Elemental Form: Iron Body

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All characters are the property of Level 99 Games.


Luc can ante Time Tokens once per
If Kallistar is in Elemental beat for an effect. These are not Cadenza can ante an Iron
Form at the end of the Ante cumulative. Body Token to gain Stun
phase, she gains +2 Power Immunity.
1 Time: +1 Priority
and +2 Priority, and loses 1
3 Time: SoB: Advance 0-2 spaces.
life. 5 Time: SoB: You become the Active When hit, he can spend an
Player. Iron Body to gain infinite Stun
If she is in Human Form, she Guard (damage can't stun him,
has Soak 1 on all attacks. He gains a token at the end of each but special effects still can).
beat, to a limit of 5.
Kallistar has +3 Power and +3 Luc gains 2 Time Tokens per beat, to Cadenza has 4 Iron Body Tokens, and
Priority in Elemental Form. a limit of 7. gains Soak 2 whenever he uses one.
Almighty Almighty Almighty
Kallistar has +4 Power and Priority in Elemental
Form, but loses 2 life per turn. In Human Form, she Luc gains 3 Time Tokens per beat, to a Cadenza has 5 Iron Body, and gains
gains 1 life at Start of Beat. limit of 9. Soak 4 whenever he uses one.


Hikaru can ante one Elemental
During the ante phase, Magdelina
Token each beat for its effect. Vanaah can ante her Divine gains +1 Power, +1 Priority and Stun
Rush token for +2 Power Guard 1 for each Level Counter she
Earth: Soak 2
and +2 Priority. It is has.
Wind: +2 Priority
Fire: +3 Power discarded with that beat's At the end of each beat, she gains a
Water: –1-+1 Range attack pair and cycles with Trance Counter. If she has more
those cards until it returns to Trance Counters than Level
When a card tells him to regain a
Counters, she may discard all of her
token, he can't choose one he anted her. Trance and gain a Level.
this beat.
Hikaru may ante 2 tokens per beat; any Vanaah has two Divine Rushes. She Magdelina's levels go from 1 to 6.
time he gains tokens, he may gain 2. can use them together if she wants. She loses a level if she KO's a foe.
Almighty Almighty Almighty
Hikaru may ante any number of tokens. He Like EX, and Vanaah has one fewer Her levels go from 2 to 7. She loses a
recovers one token at the end of each beat. Discard pile. level if she KO's a foe.


Rukyuk can ante one Ammo Token Demitras can ante any number of
per beat for its effect. If he does not, Heketch can ante his Dark Force
Crescendo Tokens for +2 Power
his attack can't hit foes that beat. Token to immediately move
each. On Reveal, he has +1
adjacent to an opponent and gain
Priority for each Crescendo still in
Explosive Shell: +2 Power +3 Priority.
his pool.
Swift Shell: +2 Priority
Flash Shell: Ignore Stun Guard At the end of a beat, if there are 2
AP Shell: Ignore Soak Each time he hits an opponent,
empty spaces between Heketch
Longshot: –1-+1 Range he gains a Crescendo (to a limit
and his nearest opponent, he
Impact Shell: On Hit: Push of 5). Each time he is hit, he
regains his Dark Force.
opponent 2 spaces. loses one.

Rukyuk can ante two Ammo. If he does, at Heketch can have 2 Dark Forces and regains Demitras gains a Crescendo after
end of turn, he returns one to his token pool. both at once. He can only spend one per turn. every beat, to a limit of 7.
Almighty Almighty Almighty
Rukyuk can ante two Ammo. If he does, his attack Like EX, but Heketch can have 3 Dark Forces, and
activates twice, with both tokens applying both times. when anteing he can move to any space, not just Demitras gains 2 Crescendos on hit and
He discards both tokens. adjacent to his foe. 1 at end of beat, to a limit of 10.

These are summaries for your opponent. They don't include setup and have been reworded.
These are summaries for your opponent. They don't include setup and have been reworded.
All characters are the property of Level 99 Games.


