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Degree/Branch: B.E./MECH Date: 10.03.2020 Time: 12:00-

Sub. Code / Sub. Name: 19ME401 Engineering Thermodynamics Total marks: 50
Faculty name: Mr S.Myilvaganan Slot: 5Q2-1 Count: 02
Sl. Question Mark CO KL
Should the automobile radiator be analyzed as a Control mass or as a
1 Control Volume? Explain 02 CO1 K2

2 Differentiate Classical and statistical approaches of thermodynamics 02 CO1 K2

3 Discuss about perpetual motion machine of first kind 02 CO1 K2

4 Illustrate Zeroth law of Thermodynamics. 02 CO1 K3

5 Interpret quasi-static process 02 CO1 K3

Sl. Question Mar CO K
no. k L
(a) A gas whose pressure, volume and temperature are 5 bar, 0.23
m3 and 185 C respectively, has its state change at constant
pressure until its temperature becomes 70 C. Calculate (i)Work 13 CO1 K3
done (ii) Change in Internal energy (iii) Heat transferred during the
process. Take R=0.29 kJ/kgK and Cp= 1.005 kJ/kgK. (or)
(b) 5 kg of a gas was heated from a temperature of 100 C at
constant volume till its pressure becomes three times its original
pressure. For this process calculate (i) Heat transferred (ii) Change 13 CO1 K3
in internal energy and (iii) Change in enthalpy. Assume Cp=1 kJ/kgK
and Cv=0.71 kJ/kgK.

7 (a) A fluid system, contained in a piston and cylinder 02 CO1 K3

machine,passes through a complete cycle of four processes. The
sum of all heat transferred during a cycle is -340 KJ. The system
completes 200 cycles per min.
Process Q(kJ/min) W(kJ/min) ΔE (kJ/min)
1-2 0 4340
2–3 42000 0
3–4 -4200 -73200
Complete the above table showing the method for each item, and
compute the net rate of work output in KW. (or)

(b) Determine the heat transfer and its direction for a system in
which a perfect gas having molecular weight of 6 is compressed
from 101.3 kPa, 20 °C to a pressure of 600 kPa following the law 02 CO1 K3
pv1.3=constant. Take specific heat at constant pressure of gas
as 1.7 kJ/kgK.

(a) The initial volume of 0.18 kg of a certain gas was 0.15 m3 and at
a temperature of 150C and a pressure of 100 kN/m2. After
adiabatic compression the pressure and volume was found to be
400 kN/m2 and 0.056 m3.Apply first law of thermodynamics to find
8 (i) the ratio of specific heat (γ) and (2) Change in internal energy. 02 K3

(b) Explain the various processes in the carnot cycle and derive its

Course Outcomes –
After successful Completion of the Course, the Students should be able to
Apply the first law of thermodynamics for simple open and closed systems under steady and
unsteady conditions.
Apply second law of thermodynamics to open and closed systems and calculate entropy and

Knowledge Level (Blooms Taxonomy)

Remembering Understanding Applying (Application of
K1 K2 K3
(Knowledge) (Comprehension) Knowledge)
K4 Analyzing (Analysis) K5 Evaluating (Evaluation) K6 Creating (Synthesis)

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