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‘This nanual describes the folloulag products! eet nahn ‘mneeiation TAWE Ae SeHOLE SERIO WET vom a [woe a | ac SeROLE SERVO FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 2 ‘MODEL 2 Beat FAG AC SeHoLe siavo wrt nope 3 [we > Powe ae SOLE sen vit wenn, 6 [mole] | F Fawle Ac SPINDLE SEAVO Unir woe O8, | MODEL @ : © | Fatuc ac spanpLe,Senvo untT mopen 12 | MODEL 12 FAG AC GeWOLE Sein, wvet nooeL S| wOREL 5 k FANUG AC SPINDLE SEHVG UNIT MODEL 18 | MODEL 18 Ne Alea ae epi sami wooms aa [db 38 |» [anve ac Senigte canva inte wooed 30 | wane 50 i FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVOWUNIT MODEL 40 | MODEL 40 | [Foesilevnat sero or eis [rooms as | |_| PSIG Ac sents siavo mar vores 1.55 [poms 1.54 [ FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT MODEL 25 MODEL 2s. FARUC AC SPINDLE SERVO TNET MODEL 38 | MODEL 38, FOG Ac SeT@Le seivo unrn wooe, avw | ponRL ave ‘| |la this manual we have tried as much as possible to ldescribe all the various matters, However, we cannot describe all the matters which must not be done, or which cannot be done, because there are so many possibilities. ~ Therefore, matters which are not especially described as possible in this manual should be regarded as “impossible”. ae ae RI ee eee covets + AG SPINDLE SEeVO_ UNIT. (200/2209 4G. twoUT) 1. ourane’ 11 Seruceure’ 2. DAILY. MATITENANCE. AND WALNTENANCH TOOLS 2.1) AC Spindle Hater 212 AC Spindle Servo aie 23 Maintenance, Tools: +--+ 2.3.1 Toole ueed for adjuctaont 2." ajor Maintenance Parts «. 3._ TROUELESHOOTING .++-0e 03 Power Yoltege Checke civsssce-s+ Pover On Inéleator Lamp Oil. does not Light ‘Alarm Laup Lights OOABEB wwesve oes Motor does not Rotate, ex Wocor does aot Rotate the specified Revolutions Site ake pores Vibrations or noises are Woticeabie during Rotation vo... Abnornal Noise ie Produced fron Motor during Deceleratioa /s0lsrc1 Speed Overshooting oF Hunting Occurs Gacting Power te Low seseseee Orientation is not correct 0 Acceleratton/Decelération Tine ia Long. 2. 3 Ey a 4 INSTALLATION s.sse+seseese2 4:2. Power Connectton sil. Power voltage and capacity check’ s..s.7 1212 Praeectsve earth connection {253 Bower connection svesserws+e0s 13, AC Spindle Motor Connection vr.sensnes Signal Cable Connection 5.” SEPTING AND ADJUSTMBIT c.. Sel) Setting of Unit and Pca 512. Setting and Adjustment of Spindle Orientation Contto circuit Option 6. BKCHANGE MEMOS OF FUSES AND'PCR..-. Gel Exchange of Fuses eo eus 612. Buchange of PCB w+. 6.2.1 MODEL L/2/smali MODEL #0. 00.0001 61212 won 3 ~ 00 me 6.3) xchange of Spindle Orientction Control 6.3.1 MODEL 1/2/snall MODEL 3 613.2 MODEL 3-40... 7._ SPINDLE ORTENTATION CONTROL’ CIRCUIT. ...1s21 Tl. Configuration 712. Adjustment of Sonleion Coder Spatea Spindle Ovieneacion Contrel civevie 7.21 Setting snd adjustment of spindle orientation control eireuit in 2netep spindle speed change a7 28 38 to 40 a2 13 a 4 us 45 46 7.2.2 Setting and adjustment’ for spindle orsentation control cércuit Jot 4 step spindle speed change «+ ievece 3a 7.3 Adjustaent of Magnetic Sensor Spinile Orientation ; Control Cireuse s+ Pet TH DNA 35 7.3.1 Mounting method of magnetizing cienont and magnetic sensors. 