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This funnel uses 2 sales pages (split-test); a Sales Page With Video, and/
or Long Form Sales Letter Page, to position a product or service to the

Both the sales pages are selling the same product, with the same
message and benefits - just different media.

All links from the sales pages go to the same order page. Customers
that don’t convert on the order page are followed up with a cart
abandonment sequence.

Both via an email sequence from the autoresponder and via

remarketing ads on Facebook. Ideally, leads that visit the page and
don’t convert, who are also not in the list can have their email address
and name scraped and be added to the cart abandonment sequence. 

*The order page should have an “order bump” offer.*

The leads that convert into a sale are removed from the cart
abandonment sequence and will be added to the buyers list with tag.

They are redirected to an upsell page positioning a new product, at a

higher value. (You can have 3 or more upsell and downsell offers.)

Upsell page is a video sales letter and has the ability for someone to buy
with one click. Those that don’t convert to the upsell, through clicking a
link along the lines of “No thanks, I don’t want this offer” or a button, are
redirected to a downsell page. Where we position the same product, at
a slightly different price point i.e. a payment option or reduced features.

Leads that purchased the upsells will be tagged accordingly.

Those that still don’t convert are added to an upsell sales sequence via

Please refer to the funnel map.


Use the checklist below to make sure you’ve got everything you need
in your long form sales page. 

Hook Results

Story Benefits

Offer Testimonials/ Social Proof

Promise CTA 

Problem Guarantee

Myth Pricing

Solution Footer

Use the checklist below to make sure you’ve got everything you need
in your sale page with video.

Headline/ Hook


Video/ Story


Summary of benefits


Testimonials/ Social Proof

Restrict playbar/ fast forwards



Use the checklist below to make sure you’ve got everything you need
in your order form page. 

Name Order bump copy

Email Address Offer recap

Phone Number (optional) Testimonials/ Social Proof

Credit Card details CTA

Stripe/ Paypal integration Guarantee

Order Select

Order bump

Use the checklist below to make sure you’ve got everything you need
in your upsell & downsell pages.

Thank you and confirmation of purchase

Hook, Story, Offer

Problem we’re solving

Promise to buyers

How they’ll benefit (bullets)

Video sales letter (recommended)

Why this is important and they need it now


Yes link

No link


Use the checklist below to make sure you’ve got everything you need
in your order confirmation/ delivery page. 

Thank you and confirmation of purchase

Message from company/ welcome video

Summary of purchases

Next Steps (instructions)

What to expect

Link to Fb groups/ social media accounts (optional)



Create email sales sequences

Create video sales letter script

Record video sales letter

Build & design videos sales letter page

Write long form sales letter

Build & design long for sales letter page

Create order bump product

Include order bump on order page

Create Cart Abandonment Email Sequence

Create upsell video script

Record upsell video

Create upsell video page

Include “no thank you” link on upsell page

Create downsell video script

Record downsell video script

Create downsell video page

Redirect upsell “no thanks” to downsell page

Create Upsell Offer Email Sales Sequence

Create ActiveCampaign lists, tags & automations

Measure conversions for sales pages to order page

Measure conversions order page to upsell and delivery page

Create audience based on order page visits


Webinar funnels are a live, time sensitive campaign, sourcing leads

from email lists and paid ads to get them to sign up to a free

The training is roughly about 90 minutes, with 60 minutes of content

and 30 minutes of sales pitching at the end. They are designed to
convert attendees into sales with a live sales pitch (with offer stack and
closes) at the end of the call.

It allows live interaction and to turn objections and answer questions on

the call. Those that register as sent reminder emails - 1 day, 8 hours and
1 hour, 5 minutes before the call and notification email that we are live.
We also send indoctrination emails. Our goal here is to get as many live
attendees as possible.

Attendees are given a webinar link and encouraged to join live at the
time of the call. (remember our GOAL!)

After the webinar, there will be 3 main buckets depending on the

attendee's action.

Those that register for the live event and don’t attend, will be tagged
and are sent a replay link and sent multiple emails to get them to watch
the replay.

