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Mathematics- 10
Content Measures of Position for Ungrouped Data
Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of
measures of position.
Performance Standards The learner is able to conduct systematically a mini-research
applying the different statistical methods.
Learning Competencies The learner
a. illustrates the following measures of position: quartile,
deciles and percentiles.
Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
a. define quartile for ungrouped data.
b. calculate the measure of position for quartile.
c. appreciate the importance of finding the quartile for
ungrouped data in real life setting.
Time Allotment and Date 60 minutes, January 20,2020
Sections and Time Grade-10 Copper (9:45-10:45), Grade-10 Brocka (2:00-3:00)
Materials Visual Aids, Markers, and Manila Papers
Resources Learner’s Material

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
I- INTRODUCTION (10 minutes)
Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Review of the past lesson
Based on our past lesson, how will you find the
coordinates of the midpoint of a line segment? By adding the value of the two points in
the segment then dividing them into two
That’s right. Now in this example, what is the
midpoint of the line segment?
x+ y
x ? y

That’s right. Based on the example, the

midpoint also known as the median divides the
line segment into two parts. So what if we have
3 midpoints in a given line segment? How
many parts do we have now? There will be 4 parts ma’am.
Very good. So what do you think is our topic for Quartiles for Ungrouped Data ma’am.
Excellent! Our topic for today is all about the
quartiles for ungrouped data. But before we
start our lesson, let us first read the learning
objectives. (The students will read the objectives)
At the end of the lesson, the learners will
be able to:
a. define quartile for ungrouped
b. calculate the measure of position
for quartile.
c. appreciate the importance of
finding the quartile for ungrouped
data in real life setting.

a. Activity Proper

Okay class, group yourselves. Count from 1

to 3 and then proceed to your respective
groups. (The students will be grouped
Now listen for the instructions. I will give accordingly.)
each group a problem. You will only be given 5
minutes to finish the task. You will write your
answers in a manila paper and paste it on the
board. You will have to choose a
representative to read your answers. Am I
clear? Yes, ma’am.
Before we proceed with the activity, I have
here the rubric that will guide you throughout
the activity.

CRITERIA 1 pt. 2 pts. 3 pts.

Time The group The group The group
Management did not finished finished the
finish the the task task ahead
task on on time. of time.
Cooperation 2 to 3 1 member All
and members did not members
Teamwork did not cooperate. cooperated.
Neatness Messy Clean and Clean and
and workplace orderly orderly
Orderliness during and workplace workplace
after the with at all times
activity. occasional during and
mess after the
during and activity.
after the
Correctness The group The group The group
committed committed answered
2 to 3 1 mistake. all the
mistakes. questions

A group of students obtained the following scores
in their statistics quiz.
8, 2, 5, 4, 8, 5, 7, 1, 3, 6, 9
First arrange the scores in ascending order.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8. 8. 9
Q1/ Q2/ Q3/
Lower Middle Upper
quartile quartile quartile

Middle quartile is also the ____________________.

Observe how the lower quartile (Q1), middle
quartile (Q2), upper quartile (Q3) of the scores are
obtained. Complete the statement below.

The first quartile 3 is obtained by _____________.

(Observe the position of 3 from 1 to 5)
The second quartile 5 is obtained by _________.
(Observe the position of 5 from 1 to 9.)
The third quartile 8 is obtained by ___________.
(Observe the position of 8 from 6 to 9.)

Your 5 minutes starts now. (The students will do the activity.)

Now, the representatives for each group will

read their group’s work. Let’s start with the first
group. (Group 1 representative will present
their work.)
Let’s give 5 claps. Next is the Group 2. (Group 2 representative will present
their work.)
Another 5 claps for group 2. Lastly is the group (Group 3 representative will present
3. their work.)
Thank you Group 3. Give them 5 claps too.

b. Analysis (10 minutes)

So, class how was the activity? It’s fun ma’am.

