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A mushroom by any other name would smell as sweet:

Dracula orchids
Bryn T. M. Dentinger1 and Bitty A. Roy1

1Centerfor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

335 Pacific Hall, 5289 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403;
Corresponding author email:


Mimicry, like coral snakes and their nonvenomous imposters, is one of the most compelling
examples of evolution by natural selection. Although mostly known from animals that gain
protection by resembling an unpalatable or harmful compatriot, both types of mimicry, Müllerian
and Batesian, also occur in plants and fungi. Some fungi are known to mimic flowers to dupe
pollinators into vectoring spores or to achieve “pollination” themselves, but flowers that mimic
fungi are highly unusual. However, in the cloud forests of the Neotropics, the orchid genus Dracula
appears to be a remarkable example of a bizarre but successful fungal mimicry: Over 100 species
have flowers that look and smell like fleshy mushrooms to attract pollinating flies. Although it has
been speculated that Dracula orchids and some other flowers may mimic mushrooms as a way to
access an abundant and untapped pollinator resource, until recently no empirical data have been
gathered to investigate this hypothesis. Here we review what is known about the models (fleshy
mushrooms), the mimics (Dracula orchids) and the “signal receivers” (fungus-seeking flies) that
encompass this rare and fantastic phenomenon of mushroom mimicry. This knowledge base allows
us to examine how the system came about, how it is sustained, and what might threaten its
posterity. Critically, in the face of an increasing rate of habitat loss, the only way to preserve the
threatened marvel of mushroom mimicry may be to make a concerted effort to preserve the native

Introduction fungal mimics is a direct consequence of their

ability to produce offspring and is enhanced
Mimicry, the adaptive resemblance of one by their ability to attract pollinators.
organism to another, is one of the most
compelling illustrations of the power of Although rare, there are a few well-known
natural selection (Darwin 1859, Bates 1862, examples of fungi that mimic plants for their
Wallace 1870, Poulton 1890, Fisher 1930, own benefit. Both mummy berry disease of
Gilbert 1983). Most examples of mimicry are blueberries (caused by the ascomycete
from animals that exploit one another to gain Monilia vaccinii-corymbosi) and some rust
protection from predators, yet mimicry also fungi that infect Boechera (=Arabis) spp.
occurs in plants and fungi (Roy and Widmer (Brassicaceae) and Euphorbia cyparissias
1999, Roy 1993). Unlike most animal mimicry (Puccinia arrhenatheri and the Uromyces pisi
systems, where the reproductive success species complex, respectively) attract
(fitness) of mimics is a direct consequence of pollinating insects by looking and smelling
survival and is enhanced by their ability to like flowers (Batra and Batra 1985, Roy 1993,
deter predators, the fitness of plant and Roy and Raguso 1997, Raguso and Roy 1998,

McIlvainea 19 (1) 2010 1

Pfunder and Roy 2000). This floral mimicry than flowers to deceive male insects seeking
can be so sophisticated that, at least in the female mates (Dafni 1984, Ackerman 1986,
case of Puccinia-infected Boechera, the Dafni and Calder 1987, Blanco and Barboza
“pseudoflowers” created by fungus-modified 2005). Batesian mimicry is thought to be an
leaves are colored yellow like abundant co- example of “inverse (negative) frequency-
occurring flowers, produce scents normally dependent selection” where it is best to be
found in true flowers, and even produce a rare because if you are common, the duped
sugary nectar that rewards visiting insects insect will learn to avoid you (Futuyma 1996,
(Roy 1993, Roy and Raguso 1997, Raguso and Roy and Widmer 1999). Because Müllerian
Roy 1998). In this case, for mating to occur mimicry is often less specific, Batesian
the Puccinia rust requires the insect visitors mimicry is probably responsible for the most
to bring the sexual spores together, just like extreme cases of resemblance within the
bringing pollen to the stigma in flowering plant kingdom. In fact, Batesian mimicry has
plants. Thus, the insects actually “pollinate” been suggested to be an explanation for the
the fungus! Such dependence on insects for success of deceptive pollination strategies in
sexual reproduction is probably quite rare in orchids (Roy and Widmer 1999, Gigord et al.
fungi (probably most common in the rusts) 2002), which occurs in roughly a third of the
and this lack of sustained, reproductively 30,000 known species (Ledford 2007),
stimulated intimacy may, in turn, explain why suggesting that Batesian mimicry may be one
mimicry in fungi is exceptional. Consequently, of the principal forces driving orchid
examples of mimicry outside of the animal diversity. And just like the fungi that mimic
kingdom are best known from the largely flowers, some plants appear to mimic fungi in
insect-dependent flowering plants. order to attract pollinators.

