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Volume 00, Number 00, 2019

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/jwh.2018.7171

Sex Differences in Care and Long-Term

Mortality After Stroke:
Australian Stroke Clinical Registry

Hoang T. Phan, PhD,1,2 Seana L. Gall, PhD,1 Christopher L. Blizzard, PhD,1 Natasha A. Lannin, PhD,3
Amanda G. Thrift, PhD,4 Craig S. Anderson, PhD,5 Joosup Kim, PhD,4 Rohan Grimley, PhD,4,6
Helen C. Castley, PhD,7 Peter Hand, PhD,8 and Dominique A. Cadilhac, PhD4,9;
on behalf of the AuSCR Consortium
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Introduction: There is some evidence that women receive evidence-based care less often than men, but how
this influences long-term mortality after stroke is unclear. We explored this issue using data from a national
stroke registry.
Methods: Data are first-ever hospitalized strokes (2010–2014) in the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry from
39 hospitals linked to the national death registrations. Multilevel Poisson regression was used to estimate the
women:men mortality rate ratio (MRR), with adjustment for sociodemographics, stroke severity, and processes
of care (stroke unit care, intravenous thrombolysis, antihypertensive agent[s], and discharge care plan).
Results: Among 14,118 events (46% females), women were 7 years older and had greater baseline severity compared
to men (29% vs. 37%; p < 0.001), but there were no differences in the four processes of care available across hospitals.
In the whole cohort, 1-year mortality was greater in women than men (MRRunadjusted 1.44, 95% confidence interval [CI]
1.34–1.54). However, there were no differences after adjusting for age and stroke severity (MRRadjusted 1.03, 95% CI
0.95–1.10). In analyses of additional processes from Queensland hospitals (n = 5224), women were less often ad-
ministered aspirin £48 hours (61% vs. men 69%, p < 0.015). In Queensland hospitals, there were no statistically
significant sex differences in 1-year mortality after adjusting for age, stroke severity, and early administration of aspirin.
Conclusion: Greater mortality in women can be explained by differences in age and stroke severity. This
highlights the importance of better management of risk factors in the elderly and, potentially, the need for
greater access to early aspirin for women with stroke.

Keywords: quality of care, mortality, sex difference, stroke

Introduction life.3 Some investigators in the United States and Europe

have found that women receive evidence-based care less
often than men.4,5 However, whether differences in stroke
I n many countries, the total burden of disease attributed
to stroke is greater in women than men.1 Women, in
comparison to men, have also been reported to have worse
care account for differences in outcome between men and
women has not been fully examined.6
outcomes after stroke, including greater mortality,2 worse In our recent meta-analysis of individual participant data
functional outcomes,3 and poorer health-related quality of obtained from population-based studies, women received

Menzies Institute for Medical Research Tasmania, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
Department of Public Health Management, Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
School of Allied Health, College of Science, Health and Engineering, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Australia.
Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, Monash University, Clayton, Australia.
The George Institute for Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW, Sydney, Australia.
Sunshine Coast Clinical School, University of Queensland, Birtinya, Australia.
Neurology Department, Royal Hobart Hospital, Hobart, Australia.
Department of Neurology, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Australia.
Stroke Division, Florey Institute Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.


carotid investigations and echocardiography less often than stroke. For further details, the AuSCR data dictionary is
men.2 Women had 35% greater mortality at 1 year after available online
stroke compared to men. The difference in mortality was Data on processes of care obtained from the AuSCR were
largely due to advanced age, more severe stroke, functional those prioritized as nationally relevant10,12: stroke unit ac-
limitation before stroke, and the presence of atrial fibrillation cess, intravenous thrombolysis, care plan provided at dis-
(AF) in women rather than differences in care.2 Although charge, and being discharged on antihypertensive agent(s).
these findings were insightful, they were limited by the fact Four additional processes of care were collected in the State
that the data on processes of care were scarce and outdated. of Queensland (n = 21 hospitals), including mobilization
There is a need to explore sex differences in care and outcome during admission, swallow screen, aspirin administration £48
in prospectively collected, registry data sets. hours, and being discharged on antiplatelets or antith-
The purpose of this study was to use contemporary data from rombotic medications (ischemic stroke).
the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry (AuSCR) to examine
(1) sex differences in mortality outcome in people admitted to Outcome measurement
hospital with acute stroke in Australia; and (2) identify the
Survival up to 1 year after stroke was obtained from
factors, including access to evidence-based processes of acute
patient-level data linkage to national death registrations un-
stroke care, that may account for any differences in mortality
dertaken by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
between men and women up to 1 year after stroke.
Statistical analyses
Materials and Methods
Statistical analyses were performed using Stata 12.1
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As a nationwide, multicenter, prospective registry, the

