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Module 1 (Introduction to NSTP) Module 2 (Good Citizenship Values)

Module 3 (Disaster Risk Reduction)

Module 4 (Environmental Protection)
1. Describe using a picture your biggest learning for each Module. Put the picture
inside the designated box.
2. Briefly explain the meaning of the pictures. Why did you choose them to describe
your biggest learning?

Module 1 (Introduction to NSTP)

The integration of National Service Training Program (NSTP) in our
education system among tertiary level students has proven to be a way of
empowering the youth. Through this program, we are being given importance by
letting us realize that at such young age, we have the power to contribute in
building a better nation. NSTP teaches students not only how to become a civic
conscious citizens but also how to become responsible future leaders of our

Module 2 (Good Citizenship Values)

To represent what I have learned in module 2, I chose a compass where
the magnetic needle is pointed at the words core values written on the compass.
This image simply means that as future leaders of our country, our decisions and
actions should be governed by the four core values embedded in our Filipino
roots namely Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, Maka-bayan, and Maka-kalikasan.
Upholding these good citizenship values helps us to make an informed and
intelligent decisions which will served as the basis of our actions as we take an
active part in addressing different contemporary problems in our country. This
way, we will not be a part of the problem instead, we will become part of the

Module 3 (Disaster Risk Reduction)

We are well aware that the Philippines is one of the countries who is most
at risk when it comes to disasters. Due to our unique geographic location, we are
more prone to natural hazards and disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, and
landslides. Their repercussions affect us all Filipinos. I’ve learned that as a part
of a community, safety should be everyone’s business. Minimizing our country’s
disaster risks and vulnerability is possible if it is done with the collective effort of
Filipinos. This is why youth’s participation is also vital in disaster risk
management. This contribution plays a pivotal role in developing a distinct
disaster management strategy that allows the youth to be more involved and
aware. We can contribute in facilitating effective disaster response, or, even to
the development of agile and lean mechanisms for disaster risk management.

Module 4 (Environmental Protection)

The picture shows that in everything we do, we must always consider our
environment. Our future depends on our actions today, and if we don’t shift into a
more environmental-friendly perspective, ours and the next generation’s future
will suffer the consequences. Thinking greens simply means taking care of our
nature and natural resources. It can be done through proper waste segregation,
adhering to the laws that protects our environment, recycling, minimizing the use
of plastics or things that takes years to decompose, and doing things that will
help alleviate the impact of climate change. By doing these things we can help in
creating a sustainably developed country.

3. How do these learnings change your perspective as a young Filipino citizen?

The knowledges I have learned made me more realize that my
actions have a profound impact not only in our society but also in building our
nation as well. So, as a student and one of the vital resources of the country, I
will continue to educate myself and take an active part in driving our nation
forward so that when the time comes where it is our turn to lead the country, we
will be more prepared and knowledgeable. The learnings I’ve gained will serve as
a compass that will guide me on how to become a Filipino citizen who knows her
civic responsibility and a youth who plays an active and intelligent role in the

Name: Patricia D. Crisolo

Course, Year & Section: BSMA 1-9

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