Both major types of mimicry found in animal Organisms that mimic fungi are almost
systems, Müllerian and Batesian, can be unknown. Some insects use camouflage that
observed in plants, especially the orchids includes the shape, pattern, and color of
(Bierzychudek 1981, Dafni 1984, Johnson lichens on the surfaces of leaves and other
1994, Roy and Widmer 1999, Gigord et al. substrates, probably because of their relative
2002). To understand how mimicry evolves permanence in the landscape, but few reports
in plants, it is important to understand the exists of any organism’s resemblance to
various mechanisms by which natural ephemeral, fleshy fungi. Thus, the speculation
selection can produce such a sophisticated that some flowers mimic mushrooms to
resemblance. Müllerian mimicry in plants is attract fungus-seeking flies as pollinators
when two or more flowers coevolve to look (Vogel 1978, Vogel & Martens 2001)
like a single type of flower, which is the represents a highly unusual circumstance,
product of enhanced pollinator visitation to even among fly-pollinated flowers (of which
both plants because they look like a single, there are probably many). Some plants
large reward for the pollinators. This is an hypothesized to trick fungus-seeking flies by
example of “positive frequency-dependent resembling a fungus to varying degrees
selection,” which is when your ability to include “Wild Ginger” (Asarum spp.) and the
produce offspring is best when you are rare tree form of the “Dutchman’s Pipe”
common (Futuyma 1998, Roy and Widmer (Aristolochia arborea), both of the family
1999). On the other hand, Batesian floral Aristolochiaceae, species of the genera
mimicry entails the exploitation of a Arisarum and Arisaema (“Jack-in-the-Pulpit”
previously established pollinator-plant and allied taxa; Araceae), Arachnitis uniflora
relationship by a deceitful mimic (Dafni and (which also subsists by taking sugars from
Ivri 1981, Roy 1993, Johnson 1994, 2000, fungi in the soil), and even the “Lady’s
Johnson et al. 2003). In some cases, floral Slipper” (Cypripedium spp.) and “Helmet
Batesian mimics look like other insects rather Orchids” (Corybas spp., including recently

McIlvainea 19 (1) 2010 2

segregated genera)(Vogel 1978, Vogel & has been hypothesized numerous times that
Martens 2001). But one genus of Neotropical “fungus gnats” are the pollinators of Dracula
orchids, Dracula, takes the cake when it species (Vogel 1978, Dressler 1990, Luer
comes to the degree to which their flowers 1993, Christensen 1994, Behar 1995, Kaiser
resemble mushrooms. 2006), this hypothesis has only been
confirmed recently with observations in their
Dracula 1 is a genus of epiphytic orchid that natural setting (Endara et al. 2010, Dentinger
produces flowers that look and smell like et al. unpubl.).
small mushrooms (Fig. 1). Most of these
orchids exhibit a peculiar morphology of the So, if these flowers are really mimicking
lip-like lowermost petal of the flower mushrooms, which can only be confirmed
(“labellum”) that resembles the reproductive with experiments that show the resemblance
surfaces of gilled ("agaric") mushrooms to be important to the flowers’ ability to
(Vogel 1978, Dressler 1990, Luer 1993, produce seeds, then what mushrooms are
Christensen 1994, Behar 1995, Kaiser 2006). acting as the models, what are the flies doing
In some species, such as Dracula felix (Fig. 1f), at them, and why do these orchids mimic
the outermost portions of the flower (sepals) mushrooms? We have initiated studies of the
have a superficial resemblance to the caps ecology and evolution of Dracula using funds
and stalks of small mushrooms. Most Dracula provided by the National Geographic Society
flowers are produced at the end of long stems and the National Science Foundation to get at
and are oriented towards the ground where these and other questions and we are only
mushrooms are most abundant (Christensen just beginning to unravel the intricacies of
1994). Some of these orchids even produce interactions among the models, mimics, and
scents reminiscent of fungi (Vogel 1978, “signal receivers” in the bizarre world of
Kaiser 1993, 2006). Chemical analysis of mushroom mimicry.
scents trapped from greenhouse-grown
flowers of Dracula chestertonii show they are The System
dominated by the long-chain alcohol 1-octen-
The models (gilled mushrooms?)
3-ol and other "typical flavour compounds of
mushrooms" (Kaiser 1993:31, Kaiser 2006). Given the spectacular resemblance of the
All of these floral traits are thought to Dracula labellum to the cap of a gilled
function in Dracula for deceptive pollination mushroom, it follows that the models for this
by “fungus gnats” seeking places to lay their resemblance are likely to be agarics.
eggs (Vogel 1978, Christensen 1994), but the Moreover, most Dracula labella are white, or
relative roles of the morphological and white with reddish-purple ridges, further
chemical cues in achieving pollinator suggesting that the models may be white
visitation are not known. It is quite possible agarics with or without colored edges to the
that these flowers combine imitations of gills. We don’t know yet if white agarics are
multiple resources, such as places to take the most common type of mushroom at our
shelter during heavy rains or meeting places study site, but anecdotally this makes sense
where potential mates can find each other as it is common knowledge that the fleshy
(Jersáková et al. 2006). Furthermore, while it mushroom communities of moist Neotropical
forests are dominated by litter- and wood-
dwelling saprobes, which are often from the
1 The inventor of the genus, Carl Luer, explains families Mycenaceae, Marasmiaceae, and the
that he chose the name, which means “little catch-all Tricholomataceae. On the one hand,
dragon,” because many of the described species the orchids could be mimicking specific co-
had specific epithets that refer the face-like
occurring mushrooms, but it seems more
appearance of the flowers to mythological
monsters or bats (Luer 1979).
likely that they are converging on an abstract
“mushroomness.” This mushroomness would