55 © T3.z Setting’ and adjustnent of apinile orientation control circuit in 2-atep speed change spinéle for standard type + 56 7.3.3, Setting and adjustnoat of spinile orientation control circult in 2ostep spindle speed for high epeed seserscsserevssssesesee 63 7.3.4 Seeing snd adjustaent of epinile erientation control citeule in case of S-stop spindle apeed change sssserssccssessessereses 70 7.3.5 Method of checking the spindle position ioop gain oe 1. AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT (380/4i5V AC INPUT TYPE) 1. ouTLANE. arte Pena tg hawt ..i.5 77 Tal Configuration 221.0000 wi 7 2, DATLY MAINTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE TOOL ...+0+43 n 3. INSTALLATION ss... ONE 6H ” 4. SETTING AND ADJUSTIENT 6... 2 Beas. 78 el Setting on FCB sees tsosee = Aes. 78 5. TROUBLESHOOTING AND COUNTEEKEASURE =... RAL OL EEE. DrorTAL Ac SPINDLE SERVO UML comet: 9 ~-2ay £ fe ora “Sista subs ys. Sosa 85 Ll Gontigufation 2.22001. INEIE 85 2. DAILY MAINTENANCE ANDLINSTRUMENTS FOR MATNTENANCE 86 93, istautarton . eae tiagiecs - 86 4 sere... ey a7 4.1) Method’ of Paranoter Setting 1000000000 a7 412, Number and Contents of Paraneter 8s ALBCRank at Setting seeeeseseeesseaceserscoeees 96 5 TROUBLESHOOTING AND COUNTERNEASURE ...sesseseeese¥e 98 $6. METHOD OF REPLACEMENT OF FUSE AND PRIVTED CIRCUIT BOARD 100 7, SPINDLE ORIENTATION CONTROL CIRCUIT ......+++ 100 IW, DIGITAL AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT (MODEL 15, 1.58, 25, 38, 28, 2v8) Le OUTLINE «Sea sesseeseese fen PEEQNIIII0R. fabs 108 Lal Genféguration 2201011 a SHELTVIDS SoS. 103 2. DATLY MAINTENANCE AND MAINTENANCE TOOL .+.4y.+e+0s444 104 3. INSTALLATION. feaesaiei 104 4. serrng ioiaiae Paraneter Getting Wethod «1 Wonber and Content of Paranster si ead aa 412 Setting Bank seeseeee aa as Setting Method of Short Pin sewsesss Adjuctnent Method of Variable Resistor 5. TROUBLESHOOTING AND COUNTERMEASURE «+++ 6. REPLACEMENT METHOD OF FUSE AND PCB sss s+e+>+ 7, SPINDLE ORTENTATION CONTROL CIRCUIT APPENDIKES APPENDIX 1 CONNECTION DIAGRAMS 4.0 APPENDIX 2 CABLE ENTRANCE DIAGRAY o.eseseeeeeeeee Hee 132 APPENDIX 3. CABLE SPECIFICATIONS... + 134 APPENDIX 4 MAIN CIRCUIT DIAGRAM +s. eseoeess SLesessterste,civtesn gad bal Mato Cirevit «. ear 2 138 APPENDIX 5 MOUNTING LAYOUT OF SPINDLE SERVO UNET PARTS (OTHER THAN PCB) +... dese + 12 APPENDIX 6 MOUNTING LAYOUT OF SP:NDLE CONTROL CIRCUIT UB +++ 2st APPENDEK 7 YAJOR PARIS LIST sssesseeeeseesreeeseeneeseee ae ABPENDIX 8 PCB ADJUSTMENTS. APPENDIX 9. CHECKING METHOD FOR POR ese seeoee = 168 Te Check Terminal +++ srusteeereeettae tes 2) Check Terminal Data Confirmtion Method .c.scvseceuceceee arr 3, Digital AC spindle (MODEL 3 to 22) Seeaatoieazedse S180 a) Digital Ae Spindle (MODEL 15, 1-88, 28, 38, 20 208) licciiseeeeees 184 APPENDIX 10 MAGNETIC SENSOR STGNALS CHECKING METHOD .. 