Manufacturing of Customized Implants For Orbital Fractures Using 3D Printing

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Bioprinting 21 (2021) e00118

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Manufacturing of customized implants for orbital fractures using

3D printing
Manmadhachary A a, *, Aditya Mohan A b, Haranadha Reddy M c
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, IFHE University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, MNR Dental College and Hospital, Sangareddy, Telangana, India
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Panineeya Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Hyderabad, Telangana, India


Keywords: An orbital fracture is a traumatic injury to the bone in the eye socket. These fractures modify the orbital bone
Orbital fractures dimensions and the functioning of the intraorbital contents. In this study, a surgical method that includes posi-
Customized implants tioning, aligning and fixing implants to restore orbital fractures was adapted. Notably, it is difficult to achieve an
Computed tomography
original three-dimensional orbital shape through the process of forming and cutting implants; however, this
3D printing
Material extrusion
problem was solved by creating customized implants using computed tomography (CT) images of the patient. The
objective of this work is to reconstruct the damaged orbital floor defects by means of a 3D printed implant and
restore the orbital floor to its original shape. A case study of an orbital fracture has been included in this study. CT
images were used to create a computer-aided design (CAD) model of orbital floor implants, which were designed
to maintain orbital floor symmetry from right to left and vice versa. Furthermore, the designed implants were
manufactured through a material extrusion process with biocompatible material. The application of the material
extrusion process with biocompatible material resulted in the fabrication of implants at a minimal cost. Therefore,
the customized models used in the patient’s intra-operation can minimize the operational time and maximize
surgical safety.

1. Introduction surgeries using 3D printing technology.

Many surgical methods have been adapted in previous studies
3D printing, commonly referred to as rapid prototyping (RP) or ad- (transconjunctival, subsidiary and coronal), and various materials have
ditive manufacturing (AM), is a manufacturing method in which mate- also been used to restore orbital fractures (bone, cartilage, titanium and
rials are solidified in the form of layers to create three-dimensional (3D) resorbable mesh). The extant literature has provided various procedures
physical objects from a 3D virtual model [1]. 3D printed objects are for the reconstruction of orbital fractures [8–14]. Despite the variety of
widely used in various medical fields, such as orthopedics, plastic sur- surgical procedures, all of them have the same results, with slight simi-
gery, neurosurgery, otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat surgery) and larities. Depending on the skill set of a surgeon, the process of fitting and
pulmonology (respiratory system) [2,3]. In the field of oral and maxil- aligning implants in the fractured orbital region is a reasonably
lofacial surgery (Dentistry), 3D printed objects are used to reconstruct the time-consuming process [15]. Some researchers recently used autologous
deformed bone [4]. In oral and maxillofacial surgery, the reconstruction bone graft and titanium mesh, which are shaped according to the size of
of the orbital fracture is challenging, and it is extremely difficult to regain the 3D printed orbital models, to achieve a three-dimensional shape. It is
its original structure [5]. Orbital fractures affect the position and function fixed and aligned to match the contours of the orbital floor. Moreover, 3D
of intraorbital substances, leading to problems such as diplopia, enoph- printed orbital models are used in surgical procedures as surgical aids to
thalmos and visual acuity disturbances [6]. To avoid these difficulties, it help recognize anatomical landmarks and the exact fixation of titanium
is necessary to surgically restore the fractured orbits and repair the mesh [16–18]. Furthermore, the complex anatomical shape of the orbit
pre-injury anatomy. Orbital fractures may lead to major problems with makes the forming and cutting process of titanium mesh very laborious,
imprecise surgical replacements [7]. This study hopes to provide insight and it is practically difficult to obtain a ‘true-to-original’ 3D shape. To
regarding the reconstruction of orbital floor fractures for accurate avoid these problems, some authors have manufactured 3D printed

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. A).
Received 16 October 2020; Received in revised form 2 December 2020; Accepted 2 December 2020
2405-8866/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. A et al. Bioprinting 21 (2021) e00118

Fig. 1. The right and left orbitals of the 3D CAD model.

