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Lesson 8: From Trial To Triumph

“There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and that man was blameless
and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil.” Job 1:1

Looking Forward
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
 Recognize that Job trusted in God even though he could not see or understand His will.
 Understand that Satan, not God, is the author of all suffering and evil in the world.

The Portal

Where is this man facing? Explain your answer.

Explain here:

Guide Questions:
What have you observed in the picture?
Why is it that there are things we see differently from the reality?

Just like in the picture above, there are things in the world that shows that sometimes
things look different to us than they really are. Some would say it face right, others say it’s
facing front, others two believed that its both simply because reality says that the image was a
work of illusion. Therefore, it is fair to say, that the goal of the artist is just to make our minds
In this lesson, it talks about a situation that looked different than it really was. Let us go
and witness the life of Job. The life that is filled with trials but he maintained a life of praise. Can
you smile and sing in pain?
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The Journey

Now, there was a day that the sons of God will present themselves before their Maker. Among
them was Satan, who assumed himself as the representative of earth. God saw Satan, and in a
few moments, God proudly presents Job, a man that is blameless and faithful to God. Satan
argued with God. Telling him that Job was only faithful because God gave him everything he
needs. But if God will take it, Job will show his true colors. And so, God allowed Satan to prove
himself by allowing him to take everything from Job, except his life.


After the talk with God, Satan immediately went to Job and took everything from him. In
series of flash news, servants came to Job, one after the other. They reported to Job very bad
news. One servant came and said that Job’s oxen and servants were killed by the Sabeans.
While the first servant while still speaking, another servant came with another bad news. This
time, the flocks of sheep, the servant said that a fire came down and burned all the flocks
together with the servants, and he was the only survivor.
As the second servant spoke, another servant came with another bad news. This time,
time the camels. The servant said that they were attacked by three bands of Chaldeans and
took all the camels and killed all the servants. Once again, the one who reported was the only
one who survived. Yet, another servant came. This time, the news struck the heart of Job, for
his children, while having a feast in the house of the eldest son, a mighty wind came and struck
the house and collapsed. All of Job’s children died in an instant.
Job was overwhelmed by the series of reports he received. He then arose and tore his
robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped God. God gives and He takes
away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Satan took everything from Job, but Job never stop
worshipping God. Here, Job did not sin.


Another meeting happened in heaven, where the sons of God present themselves
before Him. Again, Satan came and God told Satan that His servant, Job, remained faithful
even all his possessions were taken away. Then with tone of discontent, Satan said, “Skin for
skin! All that a man has he will give for his life…touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse
You to Your face” (Job 2:4, 5). Again, God allowed Satan to touch Job, except his life.
So, Satan came and struck Job with painful sores. From the tip of his head, down to the
soles of his feet, were full of sores.
Job cannot find comfort in all his
positions. It was all pain, yet, Job
remained faithful to God.
His wife came to apply some
cool clothing to Job’s head. His wife
got disgusted to what happen to Job,
to the point that he told Job, “Curse
God and die” (Job 2:9). Job
answered his wife,

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“You speak as one of the foolish
women would speak. Shall we

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receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” (Job 2:10). Here, Job did not sin with his


Job became weaker and weaker. He had no more possessions. His children died. Now,
his wife doesn’t like to come near him. Here came the friends of Job. They were Eliphaz, Bildad,
Zophar, and Elihu.
It was their practice not to speak until the host will talk to them. When his friends saw
Job, they hardly recognized Job’s physical state. The once healthy and lively man, was now
filled with miseries. For seven days, no one talked because Job can’t talk because of the pain
he felt.
Finally, Job spoke and cursed the day of his birth. Then his friends talk to him one-by-
one. However, their words were not words of comfort but accusations. Let’s listen to each of
their accusations to Job and Job’s answers.

 ELIPHAZ. Eliphaz’ words were,

“Has anyone innocent ever perished? Were the upright ever destroyed? Confess your
sins and God will remove this terrible curse from you.”