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be defined by the types of mushrooms most these orchids occur (or anywhere, really!).
frequently encountered by the pollinators as The superb and recent work by Thomas
well as by the pollinators own perception of Læssøe and colleagues
what a mushroom is (and these are probably (
related). How a small fly “sees” a mushroom has provided a start, but all of this work is
may be very different than how we see it, so only just scratching the surface of the
we have to be very careful as we explore this enormous mushroom diversity that
fundamental aspect of the mimicry system. undoubtedly exists in Ecuador and other
For one thing, we suspect scent plays a tropical countries. In January 2008, we made
critical role in how the flies find mushrooms, about 150 collections and have begun to
but the look and texture of the mushroom- identify them (Fig. 2), but this tedious task is
like labellum may be what keeps them around made especially difficult by the lack of
the flower or entices them to land. We are previous documentation in these forests as
testing these ideas using floral manipulation well as our frequent encounter with
experiments where we cover flowers with undescribed species. Many more collections
bags that block the visual cues but allow need to be made before we will have a good
scents to pass through freely. If scent is the idea of what and how many species occur
primary attractant, then flies should visit there, but we have done enough preliminary
bagged flowers. In the following years, we collecting to begin to determine which
will also employ artificial flower models that species are frequent and which commonly co-
vary in sizes, colors, and textures of their occur with the orchids, at least during a single
various components. In addition to these field year’s sampling. The ubiquitous families
experiments, we are also collecting and Mycenaceae and Marasmiaceae are definitely
analyzing fragrances from naturally co- among the most common and abundant in
occurring flowers and mushrooms to see if these forests.
their chemical compositions are the same.
Complementing our scent collections, we are The mimics (Dracula spp.)
using synthetic fragrances to see how well
The genus Dracula was recognized on the
they can attract pollinating insects in the
basis of the distinct mushroom-like
absence of flowers. All of these experiments
appearance of the labellum (Luer 1978).
should help us understand how important the
There are over 150 species of Dracula
visual versus olfactory cues are to the fungus-
orchids, all of which are restricted to
seeking flies.
mountainous habitats of the Neotropics (Luer
Unlike plants and animals, it is not clear if 1993). They range from southern Mexico (1
mushroom diversity is higher in tropical or sp.) to Peru (1 sp.), and are most diverse in
temperate regions. Comprehensive studies the Ecuadorian Andes (>40 spp.) and the
evaluating fungal diversity in temperate western and central Colombian Andes (>60
versus tropical regions are lacking, even spp., Luer, 1993). Some species of Dracula
though the global estimate of fungal diversity have widespread ranges (e.g., D. vespertilio,
is based on extrapolating the 6:1 ratio of fungi found from Nicaragua to Ecuador), while
to plants in the British Isles to the enormous many are known only from single mountain
plant diversity in the tropics (Hawksworth valleys (Luer 1993). The plants grow on other
1991, 2001). Although there is a long list of plants (epiphytic) and occur only in
taxonomically focused monographs and at undisturbed, old-growth cloud forests where
least one attempt at a comprehensive floristic there is ample humidity and indirect sunlight
treatment for regions relevant to the cloud (Luer and Escobar 1988, Luer 1993).
forests of Ecuador (e.g., Dennis 1970; Singer
Most species flower throughout the year with
1975, 1978), there are no detailed studies of
stems that successively produce single
the mushroom community in forests where

