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Part A read the article on the link below.

Then, do the activities that follow

Title: Why “smart” objects may be d dumb idea

Author: Zeynep Tufekci
Source: The new York times, August 10, 2015
Retrived from:

1.) What is the main claim of the author?

I believe Zeynep Tufekci’s main claim is that the internet was indeed built for
information sharing and connecting with other people but we have gone to the
point that It is vulnerable to hacking and lacks the security necessary for the
Internet, that the Internet lacks security safeguards and therefore endangers the
advantages and conveniences of many smart artifacts, that the industry response
has been to nod politely and fix exposed flaws without fundamentally changing
the way they really operate. This is why the Internet of Things should not be built
on this faulty foundation, we need to make programs more reliable and databases
more secure.

2.) What is the main purpose of the article?

In the article, it is suggested that the author wants her readers to be aware of the
risks of technological innovation. In order to protect their privacy, the author
wants readers to be careful of what they put out and what they do on the internet,
she also says that all technologies sound great until you learn the risk that this
form of communication carries
3.) What is the tone used in delivering the message and how is it shaped by the language
4.) What is the background of the author?
5.) Who are the targets of this article?
The target reader of this article is everyone, especially those who make use of
technological developments. It is targeted at people who spend time on the
internet or so-called internet users and customers who purchase a lot of technical
technologies, such as mobile devices and modern automobiles.

6.) What was the context for writing the article? What was the current sociopolitical,
economic and cultural situation when it was written?
7.) Do you think there is sufficient and valid evidence that supports the main claim of the
author? Justify your answer
Based on blogs of other people that I have read it was said that “Tufekci does
make some good points about security, and uses the example of the hacked Jeep
Cherokee imbroglio to make her point that perhaps, cars and many other devices
should not be networked or internet-enabled.” and the provided information and
situations provided by author, Zeynep Tufekci it is all currently happening and
true to life, there are far too many advantages in connected products which
outweigh the potential security risks. And while it is true that security has often
taken a back seat to connectivity in many consumer IoT devices.
8.) What other important pieces of information are missing from the article? How would
these missing pieces of information influence the overall structure, tone and message of
the article?
9.) What is the nature of the hyperlinks in the article? Are they leading toward a certain
interpretation? Justify your answer
10.) What are the logical fallacies and manipulative language used by the author, if
there are any? Was the author accurate and objective in presenting the ideas?

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