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Amaru Monroy Higuera

phone: (57) 305 4810430


Social Work (February 2019 – September 2019)

About me he social work was carried out in the glass museum, where I
learned with my colleagues to understand and observe the
I am a person who relates very easily with
entire process of making glass that this brings, from its
others, where I learn to the attitudes of
each one; I am very collaborative and I do history, methods of use, among other things, getting to
everything possible to provide help to understand all aspects related to this in a practical and
those who need it consistent, this process lasted 62 hours in total
I have done sports courses, from soccer, tennis,
swimming, skydiving and basketball throughout my
life, being in these about 2 years and in some made
them at the same time - In the two commercial establishments of clothes and
accessories (Zara and Pull and Bear), the treatment in
the beginning was totally normal, in addition to being a
Courses minor in this genre that did not present
inconveniences before the respect and prudence in
- Environmental acting, in each one lasts about 2 months, since it made
management Skills
- Topographic
- I have great skill in graphic design, along with making
P e-r s oItalian
n a l language
any drawing, whether a landscape in detail, even a
Campos Morera person.

Occupation: Student - In sports activity I stand out in volleyball and basketball,

Phone: 3193219120 where in the last one I participated in different
tournaments at the Bogota level.
Juan Fernandez
Occupation: Teacher
Ave Maria School (2015 to 2020)

Phone: 31544567890
High school
Email address.
Familiar References Sena (40 hours)


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