McIlvainea 19 (1) 2010 4

flowers, but some are known to flower only The relationship between Zygothrica and the
once a year (Luer 1993, L. Jost, pers. comm.). mushrooms about which they aggregate is
At our study site (see below), at least five not yet clear. Few species appear to lay eggs
abundant species flower during the rainy in the mushrooms, three species have been
season, particularly January through March. seen grazing spores, and many utilize the
One of the species, D. felix, is extremely mushroom caps for displaying stereotypical
common, flowers abundantly, and often has mating rituals (Grimaldi 1987). Thus, it seems
many (>20) flowers present at the same time most likely that these flies associate with
(Fig. 1a). Although Dracula orchids mostly mushrooms because they are used as
grow on trunks and branches of trees, they “lekking” arenas, specific locations where
are frequently found on downed branches males aggregate to display for sexually
and logs, or even on the ground where they receptive females. Although the effects of
have fallen. each of these activities on the fitness of the
mushrooms are unknown, using mushrooms
The signal receivers (Zygothrica spp.?) as places to lay eggs, which is commonplace
in fleshy mushrooms, may not have a
The common visitors to four Dracula species
negative impact if the fly larvae don’t affect
in western Ecuador have been identified as
the mushroom’s ability to produce spores, but
flies in the genus Zygothrica (Diptera:
it may also be parasitic if the larvae cause
Drosophilidae; L. Endara, pers. comm.,
substantial damage (Corner 1972, Hackman
Dentinger et al., unpubl.). While these small
and Meinander 1979, Bruns 1984, Hanski
flies have been referred to as “fungus gnats”
1989). Grazing can be considered parasitic if
(Vogel 1978, Dressler 1990, Luer 1993,
all of the consumed spores are destroyed, but
Christensen 1994, Behar 1995, Kaiser 2006,
may also be beneficial to the fungus if some
and L. Endara pers. com.), they belong to the
are expelled intact and the insect ends up
fruit-fly family Drosophilidae, not the fungus
dispersing them more widely (e.g, Lilleskov
gnat families Mycetophilidae or Sciaridae
and Bruns 2005). Using mushrooms as
(Grimaldi and Engel 2005). We thus prefer to
lekking sites is unlikely to have a negative
use the genus name instead of the inaccurate
impact. Although the insect-mushroom
vernacular term “fungus gnat”.
relationship appears to range from casual
Zygothrica commonly utilize mushrooms at (having no impact) to obligatory
some stage in their life cycles (Grimaldi (parasitic/mutualistic), it is consistently
1986), which is consistent with the intimate enough in at least some Zygothrica
observation that Dracula flowers function as to be successfully exploited by perhaps more
visual and olfactory imitations of fungi to than 100 species of Dracula orchids. Could
attract them (Kaiser 2006, Endara et al. different species of Zygothrica utilize
2010). Although the Dracula labellum has different types of mushrooms for lekking,
been interpreted as mimicking agarics, thereby enabling the Dracula orchids to
Zygothrica utilize several morphological specialize on different pollinators and keep
"guilds" of fleshy mushrooms, including jelly from mating with co-occurring orchid
fungi and pored mushrooms (Grimaldi 1986). species? We are testing these ideas by using a
A great deal of labellum variation occurs in common garden experiment where we
Dracula (Luer 1993), so some species may be arrange different Dracula species in a single
mimicking different types of mushrooms. location and observe pollinators to each. This
This is a hypothesis we plan to test using allows us to eliminate the confounding effects
synthetic models of orchid flowers that have of location on pollinator specificity. We are
different types of labella, recording the also observing fly behavior on both
number and duration of pollinator visits to mushrooms and flowers using video cameras
each type. to document whether the behaviors are the
same on both resources. Finally, we are

McIlvainea 19 (1) 2010 5

collecting flies from both flowers and same in the mimic and the model. For
mushrooms to see if they are the same, and example, it’s not too much of a stretch to
we are attempting to rear insect larvae from imagine how one type of petal on one flower
both mushrooms and flowers to see if the might change to look like another type of
insects that lay eggs in either or both are the petal on another flower. But how does a
same as the pollinators. flower become like a mushroom?