customized orbital implants made of titanium powder, which can provide on 64 detectors with a slice thickness of 0.625 mm, a slice increment of
an exact anatomical shape of the orbital [19]. However, these implants 0.3 mm, a matrix size of 512 x 512 and a gantry tilt angle of 0 [24]. The
are expensive and heavier than the weight of the orbital anatomy being scan was carried out for the patient on the same day of admission at the
replaced. Few authors have contributed to their research in weight hospital.
optimization of orbital implants. These weight-optimized structural im-
plants have also been manufactured using 3D printing with titanium
2.2. CT data processing and design of an implant
powder [20]. 3D printed thermoplastic polymer models are used in
pre-planning surgical procedures and as implants in the medical industry
With the help of Mimics® (Materialise NV, Leuven, Belgium) soft-
[21–23]. Biocompatible polymer implants can be used in orbital floor
ware, CT images in the form of Digital Imaging and Communications in
fractures to reduce weight during implant design. The use of thermo-
Medicine (DICOM) standard were processed to develop a 3D CAD model.
plastic polymer implants in treatment is affordable and economical. This
DICOM images consist of voxels (cube) based data, where these voxels
paper explains a simple and reliable method for designing,
are arranged sequentially according to the principle behind the marching
manufacturing, and placing implants for the treatment of orbital frac-
cubes algorithm, and a region-growing technique was applied to form the
tures using computer-assisted simulation and 3D printing technology.
patient’s anatomy of the 3D CAD model. The orbitals are indicated in
violet colour as shown in Fig. 1. The damaged (right) and healthy (left)
2. Materials and methods
orbitals are shown in Fig. 1.
A mask editing tool was used to select and deselect pixels in the 2D
This study considered a 40-year-old male patient who was diagnosed
view, in which these selected and deselected pixels added and removed
with orbital floor fracture, and designated and fabricated a customized
voxels in their respective 3D CAD models. The initial CAD model con-
implant. The patient was treated at the Department of Oral and Maxil-
tained numerous artifacts that had been removed by the mask editing
lofacial Surgery, Panineeya Institute of Dental Science and Research
tool. In order to produce an orbital implant, only two orbitals CAD model
Centre, Hyderabad, India. The surgical procedures for the patient were
is extracted from the maxillary CAD model using the mask editing tool.
performed with the approval of the Institutional Ethical Committee (IEC).
The left and right orbital anatomical models were separated using the
The following sections describe the methodology adopted to develop
axis of symmetry. Finally, orbital anatomical models were obtained in the
patient-specific orbital floor implants.
3D CAD model, as shown in Fig. 2.
The above two separate orbital CAD models (Fig. 2) were used to
2.1. CT data acquisition design the implant. The healthy orbital (left side) CAD model was used to
design the implant using a mirror tool. Furthermore, the left side
The patient’s CT images were obtained using a 64-slice spiral CT (healthy) orbital was mirrored onto the right side, that is, the injured
scanner (Light Speed VCT, GE Medical Systems). The patient’s skull orbital. Likewise, a mirror plane was required to mirror the part on the
(orbital cavity and the surrounding bone structure) was scanned with other side of the 3D CAD model. The Mimics simulation module gener-
parameters of a tube current of 500 mA, a tube voltage of 80 kV, a pitch of ated a default sagittal plane, but made some adjustment to this plane to
1.34, and a gantry rotation time 0.4 s. The scanning parameters were set ensure that it was suitable for the required data set. Using the mirror tool,

M. A et al. Bioprinting 21 (2021) e00118

Fig. 2. Separation of the right and left orbitals as using the axis of asymmetry.