Those that watch the live call and the replay event that seen the offer
will be tagged and are then sent a sales campaign to continue to follow
up with them and convert them into a sale.

Those that watch the live call and the replay but bailed out before the
offer stack will be tagged and are sent a replay link and sent multiple
emails to get them to watch the replay.


Most sales (about 70%) from a webinar funnel are made during the
follow up process. We use quite an intense but persuasive email
campaign tactic where we send case studies, faq, more success stories
to overcome objections, social proof, urgency + FOMO, bonuses, last
minute warning type of emails.

Then we can convert the webinar into an evergreen sales funnel. By

removing the date and time, we treat the webinar like a squeeze funnel,
converting subscribers into watching the replay and then following up
again with a sales campaign.


Use the checklist below to make sure you’ve got everything you need
in your webinar registration page. 

Headline Why this is important Why

What they'll learn bullet points they need it now

Hook, Story, Offer Social Proof

Problem we’re solving Testimonials (if available)

Promise to reader CTA


Video (optional)

Use the checklist below to make sure you’ve got everything you need
in your Webinar confirmation page.

Thank you message

Acknowledgement of action ("You did the right thing!")

Date and time

Location and link

Instructions on what to do

Next steps or what to expect (where to find email)

Welcome video

Bonus content

Calendar link


Create email sign up sequence for webinar

Research audience on Facebook for webinar ads

Build & design webinar sign up page

Build & design webinar confirmation page

Create up to 8 reminder emails

Create indoctrination videos

Create webinar script (use Frank Kern's or Russell's)

Create webinar slides

Build & design webinar replay page

Create replay reminder sequence

Create replay promotion sequence (to non-registrants)

Create follow-up sales sequence

Create tags in AC for attended, missed, replay and registered,

purchased, and missed offer

Create list in AC for live and recorded event

Create automation & triggers in AC & WebinarJam

Upload replay to Vimeo or Youtube

Measure conversions for sign up page to thank you page

Measure sales conversions from live & replay sessions


A tripwire funnel is a lead generation and breakeven tactic. It’s designed

to attract traffic from organic visitors like Google searches, blogs or
social media, as well as a cheaper source of paid traffic from Facebook

One of the simplest ways to create a tripwire offer is to use product

splintering. This works by taking your main offer and splintering off part
of it to offer as a tripwire product. For example, you might be selling an
educational course that includes written materials, video guides, etc.
You could take one part of the course, such as one part of the written
materials or a useful template, and offer it at a low price as a tripwire
product. Tripwire is usually anywhere between $7 -$47.

Tripwire works because you can easily tell the customer that they have
just purchased one part of the whole package. Their next step can be to
purchase the whole thing and benefit even further. They won’t need to
spend too much on the initial offer, but they will get a taste of the value
that the whole course can offer them.

Once you have decided on a tripwire product, you will need to decide
on your upsell & downsell offers. Your upsell can be in the form of a one-
time offer, a special price that they will only have access to on your
funnel. Be sure to match your tripwire offer well with the core product
that you’re offering.

Customers that don’t convert on the order/tripwire page are followed

up with a cart abandonment sequence. Both via an email sequence
and via remarketing ads on Facebook.


If the customer says no to the upsell, you want to present them your
downsell offer. This allows you to keep them engaged, even if they don't
take the upsell. You might offer them a secondary product that you
want them to consider. Another good option is to offer a payment plan.
And if you're selling a physical product, you could use this offer to sell a
digital version of the product.

You might want to tag your customers based on their purchases,

especially if you are planning on sending them an upsell follow up email
sequence. (You don't want to annoy them by sending a follow up email
for a product they already purchased, right?)

