: if the geometrical and material properties for segments A
and B are the same, the periodic pipe will degrade to a uniform
pipe, whose stability has been determined exactly [8] and are vali-
(23) dated by experimental results in Ref. [9]. In the calculation, the
material of the pipe is chosen as steel, with parameters
where T is the transfer matrix of the whole periodic pipe system. p = 7780kg/m'' and £ = 2.1 x lO" Pa. The inner and outer radii

Journal of Applied Mechanics JANUARY2014, Vol. 81 / 011008-3

18 80

16 70

14 60

12 50
10 40

8 30

6 20

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 10


(a) (b)
Fig. 2 Stability curves for the uniform pipe: (a) the dimensionless critical flow ve-
locity Uc as a function of ß\ (b) the dimensionless critical frequency Wc as a function
of ß. The circle ( o ) , square (G) and triangle (A) curves correspond to the number
of segments A and B, n^ = ns= 1,10 and 100, respectively. The arrows in Fig. 2(a)
show the location of the jumps.

of the pipe are r, = 0.045 m, and r„ = 0.050 m, respectively. The respectively. For ß < 0.28, the dimensionless critical flow velocity
lattice constant is a = 2 m, and the lengths of the two segments are («() of the periodic pipe is larger than that of a uniform one, but
l^ = lg=lm. The number of the cells i.s N = ?s, then the total the dimensionless critical frequency (co^) is correspondingly
length of the pipe is L = 10 m. In order to validate the convergence smaller. For 0.28 </8< 1, some segments of the u^ curves are
of the transfer matrix method, we choose the number of subseg- higher for the periodic pipe than for the uniform pipe, and other
ments for segments A and B as nA = nß= I, 10, and 100. The segments are lower. On the other hand, co^. of the uniform pipe is
dimensionless critical flow velocity «^ and critical frequency Wc mostly higher than that of the periodic pipe, especially in the
as a function of the parameter ß are shown in Figs. 2(a) and 2{b), range of larger ß. Another difference is the number of the jumps.
respectively. There are two jumps for the periodic pipe for /? < 1, near ß = 0.5
The circle (O), square (D) and triangle (A) colors are used to and ß = 0.8, as compared to three for the uniform pipe in the same
represent the stability curves corresponding to the number of seg- range of ß. The arrows in Fig. 3(<3) show the location of the jumps.
ments, as in the caption. They are in good agreement with the In this case, interestingly, the stability curves of Fig. 3 are inde-
curves obtained by Paidoussis [8]. This means that the transfer pendent of the material parameters.
matrix method is correct. Next, we investigate further the effect of geometrical parame-
As illustrated in Fig. 2, the curves are also in very good agree- ters on the stability of a periodic pipe conveying fluid. In Fig. 4,
ment with each other (the different symbols are intermingled). the outer radius of segment A is varied, while other parameters
This indicates good convergence. Since the computational accu- are kept the same as those in Fig. 3. The circle (O), square (D)
racy is not dependent on the number of subsegments, we can and triangle (A) thick curves are for r¡A equal to 0.08 m, 0.07 m,
choose «4 = «B = 1 in the following calculations, which will lead and 0.06 m, respectively; the dot (•) thin curve corresponds to the
to saving a great deal of computer time. uniform pipe. There is an intersection point for these dimension-
Therefore, the transfer matrix method can be used to determine less critical flow velocity curves, at ß = 0.29. This phenomenon is
the stability of a periodic pipe conveying fluid correctly and effl- also reported for cantilevered pipes with additional different
ciently. Nevertheless, near the "jump points" (^ = 0.3, 0.7 etc), spring supports [3]. For /?<0.29, the larger the radius, the larger
matrix [A] always "behaves poorly" and a smaller numerical inter- is the dimensionless critical flow velocity; but for ß > 0.29, the
val needs to be used to work out the critical flow velocity and fre- contrary behavior is observed. Moreover, for the whole range of
quency. The arrows in Fig. 2{a) show the location of the jumps. ß, the dimensionless critical frequency becomes smaller as //g
increases; the reason for this is that a larger mass of pipe reduces
the frequency.
The dimensionless critical flow velocity will reach a same value
4 Stability of Periodic Pipes («,«16.8) for ß close to 0.99, in all cases of a periodic pipe, irre-
4.1 Geometrically Periodic Pipe. We flrst consider the sta- spective of the value of r,», and it is lower than u^ for the uniform
bility of a geometrically periodic pipe. In the calculation, the inner pipe. A similar result is obtained for oj„ the approximate value is
and outer radii of segment A are r¡A = 0.045 m, and r^A = 0.060 m, 47.8.
respectively, and for segment B r,a = 0.045 m and r^g = 0.050 m. We next consider the effect of the lattice constant on the stabil-
The lattice constant is Í2 = 2 m, and the lengths of the two seg- ity of the periodic pipe. The total length L = 10 m is kept constant,
ments are /^ = /^ = 1 m; the total length of pipe is L = 10 m. The while the lattice constant a is varied; the lengths of the two seg-
material of the pipe is steel. These material and geometrical pa- ments are the same, i.e., IA = IB- In Fig- 5, the circle (O), square
rameters for segment B are substituted in Eq. (29). (D) and triangle (A) curves are for the lattice constant a equal to
The stability curves are illustrated in Fig. 3; the circle (O) and 1 m, 2 m, and 5 m, respectively. When ^ < 0 . 8 , the curves for
square (D) curves describe the periodic and the uniform pipe. a = l m and 2m almost overlap. Again, at ^ = 0.5, there is an

