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Jodi Thompson PSII Practicum


Grade: 4 Math Lesson Title: Multiplying 3x1 digit – Distributive property

February 22, 2021

Overview of lesson

Today the students will begin learning about multiplying 3-digit by 1 digit numbers. We have been doing 2-
digit by 1 digit so this will be similar to the last sections. The class will begin with a which one doesn’t belong
opener, a review of multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit numbers and then we will learn a method for multiplying 3-
digit by 1 digit numbers. The students will then complete another worksheet on multiplying 3-digit by 1-digit.

BIG IDEA  Multiplication and division facts to 100 (introductory

 Development of computational fluency and computational strategies)
o Using flexible computation strategies (eg:
multiplicative thinking requires analysis of decomposing, distributive principle,
patterns and relations in multiplication and commutative principle, repeated addition)
division  Using multiplication and division in real-life contexts
and problem based situations
 Increasing and decreasing patterns, using tables
and charts

Learning Resources / Material & Equipment used

- Which one doesn’t belong opener

Lesson Procedures (40 minutes)

Introduction (10 minutes)

Students should be seated at their desks with a pencil and a white board marker if they choose to
follow along with what I am doing on the board.
Remind the students that their pencils and markers should be on the table (not drawing). They do not
need them for the explanation of today’s activity or the number talk so they should not be touching
them until they are instructed to do so.

Which one doesn’t belong

 Review with the students how these work – we have done these multiple times
 Explain how Which One Doesn’t Belong (WODB) – these will typically take 5-10 minutes at the beginning of class.
o This should be a review as we have done these before
 WODB are thought provoking puzzles that have no answers provided and there are many different correct ways
of choosing which one doesn’t belong.
o There will be a WODB posted on the board, the students will have a chance to look at the image and see
Jodi Thompson PSII Practicum
which one doesn’t belong. When they have an answer they can put up their hand and share it with the
o Remind students that there is not one single answer for these, if they can justify why one doesn’t belong
then it works.
 It is important that students put up their hands if they want to share so that the other students have an
opportunity to think quietly and come up with an answer before they are all shared by quicker students.
 When the students have had a chance to think of some answers (their hands will be up close to their chest so
that they are not distracting others) allow them to share their ideas.
o Have students share which one doesn’t belong as well as their reasoning for its difference.

Body (30 minutes)

Gather the students’ attention and when they are listening without drawing, writing or playing with
their pencils etc. Review last week’s strategies that we learned for multiplying 2-digit by 1 digit
Explain all of the work that the students will be doing before they go and do it. This will keep the
students who finish the worksheet early busy instead of them all asking what they should do when
they are done.

Review of Last week’s strategies

o On the board work through an example of each of the multiplication strategies that we have learned for
multiplying 2-digit by 1 digit numbers. The students are welcome to follow along with their white board markers
if they are following with what I am doing – they should not be drawing or writing anything else.
o Work through each of these strategies – write a problem on the board and have the students try to solve it. We
will then go through it as a class and the students can see if they were correct or not.
o Strategy 1: Cluster method
o Break the 2-digit number into numbers that the students know to multiply 12 can be broken into 10+2
(expanded form)
o Then multiply one of those expanded form numbers by the smaller (1-digit) number. In the example
below 10x9=90
o Multiply the second expanded form number by the one-digit number. In this example 2x9=18
o Once you have the product of the two expanded form numbers add them together. 90+18=108.

o Strategy 2: Box method

Jodi Thompson PSII Practicum
o This method is similar to the cluster method
o Draw the box with two boxes side by side.
o Write the smaller number on the left hand side of the box.
o Break the larger number (2-digit) into numbers that we know to multiply and write each of them on the
top of the box.
o Multiply the smaller number by one of the expanded form numbers and write it in the box below the
expanded number. Do the same for the other expanded form number.
o Add the two numbers inside the box together – this will be the product of the 2-digit by 1-digit equation.

o Strategy 3: Regrouping method

o Start by writing the equation with the larger number on top of the smaller number if it is not like that
o First multiply the smaller number (on the bottom) by the ones of the larger number. Write that number
below the ones column, if there is a ten it will be carried over to the top of the tens column.
o Multiply the bottom number by the tens of the top number. Add the remaining numbers that were
carried over. Write that number below the tens column.

Explain that multiplying 3-digit by 1 digit numbers is very similar to multiplying 2-digit by 1-digit just with a few extra steps. We can use
the same methods to multiply larger digits by 1-digits.

Work through an example of using the box and the regrouping method.
o Box (see example below)
o Draw the box – this time it will have 3 boxes instead of 2
o Write the smaller number on the left side of the box and break the larger number up into hundreds, tens and ones.
These will be written on the top of each box.
o Multiply the number on the left by each of the numbers on the top
o Add the three number in the box

Jodi Thompson PSII Practicum
o Regrouping (see example below)
o Write the numbers on top of one another, lining up the ones.
o Multiply the ones together, write the one under the ones and carry any tens
o Multiply the smaller number by the number in the tens position – add any numbers that were carried over. Write
the “ones” on the tens position and carry the “tens”
o Multiply the smaller number by the hundreds position number – add any numbers that were carried over. Write the
number under the hundreds position.

o As we work through these examples the students can follow along with their white board markers.

Explain the distributive property method for multiplying 3 digit by 1 digit numbers
o As we work through these examples the students can follow along with their white board markers.
o Split the large number up into hundreds, tens and ones
o Multiply the smaller number by the hundreds, by the tens and by the ones
o Add each of these products together

Write some examples on the board and have the students try to solve them in whatever way they choose
o as they work on these walk around the classroom and assist where necessary
o When the students look like they understand what they are doing they can work on the worksheet for multiplying 3-digit by 1-
digit numbers

Hand out the worksheets to the students – there are two students with jobs of handing out this week. They can hand out the
worksheets to each student.

The students can start their worksheet as soon as they get it.

Set the noise monitor on the board so that the students know they should be working quietly and not disrupting other students who
need a quiet work space. The students know that when they successfully stay under the noise monitor for the whole class they get a
point on the board. Once they reach 20 points they will receive some sort of reward.

Jodi Thompson PSII Practicum
Help the students work through their worksheet. If there are students who finish this in the class time they can make sure that they
have no other worksheets that need to be done.
There are some students who missed classes last week, these students may need extra help solving these questions – work with them
to answer the questions and help them understand this multiplication.

The students who struggle with multiplication can use the multiplication chart in their agendas to help them with their basic facts.
Closure/ Reflection (5 minutes)
Gather the students’ attention, when they are listening and not touching anything on their desk (not drawing, writing, playing with their
pencils) explain the exit slip to the students

Exit slip
o Each student will be given a small piece of paper
o Write a multiplication (2-digit by 1-digit) on the board and have the students solve it in whatever way they choose (one of the
three methods we have learned)
o 42x5
o They should be silent while doing this as it is a formative assessment of what each student knows and there is no need for
them to be sharing with each other – this will give me a better understanding of whether the students understand 2 digit by 1
digit multiplication or if they have been copying their classmates worksheets
o When the students have finished solving their question they can hand in their exit slip to me and quietly clean up their desk
for snack time

Note: students can use their agendas to help them with the multiplication facts that they do not have memorized yet

Professional Reflections: (of the lesson) What went well? What needs modification? This is not the final
reflective essay, however contents of this reflection could be used in your reflective essay.

Jodi Thompson PSII Practicum

Jodi Thompson PSII Practicum

Jodi Thompson PSII Practicum

Jodi Thompson PSII Practicum

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