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Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 41 (2020) 100967

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A 2020 perspective on “Transformative value of the Internet of Things and T

pricing decisions”

Xiong Zhanga, , Wei T. Yueb
School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
Department of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


Keywords: The Internet of Things (IoT) has become increasingly influential, particularly because of the significant new
Internet of Things developments in the technologies of big data, cloud computing, 5G, and artificial intelligence. In this paper, we
Business management briefly explain how these new developments in the IoT may create a new electronic commerce landscape and
Computational social science (CSS) opportunities associated with it; these developments pose interesting questions for future research.
Data analytics

1. Internet of Things and impacts on business understanding of the dynamic nature of the consumer environment and
consumer preferences. This has also enabled the better integration of
Over the last 20 years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has grown from a physical products into our daily lives. For example, the use of digital
concept into a huge industry worth over USD 745 billion (Torchia and twin systems and real-time digital replica of physical devices linked to
Shirer, 2019). The IoT comprises network-enabled sensors and actua- consumer goods and services is growing; this has many implications,
tors connected to computing systems (Wikipedia, 2019). Connected including how we improve utilization of areas, such as office spaces and
devices come in various forms, such as wearable devices, cameras, traffic routes.
motion sensors, and global positioning sensors. The data collected by The IoT has significantly affected how we conduct business at the
them can be sent to the backend of the IoT systems for storage and operational and strategic levels. For example, collated IoT data helps
processing; in these activities, cloud computing plays a critical role firms design new products, particularly those tailored to specific groups
(Exosite, 2016). For example, Rolls Royce designed an engine health- of consumers. The continuous collection of IoT data allows firms to
management system by placing various types of sensors in jet engines to develop rapid market responses, such as dynamically setting prices and
gather performance data for proactive maintenance in their backend fine-tuning marketing and selling strategies. The IoT has also been used
systems (PWC, 2017). to: optimize the customer experience (e.g., personalization experiences
IoT devices, such as wearable devices and sensors, are capable of and simplification of the buying process); improve business processes
collecting human- or object-related data in real-time, thus capturing a (e.g., automation and optimization of business processing, improve-
large volume of data related to all aspects of our daily digital touch- ment of data-based operations, and ensuring tracking and delivery of
points. The scope of the data generated from the IoT is expanding products); and to improve management decision making (e.g., simpli-
(Singh, 2017); further, the type of data collected in business have fication of decision making) (Ray, 2018).
changed drastically—from the traditional transactional data to more The IoT has received much research attention from the technical
consumer-specific behavioral data, such as park-visiting routes, daily implementation perspective. However, to harness the value of the
exercise tasks, facial recognition, and real-time motion (Singh, 2017). technology, we should also consider the problem from the business
The interconnectivity of IoT devices means that the IoT has a critical perspective. Our article was one of the first to investigate the effect of
role in integrating data from different sources; this integration is often the IoT on business from an economic perspective, thus highlighting the
conducted at the backend of the central system. This process of data potential of the IoT for use in product targeting and pricing decisions.
integration not only significantly expands how we measure things, but Our article conceptualizes two key features of the IoT: (1) better
also, ultimately, increases the commercial value of the data (Ray, product targeting; and (2) product valuation improvement via better
2018). Such technology has enabled us to construct a complete view of consumer understanding. We specifically consider the mutual influence
various business applications, thereby enabling firms to derive a better of IoT-based investment decisions and pricing policies for firms. For

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (X. Zhang), (W.T. Yue).
Received 29 January 2020; Received in revised form 5 March 2020; Accepted 7 March 2020
Available online 12 March 2020
1567-4223/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X. Zhang and W.T. Yue Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 41 (2020) 100967