011008-4 / Vol. 81, JANUARY 2014 Transactions of the ASME


O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Fig. 3 The stability curves for a geometrically periodic pipe. The circle (O) and
square (D) curves correspond to the periodic and the uniform pipe, respectively.


o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Fig. 4 The stability curves for different outer radius of segment A. The circle ( o ) ,
square (D), and triangle (A) thick curves and dot (•) thin curve correspond to outer
radii of 0.08 m, 0.07 m, 0.06 m, and a uniform pipe, respectively.

intersection point for all the M,, and w,. curves. When /?<0.5, a smaller length ratio is larger over most of the range of ß. This is
larger lattice constant improves stability. because the stiffness becomes higher in this case.
In addition, it is noted that the number of jumps in the stability
curves is reduced by increasing the lattice constant, a. For
ß < 0.99, there are three, two and one jumps for a = 1 m, 2 m and 4.2 Pipe With Material-Properties Periodicity. At this
5 m, respectively. The arrows show the location of the jumps. Of point, the effect of material-properties periodicity on the stability
course, as ß -^ 1, more and more S-shaped jumps are encountered of the pipe system is considered. In the calculations, the inner and
[3], but we neglect them. The change of the number of jumps is outer radii of segments A and B are r,vi = 0.045 m, and
because a larger lattice constant increases the stiffness of the pipe ro^ = 0.050 m, respectively. The material of segment A is
and the number of modes will be reduced in the same frequency chosen to be aluminum, with parameters p^i =2730kg/m'',
range, but the jump depends on the relevant mode [28]. A similar EA = 1.156 X 10'"Pa. The material of segment B is chosen to be
effect has been observed when dealing with articulated pipes ([3]; epoxy, with parameters PB= 1180kg/m\ Êg = 4.35 x lO'Pa. The
see Sec. 3.8.2). lattice constant is a = 2 m, and /^ = /g = 1 m. The total length of
We next consider a special case, in which the length of seg- pipe is L = 10 m. The material and geometrical parameters of seg-
ments A and B are different. The length ratio ri = Iß/l^ is varied, ment B are chosen as the reference parameters in Eq. (29). The
while other parameters are kept the same as Fig. 3. In Fig. 6, the stability curves are illustrated in Fig. 7, in which the circle (O)
circle (O), square (D) and triangle (A) curves are illustrated for and square (D) curves correspond to a pipe with material-
the length ratio t] equal to 1/3, 1, and 2, respectively. It is seen properties periodicity and a uniform pipe, respectively. In this
that the dimensionless critical flow velocity of the pipe with case, for ß < 0.85, the dimensionless critical flow velocity of the

Journal of Applied Mechanics JANUARY2014, Vol. 81 / 011008-5

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Fig. 5 The stability curves for different values of the lattice constant, a The circle (O),
square (D), and triangle (A) curves correspond to a equal to 1 m, 2 m, and 5 m, respectively.

