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ACADEMIC OUTLINE INTRODUCTION A wnigne cotutionary strategy for rep: They are photosynteti, wing the ultimate energy nhere singe pl reste ar cll sarap, Pans ower most ‘sowyrioms and at hs estat if cnt Earth, aeons, Flas salplld flats yuuthaaked ai pct ieee? indvideat produces gametes via mitosis Dominant rm in owe plant + Sperophyte ~ Diplo mubiceled individual cats Seas onec a umemleos Plans have developed diferent strateglesfor gamete | | germina vis miosis to produce paneto * ‘produto and fusion pests Dominant form in ihe pln. + Tromorphie AIG ~ Ganctoptst ad spo + Hsogamy—Gametes are equaly moe andof similar |] sie individuals are morphologically ind © sie : fnguehble + Anisogamy — One gamete + Heteromorphie AIG — Gametophyte and is age and te more, Femetts) ate) sporophye individals are morplogcally ‘with utrient reserves, sit ‘hile the other ie smaller aaa and moze motile, wih fe + Oogamy — One gamete is fe ESN Dee e ed sonsmotile an age with 1s Plants on Land large nutrient reserves ‘SEEDS, VASCULAR + Lack vascular ees, Gap, hile the ber is acisgamy + Gametopiyte is dominant, sporophyte nusiionally ‘smaller and motile dependent on gametopyte (sperm) and must ).& a eee + Small live in moist environments; gametes released locate the larger tnt str — 2 DivhlonHepatoptyt Liervcrs) 1 Dinblon Antboctrophyta Homworts) L ymesprme Dios Bryephyte sees) EWN D Plant evolution: Land colonization occured shout 400 SEEDLESS, VASCULAR ‘nya, key from aquatic green algae ancestor + New problems on land: Plans must adapt to living in the ai a nomaquati, dry medium. This presents some problems Sporopnt Obaining water and preventing water loss Transporting Water and mutnents Gas exchange eequires moist). ee Reprodeton when gametes summing teri cametptye —_ lite Footot Tempermure fux of air is more ripid than in Sporn Plant adaptatonssolutions + Chlorophyll A & B, to capture sunlight similar to tren alga cloropyl + Starch storage, for prolonged inactive periods during seasonal variations, + Gamates protected and kept moist inside plant + Stomata (leaf openings) regulate gas exchange * Wi surfaces to prevent excess water loss + Root system to pull in water and nutrients fom soil + Conduction ases to tinsport water, nen and food + Suppor tissues to bate gravity for vertical growsh + All ofthese adaptations have greatly enhanced the ssecess of plants on land ay. Seudles Vascular plants «Possess xylem & poem for wansprt of material. pore is dominant + Evolution of leaf fr efficient ight capa ~ Micropils, megapls (In Botan, the prefixes “miro” and “mega” generally refer to similar strtures in male and female parts ofthe pl respectively) + Division Lycophyta (Club Mosses) ~ Roots present = Leaves preset (micropyls. + Division Pilophyta (Whisk Fens) No roots or leaves. + Division Sphenophyta Horses) Roots present Stems contin sien, Leaves preset (icropyls). Divahn Perot (Fer). = Roots present. Leaves (Fond). = Fronds present (mezaphyls). Fem if history (se fig, below). + Sporopyts, sri, sporangia spores, gametophyte protalius). archeponium with eggs. and Sntberiiam with spec + The Plant Scene (300 mya: Many sees vascular ‘plants and some nomascul plans exhib fash, dese ‘roth, covering lange expanses in Earths sory. + Much of today’ oi, coal and gat deposis were formed by thes plans [alation ofthe “eed” plans + Teresa adspations of sed plans ‘Gamelophytesproaced in moist sporphyt repredtve tates Pitan rand summing spam deer age = The seed evolved = dormant embryo with rounding nutrients protected from sviron- ‘mental conditions. Seeds replaced spores as “ispertal agent using win Wate animal + The seed fertlized ez nie anole “ Imegumentmezasporagium > mesaspore “pametptyte"=> eae sperm. SI “Tho sporephyis| Beare NED erophyl Evolution EA A (rm vase! onc Lt I branching ses a Evolutlon Main as of stm ack Meganhyts losing ot te rane Sytem ME) Mormon tone estates oot = ant fs, = (ON (PE = NE oemsentena En eoohmen town” resinous + Sporophyte dependent on gametopivte(.,Dryophytes) + Large sporopiyte and