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Oral Motor Examination:

Oral Motor Examination

Test Description: [Name] was asked to complete a range of activities and facial movements to
evaluate the head and neck structures used for speech and feeding, along with their functioning. 
Explanation of [name]’s results: Observations of structure and function are detailed below. Overall
the findings indicate...
Feature Structure Function
Lips Symmetrical/Asymmetrical Range of
(left/right deviation) movement/Coordination/Speed/Strength
Open/Closed posture at rest normal/mildly/moderately/significantly
Tone was normal/low/high reduced
Frenulum labii superiosis (upper
lip) was Normal/Tied
Frenulum labii inferiosis (lower
lip) was Normal/Tied
Lip blisters were/weren’t present
Unilateral (right/left) Bilateral 
incomplete/complete cleft lip was
Cheeks Sucking pads normal/reduced Movement/Strength
Tone was normal/low/high normal/mildly/moderately/significantly
Jaw Symmetrical/Asymmetrical Range of movement and coordination
(left/right deviation) normal/mildly/moderately/significantly
Position at rest reduced
Dentition all present/absent - Opening/closing
Dental hygiene - Protrusion/retraction
Occlusion normal/malocclusion - Lateralisation 
Hard and Soft Symmetrical/Asymmetrical  Elevation on phonation
Palate Arch shape normal/high/low and Gag reflex
normal/wide/narrow normal/absent/hypersensitive/hyposensitive
Clefting present/absent
Uvula and Symmetrical/Asymmetrical n/a
Tonsils (left/right deviation)
Present/Absent tonsils
Size normal/enlarged
Tongue Symmetrical/Asymmetrical Range of movement and coordination
(left/right deviation) normal/mildly/moderately/significantly
Tone was normal/low/high reduced
Colour (WNL, mild/mod/severe - Elevation/Depression
coating) - Protrusion/retraction
Normal/Protruded/Retracted - Lateralisation 
position at rest Speed/Strength
Macroglossia (large tongue) normal/mildly/moderately/significantly
observed reduced
Fasciculations or tremor observed
Frenulum Linguae (under tongue)
- Normal/Restricted with lingual
attachment to floor/lower
alveolar ridge.

Tongue Tie
Tongue tie observed positioned
Apex with total tongue tip
involvement (type 1)
Midline area, tongue may be
cupped (type 2)
Distal to midline, tongue may
appear normal superficially (type
Base of tongue (posterior or
submucosal), may not be visually
obvious but palpable  (type 4)
Elasticity/Minimal Elasticity
Notch/W/Heart shaped tongue tip
Thin/Thick frenular tissue
Short shape (short frenular tissue)
“Eiffel tower” shape (long frenular
Mid tongue dimpling 
Central tongue groove
Milk line across tongue 
Reflexes Rooting - Present/Absent/Delayed or Dampened
Non Nutritive Sucking - Present/Absent/Delayed or Dampened
Nutritive Sucking - Present/Absent/Delayed or Dampened
Lateralisation - Present/Absent
Protrusion - Present/Absent
Phasic Bite - Present/Absent/Reduced
Saliva Control Adequate
Reduced control with loss from front of mouth
Reduced control with excess pooling inside mouth
Oral Sensation Hypersensitive (over sensitive)
Hyposensitive (under sensitive)
Breathing and  Clavicular/Diaphragmatic Breathing
Airway Nose/Mouth breathing
Protection Vocal quality (clear, breathy, wet phonation, harsh, hoarse)
Nasality WNL/hypernasal/hyponasal
Volume normal/loud/soft
Duration of sustained phonation = ___seconds
Diadochokinetic This task involved repeating 20 syllable sequences as quickly as possible:
(DDK) Tasks  Rate for single syllables ‘pa’, ‘ta’, ‘ka’ = ____seconds
 Rate and coordination for triple syllable ‘pataka’ = ____seconds

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