(StataCorp).13 All two-tailed p-values £0.05 were considered
AuSCR incorporates standardized methods of data collection
statistically significant.
for important processes of stroke care in Australia.7 In this
Multilevel Poisson modeling, accounting for the hospital
study, we included first-ever cases of stroke admitted to 39
as a unit of patient clusters, with sex-specific person-days of
hospitals participating in the AuSCR between 2010 and 2014.
follow-up entered as an offset, was used to estimate the
This study was approved by the Tasmanian Health and
mortality rate ratio (MRR) for women compared to men at 7
Medical Human Research Ethics Committee (H0015287).
and 30 days, and 1 year after stroke. To assess the role of
Our research proposal was also approved by the AuSCR
covariates on the association between sex and each outcome,
Research Task Group and its Management Committee in
we used purposeful model building.14 Variables were entered
August 2016. Appropriate ethics and/or governance ap-
into the model only if they met all three criteria that defined
provals were obtained for all participating hospitals in
them as confounders14: (1) the covariate was associated with
AuSCR and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare to
the outcomes, p < 0.1; (2) the covariate was associated with
conduct data linkage to the National Death Index.
sex, p < 0.1; and (3) the inclusion of covariate changed the
magnitude of the coefficient for the sex difference in the
Study factors
outcome ([unadjusted b - adjusted b]/unadjusted b · 100%)
Central to the aims of the study was the examination of a by ‡10%. The model-building process was initially under-
wide range of factors assessed in the AuSCR registry that taken for each variable separately, and then adjustment for all
might explain the sex differences in mortality after stroke, significant confounding factors was examined in multivari-
including patient characteristics and care received in hospital. able models. The modifying effect of a covariate on sex
Factors investigated included (1) sociodemographics: age, difference was assessed by a test of statistical significance of
country of birth, state of residence (New South Wales, the coefficient of a sex · covariate product term.
Queensland, Western Australia, Victoria, and Tasmania), and Estimates of the sex differences in mortality after stroke
socioeconomic position determined using the Index of Re- were performed for all hospitals (four indicators) and in the
lative Socioeconomic Advantage and Disadvantage8; (2) Queensland subset that had more detailed information on
stroke-related factors: stroke severity (indicated by walking stroke care (four additional indicators).
ability on admission),7,9 stroke type (ischemic, intracerebral
hemorrhage and undetermined stroke), cause of stroke known, Sensitivity analyses. Multilevel random-effects log-
time from stroke onset to hospital arrival, and whether patients binomial regression, accounting for individual hospital
were transferred from another hospital; (3) discharge infor- clusters, was used to generate the prevalence ratio (PR) of sex
mation: length of stay and discharge destination; and (4) difference in processes of care provided while in hospital and
evidence-based processes of care provided while in hospital. discharge information.
Of note, data on prestroke function were unavailable in the In the relevant subgroups, we examined whether any fac-
AuSCR data set. The ability to walk independently on ad- tors related to processes of care that showed a sex difference
mission was used as a proxy assessment of stroke severity. were confounders of the association between sex and mor-
AuSCR did not collect data on people with subarachnoid tality (Supplementary Methods in Supplementary Data).
hemorrhage.10 Systemic recording of cause of ischemic Some medication restrictions may be appropriate given
stroke known was defined according to the Trial of Org 10172 contraindication or to meet treatment guidelines.12 We took
in Acute Stroke Treatment (TOAST) criteria.11 The TOAST these into account when examining aspirin administration in
classification includes different mechanisms of ischemic the subset of Queensland patients. For those without aspirin
stroke, including large-artery atherosclerosis, cardioembo- £48 hours, we examined whether the person (1) died £48
lism, small-vessel occlusion, and other determined etiology hours, (2) received thrombolysis therapy, and (3) received
(i.e., hemorrhage) that would be applicable to all types of antiplatelet or antithrombotic therapy at discharge.

