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26th Year of Publication


Pakistan unveils dossier carrying Martyrs of Jammu International experts warn

irrefutable evidence of India’s of impending danger of
sponsorship of terrorism inside massacre remembered
Muslims’ genocide in India

“India extra-judicially murdered hundreds of Kashmiris in fake encounters, and

“The to even
world hand overthe
community, their bodies.
United India’s(UN)
Nations actions areOrganisation
and an attempt toofobliterate
the distinct Kashmiri identity and it is against the Geneva Charter, UN
Cooperation (OIC) should play their part in a just and peaceful resolution of the Security
Council resolutions,
longstanding dispute ofand international
Jammu and Kashmir. law.The
The people
Muslim of Kashmir
countries shouldwill
use never
submit to influence
Indian and economic The
occupation. cloutPakistan
to prevent India from committing
government is steadfastatrocities
in helpingin
Kashmiriillegally occupied
brothers Jammuin
and sisters and Kashmir.”
their legitimate struggle for self-determination.”
(Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, addressing the
(Prime Minister Imran Khan in his virtual address to the 75th session of the United Nations
International Parliamentary Kashmir Conference on
HumanAssembly on10
Rights Day, August 25, 2020)
December 2020)

“The parliamentarians of the world should play a more proactive role in raising voices
for Kashmir cause and to make India accountable for its crimes against humanity in
Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). The implementation of United
Nations Security Council resolutions on Kashmir is a collective responsibility of all the
member states of the UNSC.”
(Chairman of Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir,
Shehryar Khan Afridi, addressing
Parliamentary Kashmir Conference on 10 December 2020)
Kashmir Insight
Vol: 26, No.12, December 2020 Printed & Published by All Parties Hurriyat Conference AJK
Ph: +92-51-4861457, Fax: +92-51-4861458
Editor: Muhammad Raza Malik Printers: Web Brothers,Al-Rehman Plaza, 44-H,
Sub Editor: Humayun Aziz Sandeela Haider Road, Rawalpindi
Art Editor: Muhammad Haroon Ph:051-5566348, Fax: 051-5516142


Editorial World urged to stop sexual violence against women in

India has shredded UDHR in IIOJK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02

IIOJK.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Cover Story
International experts warn of impending danger of
OIC rejects India’s illegal actions in IIOJK . . . . . . . . . . . 03

Report Muslims’ genocide in India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Pakistan unveils dossier carrying irrefutable evidence of

India’s sponsorship of terrorism inside Pakistan . . . . . . . . . 07
A chronological account of developments on Kashmir
Martyrs of Jammu massacre remembered . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
(172) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Demolition of houses, sheds of Muslim Gujjars and
Beauty thy name is
Bakarwals in IIOJK denounced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Kashmiri houseboats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Images speak louder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Counting Ripples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Human rights situation
Indian atrocities on IIOJK people during November 2020

Raies Ahmed Mir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Letters to Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK Pakistan on 14 November 2020 shared with the
international community a dossier containing
Pakistan has been the worst victim of Indian state- irrefutable proofs of the Indian sponsorship of terrorism
sponsored terrorism since the creation of the two in Pakistan. As per the dossier, besides providing
countries in 1947. The fact of the matter is that Indian millions of dollars to the terrorist organisations, Indian
Hindu leaders had not accepted the very idea of intelligence agencies were running 87 terrorist camps
formation of Pakistan claiming that the Muslim country targeting Pakistan. Sixty six of these terrorist camps
will not be able to sustain itself for long and will request were located in Afghanistan, whereas 21 others were
for its merger with India. However, the able leadership of functioning in India.
Pakistan, its armed forces and the people have proved Indian diplomats and military and intelligence
the Hindu leaders totally wrong and the country officials through Pakistan-centric terrorist groups
continues its journey of progress and development,
based in Afghanistan and Iran have carried out
despite Indian machinations.
hundreds of terrorist incidents including bomb blasts
Pakistan has been facing India’s constant aggression for across Pakistan, resulting in the killing and maiming of
the past over seven decades just for highlighting the thousands of people and destruction of property
brutalities being perpetrated by Indian troops in Indian worth billions of dollars. The captured and convicted
illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and supporting Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav is the living proof of
the Kashmir cause. On one hand, New Delhi has imposed the Indian state-sponsored terrorism in Pakistan. Even
wars on Pakistan from time to time, while on the other,
Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has admitted
Indian intelligence agencies have perpetrated terrorist
India’s role in the separation of East Pakistan from the
acts on the Indian soil itself to defame Pakistan. This was
West Pakistan and creation of Bangladesh.
witnessed after Indian Parliament attack in 2001 and
Mumbai attacks in 2008. Soon after these attacks, India The international community needs to realise the fact
had put the blame on Pakistan and its intelligence that India’s rogue actions could prove disastrous for
agencies. However, an officer of Indian home ministry the entire South Asia. It must hold New Delhi
later revealed that India itself had orchestrated the accountable for all the deaths and destruction it caused
attacks to strengthen its anti-terror laws. in Pakistan during past several decades.
been violating the UDHR in the illegally occupied
territory for the last over 7 decades and mercilessly
killing, arresting, torturing, maiming and humiliating
innocent Kashmiris of every age and gender for
demanding their right to self-determination. It pointed
out that Indian troops in their unabated acts of state
terrorism martyred 95,728 innocent Kashmiris
including 7,155 in custody since January 1989 till 10
December 2020. It said that these killings rendered
22,924 women widowed and 107,811 children
orphaned. The report said that the troops molested or
disgraced 11,231 women and damaged 110,375
residential houses and other structures. Over 8,000
people were subjected to custodial disappearance in the
period. The report maintained that thousands of people
were also injured by the pellets fired by the troops while
dozens of them had lost their eyesight completely due
to the pellet injuries. The report pointed out that 295
As the World Human Rights Day was observed across Kashmiris including 7 women were martyred since 05
the globe on 10 December 2020, Indian illegally August 2019 in the territory.
occupied Jammu and Kashmir continued to reel under These are the credentials of a country which depicts
brutal Indian occupation. The people of IIOJK itself as the biggest champion of human rights and the
remained deprived of their basic rights due to the largest democracy of the world. The reality is that New
Delhi has usurped all the basic rights and freedoms of
the Kashmiri people including their right to self-
determination, the freedom of expression and speech,
the freedom of free movement, the freedom of peaceful
assembly and protest, the freedom of practicing
religion, the freedom of access to information and the
freedom to travel abroad as enshrined in the UDHR.
unrelenting military siege, which was imposed on 05
The grim situation prevailing in IIOJK is a matter of
August 2019 by Narendra Modi-led communal
constant concern for the international community.
government in New Delhi when it repealed the special
World leaders including the UN Secretary General
status of the illegally occupied territory.
Antonio Guterres, the UN High Commissioner for
The World Human Rights Day is celebrated across the
Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, several members of
globe on 10 December, every year, to honour the
UK Parliament, many US Congress members, and
United Nations General Assembly's adoption and
global forums and organisations like European Union,
proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Human Rights
Rights (UDHR), the first global enunciation of human
Watch and Amnesty International have expressed
rights, on that day in 1948. The UDHR was indeed a
concern over the continued military siege and human
milestone but the Kashmiris’ human rights continue to
rights abuses in IIOJK.
be violated by India with impunity. Among 30 basic
The international community must force India to
human rights enlisted in the UDHR, not even one
respect all basic human rights enshrined in the UDHR
exists in IIOJK.
and resolve the Kashmir dispute by giving the
A report released by the Research Section of Kashmir
Kashmiris their inalienable right to self-determination
Media Service on the occasion of the World Human
without any further delay.
Rights Day said that Indian occupational forces had

December 2020 02
he Organisation of
Islamic Cooperation in
a resolution adopted in
OIC REJECTS INDIA’S its meeting in Niamey,
Niger, unanimously

ILLEGAL ACTIONS rejected and condemned all illegal

actions taken by India in Indian
illegally occupied Jammu and
IN IIOJK Kashmir on and after 05 August
2019. This development came as a
major win for Pakistan considering
that it has secured the support of 57
TO KASHMIR CAUSE countries for the Kashmir cause.
According to the resolution
Humayun Aziz Sandeela adopted at the meeting that took
place during the 47th Session of the

