BSBRSK501 - Activity 3

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BSBRSK501 Manage Risk V1.

Course Details

Course Name Diploma of Hospitality

Unit(s) of competency

Unit Code (s) BSBRSK501 Manage Risk

and Names

Assessment Details

Term and Year T4 2018 Time allowed

Assessment No Ass 2 Assessment Weighting


Due Date 30/10/18 Extension (if approved)

Re-Assessment Details

Term and Year Time allowed

Assessment No Re-assessment Fee Paid?

Assessment Type

Due Date No Extension

Student Details and Declaration

Student Name Patrick Morelli

Student ID 201861750 Trainer/Assessor’ Anthony Broad

s Name

Student Declaration:
a. I declare that the work submitted is my own and has
not been copied or plagiarised from any person or
Signature: _PMorellli___________
b. I have not submitted any part of this assignment
previously as part of another unit/course. Date: ____06__/__11____/_18___
c. I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to
Trainer Resource: Risk Management Version 1.2 © Reece Thomas, 2016
BSBRSK501 Manage Risk V1.2
complete the assessment tasks.
d. The assessment process including the provisions
for re-submitting and academic appeals were
explained to me and I understand these processes.

Assessment Outcome - To be completed by the Assessor

Assessor’s Name Anthony Broad

Results Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Marks:

Due Date:
eligibility Yes No

This assessment First Attempt 2nd Attempt Late Penalty__________

Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements:





Student Declaration: I declare that I have been Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have
assessed in this unit and I have been advised of my conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible
result. I am also aware of my right to appeal and the assessment with this student, and I have provided
reassessment procedure. appropriate feedback

Signature: __________x__________________ Student did not attend the feedback session.

Feedback provided on assessment.
Date: __6__/__11___/___18__
Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

Trainer Resource: Risk Management Version 1.2 © Reece Thomas, 2016

BSBRSK501 Manage Risk V1.2





Student Declaration: I declare that I have been re- Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have
assessed in this unit and I have been advised of my conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible
result. I am also aware of my right to appeal. assessment with this student, and I have provided
appropriate feedback
Signature: ____________________________
Student did not attend the feedback session.
Date: ____/_____/_____ Feedback provided on assessment.

Signature: ____________________________
Date: ____/_____/_____

****************************** End of Cover Sheet *****************************

Assessment Activity

Course: Manage Risk

Trainer Resource: Risk Management Version 1.2 © Reece Thomas, 2016

BSBRSK501 Manage Risk V1.2

STUDENT NAME Patrick Morelli






I have received the Assessment Feedback on____________________________ (DATE)




Version Date Author Comments

1.2 8th August 2016 Reece Thomas ▪ Original


Assessment Overview Format: Short Answer Responses

Trainer Resource: Risk Management Version 1.2 © Reece Thomas, 2016

BSBRSK501 Manage Risk V1.2

Total Marks Students undertaking this assessment must

demonstrate competency as per the Training Package
or accredited course requirements, guidelines and rules.

Academies Australasia Polytechnic’s VET Programs

observes the following grading scheme for the below

Competency based assessment is a process where an

assessor works with you to collect evidence of
competence, using the benchmarks provided by the unit
standards that comprise the national qualifications.

Time Allocated Trainer Discretion



1. Define the terms ‘Risk’ and ‘Associated Risk’?

Risk in a workplace is the probability of an hazard result in injury or financial

Associated risk are changing in legislation, new policies, procedures or systems
update, but also in humane resources like staff changes.

Trainer Resource: Risk Management Version 1.2 © Reece Thomas, 2016

BSBRSK501 Manage Risk V1.2

2. Define the ‘Risk Management’ process? 

The risk management process start with planning of procedures to control risks,
then, with identifying and reporting, we can implement an existing risk control
measure. With monitor and control of outcomes we can insure organisational

3. Identify and explain two (2) elements of risk

Staff changes: if new staff is not trained enough, that can influence the service
and create a complain.

Wet floor: if not properly signed after cleaning, can cause falls and injuries.

4. Explain the general ‘risk contexts’ in an organization, small business or

enterprise of your choice?

In order to develop a risk management strategy, an organisation must begin by

establishing the risk context. The risk context should take into account both the
internal and external set of circumstances or rules within which the organisation
is operating. Creating a proper risk context can help an organisation to create an
appropriate risk action plan. 

5. Explain each of the key steps in the risk management process?

Identify the risks: financial, technical, external or organisational risk..etc

Assess and analyse risk: gives scale of priority to the risk and find the motivation
behind it.
Action plan: risk planning formulates strategies with the informations from the
risk analysis.
Track and report: monitor the progress of the action plan, acknowledging all the
members of the risk.

Measure, control and monitor: keep the process update and and working.

Trainer Resource: Risk Management Version 1.2 © Reece Thomas, 2016

BSBRSK501 Manage Risk V1.2

6. Explain how can you identify potential areas or sources of risk within an

To identify areas of risks in an organisation we need to analyse data and find

issues that could create risks in to the business, consulting
analysing, monitoring and reporting all the risks possible.

7. This year your company’s sales decreased by 25% compared to last year.
Draw a Fishbone diagram to identify probable causes of this sales decrease.