To investigate the effect of missing data on confounding quartile range 64–84). Based on sociodemographic and stroke-
factors in predictive models, multiple imputations using related characteristics, when compared to men, women were 7
chained equations15 (n = 50 imputations) were performed. years older (median age: 79 vs. men 72 years; p < 0.001), and
Estimates from imputed results based on valid data on out- less able to walk independently on admission (indicating more
come and covariates were then compared with complete-case severe strokes; 28.7% vs. men 37.0%, p < 0.001; Table 1).
results. Sensitivity analyses were used to examine the effect
of excluding earlier deaths after stroke where possible (e.g., 7 Sex difference in processes of care
days), and any differences in patient characteristics or quality and discharge information
of care between Queensland and non-Queensland hospitals
on the results. We also considered a further analysis of the sex There were no statistically significant differences between
difference in mortality among a subset of those with admis- men and women for the provision of best practice stroke care,
sion time £3.5 hours potentially eligible for early thrombo- with one exception. Among the cohort from Queensland,
lytic therapy. We assumed that those presenting at hospital women were less often administered aspirin £48 hours than
£3.5 hours of stroke onset needed about one additional hour men (60.8% vs. men 68.9%, p = 0.015; Table 2). In the whole
for decision processes to occur to be eligible for treatment cohort, when compared to men, women were more often
(£4.5 hours after acute ischemic stroke). discharged to aged care (women 6.8% vs. 3.0%; p < 0.001),
and less often discharged directly home from acute care
(women 34.1% vs. 42.5%; p < 0.001, Table 2).
Sex difference in mortality after stroke
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Overall, there were 14,118 patients experiencing first-ever

stroke between 2010 and 2014, with 81.0% being ischemic and All hospitals. Overall, the case fatality rates at 7 and 30
46.3% female. Median age of stroke was 75 years (inter- days and 1 year were greater for women compared to men
Table 1. Characteristics of Australian Stroke Clinical Registry Registrants for First-Ever
Stroke During 2010–2014 by Sex
Men, n (%) Women, n (%) pa
No. of cases 7580 (53.7) 6538 (46.3) <0.001
Age, median (IQR)b 71.9 (61.6–80.9) 78.6 (67.2–85.8) <0.001
New South Wales 1486 (19.6) 1166 (18.2) 0.304
Queensland 2819 (37.2) 2405 (36.8)
Tasmania 351 (4.6) 296 (4.5)
Victoria 2613 (34.5) 2432 (36.7)
Western Australia 311 (4.1) 239 (3.6)
Born in Australiab 4805 (63.4) 4419 (67.6) 0.005
Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islanderb 103 (1.4) 103 (1.6) 0.606
Socioeconomic statusb
IRSAD1 (most disadvantage) 1411 (18.6) 1154 (17.7) 0.931
IRSAD2 1568 (20.7) 1354 (20.7)
IRSAD3 952 (12.6) 814 (12.5)
IRSAD4 1528 (20.2) 1312 (20.1)
IRSAD5 (least disadvantage) 2119 (28.0) 1904 (29.1)
Stroke-related factors
Transfer from other hospitalsb 1167 (15.5) 873 (13.4) 0.005
In-hospital strokeb 398 (5.3) 376 (5.8) 0.539
Time (minutes) from onset to arrival, median (IQR)c 192 (81–710) 184 (81–642) 0.178
Admission time £3.5 hours of symptom onsetc 3083 (52.0) 2721 (53.4) 0.268
Walking independently at admissiond (proxy for stroke severity)e 2808 (37.0) 1873 (28.7) <0.001
Type of stroke
Intracerebral hemorrhagic 1185 (15.6) 1049 (16.0) 0.434
IS 6174 (81.5) 5270 (80.6)
Undetermined (not including subarachnoid hemorrhage) 218 (2.9) 219 (3.4)
Cause of stroke knownf 3723 (50.5) 3043 (47.9) <0.001
Random-effects multilevel model allowing hospital clustering.
Missing data <1%.
Missing data <22%.
Missing data <6%.
Severe = unable to walk independently at admission; not severe = able to walk independently at admission.
Defined according to the Acute Stroke Treatment (TOAST) classification.
Bold text denotes a p-value < 0.05.
IQR, interquartile range; IRSAD, Index of Relative Socioeconomic Advantage and Disadvantage; IS, ischemic stroke; TOAST, Trial of
Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment.