December 2020 03
Council of Foreign Ministers held
on 27-28 November 2020, all
members of the OIC denounced
the revocation of Kashmir’s
special status, state-sponsored
terrorism, gross human rights
violations as well as the exploita-
tion of COVID-19 by India to
suppress the people of IIOJK.
Furthermore, the OIC member
states demanded that the Indian
government rescind the domicile
certificates being issued to non-
Kashmiris since they serve as a
deliberate attempt to alter the
demographic structure of the
territory. The OIC further
emphasised that Jammu and negated the Indian propaganda Arabia, and its status and role in
Kashmir is an internationally that the Kashmir issue is not part the OIC. Indian efforts to influence
recognised disputed territory and of the OIC Council of Foreign the 57-member Muslim alliance
for any country to overtly lay Ministers' (CFM) meeting. It has been primarily directed at
claim over the region or act in proved that the Kashmir issue is a diverting attention from the
isolation is unwarranted. It “permanent item” on the prevailing situation in Indian
maintained that if India continues Organisation of Islamic illegally occupied Jammu and
to violate international laws in the Cooperation and the Muslim Kashmir (IIOJK) which is being
region, then members of the OIC representative body has been subjected to grave human rights
will encourage the world to unambiguously pronouncing its violations, atrocities and brutali-
ties by Indian forces who in fact
have been given absolute impu-
nity over their actions against the
Muslim majority population of the
In its resolution, the OIC slammed
India's state terrorism in IIOJK as
it reaffirmed support for Pakistan
on the cause.
The OIC denounced the use of
pellet guns by Indian troops in
IIOJK asking New Delhi to abide
by its international human rights
Urging the international commu-
nity to review their engagements
with India, the OIC acknowledged
review their dealings with India stance on the issue for decades, the people of Jammu and Kashmir
for the sake of the innocent through successive summits as as a principal party to the dispute.
Kashmiris. This is the kind of well as CFM resolutions. The OIC decided to further
response that is needed from the On multiple occasions, India has consider the Jammu and Kashmir
global community at large, it tried to undermine Pakistan’s dispute at the 48th CFM meeting
added. relation with the Muslim coun- scheduled to be held in Islamabad
The passing of the resolution also tries, especially UAE and Saudi in 2021.

December 2020 04
The organisation strongly urged said, in the backdrop of India's “Operating under draconian laws
India to implement the recom- illegal and unilateral actions of 05 with complete impunity, Indian
mendations of two reports of the August 2019, IIOJK has become a occupational forces are commit-
Office of the UN High grave human and humanitarian ting unspeakable atrocities to
Commissioner for Human Rights tragedy. silence the voice of the Kashmiris
on Kashmir. It also reaffirmed that He said for over 15 months now, and break their will,” he added.
the final decision about Jammu more than 8 million Kashmiris He said the efforts to change the
and Kashmir would be taken by continue to face lockdown, demographic structure of IIOJK
the Kashmiri people through a military siege, communications are part of the nefarious Indian
free and impartial plebiscite to be blockade, arbitrary detentions, designs. “These actions are in clear
held under the auspices of the UN. and unprecedented restrictions. violation of the UNSC (United
Meanwhile, Foreign Minister, The entire illegally occupied Nations Security Council)
Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who led territory has been converted into resolutions and international law,
the Pakistani delegation at the the world's largest open air prison, particularly the 4th Geneva
Niamey meet, while addressing he deplored. Convention,” he said.
the session said the rising wave of Shah Mahmood Qureshi said to He recalled that on 05 August
Hindutva in India has emerged as gloss over its crimes and malign 2020, in a clear violation of the OIC
a serious threat not only to Indian the indigenous resistance move- resolutions, the Indian Prime
Muslims but also to the regional ment in IIOJK, India hurls false Minister, Narendra Modi, laid the
security. accusations of cross-border foundation stone of a Hindu
The Foreign Minister pointed out terrorism against Pakistan and temple on the site of the historic
that the human rights situation in may resort to a false flag operation Babri Mosque that was demol-
Indian illegally occupied Jammu and undertake another misadven- ished by the Hindu extremists in
and Kashmir remains dire. He ture. 1992.
Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmood
Qureshi, also held meetings with
his counterparts from Saudi
Arabia, Chad, Afghanistan, Niger,
United Arab Emirates and other
member states of the OIC and
highlighted the grave situation in
Pakistan also welcomed unani-
mous declaration of the OIC’s
Council of Foreign Ministers that
rejected the Indian unilateral steps
and demanded withdrawal of
issuance of domicile of IIOJK to

December 2020 05
non-Kashmiris. Session of the OIC in
Briefing ambassadors Niamey, the capital city
of OIC member of Niger.”
countries in Highlighting Pakistan’s
Islamabad about the diplomatic outreach to
meeting held in galvanise the OIC
Niger, Foreign member countries’
Minister, Shah support for the Kashmir
Mahmood Qureshi, cause, the JKNF
appreciated all spokesman said, “The
member countries for people of Indian illegally
detailed discussion occupied Jammu and
on the Kashmir issue Kashmir owe a debt of
and Islamophobia. gratitude to the people
He said that the and government of
Niamey Declaration Pakistan for projecting
strongly condemned the Kashmir cause
the Indian inhuman vociferously at the
actions and human international forums.”
rights violations in The overwhelming and
IIOJK. unquestionable
Meanwhile, in Indian continued support to
illegally occupied Pakistan by Muslim
He maintained that Pakistan has
Jammu and Kashmir, the All countries and OIC on the Kashmir
been morally, politically and
Parties Hurriyat Conference and issue is a testament to Pakistan’s
diplomatically supporting the
other pro-liberation organisations effective and successful foreign
Kashmiri people for the last over
expressed satisfaction over the policy in highlighting the Kashmir
seven decades and hoped that it
resolution passed by the OIC’s dispute on the international level.
will continue its support till the
Council of Foreign Ministers in Pakistan’s progressive and
Kashmiris achieve their right to
favour of the Kashmiris’ inalien- pragmatic approach to highlight
able right to self-determination at the grave human rights violations
its session in Niamey, Niger. The APHC General Secretary said
by Indian troops in IIOJK has been
that all the efforts made by
APHC General Secretary, Molvi fruitful as several international
Pakistan, so far, were commend-
Bashir Ahmed, in a statement watchdogs such as Amnesty
able and it was unfortunate that
issued in Srinagar thanked International, Human Rights
India did not respond positively.
Pakistan for its efforts to garner Watch and UN Human Rights
support of the Muslim countries Jammu and Kashmir National
Council have condemned the
for the Kashmir cause. He said the Front spokesman in a statement
draconian policies enforced by
situation has become more serious issued in Srinagar welcomed the
India in the illegally occupied
in the illegally occupied territory OIC for adopting a strong and
where human rights violations are comprehensive resolution on
Kashmir. The struggling people of Jammu
being committed by Indian troops
and Kashmir are optimistic that in
in a systematic manner. While hailing the OIC’s role in
light of the historic resolution, the
He said that the OIC must force seeking a just and peaceful
member countries of the OIC
India to stop operations against resolution of the Kashmir dispute
he said, “The Muslim body has yet would use their political and
the people of Kashmir and respect diplomatic influence on India to
their fundamental rights, give up again reiterated its unambiguous
stand on the issue of Kashmir and stop the ongoing bloodshed in
change in the demography of IIOJK and resolve the lingering
IIOJK and resolve the lingering reaffirmed its strong support for
the Kashmir cause through a dispute in accordance with the
Kashmir dispute according to the relevant UN resolutions and the
UN resolutions and aspirations of strongly-worded resolution
adopted unanimously by the 47th Kashmiris’ aspirations.
the Kashmiri people.

December 2020 06

ashmiris on both various places for the Kashmiri to salute the martyrs of Jammu. Senior
sides of the Line of martyrs. Vice Chairman of the party, Nisar
Control and the Ahmed, while addressing the
To commemorate the day, different
w o r l d o v e r function said that the martyrs of
functions were held in both parts of
observed the Jammu had laid down their lives for
Jammu and Kashmir and in Pakistan.
Jammu Martyrs’ Day on 06 a great cause and their unprece-
The speakers paid glowing tributes to
November 2020 to reaffirm their
the Jammu martyrs. They said that the dented sacrifices would not be
resolve to continue the liberation
unparalleled sacrifices rendered by the forgotten. He said that the heart-
struggle till the achievement of Kashmiri people for the Kashmir cause wrenching genocide of the Muslims
their inalienable right to self- would not be allowed to go waste. of Jammu in 1947 was one of the
In IIOJK, Hurriyat leaders and biggest tragedies in the world.
Hundreds of thousands of organisations paid homage to the
Kashmiris were killed in the first The Acting Chairman of Jammu and
Jammu Martyrs.
week of November in 1947 by the Kashmir Muslim League, Abdul
The All Parties Hurriyat Conference Ahad Parra, addressing a party
forces of Maharaja Hari Singh,
spokesman in a statement issued in
Indian Army and Hindu fanatics in meeting in Srinagar said the best
Srinagar termed the Jammu massacre
different parts of Jammu region way to pay tributes to the martyrs is
of 1947 as the worst kind of genocide
while they were migrating to to continue their mission till it
in human history. He said, “Under a
Pakistan. well-planned strategy nearly 600,000
reaches its logical conclusion.
The day dawned with special Muslims, young, old, men, women Jammu and Kashmir Peoples
prayers at Fajr in all mosques for and children were taken away from Movement in collaboration with
early liberation of Indian illegally their locations and killed brutally. several Dalit and Sikh organisations
occupied Jammu and Kashmir Thousands of Muslim women were arranged a function to eulogise the
from Indian yoke, success of raped and molested in the most sacrifices of the martyrs. Noted
Kashmir freedom movement and inhuman massacre by the fascist lawyer and social activist, Advocate
progress, prosperity and stability forces.” Sheikh Shakeel Ahmed, was the chief
of Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Political guest while JKPM Chairman, Mir
Kashmir. Fateha Khwani was held at Party organised a function in Srinagar Shahid Saleem, presided over the

