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Write Up 5

Cait Ball
OGL 340
 Introduction: 

Digital citizenship was a concept I was unknowingly familiar with. Imagined

communities was also the case of familiarity. Throughout this course we explored the
concepts of the digital divide, digital natives and immigrants, digital communities, digital
literacy and becoming a digital citizen. While learning I am a digital native, I felt happy to
understand most ideas and theories presented in our learning materials. Given what I
have learned, and studied, I would say that digital citizenship is something inevitable for
all humanity, and it is speeding up with the growth of technology. Because of this,
imagined communities are expanding into the digital world.

 What Did I Learn?

The major takeaway I am taking from this class is the knowledge I now have around the
digital divide. In module five, we saw two videos which told us two perceptions of one
thing, impact of technology. Simon Sinek shared that technology is disruptive to growth
but there’s a right way to incorporate it into development. And Mark Bauerlein is really
more focused on how things were done before, rather than manipulating this
uncontrollable variable of technology. After watching these, I felt that more important
than anything, technology isn’t going away, we are all more than likely to use it, so lets
be safe about it. Campaign for laws or awareness around safety for children (and adults
for that matter) in the digital world. Another takeaway was the idea of digital natives vs.
digital immigrants. I did not know there were two categories. Being a native is being
very exposed and familiar in the use of technology. Digital immigrants are those who
are freshly learning about how to have an online presence.

 How Will You Use These Skills? 

Before this class, I never really took social media seriously. I know this is not realistic for
major corporations to ignore this tactic, however I always thought it as something that’s
“extra.” After taking his course, I am realizing how vital this is to a company’s success.
Social media can be a number one influencer and its where most of your target market
exists. Not only that, but you can be convenient for your customers by allowing online
purchasing/scheduling. Digital presence for your organization is necessary in success.
Nowadays, this is how word is spread. I will apply these concepts to my own life by
securing my internet use, and by paying close attention tt eh imagined communities I
find I am in. Very interest topics, and useful for productive leadership!
 Conclusion: 

Communities are formed by unified opinions and beliefs. Throughout this class, we have
imagined an online community within the class. Giving feedback on papers, communicating in
discussions, with a common goal of passing in mind. Digital citizenship is coming to be one of
the most innovative tools a company can use for success. As a platform, this can boost ratings,
reputation, popularity, and awareness. Recognizing that when digital immigrants need
guidance, fill in gap and teach them to help them with confidence in their social presence. As
stated above, technology growth is inevitable. We must learn to use it safely, and in the most
healthy manner possible.


Anderson, B. (2016). Imagined communities: reflections on the origin and spread of

nationalism. London: Verso
Ohler, J. (2010). Digital community, digital citizen. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press

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