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I am FIT through
Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC):
Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities
(MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes most days of the week in a
variety of settings in- and out-of school

Code: PEH12FH-Ia-t-8

At the end of this module you will be able to:

 Explain the meaning of ballet dance
 Participate in moderate to vigorous dance activities and
recreation in a variety of settings; and
 Determine the benefits derived from participating in dance.


There are various types of dances, each with its own style and music. Whatever
kind of music one enjoys, one can find a style to match ones personality too. Let us study in this
module the history and characteristics of a ballet dance.

Let’s try this:

1. The following are the segments of a ballet class EXCEPT one.

a. Warm-up c. Corner Drills
b. Center work exercise d. Barren Exercises
2. It is an art of dance with a programmatic scenic dances accompanied by music.
a. Baler c. Role Play
b. Ballet d. Theater Play
3. How many ballet dance positions are there?
a. 6 c. 5
b. 4 d. 8
4. A corner exercise that soars through the air and land on the floor lightly as possible is what we
a. Sautes c. Chasse
b. Jete d. Walks

5. Type of a center exercise which means a stuffed steps

a. Attitude c. Grand Jete
b. Arabesque d. Pas de bourree


Can you still remember the picture below? The ballet technique is based on the five
positions of the feet. The feet in each position are always parallel with each other with an
outward rotation of the legs called turn-out. This provides a freedom of movement in any
direction and making the execution of the most difficult movements look effortless and graceful.

Ballet was taken from the Italian word ballare, meaning to dance, and ballo, refering to
dance performed in a ballroom. According to Haskeell (1965) ballet is a combination of the arts
of dancing and poetry, music and painting. The essential quality of the ballet dancer is grace
that is phrasing, fluidity, harmony, the making of words into a poetic whole; bound up with the
reaction to music that goes far deeper than a purely rhythmic reaction.
Ballet originated in Italian courts during Renaissance period. Entertainments in the royal
court such as dance, music and pantomime were included in masquerade balls, plays and
presentations between courses in banquets. Choreographers during that time were called
dance masters, and terry were the ones responsible for training courtiers and royalties the proper
dance etiquettes and social graces (Aseron, 2018).
The American colonization paved the way for the introduction of classical ballet in the
Philippines. In 1915, distinguished ballet dancer Paul Nijinsky performed classical ballet at the
Manila Hotel Roof Garden (Dimalanta, 2006). In 1927, uva Adameit came to the Philippines and
started a ballet school. She trained the first few ballet dancers in the country. Her dances, Sur les
pointers, were inspired by local dances like the Planting Rice, Carinosa and Maria Clara that
eventually influenced Leonor Orosa Goquingco.
From then on, ballet has thrived in the country and brought a number of foreign teachers
and performers to perform and teach as well. Ballet education became widespread in the
country. Form Luzon to Mindanao, various dance studios and hundreds of ballet dance classes
are being offered in major areas in the Philippines.
Ballet performances come in different forms. Some tell a story, others develop a theme
and a few are simply dancing for its own sake called abstract ballets. Thus, the structure of ballet
class consists of a warm up, exercises for the barre, center and across the floor like corner drills.


Do the following warm-up exercises for ballet. Hold each stretch for at least 10 counts
and may be repeated for 10 times.. Ask someone in your house to take a picture while you are
doing this activities. Your subject teacher will give you a criteria and further instructions.

1. Look for a support –it can be a
chair or anything that you can hold
on to.
2. With your one hand on the
support and the other one on your
hips, make a V-shape out of your
3. Bend your knees, making a
diamond shape out of your legs.
Keep your back straight and
buttocks down.
4. Stretch your legs back to your
original position.
1. With one on the support, reach up
and to the side, stretching the side
of your body. As you do the
exercise, do not bend your knees.
2. Go back straight and recover to
your starting position.
3. Repeat on the other side.

1. With a chair, prop up one leg in
the seat.
2. Extend your arms up, and reach
forward and try to touch your toes.
3. As you do the exercise, make sure
not to alter the position of your back
and legs t get the full stretch.
4. Hold the position for at least 8
5. Repeat on the other leg.

1. Stand behind a chair, or any other
2. Lift one leg up in front. For greater
difficulty, lift the heel of your supporting
foot off the floor.
3. Stay in the position for at least 8
4. Switch leg.
5. For balance checking, you may let
go of the support every once in a
while. 981/i/450/depositphotos_109815306-stock-

1. Stand straight.
2. Looking straight ahead, lift your
heels off the floor.
3. Stay in tip-toe position for at least
two seconds then go back to the
original position.
4. Do the exercise for at least 8 sect.


Choose any ballet movements given above. Combine and create a simple 32 count ballet
combination of exercises. Execute and record it from your device and send it to your respective
group chat.


Basic Ballet Movements

A. For Center Exercises

1. Port de bras- the carriage of the arms; graceful movements of the arms through a
series of positions.
2. Arabesque- one leg is raised and extended behind the body and a variety of shapes
of the arms are used to harmonize with its long extended line.
3. Saute arabesque- doing the arabesque, do a completer hop, hold the pose in demi-
plie, then repeat on the side.
4. Attitude- the bent leg is raised in front or behind the body. It is open used as a midway
position in slow unfolding movements.
5. Pas de bourre- means stuffed steps. From the starting position and moving right, step
the working (Left) foot behind the supporting (Right) foot. Step on the right foot to the
side and close the left foot in the beginning position.

B. For Corner Exercises.

1. Ballet Walks- starting in first or third position, walk through the toes, ball and then heel
of one foot and then the other. The body is aligned and moves with grace and ease.
2. Chasse- means chasings steps. Staring in a first or third demi-plie position, shift the
weight so the front leg slides along the floor to fourth or second position.
3. Saute- means jumps. Starting in a demi-plie, execute a vertical jump into the air and
end in starting position. This can be done in all five positions.
4. Jete- it means thrown. Soaring through the air and land as lightly as possible. Brushing
the back leg off the floor at a certain height. Pushing he off the other leg and leap to the
other leg.
5. Grad jeter- means a big leap. Using runs as the approach, brush the front foot forward,
push off the back leg of the air moment and land in demi-plie on the other foot. Holding
the landing briefly, and then begin runs for repeating the leap on the other side.


Use a popular story, it could be a short story, or from children’s story book and think of a
possible way on how the story can be told without spoken words.
Think of how you can use your own body and facial expressions to tell simply the story by
using mime and at the same time incorporating some of the basic ballet movements.
Execute and perform your ballet piece in front of your family.
Take a picture or record it in an Mp4 format and send it to your teacher.

1. It is an art of dance with a programmatic scenic dances accompanied by music.
a. Baler c. Role Play
b. Ballet d. Theater Play
2. The following are the segments of a ballet class EXCEPT one.
a. Warm-up c. Corner Drills
b. Center work exercise d. Barren Exercises
3. How many ballet dace positions are there?
a. 6 c. 5
b. 4 d. 8
4. A corner exercise that soars through the air and land on the floor lightly as possible is called?
a. Sautes c. Chasse
b. Jete d. Walk

5. Type of a center exercise which means a stuffed steps

a. Attitude c. Grand Jete
b. Arabesque d. Pas de bourree

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