December 2020 11
Mir Shahid Saleem in his address
said that the massacre of Jammu
Muslims in 1947 was one of the worst
examples of planned and state-
sponsored ethnic cleansing when
tens of thousands of Muslims were
butchered and driven away from
their homes.
Sheikh Shakeel Ahmed maintained
that the Kashmiris could not forget
their bloody history when thousands
of their innocent ancestors were
killed in cold blood. He pointed out
that the communal forces are once
again hell bent upon repeating 1947
saga in Jammu.
Speaking on the occasion, PR Thapa
and Sardar Ranjeet Singh said that Kashmiris that started in 1947 still pitched slogans against India and in
the minorities in India were the continued. They added that favour of Kashmir’s freedom from
worst victims of RSS-backed BJP Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian Indian yoke.
regime and all the Kashmiris must government has also planned a Hurriyat AJK leaders, Mustafa
unite against these evil forces to get Jammu-style massacre in the Muhammad Hussain, Ghulam
their fundamental and democratic Kashmir Valley to change the Muhammad Safi and Advocate
rights restored. demography of IIOJK. They urged Parvaiz Ahmed Shah, addressing a
the United Nations and the interna- function organised by Sialkot Bar
The event was also addressed among
tional community to play role in Association in Sialkot eulogised the
others by Pushpa Dogra, Advocate
resolving the Kashmir dispute in sacrifices of the Jammu Martyrs.
Vishal Kumar, Satish Vidrohi,
accordance with the aspirations of
Jasarat Khan, Makhan Singh, Ranjit Pakistan Foreign Minister, Shah
the Kashmiri people.
Singh and Shabbir Ganai. Mahmood Qureshi, in his message
Speakers at a roundtable conference on the Jammu Martyrs’ Day said,
Other Hurriyat leaders and organi-
organised by APHC-AJK chapter at Pakistan will not relent in its support
sations including Ghulam
its office in Islamabad to pay homage until the Kashmiris realise their
Muhammad Khan Sopori, Shabbir
to the Jammu Martyrs said the legitimate right to self-determination
Ahmed Dar, Bilal Siddiqui, Javaid
Kashmiris are determined to in accordance with the relevant
Ahmed Mir, Yasmin Raja, Farida
continue their struggle till they United Nations Security Council
Bahenji, Zamruda Habib, Abdul
achieve their inalienable right to self- resolutions.
Samad Inqilabi, Syed Bashir
determination. They said the Jammu He said 6 November marks the
Andrabi, Umar Aadil Dar, Ghulam
Martyrs of November 1947 sacrificed darkest day in the history of Jammu
Nabi War, Jammu and Kashmir
their lives for a great cause. They said and Kashmir. He said on this day, 73
National Front, Tehreek-e-Wahdat-
the Kashmiris have been fighting for years ago, the Dogra Army backed by
e-Islami, Democratic Political
their birthright to self-determination the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
Movement, Tehreek-e-Istiqamat and
since 1947. They strongly and the Indian occupational forces
Jammu and Kashmir Employees
condemned the Indian state systematically martyred more than
Movement in their statements issued
terrorism in IIOJK and called for an 237,000 Muslims in the first massive
in Srinagar said that the massacre of
immediate end to the atrocities genocide in the post-World War II
Jammu Muslims in 1947 was the
perpetrated by the Indian Army on period.
worst massacre of human history.
innocent Kashmiris. Chairman of Parliamentary
They said that the sole purpose of the
brutal Jammu carnage perpetrated Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Committee on Kashmir, Shehryar
by Dogra soldiers, Indian troops and Kashmir and the Jammu and Khan Afridi, while addressing a
Hindu extremists was to turn the Kashmir Pir Panjal Freedom seminar held in Mirpur, AJK, to pay
Muslim majority into a minority in Movement held rallies in tributes to the martyrs of Jammu
IIOJK. Muzaffarabad and Bagh in AJK to massacre warned that the Indian
pay tributes to the Jammu Martyrs of regime wants to replicate the Jammu
The Hurriyat leaders and organisa-
1947. The protesters raised high- massacre in Muslim-majority
tions said that the killing of

December 2020 12
Kashmir Valley to bring about a
demographic change in IIOJK but
Pakistan would never allow this
sinister plan to be executed.
On the other hand, an analytical
report released by Kashmir Media
Service on Jammu Martyrs’ Day
maintained that Jammu massacre of
1947 is the darkest chapter of
Kashmir’s history as scars of the
gruesome carnage of Jammu
Muslims are still fresh in the
Kashmiris’ memory. Brutal
massacre of Jammu Muslims was
meant to change the demography of
the territory and the carnage is a
The report said the Kashmiris are Lord Qurban Hussain, Noreen
reminder of the criminal face of
determined to face the Indian Farooq Ibrahim, Member of
Hindutva forces, it added.
brutalities with courage and valour, Pakistan’s National Assembly, Syed
The report said, Jammu Muslims’ adding that the people of Kashmir Faiz Naqshbandi, Convener of AJK
unparalleled sacrifices, which are are destined to see the dawn of chapter of Mirwaiz-led Hurriyat
written in golden letters in freedom. forum, Muhammad Ghalib,
Kashmir’s history, will never go President of Tehreek-e-Kashmir,
Tehreek-e-Kashmir, UK, organised a
waste. It said, the carnage of Europe, Shaista Safi, a Kashmiri
virtual conference in London on the
Muslims in Jammu is the ugly blot on lobbyist, and Muhammad Umar, a
Jammu Martyrs’ Day to remember
the face of so-called Indian secular- human rights activist.
the martyrs of Jammu.
ism. It maintained that the chain of
The President of Tehreek-e-Kashmir, The speakers on the occasion said,
sacrifices that started from Jammu in
UK, Fahim Kayani, chaired the global colonialism is laying a web of
1947 is still continuing in IIOJK and
conference while Rehana Ali, conspiracies around the Muslims
so far more than four hundred
Information Secretary of the and Islam. They said, the US-Israel-
thousand Kashmiris have been
organisation, moderated it. The India alliance is hatching conspira-
martyred for demanding their right
guest speakers included Abdul cies against the Muslim Ummah.
to self-determination. The report
Rashid Turabi, MLA and former Muslims should unite and thwart
added that Hindutva forces are
Ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami, AJK, Altaf these conspiracies of anti-Islamic
trying to repeat 1947 Jammu
Ahmed Butt, Chairman of Jammu forces, they added.
massacre in the Kashmir Valley as
well. and Kashmir Salvation Movement, (KI Report)

December 2020 13
(Kashmir Inisght Report)

n Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the All The APHC spokesman in a statement issued
Parties Hurriyat Conference and other Hurriyat leaders in Srinagar said that the occupation authori-
and organisations strongly denounced the occupation ties had taken control of the places where the
authorities for demolishing the houses, huts and sheds structures were located to distribute them
belonging to Gujjar and Bakarwal communities of among Hindu outsiders as part of the Modi
Muslims at Pahalgam in Islamabad district of Kashmir Valley regime’s nefarious plan to change the
and in Bhatandi and other areas of Jammu region. demography of IIOJK. He said New Delhi is
Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian government demolished demolishing decades-old homes of Gujjar and
scores of houses, huts and sheds of Gujjar and Bakarwal Bakarwal communities in the garb of anti-
communities of Muslims in the month of November 2020 to encroachment drive to pave the way for
grab their land to settle Hindu outsiders there. settlement of Hindu outsiders in the illegally