the 3D CAD model of the healthy orbital side was mirrored by the 2.3. Manufacturing of medical models by 3D printing
midsagittal plane to maintain the symmetry of the orbital counter. The
mirrored part (yellow color) is shown in Fig. 3. During the 3D printing process, the STL file was divided into multiple
The mirrored orbital CAD model (Fig. 3) was used to design the layers and controlled by a computer. Based on these layer data, the 3D
implant. This CAD model was subtracted from the initially developed printer fabricates medical models. The designed implant model is shown
right-sided orbital CAD model. Now, the inner surface of the subtracted in Fig. 5(a). As shown in Fig. 5(b), it was manufactured using a Stratasys
CAD model is exactly aligned on the top surface of the initially developed Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM®) Fortus 900mc machine with a bio-
right-sided orbital model. Furthermore, the area of the subtracted portion compatible PC-ISO material. The PC-ISO has a low material density
was reduced to provide a curved linear shape and a uniform surface on a compared to bone density, so weight optimization in implant design is
fractured orbital. Finally, the designed implant (red color model) main- disregarded. The PC-ISO material is used for making filaments with a
tained symmetry and improved the surface of the fractured orbital, as diameter of 1.75 mm, which are wound in the form of coils. It is extruded
shown in Fig. 4. This simulation tool is used to effectively design the as a thin filament from a heated nozzle, deposited on top of a printer base
implant and accurately mount it on the patient’s orbital surface during plate where it solidifies. The bottom layer on the base plate is formed by a
surgery. The 3D CAD models of the maxilla and designed implants were controlled extrusion head, which deposits thin layers of material onto the
converted into Standard Triangle Language (STL) file format to produce plate. The next layer is deposited on the previous layer, which develops
3D printed models. the model from bottom to top; this process is carried out layer by layer

Fig. 3. Left orbital mirrored with symmetry axis.

Fig. 4. Implant CAD Model (Red color). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

M. A et al. Bioprinting 21 (2021) e00118

Fig. 5. (a) Implant 3D CAD model, (b) 3D printed implant, (c) Maxilla 3D CAD model, and (d) 3D Printed maxilla.

Fig. 6. Pre-planning surgery on (a) CAD models and (b) 3D Printed models.

until the model is completed. The patient’s maxilla CAD model was implant CAD models in the simulation tool (Mimics software), as shown
developed in the Mimics software, as shown in Fig. 5(c). It was manu- in Fig. 6(a). Another method of pre-planning surgery was also performed
factured with the Stratasys FDM Dimension SST 768 machine using on the 3D printed maxilla (white model) with 3D printed orbital implant
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) filaments, as shown in Fig. 5(d). (transparent model), as shown in Fig. 6(b). In this pre-planning surgery,
the surgeons obtained information on the position of the implant and
2.4. Pre-surgical planning studied the contoured orbital end areas, where the screws must be fixed.
Rigid fixation can be achieved through a 3D printing technique compared
The motive for this surgery is to reconstruct the area of the orbital to virtual simulation. Osteotomy, reduction and fixation, fractured
floor by rebuilding the bone defect. In this work, a virtual pre-planning segment displacement, and facial contour reconstruction were all simu-
surgery was performed by simulating (positioning) the maxilla and lated to ensure a better surgical outcome.

M. A et al. Bioprinting 21 (2021) e00118

Fig. 7. (a) Reduction of orbital tissues and (b) Fixing the implant with titanium screw.

Fig. 8. Orbital floor (a) pre and (b) post-surgery evaluation.

2.5. Surgical procedure aligned with the orbital floor and fixed with titanium screws.

For sterilization, the 3D printed manufactured implant was sub- 2.6. Post-surgical follow-up
merged in an iodine solution for 8 h. In the case of general anesthesia, the
transconjunctival approach was used for the patient and a review of the Based on the orthoptic observation, the patient’s globe position and
lower orbital wall was performed. Herniated orbital tissue was reduced visual disturbances were noticed. In addition, a significant development
to restore intraorbital structures, as shown in Fig. 7(a). The 3D printed was detected after implanting the 3D printed model, and eliminating
implant was positioned to support the area of the orbital floor, which is diplopia and enophthalmos enhanced vision. The morphology of the pre
placed above the infraorbital bundle and below the lower rectus muscle. and post reconstructive surgery for orbital floors using the 3D printed
It is fixed to the inferior orbital margin to support orbital structures. The implant is observed in Fig. 8(a) and (b). In this case study, the patient
surgeons were able to identify the removal of bone sections and the eventually regained a reasonable orbital floor and a better facial
location of the implant by the shape and position of the reduced bone appearance.
segments. As shown in Fig. 7(b), the 3D printed implant was properly

M. A et al. Bioprinting 21 (2021) e00118

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