example, firms can use a pricing strategy to address demand un- scientists.
certainty and simultaneously improve consumer targeting, which con- The significant and ongoing development of machine learning, ar-
tradicts the common wisdom that the IoT and contingent pricing are tificial intelligence (AI), and 5G has led to IoT-based systems becoming
mutually exclusive. Two substituting strategies and technologies can ever more powerful. Thus, AI is adept at processing and analyzing vo-
thus be used simultaneously to generate higher profits (Zhang and Yue, lumes of data far more rapidly than humans, and can return synthesized
2019). courses of action that aid the decision-making processes handled by
human users (Uzialko, 2019). 5G can aid in the seamless transmission
2. A post-2020 perspective on IoT impacts of data, and can lead to more efficient data collection and system
communication. The combination of AI and the IoT has recently led to
The significant and ever-expanding effects of the IoT technology the advent of the Artificial Intelligence of Things, which refers to in-
have led academics in the business domain to pay close attention to the telligent and connected systems with the self-correcting and self-re-
role of the IoT in the overlapping spheres of technology and manage- pairing abilities (MSV, 2019). Such applications have been used in
ment. healthcare (Dhanvijay and Patil, 2019; Jia, Ren, and Cai, 2020). The
From a technology perspective, Kaur and Deep Kaur (2018) de- IoT has been used along with other auxiliary technologies. Thus, op-
signed and implemented a new retail business model based on the use timal resource allocation is a critical strategic issue for firms when fa-
of sensor-based measurement containers that can assist cloud IoT-en- cing the innovation, development, and implementation of multiple
abled grocery management systems for household commodities. technologies.
Zeadally and Bello (2019) carefully reviewed technologies and IT ar- Although the IoT has created numerous opportunities, practitioners
chitectures that could be adopted for healthcare applications. The true are also facing challenges in the IoT industry. For example, the inter-
value of IoT in healthcare systems is in the continuous real-time col- connectivity of devices means that data protection and security will
lection of data on, and monitoring of, patients. The IoT also has ap- become an extremely important issue for management teams.
plications in the management of energy and emergency services, among Cybersecurity and privacy have been the main barriers to the adoption
others. Such IoT adoption is becoming increasingly common in various of IoT in various industries. From a cybersecurity perspective, Zarpelão
sectors in the Industry 4.0 environment. et al. (2017) summarized the intrusion detection systems proposed in
From a business perspective, a deep understanding of the business the literature and discussed their effectiveness in IoT applications. El-
model specifically designed for IoT would be of great importance to Haddadeha et al. (2019) investigated the role of the IoT in improving
fully exploit the value generated from IoT. Dijkman et al. (2015) pro- citizens’ engagement with public services in smart cities and found that
posed a framework to define the key building blocks and types of op- the perceived value of the IoT is strongly influenced by its perceived
tions, besides evaluating the relative importance of these building usefulness and ability to empower citizens, as well privacy-related is-
blocks and types. This framework could help to facilitate business sues related to its use. Further attention should be paid to this in future
models, especially for IoT applications. Similarly, Lee (2019) derived research. Dynamically designed and appropriate policies for IoT se-
key elements for the business model in enterprise IoT services and il- curity are urgently required. Moreover, although the IoT can assist
lustrated such a model with a real case of smart hotel room develop- firms in designing better business applications, the preponderance of
ment. With the significant development of IoT technology and its pe- data with firms could exacerbate the problem of information asym-
netration into business, we expect to see more applications in various metry; thus, a better market design that can prevent the erosion of
industries. Thus, research on business models for IoT applications is one consumer welfare is needed.
of the key research directions in the future. In the future, we can expect to see much more business-related re-
The IoT has also supplemented supply chain management activities, search examining how the IoT can address the issues that are important
such as cost-saving, inventory accuracy, and product tracking. to consumers, firms, and policymakers in multiple industries; these is-
However, most existing literature focuses on the production and de- sues include product design, advertising, dynamic pricing, personalized
livery of supply chain processes, while sourcing and return remain re- marketing, health management, energy consumption management,
latively ignored (Ben-Daya et al., 2019). Moreover, there is still a lack energy saving, and emissions reduction.
of models addressing supply chain problems in an IoT environment. The
application of the IoT in the food supply chain is another very inter- CRediT authorship contribution statement
esting area of study.
Given the continuous accumulation of data with the deployment of Xiong Zhang: Writing - original draft. Wei T. Yue: Writing - review
the IoT, machine learning techniques will also increasingly get in- & editing, Supervision.
tegrated into IoT systems, thereby enabling the collection of more va-
luable data. However, this has rarely been discussed from a business Declaration of Competing Interest
perspective in the literature. The adoption of the IoT has significantly
changed how consumer needs are fulfilled in terms of time, location, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
and manner. Thus, new marketing theories and models are needed to interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
understand consumer experiences. How marketing theory and eco- ence the work reported in this paper.
nomic theory can be tested by using IoT data could be an interesting
research direction (Ng and Wakenshaw, 2017). Acknowledgements
For example, as self-driving cars, smart factories, and supermarkets
emerge, we must understand such systems from a socio-technical per- This work was partially supported by grants from National Natural
spective. In academia, we expect to see more research into this tech- Science Foundation of China (Grant 71801014), Beijing Social Science
nological trend using diverse methodologies. Economic modeling re- Foundation (Grant 17GLC069), the Research Grants Council of the
search possesses predictive power and can generate empirically Hong Kong Special administrative Region, China (Project No. CityU
verifiable policies and strategies for pricing, selling, marketing, and 11507117).
management. Machine learning techniques will, thus, be widely
adopted to mine hidden but valuable information within a huge References
quantity of data across various domains; this will benefit both managers
and policymakers as well as consumers (Dartmann et al., 2019). Thus, Ben-Daya, M., Hassini, E., Bahroun, Z., 2019. Internet of things and supply chain man-
the IoT has created extensive research opportunities for management agement: a literature review. Int. J. Prod. Res. 57 (15–16), 4719–4742.

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