Table 2. Processes of Care and Discharge Information of Australian Stroke Clinical Registry
Registrants for First-Ever Stroke During 2010–2014
Men, n (%) Women, n (%) p
No. of cases 7580 (53.7) 6538 (46.3) <0.001
Evidence-based therapies
All hospitals
Treated in stroke unit 6256 (82.5) 5257 (80.4) 0.259
Intravenous thrombolysisa 767 (12.5) 632 (12.1) 0.458
Intravenous thrombolysisa (admission time £3.5 hours) 767 (29.8b) 632 (27.4b) 0.181
Discharged on antihypertensives 4818 (70.9) 3945 (70.2) 0.555
Care plan on discharge to community 1828 (53.1) 1368 (51.3) 0.371
Queensland hospital (additional indicators)
No. of cases 2819 (54.0) 2405 (46.0) <0.001
Mobilization £48 hoursc 857 (53.6) 764 (49.0) 0.211
Received swallow assessment £24 hours 1530 (54.3) 1226 (50.1) 0.458
Aspirin administration £48 hoursa 1639 (68.9) 1230 (60.8) 0.015
Discharged on antiplatelets/antithromboticsa 1678 (81.0) 1282 (76.7) 0.442
Discharge information
Discharge destination
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Died in hospital 658 (8.7) 780 (11.9) <0.001

Aged care 225 (3.0) 441 (6.8)
Home 3220 (42.5) 2226 (34.1)
Rehabilitation 2297 (30.3) 2023 (31.0)
Hospitals/other 1180 (15.6) 1068 (16.3)
Length of stay,d median (IQR) days 5 (3–9) 6 (3–11) <0.001
Missing data on evidence-based therapy were assumed to be ‘‘unreceived.’’
Among IS.
Among those with admission time £3.5 hours.
If unable to walk on admission.
Among those discharged.
Bold text denotes a p-value < 0.05.

(Fig. 1). In bivariable analyses (Table 3), significant con- 95% CI 1.34–1.54) (Fig. 2 and Table 4, ‘‘All hospitals’’).
tributing factors to the sex difference in mortality up to 1 year None of the four processes of care available for all hospitals
after stroke were age, stroke severity, and discharge desti- confounded the association between sex and mortality both in
nation (being discharged to aged care). the short and long term after stroke. Older age at stroke onset
In the best fit multivariable model, data were available for in women, compared to men, explained about 50%–76% of
94% (n = 13,304) of 14,114 cases because of missing data on their greater mortality up to 1 year after stroke (MRRage-adjusted
confounding factors. Women were *40% more likely to be 7-day 1.19, 95% CI 1.05–1.35; 30-day 1.15, 95% CI 1.05–
deceased after acute stroke compared to men in unadjusted 1.27; 1-year 1.09, 95% CI 1.01–1.17). Separate adjustment for
analysis (MRRunadjusted 7-day 1.42, 95% confidence interval stroke severity reduced the sex difference by 23%–39%
[CI] 1.25–1.60; 30-day 1.45, 95% CI 1.33–1.59; 1-year 1.44, (MRRseverity-adjusted 7-day 1.24, 95% CI 1.09–1.40; 30-day
1.29, 95% CI 1.18–1.41; 1-year 1.31, 95% CI 1.22–1.40). In
the multivariable final model with adjustment for age and se-
verity, there was no longer a detectable sex difference in deaths
(MRRfully-adjusted 7-day 1.09, 95% CI 0.96–1.24; 30-day 1.07,
95% CI 0.97–1.17; 1-year 1.03, 95% CI 0.95–1.10) (Fig. 2
and Table 4, ‘‘all hospitals’’). There was no evidence of any
statistical interaction between sex and covariates on mor-
tality up to 30 days. Stroke severity modified the sex dif-
ference in 1-year mortality after stroke ( pinteraction = 0.028;
the Interaction Between Sex and Stroke Severity section in
Supplementary Results).

