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Module 11

Fired Up!

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Recognized elements of the fire triangle in

different situations (DRR11/12-IIe-f-37),

analyze the different causes of fire

(DRR11/12-IIe-f-38), and observe

precautionary measures and proper

procedures in addressing a fire incident

To the learners
Let us bring the science laboratory in your home, and do basic experiment
in science. Bring out your Self – Learning Module, pen and some materials
needed for the experiment. Enjoy learning science at the comfort of your home.

1. Read carefully the given instructions in each activity, and be reminded with some
precautionary measures.

2. The back page of the SLEM can be used as a draft of your answer.
3. Always communicate with your subject teacher in case you do not understand the
instructions. Activities are best done with adult supervision.
4. Avoid too much erasure, make sure that your answer is correct before you put
into writing.
5. Answer all the given activities to properly assess you and to determine if
learning objective has achieved.
6. Enjoy and have fun while learning in the comfort of your home.


At the end of this module, you are expected to recognize elements of a fire
triangle in different situations, analyze different causes of fire, and observe
precautionary measures and proper procedures in addressing a fire incident.

1. Define and identify the components of the fire triangle;

2. Classify fire incidents according to fire classes; and
3. Describe proper procedure in addressing fire incident.


Directions. Read carefully the given question. Encircle the letter of the correct answer
1. Which of the following elements is needed to create a fire?

A. Oxygen B. Carbon C. Air D. Hydrogen

2. What is the art of making or displaying fireworks?

A. Lightning B. Incendiary C. Pyrotechnic D. Combustion

3. Which of the following is NOT a component of fire?

A. Oxygen B. Heat C. Fuel D. Helium

4. Which of the following classes of fire where fuels are cooking oils, grease such as animal
fat and vegetable oil?

A. Class K B. Class C C. Class D D. Class B

5. How does spontaneous combustion takes place?

A. There is an ignition of organic matter without apparent cause.

B. There is an ignition of inorganic matter with apparent cause.

C. There is an ignition of organic matter with apparent cause.

D. There is an ignition of inorganic matter without apparent cause.

Looking Back
Look at me!
Directions. Box the acronym in the word puzzle described in the sentence. The acronyms
are written horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and backward.
1. It is under the Department of Science and Technology, and its website displays the PAGASA radar
data, rainfall measurements of rain gauges and has flood maps of different regions.
2. This weather instrument that detects rain clouds and sends out electromagnetic waves to the
3. The overflowing of the normal confines of a stream or bodies of water, or the accumulation of water
over areas that are not normally submerged.
4. Its mandate is to provide protection against natural calamities and utilize scientific knowledge as
an effective instrument to insure the safety, well-being and economic security of all the people, and
for the promotion of national progress.
5. The overall in-charge in the development of science and technology in the Philippines.


Brief Introduction
Fig 1. Fire Triangle

Fire triangle is the basic means to understand components of fire. Fire is also known as
combustion, it is a chemical reaction that occurs when heat, fuel and oxygen combine,
creating flames and giving off light and smoke. Flames are blazing part of the fire we can see,
it can be of different colors depending on what is being burned and how hot the fire is. Color
flames are white, orange, red and yellow. Fire can be both positive and negative. There are
different examples of fire which we are benefiting like a Bon fire, this kind of fire makes us feel
warmth in an outdoor while fireplace is an indoor fire. Fire also helps us to cook our food, as a
light source and used in many industrial processes. Fire can cause death or injury. It can
destroy or burns down houses and forests if we do not deal with fire carefully.