187 1. Application... segues 187 2 heck Procedure. a 187 ABPENDTK 11 PARAMETER LIST FOR DIGITAL AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT ....eseose+ 190 1. A SPINDLE SERVO UNIT (200/220 v Ac INPUT) 4. OUTLINE ‘This manuel describes asintenance of AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT and it options, (Por applicable unite of this manval, see Table 1.1 (e),(6)) 14 Structure ‘The AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT consists of the folloving unite snd parts. (1) Spinate conerel unde (asic) Uince PCB (2) Restatence unst #1 (asic) (3) Fuses (eor spere) Gasie) G) Connectors (for coanectons) Gaste) (5) DA convercer (option) (8) Power transformer (epeten) () Spindle ordentation control efrextt (option) (8) Speed gain selection control cirsuit (option) (9) Spindle selection control circuit (option) (lo) Unie cover #2 (option) (QD Unit adapeer #2 (option) (12) Fam wage #3 (option) = a tae i Sect a ea i : a : “1: The resistance unit se exployed for MODEL 1/2/snall type 3 (a068-6052-H001, 002, 1003) only. #2: These options are used for MODEL 8 end 12 (AD6E-6044-H108, 1112) only. 83: This fan unit 1s used for MODEL 30 and 0 (AO6E-6044-H130, 140) only. ‘Tele 1.4 (a) Major omponents base), ome fe Geciftction ee aie eer a mr ini te te Beal [aati Seer Saale Tae) | ecm [se cot-ay [ancsonnc ‘aov-aon-sn | a-Sor-omr 0 [0 Tama satan | e-coe-aos | anror-cas [nina Zan on-ons-es3| see coue-sne/ni [it se-o77-at noon Taprre wn ac | arte oa-aoucc | meen [apres ieee [ae ace 1) tuning part of FE A2O-T08-050, cert for 004, ata ace 5) foe hl suning ene (Boe emis re pres wei ace 6) Tor al ype so eated the etahe Figur Table.) Onder setetion Wane Specification No. P68 Wo. D/A converter (BCD) s0€8-6041-J031 D/A converter (BINARY) ‘068-6041-9032 Orientation AS (Position coder type, 2nstage | A068-6052-s110 | az0B-0008-0240 speed change gear spindle) Orientation 8s (losition coder type, 2-stage | A068-6052-J111 203-0008-0261 speed change gear spindle) Orientation 6S Giagnetic sensor type, 2-stage | A068-60s2-J120 | az08-0008-0030 speed change gear spindle) Orientation 68 Giagnetic sensor type, 2 speed change gear spindle) tage | A063-6052-s122 | 4208-0008-0031 MODEL 1/2/smail type 3 ‘Speed gain selection control efreuit 18063-6052-3701 ‘16817000020 Ortentatton A (Position coder type. sosscot1—s110 | 4208 0000-0240 2rstage speed change gear spindle) Orientation B (Position coder expe, oss-coui-sii1 | az0p-o008-0261 2rstage speed change gear spindle) Orientation Gupnetic sencer type, o6s-6ot1-s120 | 4203-0006-0030 2rstage speed change gear spindle) ‘Orientation D (Magnetic sencer type, soee-sosi-siz1 | — 4208-0009-0520 Zestage speed change gear spindle) Orientaeton © (Position coder type, ose-60s1-s130 | 4208-1000-0460 Azstage speed change’ gear spindle) Orientation F (Position coder type, 068-6041-s131 208-100-0461 Srstage speed chenge gear apindle) Orientation © (Magnetic sencer type, oep-sovieai22 | 203-0008-0031 2istage speed change gear spindle) Speed gain selection control sosn-couss701 | 4168-1700-0020 eireuse

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