small, independent gametophyte (eg ferns) + Reduced gametophyte dependent on sporophyte (sed plants) gymnosperms sngiospems) + Most plans are angiosperms and thus produce flowers with both male and female reproductive + Flower anatomy + Sepals, petals > Stamen (Male Portion): Aner, lament Pst (Carpel, Female Portion): Stigma tv ovary, ovale The pis Si as mere spore ‘he stamen eran: + Angiosperms have dominated the plant scene since the demise of dinosaurs and_ many gymnosperms (Cenozoic era, 65 mya present) + Seed in a protective contains or ctyedon, + Anplsperm ie cycle: | | | ‘Microspore mather cell > microspores - pollen grin (male gametophyt) which includes tube cell and generative cell (perm), (Megaspore mother coll > megaspre > emboo sae with 7 ells and 8 nace (Female sametophyte) Fees. ‘Two sperm move through the pollen ube ant engage in a double fertilization (where one sperm fases with the ego form a zygotlembryo, andthe ‘ther sperm fuses with a large, central cell to form | | endosperm nutrient reserve fo the embryo) ui it fan produce it irs leaves and begin photosya- thes. + Pollination and fertiization ecur within hours to dys, making angiosperms quick reprodacers ‘compared to gymnosperms + Flowers ensure pollination by insets, birds and mammals ~ Flowers and poliatorsco-evelve. + Seed dispersal Important because plans may drop seds close by, bt new individuals will possibly compete with pret plants = Wind, water and animals are common dispersal agent Fruits can enc anima to aid in disperse + ruts ~ ripened ovary (eee ig). | + Monocots and Dicots ~ two major groups of angiosperms (ee fig for differences). | ~ Monocots include grases, orn, sugar cane, palm | tees, ies and rch. = Dicosinlide most tee, vines, shrubs and ect ~ + Dominant plant when dinosuars ruled (Mesozoic er, 220 65 aya). + Do not produce lowers, + Ovulesseeds exposed + Division Cycadophyta ‘Slow-growingpalmelike tees found rimanlyn topics and sb-opica + Dison Ginkgophyta Only one ving membee Ginkgo biloba (common dit Spplement) + Division Gactopints Te a am oT] = Chooeet living relatives of angioaperis fetengrasngmse cones | MEIOSIS G8metophyte() — ©» Drag epdsn xiginaly derived fom hi plan Germinaing pol ; produ plonwewe| = Cells resemble xylem vessel cells of Toveech ne oo9 Ses oe YY ears ee ; 7 Piel ore ks Srabanis een Se ceen ree pclae ci eee ae ees ee atom Ecrais pes igane wel lose pollen lands on ora cone = Pollen cone, = microstobilus with mirosporpyils = The proces ro pollination o fertilization can take over & year. which proved slow nce the angiosperms evolved. eroepre 0) Polen mehr tet) Functional S-ncleate rmegaspore (embryo sac treataenae) \ ; it Germination emery (2n) [Mia ee + Plant needs and solutions: + Leaves - Colleton and conversion of solar energy + Stems - Positioning and support of leaves, Roots - Anchorage and absorption. + Vascular system ~ Transport tary bud Shoot tp (rm! Bu) ‘Young eat Pires + Epidermi + Cettalose-base ell walls for support and prowth toward sunlight + Epldermis. + Dicots with cortex and pth separated by ving of vascular bundles + Monocots with ground tise, with catered vascular bundles. Fang of vacear Bunches dives. ‘round tscue mo ‘nen and pt + Cuticle with wax to resist desiccation (produced by epidermis) + Guard calls with stomata to regulate gas exshangs, + Mesophytt Phocosynihee layer. * Dicots with plisade and spongy layers; monocots with one layer + Vein - Vascular bundle for ansport of material ‘nth etargement oa vascular ‘uate snewn to the nah ‘raravorsesecton of a stom. wih enlargement of avascular ine shown tothe ght met ‘the endoderm'o the coer ‘tthe root + Epidermis- Has root hairs fr increased absorption ares for waterminerals + Cortex, + Endodermis - With casparian wax strips. * Stele = Central cylinder with vascular tsucs inside reaching the endodermis. Casparan strips prevent water from. passing ‘benween endodermal cells. Thus, water i forced through the cell membranes symplastically where itis fered before reaching the vascular tissues within the stele In this way, potentially harmful substances