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Colonial government 

was the form of government practiced in the 13 Colonies. The

three types of colonial governments were royal, proprietary, and charter colonies.
While each differed in the rights allowed to citizens, they were all based on three rules:
All colonies should be democratic.

Spain reigned over the Philippines for 333 years, from 1565 to 1898. since Spain was
far from the country, the Spanish king ruled the Islands through the viceroy of Mexico,
which was then another Spanish colony. When Mexico regained its freedom in 1821,
the Spanish king ruled the Philippines through a governor general.

Legislature is a word that comes from the Latin language, meaning "those who write
the laws." A legislature is therefore a group of people who vote for new laws, for
example in a state or country.

The Philippines were claimed in the name of Spain in 1521 by Ferdinand Magellan, a
Portuguese explorer sailing for Spain, who named the islands after King Philip II of
Spain. They were then called Las Felipinas.

Residencia-was the public investigation and trial of outgoing colonial officials in order to ascertain whether
they had committed abuses in the performance of their duties.

Vista-was a secret investigation of an official’s conduct as a public servant.

Governor-General Sebastian Hurtado de Corcuera

The Ministry of Overseas or Ministry of Overseas Territories (Spanish Ministerio de

Ultramar) was the ministerial department in charge of the direction of Spanish territories
between 1863 and 1899. 

The judicial powers of the government were exercised by the audiencia and the lower courts.The Audiencia
was established in the Philippines in 1583 to administer justice to the aggrieved people in the
colony.Gov.Santiago de Vera was its first president.The Audiencia was the highest court insofar as civil and
criminal cases were concerned.Moreover,political and administrative matters were brought before the
Audiencia by the governor.In the absence of the governor,the Audiencia exercised political and administrative
powers.It also audited the finances of the government.

Cumplase. legislative power of the governor general not to implement some legislation
from the king of Spain on the grounds that they were not applicable to the country.
Judicial Power(Governor-General) He served as the President of the Royal Audiencia.
Royal Audiencia.

Corregimientos. unpacified provinces

alcalde mayorgoverns the alcaldia
Ang ibig sabihin ng indulto de comercio ay ang karapatan para sumali sa
pangangalakal. Ito ang karapatan na makisali sa Galleon Trade o Kalakalang
Galyon. Ang Kalakalang Galyon ay monopolyo ng pamahalaan na nagbigay
sa malawak na pangangalakal sa pagitan ng iba't ibang mga bansa.
Ang pribilehiyo ng indulto de comercio ay ibinibigay sa Alcalde Mayor.

Piece of Eight” (a coin worth eight pieces, or bits), 

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