December 2020 14
occupied territory.
The spokesman deplored that
Narendra Modi is driving the
Kashmiri Muslims out of their land
to hand it over to his capitalist
friends. “Kashmir’s Muslim
population is the sole target of the
demolition drive started by Modi
regime with an aim to alter the
demography of IIOJK,” he said.
He deplored that the occupation
authorities were targeting the pro-
freedom Kashmiris under a plan to
dissuade them from the ongoing
freedom struggle. However, he
made it clear that the Kashmiri
people will not bow before the
Indian atrocities and the worst type aspirations. because through it mostly Muslim
of state terrorism and will continue The inhuman act against IIOJK communities got ownership rights
their struggle for securing their Gujjar and Bakarwal communities in Hindu-majority Jammu
birthright to self-determination till on part of Modi government was division.
it reached its logical conclusion. exposed during a visit by former They said, earth is shrinking for
The APHC spokesman urged the Chief Minister and Peoples Muslim communities of Gujjars
world community to take cogni- Democratic Party (PDP) President, and Bakarwals after scrapping of
sance of India’s nefarious designs Mehbooba Mufti, to Pahalgam in Roshni Act. They said since BJP’s
and stop it from making demo- south Kashmir. ascent to power, nomadic Muslim
graphic changes in IIOJK. Mehbooba Mufti during an communities of IIOJK have faced
address to the affected Muslim violent evictions and attacks.
Other Hurriyat leaders and
organisations including Ghulam communities in Pahalgam warned The locals said the communalised
Muhammad Khan Sopori, Bilal the Indian government against rhetoric around land rights has
Siddiqui, Muhammad Yousuf such anti-people misadventures. heightened insecurities among
Naqash, Shabbir Ahmed Dar, “Modi government wants to Muslims in the illegally occupied
Yasmeen Raja, Farida Bahenji, pollute our environment. It wants territory and they are sensing
Zamruda Habib, Khawaja Firdous, to handover the land to capitalist another 1947-like massacre of the
Chaudhry Shaheen Iqbal, Aaqib friends. They have already handed Muslim community.
Wani, Jammu and Kashmir over 24,000 kanals of land in The residents deplored that the
Democratic Freedom Party, Jammu Kashmir to industries,” she said. abrogation of Article 370 has
and Kashmir Peoples Freedom The affected Gujjars said that while further emboldened the anti-
League, Tehreek-e-Wahdat-e- demolishing their structures, the Muslim rhetoric in IIOJK and
Islami, Peoples League, National authorities told them to vacate the across India as Muslims belonging
Front, Pir Panjal Freedom land as well. to every class, sect or ethnicity in
Movement and Jammu and The BJP-led Indian authorities IIOJK are the target of Hindutva
Kashmir Ittehad-e-Islami in their repealed Jammu and Kashmir State policy. They said, making every
statements strongly condemned Land (Vesting of Ownership to Kashmiri Muslim homeless in their
the demolition of residential Occupants) Act, 2001, commonly own land is the sinister plan of RSS-
structures of Gujjar and Bakerwal known as Roshni Act on 31 October BJP.
communities of Muslims. They 2020 to render the Muslim commu- They said, Modi-led Indian
termed the action as the worst nities of Gujjars and Bakarwals,
human rights violation. They communal regime is hell bent
particularly living in Jammu, upon eradicating Muslim
appealed to the UN to fulfill its landless.
promise of settling the Kashmir majority character of IIOJK and is
The residents of IIOJK told media applying every tactic to turn it into
dispute in accordance with its
that the Roshni Act was abrogated
resolutions and the Kashmiris’ a minority.

December 2020 15
Indian atrocities on IIOJK

people during November 2020

Raies Ahmed Mir

The oppressive policies of the successive Indian Following is an account of day-to-day Indian atrocities on
governments in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and the people of IIOJK during the month of November 2020.
Kashmir for decades have led to heightened anti-
India sentiment among the Kashmiris and 05 August
2019 move of the Narendra Modi-led communal
regime of revoking the special status of the territory
has added to this alienation, hatred and hostility
against New Delhi.
The people of the illegally occupied territory
particularly the residents of Kashmir Valley have
suffered immensely due to the continued oppression
since 05 August 2019. Notwithstanding the fact that
the world at large has not endorsed the Indian action
regarding IIOJK and expressed concern over the
illegal steps taken by New Delhi in the territory and
November 01:
reports continue to appear in the international media
Indian troops killed an IT engineer, Saifullah Mir,
about human rights violations and killing spree by
and arrested a youth during a cordon and search
the Indian forces, India is claiming return of normalcy
operation in Rangreth area of Srinagar. The troops
in the territory.
The Indian brutal actions in IIOJK have evoked severe also destroyed the house of a civilian, Muhammad
condemnation and criticism from the global Shafi Ganai, in the area.
community as the Organisation of Islamic November 02:
Indian police used brute force and arrested several
Cooperation in its recent meeting of Council of
Foreign Ministers expressed serious concern over the civil society members including Abdul Qayoom
grave human rights situation in the territory. Wani, Farooq Ahmed Trali, Nusrat Ahmed Beig, Haji
It is high time for the global community to come Farooq Ahmed Lone and Muhammad Akbar Mir
forward and play its role in the settlement of the during a protest demonstration in Srinagar against
Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the black laws imposed by India in the illegally
the Kashmiri people to save them from the Indian occupied territory.
brutalities and to ensure durable peace in South Asia. The police arrested three youth, Qaiser Ahmed

December 2020 18
Sheikh, Hilal Ahmed Mir and Aasif
Ahmed Mir, during house raids in
Srinagar and Ganderbal areas.
November 03:
An Indian Army vehicle deliberately
hit and crushed to death a youth, Riyaz
Ahmed Malik, in Kupwara.
A 75-year-old man, Abdul Salam
Thokar, died of fear when Indian
forces’ personnel used brute force
against the residents of Hermain area
of Shopian district.
November 04:
An Indian soldier shot at and injured a government November 09:
employee, Showkat Ahmed, in Pattan area of Indian police tortured a 42-year-old civilian,
Baramulla district. Shahzad Ahmed Wani, to death during custody in
November 05: Mattan area of Islamabad district.
Two persons were injured when November 10:
Indian forces’ personnel subjected the Indian troops martyred two youth,
residents to brute force during a Umar Mushtaq and Irfan Ahmed
cordon and search operation in Thokar, during a cordon and
Pampore area of Pulwama district. search operation in Kutpora area of
November 06: Shopian district.
Indian troops martyred three persons The occupation authorities
including Abid Ahmed Mir during a stopped senior APHC leader and
cordon and search operation at the President of Jammu and
Pampore in Pulwama. Kashmir Anjuman Sharie Shian,
November 08: Agha Syed Hassan Al-Moosvi Al-Safavi, from
The troops martyred three youth during a cordon coming out of his home in Budgam and kept him
and search operation in Machil area of Kupwara under house arrest.
district. November 13:
The Indian authorities stopped
National Conference leader, Altaf
Ahmed Kaloo, at New Delhi
International Airport and
prevented him from travelling to
Dubai to attend the wedding of a
close relative. Kaloo told media
that the Delhi Police held him for
hours without giving any reason.
November 14:
A speedy Indian Army vehicle
deliberately hit and injured a
civilian, Muhammad Akhter

December 2020 19
were travelling was deliberately hit
by an Indian Army vehicle in
Mishriwala area of Jammu.
Indian troops used locals as human
shields and assaulted several of
them during a cordon and search
operation in Narwa area of
Pulwama district.
November 26:
The troops arrested three youth
during house to house searches in
Drabgam area of Pulwama.
November 27:
The troops ruthlessly beat up
Khatana, in Kangan area of thrashed the locals including some
dozens of people including 20-
Ganderbal district. drivers without any reason in
November 17: year-old Bilal Hussain and
Khrew area of Pulwama district.
Special cell of Indian police disgraced several women in HMT
The troops also vandalised fruit
arrested two Kashmiri youth, area of Srinagar city.
and vegetable shops in the area.
Abdul Latif Mir and Muhammad The occupation authorities put
Ashraf Khatana, from New Delhi. People’s Democratic Party chief,
November 19: Mehbooba Mufti, under house
Indian troops martyred four youth arrest in Srinagar and did not allow
in a fake encounter after opening her to visit Pulwama.
fire on a truck at Ban Toll Plaza in November 28:
Samba district of Jammu region. Indian police arrested a religious
November 20: scholar, Maulana Fayaz Ahmed
Dozens of youth were summoned Amjadi, in Kokernag area of
and harassed by Indian police at Islamabad.
November 25:
different police stations in the November 30:
Two persons, Ramesh Kumar, (60),
Kashmir Valley. The police arrested a youth, Sahil
and Ashok Kumar, (55), were
November 21: Mushtaq Dar, in Dragmulla area of
injured when a bike on which they
The police arrested two youth, Bilal Kupwara district.
Ahmed Chopan and Mursaleen
Bashir Sheikh, in Tral and Pampore
areas of Pulwama district.
November 22:
Indian troops dragged and
ruthlessly beat up the driver of a
private car with sticks and gun
butts at Nowgam Chowk in
The police arrested two youth from
Pulwama and Shopian areas.
November 23:
The troops went berserk and