Queensland hospitals. Analyses of additional processes

of care from Queensland patients (n = 5224; Table 4,
‘‘Queensland hospitals, all strokes’’) provided consistent
results with mortality being greater in women than men
(MRRunadjusted 7-day 1.22, 95% CI 0.99–1.50; 30-day 1.26,
FIG. 1. Case fatality rate up to 1 year after stroke among 95% CI 1.09–1.47; 1-year 1.32, 95% CI 1.17–1.49). Age and
women and men with stroke in AuSCR (all hospitals). severity of stroke also contributed to the difference in mor-
AuSCR, Australian Stroke Clinical Registry. tality (MRRadjusted 7-day 0.93, 95% CI 0.75–1.16; 30-day

Table 3. Sex Differences in Mortality up to 1 Year After Stroke in Univariable (Unadjusted)

and Bivariable Models (Adjusting for Single Covariates That Differ by Sex)
7 Days 30 Days 1 Year
(95% CI) (%)a (95% CI) (%)a (95% CI) (%)a
Unadjusted 1.42 (1.25–1.60) 1.45 (1.33–1.59) 1.44 (1.34–1.54)
Adjusted for
age 1.19 (1.05–1.35) 50 1.15 (1.05–1.27) 63 1.09 (1.01–1.17) 76
Born in Australia 1.43 (1.26–1.62) -2 1.46 (1.33–1.60) -1 1.44 (1.34–1.55) 0
Transfer from other hospitals 1.41 (1.25–1.60) 2 1.46 (1.33–1.60) -1 1.44 (1.34–1.54) 0
Stroke severity (unable to walk 1.24 (1.09–1.40) 39 1.29 (1.18–1.41) 42 1.31 (1.22–1.41) 26
on admission)
Cause of stroke known (IS) 1.58 (1.34–1.87) 0b 1.57 (1.40–1.76) 0b 1.55 (1.42–1.69) 0b
Discharge to aged carec 1.47 (0.92–2.34) 16b 1.39 (1.15–1.69) 29b 1.31 (1.18–1.45) 23b
Length of stayc 1.56 (0.99–2.46) -30b 1.63 (1.34–1.97) -4b 1.40 (1.26–1.54) 5b
Aspirin administration £48 hours (IS)d 1.38 (1.02–1.85) 30b 1.31 (1.07–1.59) 26b 1.42 (1.22–1.65) 16b
% Change of coefficient of sex difference between unadjusted and adjusted models was calculated by the formula (unadjusted
b - adjusted b)/unadjusted b - 100.
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% Change was calculated based on unadjusted and adjusted estimates of the relevant subgroup.
Among those discharged only.
Among Queensland hospitals only.
CI, confidence interval; MRR, mortality rate ratio.

0.89, 95% CI 0.76–1.03; 1-year 0.90, 95% CI 0.79–1.01; served difference between men and women receiving early
Table 4, ‘‘all strokes’’). There was no interaction between sex aspirin was attenuated after accounting for age and stroke
and covariates on mortality after stroke up to 1 year in the severity (women:men PR, PRunadjusted 0.91, 95% CI 0.85–
analyses using the Queensland data. 0.98; PRadjusted 0.94, 95% CI 0.87–1.02). In sensitivity ana-
In a subgroup analysis restricted to only patients with is- lyses among those who did not receive aspirin £48 hours, we
chemic strokes (Table 4, ‘‘Queensland hospitals, ischemic also found that slightly more women died within 48 hours of
strokes’’), coupled with age and severity, a lesser proportion of stroke onset compared to men (Supplementary Table S2). In
aspirin administration in women also contributed to the sex addition, nonsignificant sex differences were noted, through
difference in mortality (MRRunadjusted 30-day 1.45, 95% CI which women with ischemic stroke who were not prescribed
1.19–1.76; 1-year 1.50, 95% CI 1.24–1.82; MRRfully-adjusted 30- aspirin £48 hours also did not receive intravenous thrombo-
day 0.87, 95% CI 0.72–1.07; 1-year 0.92, 95% CI 0.75–1.12). lysis or antithrombotics/antiplatelets on discharge as often as
their men counterparts (Supplementary Table S2).
Sensitivity analyses
Contributing factors to sex differences in processes Table 4. Mortality Rate Ratio up to 1 Year
of care. As illustrated in Supplementary Table S1, the ob- After Stroke for Women Compared to Men
with Unadjusted and Multivariable
Adjusted Analyses
Unadjusted Adjusted MRRa
N MRR (95% CI) (95% CI)
All hospitals
At 7 days 13,304 1.42 (1.25–1.60) 1.09 (0.96–1.24)
At 30 days 13,304 1.45 (1.33–1.59) 1.07 (0.97–1.17)
At 1 year 13,304 1.44 (1.34–1.54) 1.03 (0.95–1.10)
Queensland hospitals
All strokes
At 7 days 4803 1.22 (0.99–1.50) 0.93 (0.75–1.16)
At 30 days 4803 1.26 (1.09–1.47) 0.89 (0.76–1.03)
At 1 year 4803 1.32 (1.17–1.49) 0.90 (0.79–1.01)
At 30 days 3536 1.45 (1.19–1.76) 0.87 (0.72–1.07)b
At 1 year 3536 1.50 (1.24–1.82) 0.92 (0.75–1.12)b
Adjusted for age and severity of stroke (severe = unable to walk
FIG. 2. Mortality rate ratio for women compared to men independently at admission; not severe = able to walk independently
(39 hospitals, n = 13,304) at 7 days, 30 days, and 1 year after at admission).
stroke. *Adjusted for age and stroke severity (severe = un- b
Adjusted for age, severity of stroke, and aspirin administration
able to walk independently at admission; not severe = able to £48 hours.
walk independently at admission). Bold text denotes a p-value < 0.05.

