Hw Week 3- Khuất Thị Khánh Linh Level 302 Ielts

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( Trước khi nộp bài đặt lại tên file theo cấu trúc: HW WEEK 3- Full name- Class)
A. Complete the reports with the given words

The graph below gives information about car ownership in Britain from 1971 to 2007.

Fill the gaps in the essay with the following words:

almost, to, figures, per,

between, by, over, with, without, onwards

The graph shows changes in the number of cars per household in Great Britain over a period of 36 years.

Overall, car ownership in Britain increased between 1971 and 2007. In particular, the percentage of households
with two cars rose, while the figure for households with a car fell.

In 1971, almost half of all British households did not have regular use of a car. Around 44% of households had
one car, but only about 7% had two cars. It was uncommon for families to own three or more cars, by around
2% of households falling into this category.

The one-car household was the most common type from the late 1970’s onwards, although there was little
change in the figures for this category. The biggest change was seen in the proportion of households without a
car, which fell steadily over the 36-year period by around 25% in 2007. In contrast, the proportion of two-car
families rose steadily, reaching about 26% in 2007, and the proportion of households with more than two cars
rose to around 5%.
The graph below shows UK acid rain emissions, measured in millions of tonnes, from four different sectors
between 1990 and 2007.

Fill the gaps using these words:

produced reaching fell responsible
saw considerably terms drop dramatic
The line graph compares four sectors in term of the amount of acid rain emissions that they produced over a
period of 17 years in the UK.

It is clear that the total amount of acid rain emissions in the UK dropped between 1990 and 2007. The most
dramatic decrease was seen in the electricity, gas and water supply sector.

In 1990, around 3.3 million tonnes of acid rain emissions came from the electricity, gas and water sector. The
transport and communication sector was responsible for about 0.7 million tonnes of emissions, while the
domestic sector produced around 0.6 million tonnes. Just over 2 million tonnes of acid rain gases came from
other industries.

Emissions from electricity, gas and water supply fell dramatically to only 0.5 million tonnes in 2007, a drop of
almost 3 million tonnes. While acid rain gases from the domestic sector and other industries fell gradually, the
transport sector saw a small increase in emissions, reached a peak of 1 million tonnes in 2005.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram below shows the water cycle, which is the continuous movement of water on, above and below
the surface of the Earth.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words

The diagram illustrates the natural process of water circulation in the ground, the oceans and air. Overall, the
water from ocean evaporates then falls as rain, and eventually runs back into the oceans again.
There are four main stages in this process, beginning with evaporation and ends with comeback to the oceans.
Firstly, water evaporates to the air in the form of water vapor, eighty percent of which comes from the
oceans. In the second stages, the water vapour condenses and forms cloud at a certain distance from the
ground and later precipitates back to earth as tiny water droplets called rain.
Finally, the water that reaches the ground surface, eventually joins the oceans in two different ways. One is it
directly run off to the ocean and second, it percolates in to the ground water, reaching the impervious layer of
the earth befor passing into the ocean and complete the cycle.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

People have little understanding of the importance of the natural world. What are the reasons and how can
people learn more about the natural world?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


In recent years, people lack of the knowledge of the natural habitat. There are numerous reasons about it and
solutions to tackle this issue.

People ignore about natural enviroment because of two main reasons. Firstly, people don’t have time to
research or concern about the natural world. They are very busy with our business and relationships, adults
spend a lot of time sitting in front our computers, while children pursuiting the education take around 8 hours
to sit in the classroom to study many theories such as maths, chemistry and physics. Their parents want them
achieve high score in school so hardly they have time to play outside and find out the nature. As a result, they
loose connection to the natural habitat. Secondly, humans underestimate the importance of nature. Many
companies just focus on the profit they can gain, they skip waste treatment process.

After all, it is not too late for people to build up more understanding and contact with natural world.
Beginning, the government should promote many communication campain or make use of the social media to
raise their citizen’s awareness. A lot of article about how natural enviroment important and the consequence
if humans destroy the nature should be increasingly published. Last but not least, in school, students have to
be taught about the natural habitat. For instance, many eco-tourism, workshop about enviromnet should be
hold to help children understand the importance of natural world.

In conclusion, people pay increasingly time to be in the middle of four walls with their technology devices and
loose connection with nature, the media and government have the responsibility to help them closer to the
natural world.

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