Remember that customers that do convert into a sale are removed

from the sales sequence and cart abandonment sequence. They are
redirected to an upsell page positioning a new product, at a higher
value. This page is a video sales letter and has the ability for someone to
buy with one click. Those that don’t convert to the upsell, through
clicking a link along the lines of “No thanks, I don’t want this offer”, are
redirected to a downsell page. Where we position the same product, at
a slightly different price point i.e. a payment option or reduced features.
Those that still don’t convert are added to an upsell sales sequence via

Some of the metrics you should measure include:

Tripwire conversion rate

Cart abandoned email conversion
Upsell & downsell rate
Cost per customer acquisition
Average customer cart value


Use the checklist below to make sure you’ve got everything you need
in your tripwire page. 

Hook Order bump

Story Order bump copy

Offer Benefits

Promise Testimonials/ Social Proof

Problem CTA

Results Guarantee

Solution Pricing

Stripe/ Paypal integration Footer

2 Step Order Form

Use the checklist below to make sure you’ve got everything you need
in your upsell & page. 

Thank you CTA

Confirmation of purchase Yes link

Hook, Story, Offer No link

Problem we’re solving

Promise to buyers

How they’ll benefit (bullets)

Video sales letter (recommended)

Why this is important and they need it now


Use the checklist below to make sure you’ve got everything you need
in your order confirmation/ delivery page. 

Thank you and confirmation of purchase

Message from company/ welcome video

Summary of purchases

Next Steps (instructions)

What to expect

Link to Fb groups/ social media accounts (optional)



Create email sales sequences

Create video sales letter script (optional)

Record video sales letter (optional)

Build & design tripwire copy

Build & design tripwire page

Create order bump product

Include order bump on order page

Create Cart Abandonment Email Sequence

Create upsell video script

Record upsell video

Create upsell video page

Include “no thank you” link on upsell page

Create downsell video script

Record downsell video script

Create downsell video page

Redirect upsell “no thanks” to downsell page

Create Upsell Offer Email Sales Sequence

Create ActiveCampaign lists, tags & automations

Measure conversions on tripwire pages and upsell page


Nurture Campaign

Nurture campaigns are sent after an optin and when someone

becomes a subscriber. They get subscribers used to opening our
emails and begin to demonstrate value to the subscriber.

It can have more than 3 but is ideally kept around 3 - 5.


Wait 1 hour
> Welcome/ Delivery Email
Wait 1 day
> Ad tag #welcome_series_finished
> Value stack 1
Wait 1 day
> Value stack 2
Wait 1 day
> Value stack 3
> Trigger start
> Tag added #topic_lead_magnet_optin
> Tag added #topic_sales_series_finished

Conversion goal
Increase sales conversion
Increase open rate
Increase click rate


Sales Campaign

The sales campaign is sent after the nurture campaign, or the warm up
campaign is finished.


Wait 2 days
> Sales email 1
Wait 1 day
> Sales email 2
Wait 1 day
> Sales email 3
> Trigger startTag added #topic_lead_magnet_nurture_finished
> Tag added #warm_up_finished

Conversion goal
Generate a sale for a product


Warm Up (re-engagement) Campaign

Warm up or re-engagement campaigns are sent to lists that haven’t

had much interaction in the past. We want to warm up interested
leads, begin to show that we’re in the market and get them used to
opening our emails. This is a long email campaign, with multiple
hooks and angles designed to weed out dead emails and show the
interest levels of live subscribers. Warm up campaigns can also be
used on automation to weed out dead emails on automation over


> Content
Wait 1 day
> Content
Wait 1 day
> Content
Wait 1 day
> Content
Wait 3 days
> Are you there?
Wait 3 days
> Unsubscribe
Wait 3 days
> Final warning
Trigger start
> Tag added unengage/ Unresponsive
> Unsubscribe

Conversion Goal
Increase open rates
Increase click rates
Prepare for sales campaigns


Course Engagement

Course engagement emails are designed to keep course customers

interested, engaged and increase consumption. The goal is to make
sure that anyone who buys, takes the full course and completes it.
Rather than rely on just reminders, it prompts interaction.


Welcome to the program

Next topic
No activity after 24 hours
No activity after 48 hours
No activity after 1 week
Send email updates (new contents, tips, live calls, etc.)

Conversion Goal
Reduce churn
Increase completion


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