Slightly fewer women in the whole cohort appeared to embolic stroke mechanism,25 and AF.26 The relative impor-
receive thrombolysis therapy compared to men, but the dif- tance of these factors to differences in severity between
ference was only apparent when stroke severity was taken women and men remains uncertain4 because stroke severity
into account (women:men PRunadjusted 0.96, 95% CI 0.86– is less often investigated as a separate endpoint. Further re-
1.07; PRseverity-adjusted 0.88, 95% CI 0.79–0.98; Supplemen- search is required to identify potential contributors (e.g.,
tary Table S1). Analyses of a subset of patients (n = 4695; comorbid diseases5 or biologic factors27) to any observed sex
44% being female) potentially eligible for thrombolysis difference associated with stroke severity. Walking ability on
(admission time £3.5 hours) showed that women and men admission has been validated for use as a predictor of out-
were equally given the therapy (PRunadjusted 1.07, 95% CI come and found to be a reliable proxy for stroke severi-
0.96–1.20; PRseverity-adjusted 1.03, 95% CI 0.92–1.14; Sup- ty.7,9However, ability to walk may also reflect pre-existing
plementary Table S1). functional limitations.28 In AuSCR, this variable is used as a
measure for stroke severity and is acknowledged as a global
Multiple imputations and other sensitivity analy- measure of disability that is normally assessed at the time of
ses. Other sensitivity analyses to examine the effect of the admission to hospital.7,9 In AuSCR, data collectors record
multiple imputations to account for missing data (Supple- ‘‘yes’’ if the patient is able to walk independently or with
mentary Table S3), early deaths after stroke (e.g., 7 days; supervision irrespective of use of gait aid (but without as-
Supplementary Table S4), and in a subset of Queensland sistance of another person) at time of arrival to hospital or
hospitals revealed that our findings on the association between within the first 24 hours. AuSCR now also collects the NIHSS
sex and mortality up to 1 year after stroke were robust (Sup- (a 15-item neurologic examination stroke scale used to
evaluate acuity of patients with stroke, and used to determine
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plementary Results and Supplementary Tables S3 and S4).