He accused Job as a man of sin.

Job’s Answer: I cannot recall any willful sin I have committed. Surely this suffering is
not the result of a sin I have done.

 BILDAD. Bildad’s words were,

“How can you say such things? Look at yourself! God is surely punishing you. Plead with
God, and He will restore you.

He re-echoed the words of Eliphaz and added that God punished Job.

Job’s Answer: I don’t know why this has happened to me, but I don’t believe God is
punishing me.

 ZOPHAR. Zophar’s words were,

“You should be ashamed of yourself. If you put away the sin that you are hiding from us,
then God will hear you and take away this terrible punishment. I wish that God would
speak to you Himself!”

He accused Job to have secret sins.

Job’s Answer: I wish I could speak with God. I am sure that I am pure in His sight.

 ELIHU. Here are the words of Elihu,

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“Because I am the youngest, I have waited until las t to speak. Surely, Job, you must see
that God blesses good people and punishes bad people. The only explanation we can

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see for your miserable condition is you! This is all your fault. You have done something
very evil in the sight of God. Why else would He treat you so severely?”

He accused Job to be the one at fault.

Job’s Answer: Some comforters you are! You cover me with lies. I am blameless. You
cover God with lies! He blesses both the good and bad. Both suffer ill. I wish you would
all be quiet! Even if God chooses to kill me, I will trust Him.

Job find no comfort from all the words of his friends. His wife and friends did not see the big
picture. They did not know what really happened to Job, but instead of praising God with Job,
they accused him as of a sinner. With everything that was said, Job did not sin against God.


The words of his wife and his friends caused Job with so much pain. It is even painful
from the loss of his property and his children. But, even if Job don’t understand the pain and
suffering that he has, he is determined to trust God no matter what. From the depths of despair
and depression, Job trusts God whatever may happen to him. At last, God spoke.

“Where were you, Job, when I laid

the earth’s foundation? Who marked off it
dimensions? Do you know the laws of the
heavens? Everything under heave belongs
to Me and operates by My power.”
Job replied,

“I know that You can do all things

and that everything is in Your power. Surely,
I spoke of things I did not understand. My
ears had heard of You, but now my eyes
have seen You.”

Job was content. His friends did not understand him, but God did.

“You have not spoken right of Me. My servant Job will pray for you and I will hear his
prayer and not deal with you because of your foolishness,” God spoke to Job’s friends. In the
end, Job was healed and everything that he possessed before was now doubled. Satan was
proven wrong. Satan did not understand, why Job remained faithful amidst it all. Everyone in the
universe saw that people could love God for who He is, not what He gives.

Apply the concepts by doing Activities 1 & 2.


1. What did Satan believe about Job’s love for God? Job 1:9-11

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2. Describe Job’s first test. Job 1:13-19

a. How did Satan expect Job to react to this test? Job 1:11

b. How did Job react? Job 1:20-22.

c. Why do you think Job reacted in this way?

3. What was the second test Satan brought to Job? Job 2:7

a. Describe what Job was like in this trial? Job 2:7; 19:17, 20

b. How did Job’s wife help Satan? Job 2:9

c. How did Job react to his illness? Job 2:10

4. Satan wants people to believe the evil deeds he has done are really God’s fault. Job’s
friends believed God sent the calamities to Job. Why do bad things happen to good
people? Read the following quotation and answer in your own words.

“God permits trials to assail His people, that by their constancy and obedience they
themselves may be spiritually enriched, and that their example may be a source of
strength to others…The very trials that task our faith most severely and make it seem
that God has forsaken us, are to lead us closer to Christ, that we may lay all our burdens
at His feet and experience the peach which He will give us in exchange” (Patriarchs and
Prophets, p. 129).

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Make a letter for Job. Imagine that you are one of Job’s friends and you are going to comfort
him from all his sufferings. How would you comfort Job? Write your letter inside the box.

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Satan’s aim is to deceive us. One of his great deceptions is to give as a bad image of God. People think

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