Initial Assessment Summary Report: Speech Pathology

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Private & Confidential

The information in this report is important for ALL members of the student’s support team. The report has
been organised and written to make access to this information easier.

Student Name: NNN NN

School: SSS
Year: 8
Date of Birth:
Date/s of assessment:
Age at assessment:
Speech Pathologist:
Copies to:

Findings outlined in this report reflect performance on the day/s of assessment. It is

acknowledged that performance may vary based on the day and context.

REASON FOR ASSESSMENT – Why was NNN’s language assessed?

NNN was observed to demonstrate learning difficulties in the classroom that may pertain to
language implications. He was reviewed and provided with additional in-class support by teaching
staff before being referred to speech pathology assessment.

The purpose of this assessment and report is to:

 Describe NNN’s current language skills
 Identify the educational impacts of NNN’s language profile
 Help identify classroom adjustments to support access and participation
 Further inform education and intervention planning.

ASSESSMENT PROCESS – How was NNN language assessed?

Information about NNN’s language was obtained by:

 Talking with NNN; his teacher, Fred Hundy; parent, Terry NN
 Reading NNN school file, and the Child Case History Form
 Observing NNN during classroom activities
 Informal observations - conducted in session.
 Working with NNN to assess his:
o Basic language skills
o Literacy skills

 The tests used to evaluate NNN’s language were:

o Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals 5th Edition (CELF-5)
o Queensland University Inventory of Literacy (QUIL) (2 subtests)

 This report also considers a recent prior assessment completed by guidance counsellor –
Rachel Martin on the 5th of June 2020:
o Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing 2nd Edition (CTOPP 2)

The above information is detailed in the following appendices:

 Appendix A – Relevant background information

 Appendix B – Assessment analysis and educational impact
 Appendix C – Assessment information – standardised test results


On the 22nd of July 2020, NNN NN was seen by XXX, Speech Pathologist. At the time of the
assessment, he presented with severe difficulties in expressive and receptive language
skills. He was also found to have very poor literacy skills. NNN has experienced ongoing
difficulties with learning throughout his schooling and in the absence of any other diagnosis, NNN’s
assessment results are consistent with a diagnosis of Developmental Language Disorder


Please refer to the relevant Appendices for more detailed information about this assessment and
test results.
1. The results of this assessment will be shared with NNN’s school team (including parents) to
deepen the understanding of communication language/profile.
2. The speech pathologist continues to work with NNN and team to identify the following:
a. The most significant functional impacts of the language disorder across subject
areas, and at school more broadly
b. The most helpful adjustments to address the identified impacts, and support access,
participation and learning success
c. How best to implement, monitor and review these adjustments
d. Specific interventions – implementation, monitoring and review.
3. NNN will benefit from direct speech pathology intervention to further develop
language skills. It is recommended the family consider private speech pathology services.
4. NNN may benefit from a cognitive assessment by a psychologist or similar clinician.
5. Due to severity of NNN’s language, he will be placed under monitoring as an SLI (Speech-
Language Impairment) potential.
6. The team (including parents, and speech pathologist) consider how best to support and
develop NNN’s understanding of his language/learning profile to:
a. ensure he continues to think positively about herself as a learner
b. enable him to use this information to support his learning and interactions with

If you have any questions about this report, or how to support NNN’s language further, please
contact the school.

XXX Yong
Speech Pathologist – School Based

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