December 2020 20
MARTYRED, 11,224
SINCE 1989

n Indian illegally occupied
Jammu and occupied Kashmir
(IIOJK), the All Parties Hurriyat
Conference and other Hurriyat
leaders and organisations
deplored that India is using molestation
of women as a weapon of war to
suppress the Kashmiris’ just struggle
for securing their inalienable right to
Speakers at a one-day seminar organ-
ised by Jammu and Kashmir Muslim
Khawateen Markaz at its office in
Srinagar on the International Day for
the Elimination of Violence against
Women observed on 25 November 2020
called upon the international commu-
nity to take India to task for perpe-
trating war crimes in terms of sexual
and physical attacks on the women in
the territory.
The participants while expressing
sympathies with rape and pellet victims
in IIOJK said that Kashmiri women
were facing widespread violations of
human rights. They also asked for
launching a campaign to end violence
against women in the illegally occupied

December 2020 21
The Jammu and Kashmir Muslim
Khawateen Markaz Chairperson,
Yasmeen Raja, in her address said
that Indian troops were systemati-
cally using rape to terrorise the
entire Kashmiri population. She
said that the Kashmiri women
were routinely harassed and
raped by Indian forces’ personnel
who were using rape as a method
of retaliation against the Kashmiri
civilians for staging anti-India
protests against frequent cordon
and search operations. She added
that Indian soldiers forcibly enter
the residential houses, kill or evict
the men before raping the women. in IIOJK and such incidents are on Kashmiri women to task.
She said the Kunanposhpora the rise in the territory. He said APHC leader and the patron of
incident of 23 February 1991 that thousands of women had Jammu and Kashmir Mass
involving gang-rape of around been martyred by Indian troops Movement, Farida Bahenji, in her
one hundred Kashmiri women in for their affiliation with the statement issued in Srinagar said
a single night and rape and ongoing freedom movement and that the Indian occupational forces
murder of Aasiya and Neelofar on many others including Aasiya were victimising the Kashmiri
the intervening night of 29 and 30 Andrabi are still imprisoned in women for their role in the
May 2009 in Shopian by Indian various jails of IIOJK and India ongoing freedom struggle.
troops are the glaring examples of and they were being continuously “Incidents of violence and rape
how India is using rape and subjected to mental and physical against women are part of Indian
molestation as a weapon of war in torture. military strategy. Around a
IIOJK. She also cited the gruesome Molvi Bashir Ahmed said that the hundred women were gang-raped
rape and murder of an 8-year-old extreme of the Indian Army’s by Indian troops in
Muslim girl, Aasifa Bano, in brutality in IIOJK was the fact that Kunanposhpora area of Kupwara
Kathua in January 2018 to prove Indian beasts barge into homes in 1991. Aasiya and Neelofar were
that Indian troops and police during cordon and search targeted in 2009 in Shopian and
personnel are in fact rapists in operations, kill or evict men and even 8-year-old Asifa was not
uniform. Seven Hindus including molest the women. The atrocious spared,” she said.
four policemen and a temple priest behaviour of the Indian Army can Farida Bahenji said since 05
perpetrated the crime. be gauged from the fact that noted August 2019, there has been a
Yasmeen Raja said sexual exploi- Indian scholar, Shubh Mathur, has sharp increase in this brutality. “In
tation of Kashmiri women has termed rape as an essential such a situation, the silence of the
increased manifold during the element of Indian military strategy human rights organisations is
Modi-led fascist regime. in Kashmir, he said. surprising. They have to raise their
Meanwhile, the APHC General The APHC General Secretary voice against Indian brutalities
Secretary, Molvi Bashir Ahmed deplored the silence of the world and violence against women in
Irfani, in a statement issued on the community on the Indian brutali- IIOJK must be stopped,” she
occasion of International Day for ties on the Kashmiris, particularly added.
Elimination of Violence against women. He said the criminal The Jammu and Kashmir
Women said the world human silence of the UN on the atrocities Employees Movement in a
rights organisations including against the Kashmiri women has statement in Srinagar expressed
Amnesty International and emboldened the Indian occupa- serious concern over the
Human Rights Watch have tional troops. He said it is time to continued illegal detention of
reported the brutal incidents of take the Indian soldiers involved Dukhtaran-e-Millat Chairperson,
torture and molestation of women in heinous crimes against the Aasiya Andrabi, and her associ-

December 2020 22
ates, Naheeda Nasreen and
Fehmeeda Sofi, in New Delhi’s
infamous Tihar Jail. It said Aasiya
Andrabi is suffering from various
ailments and no proper treatment
is being given to her. The JKEM
said her health can deteriorate
further due to continued deten-
tion. It said a large number of
Hurriyat leaders and activists
detained in the jails of IIOJK and
India are at high risk of contracting
coronavirus and should be
released immediately.
Meanwhile, a report released by
the Research Section of Kashmir
Media Service on the International Fehmeeda Sofi and Naheeda forces’ personnel are using
Day for Elimination of Violence Nasreen are under illegal deten- molestation of women in the
against Women maintained that tion in India’s infamous Tihar Jail territory as a weapon of war to
2,342 women are among 95,723 for the past four years while Insha suppress the Kashmiris’ just
civilians martyred during the last Tariq Jan, Hina Bashir, Haseena struggle for securing their right to
31 years due to the unabated acts Begum and Naseema Bano, self-determination. It said the
of state terrorism by Indian troops mother of a martyr, Tawseef Kashmiri resistance leaders and
in IIOJK. Ahmed Sheikh, remain lodged in human rights groups have been
It said that the troops molested different jails. Their families are consistently demanding impartial
11,224 women during the period. worried about the well-being of investigations into the cases of
It pointed out that the Kashmiri their daughters during the time of rape, murder and other crimes
women have been the worst coronavirus pandemic, it said. against women including
victims of the harrowing conflict, The report said that in Doda, a 90- Kunanposhpora mass rape and
which has rendered 22,923 women year old Ghulam Muhammad Butt Shopian tragedy. Over 100 women
widowed since 1989. died in 2019 with the wish to see were gang raped by Indian troops
for the one last time his daughter at Kunanposhpora in Kupwara in
The report deplored that Indian
who was abducted by Indian February 1991 while two women,
troops have been routinely
troops with the help of two Special Aasiya and Neelofar were
involved in sexual harassment of
Police Officers at Dhar Dhandal in abducted, raped and subsequently
women to suppress the Kashmiris’
Doda district in June 2000. killed by Indian men in uniform in
ongoing liberation struggle. It
Shopian in May 2009. An 8-year
further pointed out that although The report deplored that Indian
old girl, Aasifa Bano, was
men have been subjected to
abducted and gang raped by
enforced disappearances, but
Indian police personnel and
women are adversely affected
fanatics affiliated with extremist
because of being related to the
Hindu organisations in Kathua
disappeared persons as mothers,
area of Jammu region in January
wives, sisters and daughters.
The report maintained that
Pakistan has urged the interna-
women constituted a considerable
tional community and relevant
number of mental patients, which
UN organisations to take cogni-
is well over one hundred thou-
sance of the crimes against women
sand, due to the violence perpe-
trated by Indian police and troops
in the illegally occupied territory. The Foreign Office in a statement
in Islamabad stressed the need for
It said over a half dozen women
holding India accountable for its
including top women resistance
failure to uphold its international
leaders, Aasiya Andrabi,

December 2020 23
obligations. It said Kashmiri
women in the illegally occupied
territory are living in a constant
state of siege and surveillance.
Body searches, ill-treatment and
molestation of young women
during fake cordon and search
operations are being used with
complete impunity by the Indian
occupational forces, it said.
The APHC-AJK chapter organised
a protest outside the National
Press Club in Islamabad to draw
the world’s attention to the
victimisation of women by Indian
troops in IIOJK.
Hurriyat leaders while addressing
the protesters said, Indian troops violations in IIOJK and giving the Violence against Women. It was
have made the life of the Kashmiris their right to self- attended and addressed by rights
Kashmiris a hell and are killing determination. activists, members of civil society,
innocent people in the illegally Speakers at a seminar held under intellectuals, legal experts,
occupied territory on daily basis. the aegis of Kashmir Institute of university students and leaders
They said that India had subjected International Relations (KIIR) in hailing from both sides of the Line
thousands of Kashmiris to Islamabad urged the global of Control.
enforced disappearance in community to impress upon India The seminar was chaired by KIIR
custody rendering a large number to stop the use of sexual violence Chairman, Altaf Hussain Wani,
of women half widows. against women as a weapon of war while it was addressed among
The leaders said IIOJK is heading in IIOJK to suppress the others by Parliamentary Secretary
towards a human tragedy due to Kashmiris’ legitimate struggle for Rukhsana Naveed, Senator Sitara
massive atrocities committed by right to self-determination. Ayaz, MNA Noreen Farooq
Indian forces’ personnel while The seminar titled “Remembering Ibrahim Khan, MPA Abida Raja,
Kashmiri women are bearing the the Women and Girl Victims of Professor Atia Anwer Zoon,
brunt of Indian brutalities. They State Terrorism in Indian occupied APHC-AJK Convener,
called upon the international Jammu and Kashmir” was held to Muhammad Hussain Khateeb,
community to play its role in commemorate the International Shamima Shawl, Dr Saira Shah
stopping the human rights Day for the Elimination of and Abdul Hameed Lone.