Study Site Based on the level of similarity shared

between the mimic and the model, a mimic
Our field work takes place at a private may be said to have either a “concrete”
biological reserve (Los Cedros Reserve and resemblance or an “abstract” resemblance to
Research Station; the model (Pasteur 1982). In concrete, accessible only systems, the mimic imitates a single species
by mule, on the steep, muddy western slopes or group of species, while in semi-abstract or
of the Andes Mountains in northwestern abstract systems, the mimic imitates a virtual
Ecuador, about 100 km as the toucan flies (e.g., protective eye spots on butterflies) or
from Quito. The reserve encompasses 17,000 unidentifiable (e.g., threatening postures or
acres of rugged cloud forest (>84% colors that evoke fear) category (Pasteur
untouched forest) ranging from 1000m to 1982). In the case of fungal mimicry in
2700m above sea level. The reserve serves as Dracula, if the model is semi-abstract, i.e.
a buffer to the extensive Cotocachi-Cayapas "fleshy mushrooms," then the signal receiver
Reserve in the Chocó Phyteographical Zone, must be able to respond to a diversity of
well known as one of the most biodiverse signals that it may receive from all the
regions on Earth, with an extraordinarily high variation produced by fleshy mushrooms. We
level of species known only from this region. suspect that Dracula orchids are not
This location was chosen because of the mimicking specific species of mushroom but
relative ease of access (!) to a site that has are exploiting the innate preferences of
high Dracula diversity in combination with Zygothrica for the most commonly
the presence of sufficient facilities (including encountered types of fleshy fungi in these
electricity) necessary to successfully carry habitats. But if this is true, then how do the
out the extensive field research proposed for various species of Dracula orchids that occur
this project. This reserve is also dedicated to in the same location keep from reproducing
sustainable ecotourism that benefits the local with one another? One idea is that while the
indigenous community and to developing visual cues may be generalized, the
intercultural collaborations between visiting fragrances are not, so that the orchids end up
scientists and Ecuadorian students and specializing on different pollinators because
researchers. This kind of coordination is of differences in fragrances produced by both
crucial to long-term preservation of pristine the flowers and by the mushrooms that the
habitat and promotion of productive flies normally seek out.
collaborations between international
research institutions. There are few studies that have identified the
critical factors that, to an insect, make a
Theoretical Considerations mushroom a mushroom (Jaenike 1978,
Jaenike and Grimaldi 1983, Jaenike 1985). It
Floral mimicry in plants evolves through
is clear that different species of insect may
selection of floral traits by pollinators.
utilize distinct parts of a mushroom or
Pollinators will reinforce the evolution of
different stages of development,
mimics that appear more and more like the
demonstrating the insects’ discriminatory
model. Changes in flowers that evolve to
abilities (Bruns 1984, Jaenike and James
resemble other flowers are easy to
1991, Guevara and Dirzo 1999), but the
comprehend because the floral parts are the

