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Activity 2.

8 Save
Let's Observe
Every weekend Nita always set aside the allowance that she got to save. He was determined
to be able to save more money in the following weeks. At the end of the first week Nita saved
up Rp.1,000.00, the end of the second week she saved Rp2,000.00, the end of the third week
she saved up Rp3,000.00, and so on she always saved Rp1,000.00, more from the previous
week. look at the amount of money saved by nita at the end of each week.

Let's try
Try to write down the amount of money saved as well as the total amount of Nita savings
each end of the week by completing the table below!

Table 2.7 The amount of money saved and total savings

end of week to money saved total savings

Let's Reason
a. can you count the amount of money saved by nita at the end of the 15th week and the end
of the 16th week? what is the amount?
b. What is Nita's total savings at the end of the 20th week?
c. how do you determine the results in (b)? tell.
d. What is Nita's total savings at the end of the 25th week?
e. how do you get results in (d) if it involves (b)?

Let's ask
Make questions related to the activities you have done above. The following is an example of
a question: What is the relationship between the money saved by Nita and Nita's total savings
at the end of each week?

Discussion and Sharing

do you think maybe we can determine the number of tota; nita savings at the end of the 10th
week if only known money saved at the end of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th week? how do? How
much money does Nita abungan make at the end of the n week? Discuss with your seatmates
and explain the results in front of the class.

Main Information
As explained in the chapter on numbers, it can be seen that the money saved by Nita at the
end of each week forms a sequence of numbers. The amount of money saved by Nita at the
end of each week states the tribe and the line of entry. nita's total savings money at the end of
each week states the sum and the first few terms of the sequence of numbers, hereinafter
referred to as a series of numbers. The sum of the first n terms of a sequence of numbers is
symbolized by Sn. In this case S2 = 3000 expresses the number of the first 2 terms of the
sequence of numbers S3 = 6000 and S4 = 10,000 respectively expresses the number of the
first 3 terms of the number 4 first term of the sequence of numbers.

Let's conclude
The number of the first term n of a sequence of numbers is symbolized by ...
What is a series of numbers? Please answer using your own words.

Activity 2.9 Addition of Terms in Even Numbers

Let's try
Try to write down the amount of money saved as well as the total amount of Nita savings
each end of the week by completing the table below!

Table 2.8 Sums of the first few terms in the even number
Tribe to score number of tribes

a. What is the first 8 terms of the even number?

b. What is the first 10 terms of the even number?
c. How do you determine (b) by involving (a)?

Let's try
If the sum of the first term n is denoted by Sn, then S4 expresses the sum of the first 4 terms
of a row. Now try to add the first 4 terms of the even number.
S4 = ………….
Next try to add the first 4 terms of the even number above by writing the summation form
above in reverse order
S4 = ………….
try to add (i) and (ii) through the following steps by filling in the blanks

4 tribes

Let's Reason
Try to look back at the steps in calculating S4 in the even number above to get the results as
in (iii). Pay attention to the value contained in the part in parentheses. Answer the question
a. Which of the first terms in the even number?
b. if you count the first four terms of the row number, which term is the last term in the
c. what is the last term in the sum of the 4 terms in the even number?
d. You have added the first 4 terms together of an even number. do you think the number 4 in
part (iii) shows what information?

Let's conclude
The number 4 of the first term in the even number sequence is symbolized by .... the
number .... in section (iii) shows the 1st term of the full say line, while the number ...
indicates the 4th term of the even number sequence. the sum of the first terms of the sequence
of even numbers, hereinafter referred to as the even number sequence.
Discussion and Sharing
what are the first 15 terms of the even number? determine the fastest way without the need to
add one by one all the tribes. consider again the steps in calculating the sum of the first 4
terms of the even number above. Discuss with your classmates in order to answer the
question and explain your answer in front of the class

Main Information
For example in an arithmetic sequence, the first term U1 = a, and the difference in the
arithmetic sequence is b. then the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and nth terms can be written as:
U2 = a+b

in general the number of the first term n in the arithmetic sequence can be written as follows:
Sn = …. (i)

the summation form above if written in reverse order, where the last term which is in the
front position and vice versa, then (i) will be the form below:
Sn = …. (ii)

then add together (i) and (ii), so that the following form is obtained:
Sn = ……
n tribe

Let's conclude
From the headline above, what conclusions did you get?
if ... denotes the number of terms in the arithmetic sequence, ... denotes the first term, ...
denotes the nth term of the arithmetic sequence, then the formula for the sum of the first n
terms of the arithmetic sequence symbolized by ... is

Let's Reason
By using the formula Un = a + (n-1) b, prove that the sum of the first n terms of the
arithmetic sequence can be written as follows

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