Hepzibah may ante any number of
Whenever Kehrolyn plays an
her Dark Pacts each beat. She pays Whenever Lixis hits an
attack, the style in her Discard 1 life per Dark Pact anted, and may
opponent, that opponent
1 is applied to it, in addition to not spend her last life point this way.
chooses and discards a base
the style that's part of the
from their hand. That base
attack pair. Almighty: +2 Power
Endless: +2 Priority goes to Discard 1 along with
Immortal: Soak 2 its owner's current attack pair
The style in her Discard 1 is
Inevitable: +0-1 Range and cycles back as normal.
called her Current Form. Corruption: Ignore Stun Guard

As an ante, Kehrolyn may make Discard Hepzibah gains 1 life after each Lixis chooses the base her opponent
2's style her Current Form instead. beat. discards, not the opponent.
Almighty Almighty Almighty
Kehrolyn has two Current Forms at once, Hepzibah gains 1 life after each beat and Opponents have an additional discard
one from each Discard pile. whenever she damages a foe. pile that their cards cycle through.


Khadath has a Gate Trap Marker, When Sagas antes his Mirror Token, all
which can be on or off the board. Tatsumi has a familiar, Juto, who has 4 life
changes to power, priority and range affect
points and is removed from the board at 0 life.
both players for the rest of the beat. (This only
Her attacks have bonuses based on his
On Reveal, an opponent in the Gate includes changes due to status effects, UAs,
relative position:
or tokens.)
Trap's space has -3 Priority, and Zone 0 (behind her): +0-2 range, +1 Power
opponents in the adjacent spaces He may treat his Mirror as any other kind of
Zone 1 (in her space): Soak 3, Juto takes the
have -1 Priority. damage soaked.
token for the purpose of card effects.
Zone 2 (between her and opponent): Soak
1, Stun Guard 2; Juto takes damage soaked.
When an opponent moves onto the He regains his Mirror at the end of any beat
Zone 3 (opponent's space and beyond): +1
when his attack pair's base is the same as a
Gate Trap, that movement effect Priority
base in his opponent's Discard piles.
Khadath has two Traps. Their effects Sagas's Mirror Token also copies Tatsumi has 2 Jutos. They share 8
are cumulative and Snare hits both. Soak and Stun Guard. life points, and both confer bonuses.
Almighty Almighty Almighty
Khadath has three Traps. Their effects Like EX, and Sagas may choose who to Tatsumi has 3 Jutos. They share 12 life
are cumulative, and Snare hits all three. target with his Mirror Token. points, and all confer bonuses.


Zaamassal applies his Active Paradigm, if any,
Cherri can ante her Insight Token to
to all of his attacks.
cause a clash after the Reveal, no matter
Pain: On Damage: Foe loses 2 life. Seth may name a base as an what the players' priorities are. (This has
Resilience: SoB: Soak 2. AA: Lose all Soak. ante once per beat. no effect if either player reveals a
Haste: You win priority ties. Adjacent Special Action.)
opponents can't move.
Fluidity: BA: Move 0-1 spaces. EoB: Move
If his nearest opponent's attack Whenever Cherri clashes with an
0-1 spaces. pair contains that base (after any opponent, or extends a clash, that
Distortion: Attacks at range 4 can't hit clashes), he gains +2 Power and opponent loses 1 life.
Zaamassal. His attacks include range 3.
+2 Priority.
If Cherri takes 3 or more damage from
His Paradigm goes away if he is stunned or
assumes a new Paradigm. an attack, she regains her Insight.

Zaamassal may have two Paradigms. Seth gains +3 Power and +3 Priority Up to twice per clash, when Cherri wins
When stunned, he discards one. for a correct guess. a clash she may continue it instead.
Almighty Almighty Almighty
When Cherri is the Active Player, she may choose to
Zaamassal may have three Paradigms. Seth gains +4 Power and +4 Priority for a clash. When she wins a clash, she may continue it
When stunned, he discards one. correct guess, and can choose who to target. (up to 3 times per beat).

These are summaries for your opponent. They don't include setup and have been reworded.

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