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Republic of the Philippines

Region III

Name of Student: Grade Level: 11

Subject Teacher: LEAH M. SILVESTRE Section:

Self-Instructional Packet in World Religions and Belief System (WRBS)

Quarter 1 – Week 3

A. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of effects of Religions: positive and

B. Performance Standard:
The learner gathers print or web-based articles, photos, editorial, etc. showing
the positive or negative effects of religion.

C. Learning Competency:
Analyze the influences of religion to culture and society.

• Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Identify the effects of religions.
2. Explain historical events brought about by religion.
3. Justify the positive or negative effects of religions.



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages: 42-49
2. Learner’s Material pages:
3. Teacher’s Manual pages:
4. Textbook pages:
B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Good day! How are you? Stay at home while learning something new today.
Just like any other things, religion also has positive and negative effects. These
effects will be discussed with the historical events that brought about by religion.

Let us start the lesson with a short activity. I would like you to do this to
identify your thoughts on what you think are the positive and negative effects of

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Activity 1:Write your own opinion on the positive and negative effects o religion.
Give 2 positive and 2 negative effects of religion.

Your idea on the positive and negative effects might be included in our discussion. Let
us have them one by one. Are you ready?
B. Establishing the purpose of the lesson

In this lesson, we will justify that religion can be positive or negative effects on
society. At the end of the lesson, you will be required to make pertinent task, like
gathering print or web-based articles, photos, editorials, that show positive and negative
effects of religion.

C. Presenting the new lesson

The Positive and Negative Effects of Religions

Religion helps man to bear his sufferings

Religion explains and justifies human sufferings and grief. It teaches, for
instance, that everything happens according to the grand design of the omniscient God,
and ultimately one’s sorrows will have meaning. It also gives hope that people can be
freed from all miseries, pains and fear.

Religion boosts self-worth and dignity

Religion explains that a person, regardless of his social and economic

status, is important in the sight of God who considers him or her as His
beloved child. It states that being unsuccessful in a career does not take away one’s
hope to receive eternal life. It therefore, helps people to endure their frustrations and
integrate their personality.

Religion serves as a foundation of societal harmony

Religion is a source of social unity and cohesion. By providing socially

accepted values and ethical norms, religion influences people to control their behaviors
so as to maintain peace and order in the community.

Religion helps create disciplined and beneficial citizens

Religions encourage members to live in line with the guidelines of religious

traditions. For example, Christians strive to be Christ-like; Buddhist imitates

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the Buddha; and followers of the mystical “Tao” observe non-interference with the
natural course of things. Lastly, religion affects the economic life as it teaches diligence,
hard work, patience and industry.

Religion promotes social welfare and development

Religion also performs selfless services to humanity. It promotes literacy,

education, and research by putting up academic institutions. Some religions sponsor
charitable institutions for the underprivileged like hospitals, homes, and other social
welfare centers.

These are some of the positive effects of religions. Now let us proceed by
discussing the negative effects of religion.

Religion promotes division.

Some religions’ doctrines, in effect, cause division between insiders and

outsiders. Teachings like these may discourage or even forbid intermarriage. These
may also promote the in-group and out-group concepts in sociology. An in-group is a
social group united by common values, while an out-group is a social group towards
which a person feels dislike, disdain, disagreement, unfriendliness, and disapproval-
sometimes, even hatred, contempt, hostility, opposition or desire to compete.

Religion teaches dependence.

It is said that there is a relationship between religiosity and resignation. For

instance, in some conservative sects of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam,
women deemed as more righteous if they let God manage their family planning.
Famines, poverty, and diseases are attributed to the will of God rather than bad
decisions or bad systems.

Religion sanctions “barbarism” and violence.

Barbarism is often characterized by superstition, ignorance, inequality,

misogyny, racism, and violence. Religions’ sacred texts are said to sanction
these things including slavery, women and children being possessions of men, brutal
welfare, and sacrificing living animals, agricultural products, and even enemy soldiers
as burnt offerings.

Religion instils fear.

Some religions teach that sins are inherited and thus all people are
born sinners. Being impure souls by birth and if they do not purify
themselves, they will soon be condemned to hell. People thus find themselves in
a state of fear. The fear of hell is continuously in their mind, filling them with
worry and anxiety.

Religion infuses guilt.

It is claimed that the demands that some religions put on people are
unrealistic. Some denominators teach that people are born sinners, sin is
what people are made of, and whatever they do is bound to be corrupted in one way or
another. When a person fails to do what God has decreed, he starts becoming guilty
and hating himself.

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Activity 2: Answer the following in your notebook.