McIlvainea 19 (1) 2010 6

relative roles of sight, scent, and touch in this sufficient to reconstitute and maintain the
discriminatory ability have not been mimicry, but it is likely that the mushrooms,
sufficiently examined. Our research, which is insects, and orchids are tightly linked in a
attempting to elucidate the roles of these way that can only be successfully conserved
stimuli by observing fly behavior in response by preserving the habitat in which they have
to each using flowers, mushrooms, and evolved together. Critically, the dependence
synthetic models, will reveal the signals that of Dracula on mushroom models that form
the insects receive from the mushrooms that, the basis for this unusual mimicry highlights
according to the flies, make mushrooms out the need to specifically consider the
of the flowers. That is, we will have a fly’s conservation of mushrooms. This is perhaps
perspective on “mushroomness.” An the first case where the preservation of
understanding of this esoteric worldview is mushrooms is fundamental to the
essential to understanding the ecology and preservation of a charismatic icon of the
evolution of mushroom mimicry in Dracula, tropical forest.
and it is also vital if there is any hope of
preserving these orchids and their cohorts in Conclusion
the face of impending threats to their natural
Mimicry of mushrooms is a rare
phenomenon, if it exists at all. While it seems
Conservation rather obvious from looking at Dracula
flowers that they are mimicking mushrooms,
Conservation of mushrooms is sine qua non couldn’t it also be merely a coincidence?
for any effort to preserve Dracula orchids in Surprisingly, no one has ever tested the
their native habitats. Dracula orchids only hypothesis of mushroom mimicry (that the
occur naturally in Neotropical cloud forests resemblance to a mushroom means they
and as such are threatened by habitat loss produce more offspring), in this or any of the
through deforestation and global climate other flowering plants hypothesized to be
change. Because Dracula flowers are delicate fungal mimics. In part, it is because testing
and extremely sensitive to changes in this hypothesis is exceedingly difficult: How
temperature and humidity, they are do you determine if the resemblance is the
dependent on undisturbed, exceedingly wet result of greater production of offspring? One
cloud forest. As land use changes and way is by determining if the mimic produces
increasingly volatile weather patterns modify more offspring if it is mixed in with the
the environment, the natural conditions to models (Roy and Widmer 1999). The idea
which Dracula are adapted are lost or here is that the signal receivers are less likely
modified in a way that may never again to recognize a non-rewarding mimic in the
support them. It is not known if Dracula can context of many rewarding models because
reestablish after disturbance. However, these selection will favor mimics that are
orchids are not known to occur in indistinguishable from models (but if the
regenerating forest and it is unlikely that they senses of the signal receiver are keen enough,
will colonize new, mature habitat without the opposite may be true if the mimicry isn’t
human intervention. A critical feature of perfect). We are attempting to execute this
Dracula conservation is acknowledging that test by manipulating the presence and
their survival and persistence in the wild absence of mushrooms around orchids and
relies on the presence of pollinating insects, looking for changes in pollinator visitation,
which, in turn, rely on the presence of fleshy but this kind of manipulation is proving to be
mushrooms. We do not know yet how much difficult because of challenges with
the orchids rely on specific mushrooms establishing “model free” areas in natural
known only from these forests, or if some habitat as well as the unpredictable nature of
other kind of exotic mushroom would be fly visitation – sometimes they are abundant

McIlvainea 19 (1) 2010 7

and sometimes they are not. There are also Acknowledgments
logical conditions that must be met if it is true
mimicry: The mimics and models must Fieldwork would not have been possible
overlap in space and time and for long without the help of Tobias Policha, Thomas S.
enough for the resemblance to evolve, the Jenkinson, Rocío Manobanda, Daniel
signal receivers must visit both the mimics Manrique, and Jose DeCoux and the
and models, and the mimics must require volunteers at Reserva Los Cedros in January
visitation for reproduction (Roy and Widmer and February 2008. We also thank David
1999). Some anecdotal evidence satisfies Neill, Aída Alvarez, and staff at Hebario
some of these requisite circumstances for Nacional del Ecuador for help obtaining
Dracula, but it remains to be demonstrated permits. Lorena Endara and Rob Raguso have
that these orchids are truly mimicking given invaluable input throughout the early
mushrooms. And if it turns out they are not stages of this project. B. T. M. Dentinger is
true mimics, then probably none of the other especially grateful to the North American
putative mushroom-resembling plants are, Mycological Association and the Mycological
either. But given the spectacular resemblance Society of America for a NAMA Fellowship he
of Dracula flowers in appearance, fragrance, received in 2006. This work is supported by
timing, and location to mushrooms, as well as grants from the National Geographic Society
the empirical observation that they are (#8317-07) and the National Science
pollinated by fungus-seeking flies (Endara et Foundation (DEB-0841613) to B. A. Roy and
al. 2010, Dentinger et al. unpubl.), we suspect B. T. M. Dentinger.
that these orchids really do smell as sweet as
mushrooms, at least to a fly.

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Figure 1. Examples of Dracula orchids. A) D. bella (labellum), B) D. carleuri, C) D. vespertilio, D) D.
chestertonii, E) D. orientalis, F) D. felix, G) D. roezlii, H) D. inaequalis. Scale bar is 10 mm and
approximate based on published dimensions. All photos by Bryn Dentinger.

McIlvainea 19 (1) 2010 12

Figure 2. Potential models for the mimicry by Dracula orchids. A) Chaetocalathus sp., B)
Cheimonophyllum sp., C) Crinipellis sp., D) Xerulina chrysopepla, E) Hydropus sp. F) Filoboletus
gracilis, G) Mycena sp., H) Marasmius sp. Scale bar is 1 cm. All photos by Bryn Dentinger.

McIlvainea 19 (1) 2010 13

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