might be removed bythe sclecvely-permeable membranes ofthe endodermal ells Seas ° PLANT DEVELOPMENT Ee “thats Ta, hello dend se NET Sess ene ena A - cunts — itll Seo Eel eae pice! Merstem mie + ral tr gual per. See tube member (emer) LEE 1 pecsrptnn bedi big rp ok rca memes ne pee ae er epoen le fester see eee ar oe + Downer growth Es Tailor poco Siena Geavtropinn = Pint ve vapoue fo per ate Mine ese es ‘oe oe é rEaeee + Metacnate taco ll ~ Bact togen and re bousedn root modes to suply [omen fel plan ar “Tree Primary Meristoms: “frilize," thus allowing the plant to thrive, even in soils that J] germ tisues of animals), ee Sieeaiese en + ayer aaa een Mom pat toy have mn nccnton between tr ot aad in pln bgt tee fing ihe soil Tis aseiton, or myorhzac, ical in | 9] * Lateral meristem siding watrminrl pt by te plant ~ Responsible for increase Vasouar Cok inpatient Seca et + Tes prtary meristem VEGETATIVE (asexual) REPRODUCTION Protoderm - Epidermis. Plants typically produce new Grond section ee ae aad Coat oe ee / aeene tices gr Procambier = Vela (tpt int te iment ba bende wih aye end phloe Gnamarsaesaie Fotage leaves Asexual Reproductive Modes of Flowering Plants | Mechentom "Representative ____Charsctarteics Vegetative reproduction modified stems Funner(stoion) Stabe ‘New pans ree at nagee on an found hangar sem We plas arise at nos ‘Giadoue ‘New plant arses rom aslary aden shor, ick vical Uergfeund stem Poa New shoots rise om ‘ary bees on tubers (enlarged ps of senaer ‘Stdrgrouna raisons). Grn ‘Now bulb arees fem aTary Budon shor underground ‘Grange Wes, Embryo develops without rose" ‘volngr or entertain (eg. trom urverizea, haplon eggs or develops crenata “Be pia ‘can New plant nduced i wee trom got of paront pte tht, Ienot roverabiy atferested + Vascular eambium Produces xylem svar and phlgem outward + Cork cambium - Cork, + Wood it produced rom aslem 6) — Annual rings (fg) = Heartwood vs. sapwood (se fig). += Heartwood - Clogged xylem, ttle water anspor, ~ Sapwood - Newer xylem, e-ling water anspor. + Bark is produce fom phloem, cork cambium, cork ~ Lentcels are cracks in the bark wo fait gas exchange = "Girding plans" or cuting a horizontal band around the clscumference ofthe plant, can be deadly because the vascular ‘ambi, in which nutrients and water tel verily, cane damaged. Lawn equipment (especially weed whackers) is tata source ofthis kindof plant damage, + Exchange and Transport Plants obtain gases, nations, minerals and water va internal ‘uid (Gas exchange stomata, 10, entices Internal ransport—xylem and phloem. «= Fluids move in xylem via adhesion, cohesion, evaporation and + Theories of upward movement: = Capiltary action - Some water moves up smal scuba cells rurally, ~ Root pressure» Solts inside the rot tsues daw some vvater up Transpiration pall (cohesion-adhesion-ension)—The main motive force for transporting water up to the top of a plant (sometimes several hundred fet ~ Essentially, as water evaporates from the leaf surface, the cabesve and adhesive properties of water pull water molecules from below, establishing water tension/pressure. One ravback is it requires los of water from the plant. In dry conditions ot arid environments, this water loss for vertical transport canbe eicl to plans ~ thus, a replenishing water supply inthe oot vital. + Fluid movement in phloem (ee fi) Mee OS = Sugars produced by the leaves via photosynthesis must be istibuted o the rst of the plant. Gravity can ait this basically downvard movement However, geting the sugars into the cells ofthe phloem requis energy (2 ative anspor, Sometimes, large quunities of sugarvstrch are stored in special vepstative structures (ete) ern Preem 4 ‘Zarmee erfunpamnbcontn man ny fe beat ee ce eer as (Gouee of suse) ‘CREDITS PRICE ‘Author: Randy Brooks, PhD. US. $6.95 = Layout: Dale Nibbe ie TS8N-13:978-157222562-6 ISBN-10:157222562-9 ANAL iii oneepescee free downloa: . RTGS les at ain lls 46 141205 62lll (enor sucrose) ‘Compann eo (© Water —e osmosis of water (© Sucrose > active transport of sucrose

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