1. Identify one positive and one negative effect of religions. Give concrete examples you
observe in society that best describes it.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Historical Events Brought about by Religions

History can provide pieces of evidence that religion brought about significant
events. These historical events include the so-called crusades and the recent move
from various religions to end slavery.
The Crusades
• The Crusades were a series of religious wars sanctioned by the Catholic Church
between the 11th and 16th centuries.
• The operations in the Eastern Mediterranean with the purpose of seizing
Jerusalem from Islamic rule.
• It is also launched to take back Christian territory, defend Catholics in non-
Christian lands, resolve conflicts among rival Roman Catholic groups, attain
political or territorial advantage, or to fight heresy and paganism.
• Pope Urban II pronounced that the knights of France who embarked on the
mission would be absolved of all sins and escape the possibility of going to hell.
• Over 60,000 people responded to the call and it took four years for them to
assemble and reach Jerusalem.
• Crusaders were driven by the faith that the Christian God wanted them to
eliminate unbelievers in order to re-establish prosperity to Europe. The first
Crusade is often cited as the beginning of anti-Semitism in Christians.
• While the crusading knights often relied on Jewish merchants for financing,
crusading peasants saw Jews as an enemy of Christianity and slaughtered
thousands on their journey.
• The massacre of Jews in a campaign is led by Count Emicho in 1096 resulted in
tense relations between Jews and Christians.
How did it end?
• The 1099 conquest of Jerusalem was triumphant, but it also resulted to
numerous deaths of both Muslims and Christians. Some of the negative aspects
of Crusades which lasted roughly from 1095 to 1270.
Religions’ Anti-Slavery Commitment
• In 2014, high officials of world’s major religions gathered at the Vatican to commit
working together for the abolition of slavery by 2020.
• The gathering comprise of Jewish rabbis, turbaned Sunni imams and Shia
ayatollahs, Catholic Pope Francis, the archbishop of Canterbury, a Hindu guru,
and the orange-robed Buddhist chief priest of Malaysia, among others.
• The extraordinary assembly in Vatican also included a shaven-headed
Vietnamese Zen nun, the Venerable Bhikkhuni Thich Nu Chan Kong, and an

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Indian holy woman wearing a nose stud, Her Holiness Mata Amritanandamayi,
considered by her followers as a saint and known them as “Amma” or mother.
• The meeting involved signing of a declaration in which religions’ representatives
committed to working together for the extermination of what the Catholic Pope
has called a crime against humanity.
• The goal may look so ambitious as “almost 36 million people are trapped in
slavery at some kind. But the declaration is intended to give the issue a higher
international profile.
• The archbishops of Canterbury, Justin Welby, proposed a number of other ways
ahead, including consumer pressure for more information about slavery supply
Question to ponder: Prove that religion has caused significant events in history.
E. Developing mastery (leads to Formative Assessment 3)

Activity 4:

1. How religion affects family relationships? In society today, many religions are bound
in one family. In your own opinion, what are the conflicts of having different religions in a
family, if there any?


F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Activity 5: Do this in a short bond paper.
Gather print or web-based articles, photos, editorials etc. showing the positive and
negative effects of religion. Make a collage and write a 5-sentence explanation.

G. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson.

You learned in this lesson the historical events that brought about by religion and
how different people deal with one another to stop slavery and promote harmony
around the world.
Here are the important facts that you have to remember in this lesson.

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H. Evaluating learning
See attached test paper.
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
How religion makes you as a person? Write it inside the person’s body inside the

Thank you for understanding analysing the content on the positive and negative
effects of religions. If you have questions, you may reach me through messenger by
sending a direct message.
Contact Number: 09061726275 Fb Account: Leah Silvestre
Prepared by: Checked by:
Teacher II Master Teacher I

Reviewed by:

Assistant Principal II
Noted by:
Principal IV

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Name: Date:
Grade and Section: Teacher: Leah M. Silvestre


A. Fill in the blanks with the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. The massacre of Jews in a campaign led by _________ in 1096 resulted tense

relations between Jews and Christians.

2. In _________, high officials of world’s major religions gathered at the Vatican to

commit to working together for the abolition of slavery by 2020.

3. The archbishop of Canterbury, ________ proposed consumer pressure for more

information about slavery supply chains.

4. ________ is characterized by superstition, ignorance, inequality, misogyny, racism,

and violence.

5. _______ helps people to endure their frustrations and integrate their personality.

6. A religions encourage members to live in line with the precepts of religious traditions;
they provide _____ for ideal living.

7. To convince people to join the first crusade, _________ pronounced that the knights
of France who embarked on the mission would be absolved of all sins and escape the
possibility of going to hell.

8. The first Crusade is often cited as the beginning of ________ in Christians.

9. It is said that there is a relationship between _________ and resignation.

10. A/an ________ is a social group united by common values, that is, a group of
people who show loyalty and preferential treatment to one another because they share
common interests, beliefs, and attitudes.

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