appropriate treatment or predict/prognosticate likely patient
outcome) score as a direct measure of stroke severity, but
availability of these data at the time of study limited their use
Women, compared to men, had greater mortality up to for the present work.
1 year after stroke in unadjusted analyses. The sex difference Importantly, greater mortality after stroke from women in
was largely attributable to advanced age and more severe Queensland could also be explained by the sex difference in
strokes in women rather than differences in the care provided aspirin administration £48 hours, a treatment that has strong
while in hospital, confirming our previous findings in evidence for reducing poor outcomes after stroke.29 One
population-based studies.2 Findings of this study align with explanation could be the greater presence of AF among
other studies,16–19 through which patients generally received women compared to men, with women therefore receiving
similar care in hospital regardless of their sex, and it is more anticoagulants instead of aspirin.30 Aspirin may be withheld
likely that age and comorbidity, including the severity of for >48 hours in cases experiencing hemorrhagic conver-
stroke, influence the types of treatments received. These sion after ischemic stroke, which may be either spontaneous
findings support the essential need to account for these cov- or occasionally a complication of thrombolytic therapy.
ariates in reporting outcomes in stroke research,20 especially However, there are likely to be a few cases. We were unable
sex-specific findings. to examine these possibilities due to lack of data on co-
Age was the most important factor contributing to the morbidities and prescription of anticoagulant agents.
greater mortality after stroke in women compared to men. Since 2017, the AuSCR recording guidance for aspirin
Older age at stroke onset may explain greater mortality for collection has been modified with further options on reasons
several reasons, including that elderly people usually present for not giving the medication, including contraindications or
with more severe strokes and more comorbidities (e.g., AF, other antithrombotic agents provided. These data would be
hypertension, and diabetes), which are associated with helpful for future studies to further examine the lower ad-
greater fatality after stroke.15 Older adults may not receive ministration of aspirin in women with stroke compared to men.
evidence-based stroke care,21 which may also be associated Although not statistically significant after adjustment, there
with their poorer outcome after stroke or may indicate the was some evidence that women who did not receive aspirin
patients’ and their family’s preference to avoid active treat- £48 hours were not receiving antiplatelets/anticoagulants at
ment as part of end-of-life care. However, the perspectives of discharge (Supplementary Table S1), which is in line with
end-of-life care are rarely recorded in current stroke studies previous observations reporting the underuse of antiplatelets/
and differences by sex have not been explored. Irrespective of anticoagulants in women.31 Another possibility of under-
age or sex, further investigations are needed to identify the treatment in women, given their advanced age when having a
needs of palliative and end-of-life care to provide adequate stroke, is the impact of multimorbidity and polypharmacy in
care and support for patients and their families.22,23 older adults,32 but this is beyond the scope of this article. The
More severe strokes in women compared to men also undertreatment with aspirin may also reflect worse health
contributed to their poorer outcome. The ability to walk at before stroke in women or contraindications to treatment such
admission, in this study, accounted for up to 39% of the sex as allergy, bleeding disorder, or uncontrolled hypertension.33
difference in mortality. These findings are consistent with our Further quantitative and qualitative research must be con-
meta-analysis of population-based studies, through which ducted to explore the reasons behind the undertreatment of
51% of the sex difference was explained by stroke severity aspirin in women and whether there are potential links between
assessed using other instruments (e.g., the National Institute sex, age, and medication prescription decision-making.
Health Stroke Scale—NIHSS).2 This suggests that the sex Although there was no evidence of a statistically signifi-
difference could be attenuated by targeting modifiable factors cant difference between sexes, in the whole cohort, slightly
contributing to stroke severity, for example, hypertension,24 fewer women received thrombolysis therapy than men.

Consistent with previous findings,34 patients with more se- hospitals. For example, according to the National Acute
vere stroke symptoms (unable to walk) were more likely to Audit Report 2015,37 only 58%–67% of patients accessed
receive thrombolysis therapy (16.8% vs. 5.3%, p < 0.001) stroke units (2013–2015) and 7% of patients with ischemic
and, therefore, adjustment for this variable strengthened the stroke received intravenous thrombolysis (2013). The cor-
association between sex and the receipt of thrombolysis responding figures were 80% and 12%, respectively, in the
(Supplementary Table S1). In the present study, there was no AuSCR. Although we found very little difference between
detectable sex difference in the time from stroke onset to men and women in the processes of care in the AuSCR, it
arrival or the proportion of those admitted to the hospital £3.5 is possible that there may be sex differences among non-
hours (women 53.4% vs. men 52.0%; Table 1). However, due AuSCR hospitals. Nevertheless, this is unlikely to sub-
to the high percentage of missing data on admission time stantially affect our conclusion that the sex differences in
(22%, slightly greater for women), it is possible that delayed mortality were mostly explained by advanced age and
hospitalization may play a role in the association between stroke severity rather than a sex bias in stroke care.
female sex and less frequent administration of intravenous The hospital-based design might under- or overestimate
thrombolysis. This could explain the findings that removing the sex difference in mortality compared with population-
the delayed hospitalization reversed the direction of the ob- based studies. This is because women tend to be older, live
served sex difference. In the subset of patients with admission alone38 or reside in an institution at time of stroke onset, and
time £3.5 hours (Supplementary Table S1), slightly more may be less often admitted to hospital than men.39 Among
women were treated with thrombolysis therapy than men and, population-based stroke incidence studies, the admission
thus, the association became weaker after accounting for rate varied by regions and study year, ranging from 79% in
stroke severity. Perth (1989–1990),40 91% in Melbourne (1996–1999),2 to as
Downloaded by Tulane Univ from at 03/23/19. For personal use only.