The three components of fire are, Oxygen, Heat, and Fuel. Fuel is any combustible
material capable of burning. Combustible materials are shrubs, trees, wood piles, decks,
propane tanks, plastics and papers. Heat is another component of fire which is responsible for
initial ignition of fire, it is also needed to maintain the fire and allows it to spread by removing
the moisture from nearby fuel. There are different sources of heat, lightning, cigarettes, power
lines, catalytic converters, small engine sparks, matches, and magnifying glass. The last
component of fire is oxygen, it is found in the air.
Approximately 21% of air is Oxygen, and most fires only requires at least 16%
oxygen for burning to take place. On the other hand, combustion is a chemical process
in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give off heat and spontaneous combustion
is the ignition of organic material without apparent cause an example of this is forest

Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) holds the record together with Philippine
Statistics Authority (PSA) of the number of fire incidents nationwide in 2013. There
were 12,301 fire incidents and 58 people died in National Capital Region (NCR) alone.
Fire incidences were caused by cigarette butts, faulty electrical wiring or connection and
neglected electrical appliances. Sometimes Incendiary fire happens, this is also known
as Arson a deliberately setting a property to a fire, and this is a criminal offense (PD

Displaying fireworks or Pyrotechnics may also cause fire if neglected and used
by children. Other causes of fire are bomb explosion, lightning, chemicals, unattended
open flame like torch, candle or lamp (gasera), neglected cooking or stove and many
more. Fire incident may be classified according to its fuel source.

Class A are ordinary combustible materials like wood, paper, plastic, or anything
that leaves ash. Class B are flammable liquid materials such as petroleum oil, gasoline,
paint and flammable gases like propane and butane. Class C are
energized electrical fires like motors, transformers, and appliances. Fig. 2 Fire
Class D are combustible metals like potassium, sodium, aluminum,
titanium and magnesium.

Class K are cooking oils, grease such as animal fat and vegetable oil.
It is necessary to identify the source of fire or the fuel in the fire to determine what
substances or chemicals are effective in extinguishing fire.
Fire extinguisher is a portable
metal apparatus used to put out small
fire by extinguishing chemicals. There
are different classes of fire extinguisher
Fig. 3. Small fire incident to be used for different sources of fire. Fig. 4. Big fire incident
However, big fire cannot be extinguish easily by a fire
extinguisher. It is best to follow certain procedure to address a big fire incident by
asking for help from Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) immediately. One of its mandates
is to prevent and suppress all destructive fires.


The Fire triangle

Objective: Define and identify components of a Fire Triangle.

Materials: candle, matches, wide – mouthed glass jar with lid, ruler.
Precautionary measures: Hair pulled back and wear safety glasses.
Do the activity on a clean and steady table without structure overhead.
General Scoring for rubric:
Equivalent score 4(10 pts.) 3 (8pts.) 2 (5pts.) 1 (3 pts.)
Specific Learning Organized Generally Likely to be May be very brief
outcomes logically and organized organized and
clearly (structured logically, but the illogically or underdeveloped
to reflect scientific organization may randomly. Used or include much
logic and/or lapse. Uses many vague and irrelevant
reasoning) words imprecise words information. May
Chooses words for accurately, but or much use words
their precise may have inappropriate inappropriately
meaning. unnecessary jargon
jargon or a few
overly general or
vague words

Table 1. Fire Activity

BEFORE (color AFTER (color and
Procedure and size of the size of the wick Conclusion
wick and candle) and candle)

1. Light the candle.

2. Light a candle using a

match, observe. Then,

soak the wick of the candle on

water, light again the candle
using a match.

3. Mount the lighted candle

on the underside of the lid.
Slowly put a cover on the lid
with the glass jar, and wait for
2 minutes.

Guide question
1. What are the three elements of fire?

2. Explain briefly the role of the three elements of fire.

3. If the fire triangle is incomplete, will there be no fire? Explain your answer.
_ 6
Activity 2
Handle Me with Care.

Directions. Identify and classify the different causes of fire in the given picture below.
Number one was done for you.

Table 2. Caused and classification of fire in different scenarios.

Caused of fire Fire incidents Classification

Faulty electrical wiring Class C
Guide question
1. Name at least five items that could possibly cause fire you can find in your home.
2. What are possible ways you can do to prevent fire incident in your home?
3. In case of small fire happens inside the classroom, what will you do? Explain.

