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Ethical Issues in Pakistan

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Institute of Business Management and Administrative Sciences

Business Ethics

Assignment topic:

Ethical Issues in Pakistan

Submitted to:

Ma’am Arooj Fatima

Submitted by:

Saqib Imran


BBA 6th M1

Roll no:


Baghdad Ul Jadeed Campus Bahawalpur

Compensation Plans to Solve Sales Problems
Ethical Issues in Pakistan

1. Unethical Leadership
 Unethical Leadership is seen in almost every government office as well in private
firms such as media, Universities, Hospitals etc
 Misuse of leadership, unnecessary gifts and favors from subordinates, mostly
scandals and cases seem in Pakistan
 Abuse of leadership authority is an unfortunate reality. About 60% of workplace
misconduct is caused by unethical leaderships
2. Toxic Workplace Culture
 In private firms such as regional offices of Unilever and P&G, and government
offices facing toxic culture because of office politics and personal grouping
 Repopulating the company with like-minded personalities and toxic mentalities
impacting bad on ethical environment of organizations
 Like-minded, toxic people work against organization and strikes are common
weapon against administration
 Sometime administration is highly toxic and employees are grinded inside offices.
3. Discrimination and Harassment
 Gender discrimination such as preferring males over female and less quota seats for
 Ethnic or regional discrimination is on serve edge as Baluchistan people are not
having as much vacancies as other provinces
 Harassment is something disastrous for any organization. It is present everywhere
in govt. and private offices, public places. Every day thousands of people are
harassed in Pakistan most of them are women.
 Few weeks ago, a video circulated in which a bank manager is harassing a female
subordinate in Islamabad. Then he got arrested by police. But Every corner doesn’t
have cameras to expose such people.
4. Unrealistic and Conflicting Goals
 Hugh goals and objective set by company is an unrealistic approach facing by
deliverymen and order bookers of FMCG’s such as Unilever, P&G
 Driving high pressure on employees to meet these goals such as in banks and life
insurance companies. This pressure of goals leads to cutting edges, unethical and
sometimes illegal activities by the employees
 Sometimes company ignores it real vision and mission set conflicting goals just to
gain more profit or increase sales volume. Soft drinks and fast food add chemicals
to their product to just enhance tasks and gain more sales.
5. Questionable Use of Company Technology
 Employees use company’s technology such as computer, internet or other machines
for personal use during work hours.
 One survey stated that 64% of employees use non-work related websites during
work hours.
 Using internet to download movies, checking social media accounts, using
company’s printer to personal stuff or unnecessary things and wasting resources.

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