The data from Queensland accounted for 37% of the entire high as 96% in Adelaide (2009–2010).41 Also, the propor-
sample used in this study (Supplementary Results and Sup- tion of neuroimaging performed during admission among
plementary Table S5). Our findings from the additional in- population-based studies was from 80% in Perth,40 88% in
formation on management of stroke from Queensland Melbourne,42 to 95% in Adelaide.41 The latter figure does not
hospitals may be important to evaluate in the whole registry. greatly differ from that of the national acute audit data from
Since mid-2016, all AuSCR hospitals have been able to ex- 2013 to 2015, through which up to 96% of hospitalized
pand the collection of these processes of care. people with stroke were given a brain imaging with only a 2%
Several strengths should be acknowledged. These analyses difference between urban and rural areas.37,43 These above
are based on a large data set from five states across Australia figures suggest that the selection bias from hospital-based
with a standardized collection to ensure data quality and studies is becoming minimal.
adequate power to test our hypothesis. The possibility of bias
of missing data could be minimized thanks to the linkage of Conclusions
survival status to national death registrations, very low rate of
Women, compared to men, were more likely to be de-
missing data on confounding factors, and minor change in
ceased up to 1 year after stroke in unadjusted analyses. The
estimates from sensitivity analyses through which missing
greater mortality after stroke in women was explained by
data were replaced using multiple imputations (Supplemen-
their advanced age, more severe strokes, and less aspirin
tary Table S3).
administration. These findings highlight the importance of
A number of limitations need to be considered. Some po-
better management for high-risk individuals, including those
tential factors contributing to the sex difference in stroke care
with more severe strokes and the elderly. This study using a
and long-term outcomes of stroke were not available in this
national registry with stroke performance indicators aligned
registry. These include prestroke health, depression after
with current recommendations provides a greater under-
stroke, history of comorbidities, for example, cardiovascular
standing of the sex differences in the quality of care and
diseases, lifestyle behaviors, and poststroke depression. Ex-
outcomes to inform future work to address these differences.
cept for functional limitation before stroke and the presence
of AF, we did not find these above factors were important in a
previous study using data from population-based studies.2 In
future, research will be able to use linked hospital adminis- We acknowledge Joyce Lim, Sabrina Small, Francis Kung,
trative data to obtain comorbidity information (i.e., AF, di- Karen Moss, Steven Street, and Renee Stojanovic from the
abetes, and Charlson or Elixhauser Comorbidity Index) to AuSCR office who contributed to AuSCR operations during
enhance the data available from the AuSCR cohort.35,36 this study period. Staff from The George Institute, The
Women were more often discharged to aged care than men, Florey, and the Stroke Foundation are acknowledged for their
but the difference may be accounted by women’s poorer contributions to patient follow-up. We also thank the hospital
prestroke function, which is reported in previous research.2 staff for their diligence regarding data collection for AuSCR.
Our analyses were limited by the lack of information on Hospital site investigators and data collectors between
whether the patients were living in an institution (i.e., nursing 2010 and 2014 and members of the management and steering
home) or whether they had functional limitations before committees are also acknowledged (see Supplementary
stroke. Appendix SA1 for Collaborators and Contributors). During
The majority of hospitals participating in AuSCR were the study period, AuSCR was supported by grants from
those with well-developed systems of care for stroke. This the National Health and Medical Research Council
might limit the generalizability of the results of the study, (NHMRC:1034415), Allergan, Ipsen, Boehringer Ingelheim,
through which our estimates of in-hospital care processes Monash University, Queensland Health, the Stroke Society
were different from those provided by a wider range of of Australasia, the Stroke Foundation, and consumer

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Address correspondence to:
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