Activity 3

The Dreadful Heat

Directions. Read and understand the news article about fire incident given below.
Answer the guide question that follows.

Philippine factory fire: Many dead in Manila

Published14 May 2015
At least 45 people are now known to have died in a fire at a rubber shoe factory in
a suburb of the Philippine capital Manila, local officials say.
With more than 26 people still unaccounted for, the death toll is expected to rise.
Firefighters battling the blaze on Wednesday found no survivors after bringing it under
control. Most of the victims are thought to have suffocated in thick black smoke from
burning rubber and chemicals.

On Thursday morning charred cars could be seen inside the gutted building image
caption. Many bodies have been brought out but some are still inside the factory. The
Mayor of the Valenzuela suburb Rex Gatchalian said the government was "still praying
and hoping that the 26, some of them, must have gotten out earlier in the morning and
had gone to relatives" without telling officials they were safe. Some of the bodies were still
inside the building on Thursday morning. The fire was reportedly started when sparks
from welding work ignited flammable chemicals near the building's entrance. The victims
are thought to have suffocated in the smoke fire left the building too dangerous to recover
bodies from. Distraught relatives awaited news outside the factory. The fire spread quickly
and a few people escaped, but many more were trapped on the second floor of the building.
Some of those trapped texted family members asking for help, local media reported. The
factory is operated by Kentex Manufacturing, and produces rubber flip flops and sandals.
The fire took more than five hours to bring under control, and recovery of bodies has been
suspended while engineers make the building safe. The Philippines has lax safety
standards and large fires are relatively common, particularly in slum areas.

Guide Question
1. What caused the fire? How did it start?
2. Under which fire class could this be classified?
3. Is it possible for the fire incident to be prevented? Explain you answer.
4. Suppose there is an ongoing fire incident, what would you do?

Components of fire are Oxygen, heat and fuel.

Incendiary fire is a criminal offense known as Arson.
Fire of extinguisher is portable metal apparatus used to put out small fire by
extinguishing chemical that causes fire.
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) is responsible for prevention and suppression
of all destructive fires.
Common causes of household fire incident are, neglected cooking or stove,
faulty electrical wiring, neglected electrical appliances, and unattended open
flame like candle or lamp (gasera).

Check Your Understanding

Directions. Identify the word describe in the sentence. Write your answer in the
space before the number.
1. Government agency that is responsible for suppression and
prevention of destructive fire.

2. A chemical process in which a substance reacts with oxygen

found in the air.
3. It is a portable metal apparatus which can extinguish small

4. The classification of flammable liquid materials like

petroleum, oil, gasoline etc.

5. What Presidential Decree amended the Law on arson?

DIRECTIONS: Read the question carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. Which of the following is NOT a combustible material?

A. Wood B. Twigs C. Steel D. Paper
2. Which of the following is NOT a component of fire?
A. Heat B. Oxygen C. Fuel D. Water
3. What is your possible conclusion for number three (3) activity 1?

A. The fire in the wick of the candle was put out due to the lack of oxygen
in the air inside the jar.

B. The fire in the wick of the candle was put out due to the lack of heat in the air inside
the jar.

C. The fire in the wick of the candle was put out due to the lack of fuel in the air inside
the jar.

D. The fire in the wick of the candle was put out due to the lack of wick in the candle.

4. What is the correct classification for any combustible materials that

leaves ash?
A. Class D B. Class A C. Class D D. Class B

5. Which of the following was the cause of fire in activity number three (3)?

A. Chemicals C. Faulty electrical wiring.

B. Direct flame contact D. Unattended open flame

Directions. Based on what you have learned from this module. Answer the
questions below according to your understanding.

1. How this module helped me and changed my perception about fire?

2. How will I apply the concepts I learned in my daily life situation?

DepEd. (2020). Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). Teach Pinas.
CHED (2016). Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction: Teaching Guide for Senior High
` School


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