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Concept (Inquiry)  Poorly developed topic  Partially developed  Sufficiently developed  Thoroughly developed
with limited relevance topic with reasonable topic with considerable topic that is relevant,
and/or interest relevance and/or relevance and/or impactful, creative,
 Capstone project interest interest and/or original
concept is vague and  Capstone project  Capstone project  Capstone project
poorly defined concept is sound but concept is sound concept is fully fleshed-
 Design is inadequate or has issues  Design is well out, focused, and
haphazard and difficult  Design is flawed and constructed and concrete
to replicate or adapt mildly difficult to reasonably replicable or  Design is cohesively
replicate or adapt constructed and easily
replicable or adaptable
Content (Investigation)  Overall output fails to  Overall output  Overall output  Overall output shows
demonstrate key demonstrates basic demonstrates thorough nuanced understanding
concepts in 3I application of 3I application of 3I and application of 3I
 Minimum data concepts concepts concepts
collection, with vague  Limited data collection,  Significant data  Rich data collection,
or unclear data with passably organized collection, with with organized data
presentation data presentation organized data presentation
 Discussion is content-  Discussion lacks presentation  Discussion is precise,
poor or shows completeness or  Discussion is informative consistent, accurate,
objectionable accuracy referencing and detailed and substantive
 Text is indicative of  Text is indicative of  Text is indicative of  Text is indicative of
minimal effort in adequate construction rigorous and careful thorough and
construction and editing and editing construction and editing meticulous construction
 Major components are  Incomplete  Complete components and editing
lacking; individual components; individual  Complete components
elements are poorly elements may be all with cohesive elements
articulated over the place
Presentation (Immersion)  Meager display of  Passable display of  Considerable display of  Readily apparent display
content mastery and content mastery and content mastery and of content mastery and
skill in defense skill in defense skill in defense; efficient skill in defense; efficient
 Poorly constructed  Flawed but decent use of time use of time
visual aid visual aid  Satisfactory visual aid  Excellent visual aid that
 Strained coordination or  Observable  Observable coordination is concise, informative,
teamwork; team failed coordination and and teamwork; evident and aesthetically
to come together for teamwork, with outliers; division of labor and superior
collaboration majority of members delegation of tasks  Evident teamwork and
contributed to project collaboration; evident
completion division of labor and
delegation of tasks

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