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Imphal, the 21 91 March, 2020

In view of the substantial increase in the number of persons Gonfirmed to have been Infected by
the novel corona virus Covid-19 in India In the last couple of days and the possibility of existence
of infected persons who have not been counted as yet, the Government of Manlpur has ordered
the closure of most of the public places to reduce gathering of peopi e. State Gc:,vernment offices,
except essential services, have also been advised to reduce ilie atten.d 9 nce of staff on a
particular day to 50%. Further, gathering at family relig ious rituals· have b~en Ofde'red to be
red uced to thirty.

Since the info rmation available as on date suggest that "social distancing" that is keeping physical
~ Li1stance from one another is the most effective step that can be taken to reduce the spread .of the
Covid -19 every effort should be made to reduce gathering of people till the threat of the virus

Now therefore, the authorities of all the temples, churches, mosques etc are requested to close it
down for publ ic to avoid the congregation of devotees in order to maintain social distancing.
Needless to say this step will go a long way in the well being of the devotees and the people of
th is State.

( H.Gyan Prakash) .
Special Secretary (Honie);
Govt. of Manipur

Copy to:
1. Secretary to Hon' ble Governor, Raj Bhawan, Man ipur
2 . Secreta ry to Hon' ble Chie f Min ister, Manipur.
3. PPS to Hon' ble Deputy Ch ief M inister, Ma ni pur
- . ,.. - ·, " · 4 . PPS to all Hon' ble Ministers, Manipur.
71 :\<v""v\\ 1 5. The Chief Secre tary, Govt. o~ Manipur. .
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6/11 Add itional Chief Secreta~tes, Gov_t. of Manipur
~ \-f-rl.J"0 - The Director General of Police, M~ntpur. _
~~ll.,1., 8. Prin ci pal Secretary, Health _& Family Welfar~, Govt. of Manipur
~ -~ ' 9 . All Administ rative Secretaries, Govt. of Mantpur .
_,/ 10. All Deputy Commissioners . To persuade the authorities all temples, churches
· , mosques to reduce the number of gathering of devotees to th irty or less.
11. All Superi nte ndents of Po lice for enforcement of the. above orders.

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~a~~~~~~~;;i?..~~-~~-~-~~~:.~-~-~~-:~~~~--------- -------------- ··---- ·----- ·----- ----------
I' ,,,.- 14 . Gua rd tile . .Government of Manipur .
· Police Department

• Endst. N~. IC/9(185)/ 2006-PHO

(3 lI$ ~
Imphal, the 21 st March, 2020.

1. All ADsGP, Manipur

2. All lsGP including Direct PTC, Manipur
3. All DlsGP including DIG(Telecom), Manipur
4. The Director FSL, Pangei For Information and necessary action please.
5. All SsP, Manipur
6. All COs including CO-HG(VA), Manipur
Staff Officer,
For Director General of Police,
Manipur, Imphal.

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