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BSBRSK501 Manage Risk V1.2

People (less customers)

Prices (food too expensive)
policies (outdated)
process (inefficient)

=> low sales

8. Explain how can you assess the likelihood of risk?

Rare: in exceptional circumstances.

Unlikely: sometimes between 6 months and one 1 year.
Moderate: sometimes monthly.
Likely: weekly
Almost certain: daily

9. Explain how you could assess the ‘impact’ of risk?

Insignificant: negotiable action.

Minor: remedial action.
Significant: immediate action to minimise the risk.
Major: immediate action to minimise the risk.
Severe: immediate action.

Trainer Resource: Risk Management Version 1.2 © Reece Thomas, 2016

BSBRSK501 Manage Risk V1.2

10. Define and provide an example of the term ‘risk treatment’?

Risk treatment is a step in the risk management process.

Depending from the nature and the type of the risk, it can be removed, avoid,
reduced, transferred or accepted.
For example if the carpet makes people trip over it needs to de removed and
maybe substitute with another with better characteristics.

11. Explain each of the following risk treatment strategies:


don’t proceed with the activity for the unacceptable risk, change of activity with
alternative process.


identify quickly and control the risk


implementing a strategy to reduce the consequences to the risk to an acceptable



transfer the risk to someone aware and agree to accept this obligation.

Trainer Resource: Risk Management Version 1.2 © Reece Thomas, 2016

BSBRSK501 Manage Risk V1.2

after being identified and evaluate, the risk will not treat this time.


the risk is documented so a record is available for future references.


to lessen any negative consequences or impact of the risk

12. Define the term ‘legislation’ and how it could affect your role as a manager

A manager must ensure the health and safety to all workers and people in the
establish. WHS laws require employers and all the other work place parties to
consult and and cooperate in the management of the work place risks, to protect
who may be at risk.

13. Explain the term ‘code of practice’ and how they may affect your role as a

A code of practice provides detailed information on how you can achieve the
standard requires under the WHS laws. Managers have duty of care in the
circumstances described in the code.

14. What are the ten (10) principles of risk management (the 10 P’s)?

Trainer Resource: Risk Management Version 1.2 © Reece Thomas, 2016

BSBRSK501 Manage Risk V1.2

product of service

15. Outline three (3) different mediums you can alert people to potential hazards,
risks and associated risks in the workplace.

Sings - Like ‘hot’, ‘wet floor’ …

Instructions - on new machinery or equipment
Alarm - like for fire

16. When determining the ‘level of risk’ within an organization, where would you
source your information from?

We can use a risk table, outlining the chance that the risk occur and the
consequences of it.

17. Outline a strategy that you could implement to interest people / employees in
WHS legislation.  Additionally be sure to detail how you would maintain the
currency of information provided.

To implement the interest of employees in WHS legislations we need to evaluate

and integrate training programs introducing role plays, videos and interactive
participation of the viewers.
To evaluate the success of the control strategy we can compare the injuries,
accidents and the reports of complain and so evaluate the effectiveness of the

18. Outline a strategy that could be used to ensure participatory arrangements

are established and maintained with employees and their representatives within
a small business.  Be sure to include how you would document this process and

Trainer Resource: Risk Management Version 1.2 © Reece Thomas, 2016

BSBRSK501 Manage Risk V1.2
make the information available to all employees to ensure you meet legislative
In a small business, like a caffe o restaurant, to ensure that employees maintain
the arrangements of the WHS and risk management process, check lists on
health inspections has to be made; first ID standardly checked; fire alarms and
any machinery checked and ready to use.

19. Outline the ‘Hierarchy of Control’ of risks, explaining how its impact on
suggested control measures.
Eliminate (remove the hazard)
Substitute (replace the hazard with a less hazardous one)
Isolate (by-pass the hazard, outlining it)
Administrative (give instruction and information about the hazard)
PPE (protection from the hazard)

20. Provide three (3) examples of different relevant ‘risk insurances’ available

Workers compensational insurance (cover disability, medical treatments …)

Property insurance (cover all the assets of he business

Life insurance (protect the person as individual against death and repay the

21. Describe each of the following legislation, acts and codes of practice

‘Duty of Care’

Obligation to ensure safety to others. Ex: employers to employees

 ‘Company Law’

Studies how different community interact with one another (like employers and
creditors or directors to investors) with associated laws.

‘Contract Law’

Agreement between private parties creating mutual obligations enforceable by


Trainer Resource: Risk Management Version 1.2 © Reece Thomas, 2016

BSBRSK501 Manage Risk V1.2
‘Environmental Law’

Regulates impact of humane activities on the environment.

‘Freedom of Information’

Gives to every member of the community to the right to access to official

documents of the Government (Freedom of Information act 1982)

‘Industrial relations law’

Employers and employees have certain obligations or duties to each other under
common law and their accompanying regulations.

‘Disability Legislation’

Protect and equal promote people with disability a work place (Disability
Discrimination Act 1992)

Morelli Patrick 201861750

Trainer Resource: Risk Management Version 1.2 © Reece Thomas, 2016

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