Did you enjoy it? Yes, ma’am.
Did you find it difficult or easy? At first, it’s difficult ma’am but later we
find it easy.
What makes it difficult? The pattern ma’am.
What makes it easy? It’s easy if we already know the medians
That’s good to hear. So, based on the activity,
what do you mean by quartile? Quartile divides the data into four parts
How were you able to obtain the middle
quartile? By dividing the data into two ma’am.
Since it is stated that the number 5 is
the middle quartile, then we concluded
that the number which is at the center is
considered as the middle quartile.
Very good! Now, how about the lower and
upper quartile? Same with the middle quartile ma’am,
the lower quartile divides the left portion
of the data into two and the upper
quartile divides the right part of the data
into two.
That’s right! So, how were you able to come up
with those conclusions with the given time
limit? Through cooperation ma’am.
Alright! Cooperation is indeed essential in
group activities.
C. Abstraction (15 minutes)

From the activity earlier, you can already

conclude that our new lesson is all about
quartiles. From the word itself, it is already
obvious that the main point is to divide the data
into four (4) equal parts. Thus, we have the Q 1
or the lower quartile which is greater than or
equal to 25%, the Q2 or the middle quartile
which is greater than or equal to 50% and is
also known as the median of the data, and
lastly the upper quartile or the Q3 which is
greater or equal to 75%. The Q2 or the median
divides the data into a lower half and upper
half. The lower quartile is the middle value of
the lower half and the upper quartile is the
middle value of the upper half.
From the activity, since the middle value is 5
then it is the Q2. And since we already divided
the data into two parts, we now have our upper
and lower half. Tracing the lower half, we have
the numbers from 1 to 5 and finding its middle
value we got 3. Same goes with the upper half
wherein we have the number 8 as the middle
value It is easy since we got an odd number of
data so we can already identify the quartiles.
Let us have another example.
Find the median, lower quartile and upper
quartile of the following data.
12, 5, 28, 30, 7, 36, 14, 42, 15, 53, 25
First step is to arrange the data in ascending
Next is to identify the middle quartile. Counting
the number of data items, we have 11. So,
dividing it in half we have the 6th term as our
median. Therefore, our middle quartile is 22.
Finding the lower quartile, we got the numbers
5 to 15 as our lower half. Determining its
median we have the number 12 as our lower
quartile. Same goes with the upper half, we got
the number 36 as our upper quartile.
Do you get it? Yes, ma’am
D. Application

In relation to our topic, how can we use the

method of finding quartiles in real-life setting?
Give an example of its application. We can use the method of finding
quartiles ma’am when we need to divide
something in four equal parts. Like for
example, if we are going to budget our
allowance for four days then we are
going to divide the money equally into
We can also use the method in
determining who will do the chores in
our house. For example if there are 8
members in the family and four
household chores to be done every day,
then we can use the method to
determine who will do the specific task.
That’s right. There are a lot of application of
this topic especially in statistics.
Do you have any questions? None ma’am.
Now, I want you to get a sheet of paper and
answer the following.

III- EVALUATION (10 minutes)

Find the lower, middle and upper quartiles of
the following data sets.
1. There are 15 students who took the Answers:
entrance examination at Cantilan 1. In ascending order.
National High School and their scores 23, 26, 29, 29, 29, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40,
are as follows. 42, 43, 44, 44, 46
44, 42, 40, 38, 46, 29. 34. 29, 39 26, 23. Lower quartile: 29
43, 44, 29, 37. Middle quartile: 38
2. There are students who wants to join the Upper quartile: 43
MTAP- district level competition. In order
to identify who will be the one to 2. In ascending order.
participate, the Mathematics teacher 19 21 22 24 25 26 27 29 31 32 34 38
conducted a preliminary 50-item test. 41 44 45
These are the scores. Lower quartile: 24
24, 38, 44, 34, 27, 32, 31, 29, 41, 25, Middle quartile: 29
22, 19, 26, 45, 21. Upper quartile: 38

Albert has an assignment to ask at random
10 students in their school about their ages.
The data are given in the table below.
Name Age Name Age
Ana 10 Tony 11
Ira 13 Lito 14
Susan 14 Christian 13
Antonette 13 Michael 15
Gladys 15 Dennis 12
1. What is Q1, Q2, Q3 of their ages?
2. How many students belong to Q1, Q2, Q3
in terms of their ages?

Prepared by:
Aileen Mae R. Paraon
BSED- Mathematics

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