December 2020 24
International experts on Tribunal for Rwanda. afterwards…That’s what is going on when
genocidal violence at a panel they are charging Muslims with, would you
He stated that the system-
discussion in Washington DC believe it!, killing themselves? I don’t believe it!
atic crimes against
on 19 November 2020 warned And I don’t think anybody should believe it,”
humanity are already
the impending danger of
‘genocide’ of India’s 200 million
Muslims under the watch of
present Indian regime. They
alerted the international
community to wake up to this
lurking danger as unfolding
situation in India is grim.
The panel discussion on “Ten
Stages of Genocide and India’s
Muslims,” called for an urgent
need to not only ‘indict and
sanction’ the Indian govern-
ment, but to also expose it in the
international community to
prevent crimes against human-
ity. The discussion was organ-
ised by the Indian American
Muslim Council.
In his opening remarks, Dr underway in India. He Dr Stanton said.
Gregory Stanton said, “Prepara- mentioned the demolition Teesta Setalvad, a well-known Indian human
tion for genocide is definitely of Babri mosque and rights defender, mentioned that violence
under way in India.” He building of a temple as against Muslims worsens their socio-economic
explained, “The persecution of “important in the develop- conditions and enables genocidal targeting.
Muslims in Assam and Kashmir ment of cultural underpin- “Lack of social and economic opportunities,
is the stage just before genocide. nings for genocide.” constant fear and insecurity among the Indian
The next stage is extermination - Reacting to the fact that Muslims which is generated through this
that’s what we call genocide.” Delhi police arrested abrasive exclusionary tactic of hate speech and
Dr Stanton is the founder- hundreds of Muslims in othering, is something that could possibly fit
president of Genocide Watch, Delhi riots cases and into the possible build-up of the genocidal
an organisation that works to accused them of violence situation,” said Ms Setalvad, who did years of
predict, prevent and stop against themselves, Dr pioneering work in exposing and bringing to
genocide and other forms of Stanton termed it “denial,” book the perpetrators of anti-Muslim violence
mass murder in the world. He the last stage in genocide. in Gujarat.
also served in the US State “Denial is the tenth stage of Dr Qasim Rasool Ilyas, a veteran Muslim
Department in the 1990s when every genocide. It starts political activist, and the father of Dr Umar
he drafted the UN Security actually at the beginning Khalid, a globally recognised human rights
Council resolutions that created and goes all the way defender who has been falsely accused of
the International Criminal through to the end and inciting violence and arrested just weeks ago,

December 2020 25
mentioned that Muslims of Uttar
Pradesh are among the worst
affected by the persecution and
He summed it up, “The chief
Minister Yogi Aditya Nath, a
known enemy of Muslims, is the
main architect of systematic
targeting of the Muslim community
through fake encounter to illegal
arrests and falsely framing. Many
Muslims were subjected to Mob
lynching on the false accusations of
trading and consuming beef and in
many cases the victims succumbed
to the torture while police remained
a mute spectator.”
Manuvie conducted research on the ening challenges to religious
Dr Ilyas concluded his remarks with construction of citizenship in freedoms in India, moderated the
a question. “Can a country which Assam, the Indian state where panel discussion.
claims to be the largest democracy, Narendra Modi’s government has Meanwhile, an analytical report
force its 14% of the population into
controversially designated two released by the Research Section of
suppression and submission and
million residents as foreigners Kashmir Media Service pointed out
deny them their human and
following a dubious process called that Indian troops have intensified
constitutional rights without
the National Register for Citizens. their killing spree in IIOJK to
inviting the wrath of the interna-
Rasheed Ahmed, Executive suppress the Kashmiris’ ongoing
tional community?”
Director of Indian American struggle for securing their inalien-
Among others who talked about able right to self-determination.
Muslim Council, sharply criticised
It said following Narendra Modi-
led fascist Indian government’s 05
August 2019 illegal action, fears of
genocide in IIOJK have increased
manifold. It maintained that even
international experts have warned
of impending danger of genocide in
the illegally occupied territory.
The report deplored that Indian
troops are mercilessly killing,
maiming and torturing the
Kashmiris and vandalising their
properties during cordon and
search operations in the illegally
occupied territory. It deplored the
silence maintained by the interna-
tional community over Indian
repression in IIOJK.
India exhibiting various stages of the silence of the US government “UN and international human
genocide included Ritumbra about the February 2020 anti- rights bodies should come to the
Manuvie, the Executive Director of Muslim pogrom in Delhi not far rescue of helpless Kashmiris, who
The London Story, a nonprofit from where President Trump held a must be given the right to decide
foundation that works on hate press conference. their destiny. It is time to tell India,
speech and hate crimes. As a Tina Ramirez, a human rights clearly and forcefully, to stop
Commonwealth Scholar at the expert, who has travelled to India genocide of Kashmiris in IIOJK,”
University of Edinburgh, Dr and knows all too well the deep- the report added.

December 2020 26
June 17:
Compiled by: Showkat Ali The Indian authorities prevent the veteran Hurriyat leader, Syed Ali
Gilani, and the All Parties Hurriyat Conference Chairman, Mirwaiz
Umar Farooq, from attending the meeting of the Organisation of
Islamic Cooperation by not issuing them travel documents. Hurriyat
leaders are invited to the two-day meeting of OIC Foreign Ministers
A CHRONOLOGICAL commencing in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, from 18 June. In the invitation
to the Kashmiri Hurriyat leaders, the OIC General Secretary has
ACCOUNT OF described them as True Representatives of the Kashmiri people.
Kashmiri representatives, Shamima Shawl and Shugufta Ashraf,
and Palestinian woman activist, Daniela Dongus, addressing an
DEVELOPMENTS event on the sidelines of the United Nations Human Rights Council
Session in Geneva demand of the UN and women rights organisa-
ON KASHMIR tions to come forward and rescue the constantly suffering women in
Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
Kashmiri representative, Syed Faiz Naqshbandi, meets the United
(172) Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, in
Geneva and apprises her about the ongoing human rights violations
by Indian troops in IIOJK.
June 18:
The occupation authorities slap the black law, Public Safety Act, for
the sixth time against the illegally detained Chairman of Jammu and
Kashmir Muslim League, Masarrat Aalam Butt. Indian police re-
(Year 2014) arrest Masarrat Aalam Butt from his house in Srinagar after his
release on court orders. He was arrested on 18 October 2010 and
released a few days ago.
The occupation authorities in reply to an application filed under

