Letter Guess Algorithm

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Letter Guess Algorithm Muryum Naim!

TR 2:00-3:20
1. Greeting!
2. Ask and get number of games!
3. Get the solution letter from file !
4. Change it to uppercase!
5. Ask and get a guess !
6. Change it to uppercase!
7. Check if the guess is correct, if yes go to 10. !
8. Give feedback (hint) about the guess and the solution !
9. Determine if it is the last guess, if no go to 5, if yes go to 11!
10. Congratulate the user, go to 12!
11. Tell the user they lost!
12. Display the solution!
13. Determine if there is another round to play, if yes go to 3.!
14. Say goodbye (main function would return 0;)!

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