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© Carlo Bagnoli 2020, All Rights Reserved

Angels & Demons

(Themed) Game
[WIP; Name subject to change]

[This is a work in progress, all the details can and will change, this is only a project presentation and it’s not
meant for any context where the concepts shown are misrepresented and/or taken seriously]
Main Story Ideas

There are 5 main Ideas for the proyect:

1. - A celestial war as seen by a spectator’s point of view, the spectator being the main
character, representing the concept of the first tale of the book “A Monster Calls” by
Patrick Ness.

2. - The apocalipsis as seen by neutral character’s point of view, the neutral character being
the main character, representing the events of the Horror Story “The Sounding Of The
Fifth Trumpet” by Derek Hawke [a.k.a “KillaHawke1”].

3. - The apocalipsis as seen by neutral character’s point of view, the neutral character being
the main character, representing a customized version of the Horror Story “The Sounding
Of The Fifth Trumpet” by Derek Hawke [a.k.a “KillaHawke1”], adapted to fit the taste,
needs and conviniency of the game’s development.

4. - The rebellion and eventual redemption of a Demon and/or Angel.

5. - A Angeology and Demonology themed free-style, sandbox.

- Details of each story

1.- The concept of the first tale of “A monster calls” by Patrick Ness

The idea is to create a story line with the same moral of the story as the First tale of the

The play should represent a war, but neither side has any advantage, and neither side is
good nor bad, and the moral is that Goodness and Evilness are sides of the same coin and/or
don’t exist in the way that is normally depicted.

2.- A representation of the Creppypasta “The Sounding of the Fifth Trumpet”

The idea is to depict the story of the “little one”, which is completely neutral, with a twist.
The twist is that his own existance curses everything that is known because he is the
representation of literally time itself, a perfect but inevitable thing, that god named “Lucifer”.

3.- A customized version the Creppypasta “The Sounding of the Fifth Trumpet”
Although the story is an experience of it’s own, It’s also short, so to solve it we’ll need to
extend the story, add and/or modify some details to make it fit the aesthetic.
4.- The rebellion of an Angel/Demon

The idea is to create a more “sandbox-like” style to the game, because the stories before
mentioned are somewhat Linear and it would create a feeling of wastefulessness of resources
that could make the developing experience more expensive.
So, the solution would be to make a game that progresses with the player in a sandbox
style, a good example of this would be the game “Noita” but with a heavy lore behind.
5.- Completely sandbox

The idea is to make a game that has little to no lore, heavily inspired in Minecraft and/or
terraria, themed in a celestial way.

Main Mechanics and Limitations

The main mechanic would be a 2.5 dimensional isometric world, inspired by the
aesthetics of Habbo and Minecraft Dungeons, heavily themed with Angeology and Demonology
concepts. Here some images to help ilustrate the idea:
There are a few limitations tho’, the biggest ones being, the concept will take a lot of time
aprox 1 or 2 years of development [with a beta in 8 months minimum] and the whole concept is
heavily focused on art. But in general, I the sort of project that you can work at any point in time,
and you’ll still be making progress, is also the sort of project that you don’t really burnout unless
since everything will be different every time.

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