December 2020 27
Right to Information admit that
16,329 people have been booked
under the draconian law in the
territory since 1988.
The veteran Hurriyat leader, Syed
Ali Gilani, hosts a blood donation
camp at his Hyderpora residence in
Srinagar in memory of martyrs and
other victims of Indian state
terrorism in IIOJK. A large number
of people hailing from various walks
of life participate in the camp.
The members of Youth Forum for
Kashmir including Shaista Safi and
Maria Attique during an event
organised by the United Nations in
Islamabad draw the attention of the
Aadil Mir and Tariq Ahmed Parray. all the stakeholders on board.
World Body towards the problems
Thousands of people attend the Kashmiri representatives, Syed Faiz
being faced by the Kashmiri people,
funeral prayers of the martyred Naqshbandi, Sardar Amjad Yousuf
particularly in the fields of health
youth. They raise high-pitched anti- Khan, Mrs Shamim Shawl and
and education. The UN General
India and pro-freedom slogans. Shagufta Ashraf, addressing the 26th
Secretary’s Special Envoy for Youth
Hurriyat leaders including Yasmeen Session of the UN Human Rights
Affairs, Ahmad Al-Hindvi, attends
Raja and Shabbir Ahmed Dar Council in Geneva draw attention of
the event as chief guest.
address the mourners. the UNHRC towards torture,
Kashmiri representative, Altaf
Complete strike is observed in harassment and expulsion of
Hussain Wani, tells a United Nations
Islamabad town to mark the 20th Kashmiri students from Indian
panel discussing the role of women
martyrdom anniversary of promi- universities. They say that the
in peacebuilding in Geneva that
nent Kashmiri scholar, Qazi Nisar Kashmiri students in India face racial
India is using rape as a tool of war in
Ahmed. A procession is taken out in discrimination as well as religious
IIOJK to suppress the Kashmiris’
the town and later Fateha Khwani is profiling and sedition charges for the
struggle for freedom from its
offered for the deceased. only reason that the Kashmiris
The occupation authorities place refuse to submit to the illegal
June 19: Hurriyat leaders, Shabbir Ahmed occupation of their homeland by
The veteran Hurriyat leader, Syed Shah and Nayeem Ahmed Khan, India.
Ali Gilani, addressing a gathering at under house arrest in Srinagar to The Asian Federation Against
his Hyderpora residence in Srinagar prevent them from visiting Involuntary Disappearances
says that India has adopted a rigid Islamabad town. (AFAD) calls upon the ASEAN’s
stance on the Kashmir dispute and is Indian police arrest the Chairman of Inter-governmental Commission on
using different tactics to deny the Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Human Rights (AICHR) to act
Kashmiris their inalienable right to League, Mukhtar Ahmed Waza, in against increasing human rights
self-determination. He says that the Awantipora area of Pulwama and violations in IIOJK. The AFAD, a
inordinate delay in the resolution of prevent him from holding a party Philippine-based regional organisa-
the Kashmir dispute is taking a meeting. tion advocating for a world without
heavy toll on the Kashmiris. Pro-India ruling party, National disappearances, in a statement urges
Indian troops in their fresh act of Conference (NC) in a meeting of its the puppet administration of IIOJK
state terrorism martyr three youth Central Working Committee chaired to stop the occurrence of the
during a cordon and search opera- by the puppet Chief Minister, Omar incidents of forced disappearances
tion in Buchoo village in Tral area of Abdullah, passes a resolution urging in the illegally occupied territory.
Pulwama district. The martyred India and Pakistan to settle the
youth are identified as Aadil Shah, ‘burning issue’ of Kashmir by taking To be continued...

December 2020 28
The Jammu and Kashmir is a great smaller than Firdous. It has two
with vibrant colors and art. A few
tourist destination because it has bedrooms and all other desired
boats may have a separate cook
developed and taken care of its comforts similar to a three or four
boat attached to the main house-
uniqueness in a perfect manner. star hotel room. The design of the
boat that serves a variety in
Houseboats in Indian illegally rooms and furniture is unique. It is
Chinese, Continental and authentic
occupied Jammu and Kashmir perfect for family holidays.
Kashmiri dishes. You can find a
serve as the best medium to fulfill
your dream of staying as close to
nature as possible. They have made
people's fantasy of living on the
water come true. Facing the
majestic Himalayas and offering the
pleasant sounds of rolling waters,
these houseboats are the greatest
attraction in Kashmir.
One can experience the stunning
beauty of these houseboats and the
natural surroundings on Dal Lake,
Nagin Lake and Jhelum River. The
houseboats as old as 50 years can be
seen in Kashmir. Earlier used by the
people of fishing communities only, wide variety of houseboats and you Nishat: Nishat is the favorite
these boats today are not merely a can easily find the one that suits houseboat for honeymooners. It
tourist attraction but are also a your requirements. comprises one double bedroom and
place where the use of unique Firdous: These houseboats are very offers all the comforts of privacy,
grand and huge in their facing the lake.
looks as well as Kushdil: Kushdil is again the
construction. The royal favorite of newlywed couples or
Firdous has three honeymooners, and it too has one
double bedrooms with double bedroom. It has all modern
attached bathrooms, facilities for its guests.
hot and cold water, and Gulshan: It is a two bedroom boat
living room. There are with a verandah in front. Meant for
proper facilities for family vacations, this houseboat
electricity and cooking. provides outstanding view of the
The balcony space is snow-clad peaks from the veran-
big enough to seat a dah.
group of friends. The
Clermont: Another two bedroom
interiors are decorated
boat, the Clermont too offers
with Kashmiri
vacations with ultimate cozy
handicrafts. The silent
Kashmiri handicrafts can be seen atmosphere and privacy. It is
atmosphere, breathtaking natural
(in furniture, carpets etc.). They are perfect for those who love to spend
beauty and the homely comfort are
completely made of wood and their holidays on waters in solitude.
capable of providing freshness to
provide guests with homely The credit for initiating the trend of
any exhausted traveler.
environment, quiet surroundings living in a houseboat in Kashmir
and enchanting views outside. Kushal: Khushal is comparatively
goes to the Britishers who were
Quite similar to a fully furnished prohibited to own land by the
house, they offer you proper living Maharaja of Kashmir. As a result,
rooms, drawing and dining rooms, they built their residences on water.
carved wooden furniture and Today, it is more than just a house
beautifully decorated interiors. on the lake. Almost all the major
Generally, you will find two or rivers and lakes in Kashmir offer
more bedrooms with attached houseboat cruises to the tourists.
bathroom, common eating-place These houseboats can also be used
and a balcony. The interiors are for 'shikara' rides (simply
decorated in typical Kashmiri style wandering in the lake), or

December 2020 29
A Kashmiri folklore
Every community has its predilec- employee much more respectfully neighbour whose husband was an
tions and prepossessions. The than to one outside the privileged accounts officer. This lady taunted
American businessman is preoccu- circle, and with a little cleverness her adversary with the words that
pied with the interest on his even the humblest of such while her husband was a do-nothing
investments. The retired British employees could earn a good deal drone, she was the wife of a
soldier makes his club-mates bore without doing any serious harm to respectable and trusted officer of
with anecdotes of his years in active anybody. This young man, the government and added that she
service. Waking or asleep, the therefore, made up his mind to seek would realise the consequences of
Japanese manufacturer can never government employment not so being discourteous to her when her
divert his attention from how to much to make money but to husband (the officer) would set into
lower costs of production and command greater respect, as a motion the machinery of law and
capture foreign markets. The Indian figure in public who would say, justice against her.
peasant talks tirelessly not so much "Here goes who wields consider- Pompous words these! But the
of his wife and children as of his able authority." smaller wheels of law and justice
lands, his bullocks, his landlord and
While he had come to this conclu- somehow got into motion and on
the money-lender. The average
sion independently, an incident several occasions her husband was
Kashmiri of the past, on the other
occurred just about that time which asked to depose evidence or to
hand, regarded government service
in his view made it imperative for explain matters and it was against
in whatsoever capacity as the
him to seek employment under the his own notions of self-respect. To
choicest profession. Times have
government. It so happened that his secure a post in the State adminis-
changed considerably since the age
wife picked up a quarrel with a tration, therefore, became his
to which the following tale belongs
and the new breezes have blown
lofty ambitions into the minds of
men and women. Nevertheless,
many Kashmiris still love to picture
themselves living in an atmosphere
of grade promotions, privilege
leave, clerical mischief and
executive authority.
Several generations ago there was a
young man of a respectable family.
In those good old days, it was not
necessary for all male members of a
family to earn their living. This
particular young man, therefore,
spared himself the discomfort of
burning midnight oil in poring over
his books or the toil of apprentice-
ship in a profession. His family had
inherited enough land for suste-
nance and he felt that rudimentary
literacy was enough for his
purpose. Nor did he have any
occasion to resent his choice.
In course of time, he grew maturer
in the fullness of experience. He
realised that though government
employment carried very little by
way of salaries or emoluments, it
carried a great deal of prestige.
People spoke to a government