Fig. 6 The stability curves for different length ratio, i;. The cirde (O), square (D),
and triangle (A) curves are correspond to ri equal to 1/3,1, and 2, respectively.






20 -
j i

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 } 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Fig. 7 The stability curves for the material-periodic pipe. The circle (O) and
square (D) curves are illustrated as the periodic and the uniform pipe.

011008-6 / Vol. 81, JANUARY 2014 Transactions of the ASME

Fig. 8 The stability curves for different material for segment A. The circle (o),
square (D), and triangle (A) curves correspond to the material as lead, steel and
aluminum, respectively.

periodic pipe is larger than that for a uniform pipe. This indicates 4.3 Pipe With Both Geometrical and Material-Properties
that the periodic stmcture with appropriate material parameters Periodicity. We next consider the stability of a periodic pipe
can enhance stability of a pipe conveying fluid. with concurrent geometrical and material periodicity. In the calcu-
Eigure 8 shows the stability curves for different materials of lations, the inner and outer radii of segment A are r¡A = 0.045 m,
segment A. The circle (O), square (D) and triangle (A) curves and /-„.A = 0.060 m, respectively, and those of segment B are
correspond to lead, steel, and aluminum, respectively. The mate- ;-,fi = 0.045 m, and r„ß = 0.050 m, respectively. The lattice con-
rial parameters for lead are p= 11600kg/m-\ £ = 4.08 x lO'^Pa; stant is a = 2 m, and /^ = /g = 1 m. The total length of the pipe is
the material of segment B remains the same as before; epoxy. L = 10 m. The material for segment A is chosen to be aluminum,
One can see that the density of material A plays a key role for and that for segment B to be epoxy. The material and geometrical
stability of the pipe with material-properties periodicity. When parameters of segment B are chosen as the reference parameters.
ß>0.\, the smaller the density of material A, the larger is the In Eig. 9, the circle (O), square (D) and triangle (A) curves are
dimensionless critical flow velocity u^. Moreover, over the whole the dynamical stability curves of the material-periodic pipe, geo-
range of ß, the dimensionless critical frequency decreases as the metrically periodic pipe and the pipe with a combination of mate-
density of material A increases; this can be explained by the fact rial and geometric periodicity, respectively. The dimensionless
that, as the mass increases, the frequency is reduced. The dimen- critical flow velocity of the material-periodic pipe is the largest
sionless critical flow velocities will reach a same value when ß is and that of the combination periodic pipe is the smallest over
close to 0.99 for different materials of segment A; the same hap- most of the range of ß. This indicates that the material-periodic
pens for the critical frequency. pipe is more stable. The dimensionless critical frequency curve of

Fig. 9 The stability curves for combination periodic pipe. The circle (o), square
(D), and triangle (A) curves correspond to the material periodic, geometrical peri-
odic and combination periodic pipe, respectively.

Journal of Applied Mechanics JANUARY2014, Vol. 81 / 011008-7

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Acknowledgment perimental Investigation of Flexural Wave Propagating in a Periodic Pipe With
Fluid-Filled Loading," Chin. Phys. Lett., 27(11), p. 114301.
The authors are grateful for the support provided by the [24] Yu, D. L., Wen, J. H., Zhao, H. G., Liu, Y. Z., and Wen, X. S., 2011,
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. "Flexural Vibration Band Gap in a Periodic Fluid-Conveying Pipe System
Based on the Timoshenko Beam Theory," ASME J. Vibr. Acoust., 133(1),
10902123, No. 51075392, and No. 51275519) and the Natural Sci- p. 014502.
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