December 2020 30
greatest concern. situation: his duty was to count about which his charter of appoint-
Having thus made up his mind, he ripples. He welcomed this opportu- ment was silent. He urged all
set about currying favour with the nity of gaining a foothold in the boatmen to propel slowly without
high-ups of the time. In those days world of officialdom and was well- disturbing the ripples. This was
of autocratic rule the modern satisfied for his pains. something which they had never
practice of looking into budget When the offer was first made it learnt all their lives and they
provisions and securing financial was done with the intention of propitiated him, for obviously he
concurrence was entirely unknown filling his mind with disgust. Who could get the movements of their
and the ruler, or his viceroy, could had ever heard of any gainful boats stopped for quite some time
confer any office on anybody. But employment which comprised on the pretext of recording correct
most rulers were conservative and counting ripples? And yet so eager observations. Soon he found that
therefore slow in accepting suits for was the seeker that he welcomed though his post carried no salary he
offices. This young man made use the offer. The nature of his employ- was no loser. In fact, he made a
of a number of agencies with this ment did not seem to dampen his tight little sum every month and
end in view and when at last he enthusiasm even though wags thanked the stars that made him
was able to make his request made fun of the nature of "august count ripples.
known to the ruler, the latter duties" entrusted to him. They Then came his turn to flaunt his
appeared to him to be unreasonably roared with laughter. "We have official authority in the face of his
strict. What he could gather was heard of star gazers," they stated, overweening neighbour. The latter
that there was no post to which he "but counting ripples is an addition was proceeding along with his wife
could be appointed. to the tasks of a civil government." and children in a shikara to
He waited and renewed his plea to Among those who made ironical participate in a wedding. They
the head of the provincial adminis- references to the new officer was were dressed in their finest and the
tration, but with no better prospect. his neighbour of the accounts office. "counter of ripples" got a brain
Meanwhile, both he and his wife Despite all this, the young man wave to pay them in their own coin.
were burning with the feeling of assumed his duties seriously. When this particular shikara was
humiliation which had been heaped Armed with a warrant of appoint- within hailing distance of the
upon their heads by their neigh- ment bearing the royal seal and bridge, he had it stopped.
bour. The cold sighs of his wife equipped with a ledger and an "What is the trouble?" the accounts
were unbearable to him but encased pen-tray-cum-inks officer puckered his brow.
obviously there was no help. At (qalamdan), he posted himself in a "Nothing much," replied the other,
last, he approached the high-ups doonga. In those good old days the "only that I want to discharge my
once again and explained that his only conveyances on the roads duties correctly."
intention was not to secure were the pony or the palanquin.
He started counting ripples and
necessarily a lucrative job; all that Those who make use of cars or
recording his counts; recounting,
he wanted, he elucidated, was to tongas today had their own
checking and rechecking. He took a
command greater prestige and shikaras and the river was the main
really long time and yet his urgent
respect and that he would be thoroughfare of traffic. The young
government duty was not over. He
satisfied even with a post that man, therefore, moored his boat
could not allow any boat to move
carried no salary. The authorities near a bridge at the busiest centre of
and the wedding guests were hard
who wanted to satisfy this young this traffic, and he began to "count
put to it. Time was galloping fast
man were very pleased with his ripples."
for the accounts officer, for both he
offer to work without a salary. He In a few days this news spread all and his wife had to attend impor-
had, however, little experience of over the valley. His business of tant ceremonials at the wedding.
working in offices and it was found "counting ripples" was wildly
desirable to entrust him with a task Equally important, however, was it
talked of and people were left
where he would not be in a position for the other officer to make correct
guessing the purpose behind it.
to interfere with the working of observations and the nature of his
Meanwhile, the young man felt his
other government agencies. They duties would not brook the least
stock rising and began to command
gave some thought to the problem disturbance of the surface of water.
greater respect. His wife at home
but could come to no definite The wedding guest here beat his
regarded herself as respectable as
conclusion. The young man chest. Ultimately, however, he saw
her neighbour. To this extent the
renewed his suit and offered to do into the whole business of counting
mission of securing government
anything, even "to count ripples on ripples at that particular moment.
employment was fruitful. He
the surface of the river" if he had Both he and his wife took leave of
recorded his observations in his
the patronage of the government. their vanity, made up their
books in the manner of all clerks.
They jumped at the suggestion and differences with their neighbour
But his ingenuity encouraged him
at last the young man was offered a and lived at peace with the "counter
to extend his authority to fields
of ripples.”

December 2020 31
OIC and Kashmir
Dear editor, the situation has
become more serious in Indian
illegally occupied Jammu and
Kashmir (IIOJK) where human
rights violations are committed by
Indian troops in a systematic
manner. Although the world in
general has maintained a criminal
silence over the Indian atrocities in
IIOJK, but the recent resolution
passed by the Organiation of
Islamic Cooperation at the meeting
of its Council of Foreign Ministers in
Niamey, Niger, is a source of
encouragement for the people of the last several decades has failed, and vent their resentment in the form of
illegally occupied territory. The failed miserably, to break the a mass uprising and it will be
OIC Contact Group urged India to resolve of the Kashmiri people and difficult for India to control the
halt its brutal operations against the they are committed to take their situation.
people of Kashmir and respect their struggle to secure freedom from Nazir Ahmed
fundamental rights, give up change India to its logical conclusion. If the
in the demography of IIOJK and Lahore
Indian policy-makers think that
resolve the lingering Kashmir such failed policies will bring Global silence
dispute according to the UN results according to their desire, Dear editor, the Kashmiris are
resolutions and aspirations of the they are horribly mistaken. In fact, worried at the silence maintained
Kashmiri people. The Muslim Body such methods will only fuel the by the global community over the
yet again reiterated its freedom struggle in the illegally gross human rights violations being
unambiguous stand on the Kashmir occupied territory. perpetrated by Indian troops in
dispute and reaffirmed its strong Indian illegally occupied Jammu
The way forward to settle the
support for the Kashmir cause and Kashmir. The so-called world
Kashmir dispute is obvious; India
through a strongly-worded champions of human rights have
needs to shun the current repressive
resolution. been badly exposed on the matter of
course it has been pursuing for
Jamil Ahmed decades and talk to the Kashmiris as IIOJK.
Islamabad well as Pakistan to resolve it once Why the international champions of
Kashmiris’ plight and for all. democracy and human rights are
Zameer Haider showing helplessness over the
The nightmare of Kashmiris shows
prevailing grim human rights
no sign of ending. Reports coming Karachi
situation in IIOJK caused by
from Indian illegally occupied Kashmiri women Narendra Modi-led Indian fascist
Jammu and Kashmir through
Dear editor, Kashmiri women are government’s 05 August 2019
foreign media have highlighted that the worst victims of Indian state action is a worrying question. The
they are brutally tortured by Indian terrorism in Indian illegally people of Kashmir have been
troops on the slightest suspicion of occupied Jammu and Kashmir. deprived of their basic rights under
aiding youth fighting the Indian Indian soldiers barge into the Indian occupation for more than
oppression. Young men speak of residential houses at any hour of the
seven decades but since 05 August
harrowing beatings, electrocution day or night and ask about women,
especially about young ladies. The 2019, New Delhi has unleashed a
and other forms of torture at the
Kashmiri women are routinely new wave of terror in the illegally
hands of the Indian soldiers. The
harassed, molested and raped by occupied territory.
brutal methods applied by the
Indian forces’ personnel who are India’s stubbornness on the
Indian forces’ personnel in IIOJK
using rape as a method of retaliation Kashmir dispute has put the peace
have created an atmosphere of fear against the Kashmiri civilians for
across the illegally occupied of entire South Asia at stake and the
staging anti-India protests during
territory. It is strange that India still world should make serious efforts
frequent cordon and search
trumpets its democratic credentials operations. The Indian soldiers to address it and force New Delhi to
despite such damning evidence enter a civilian house, kill or evict allow the people of Jammu and
against it. While the doors of the men before raping the women. Kashmir exercise their right to self-
dialogue should never be closed, determination guaranteed to them
Such brutalities are adding to the
New Delhi needs to seriously by the UN resolutions.
public anger against the Indian
reconsider its atrocious methods in occupational forces and whenever Jalil Qureshi
IIOJK. The use of brute force for the the Kashmiris get a chance, they will Peshawar

December 2020 32
Atrocities Perpetrated
by Indian troops
(January 1989 to November 30, 2020)

Total killings 95,724

Custodial killings 7,155

Civilians arrested 161,163

Structures destroyed/damaged 110,375

Women widowed 22,924

Children orphaned 107,811

Women gangraped/molested 11,231

Including custodial killings

Source: Kashmir Media Service (

Whose words these are?

“We desire only to see peace restored in Kashmir and to ensure that the people of
Kashmir are left free to decide in an orderly and peaceful manner the future of their
State. We have no further interest, and we have agreed that a plebiscite in Kashmir
might take place under international auspices after peace and order have been

(Gopalasawami Ayyangar, at
United Nations Security Council, 15 January 1948)

All Parties Hurriyet Conference Azad Jammu And Kashmir

P. O. Box No. 2617, GPO Islamabad.
Ph: 0092-51-4861457, Fax: 0092-51-4861458 (Islamabad)
0092-5822-432344 (Muzaffarabad)

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