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1) Following Sportsman’s shift in competitive strategy, what are some consideration for the

company’s human resource management practices?

Some of the considerations for the company’s human resource Sportsman’s compensation
strategy: Continue offering the salary that the Firm used to, to their old employees so as to ensure
their cooperation and willing efforts in the field of transition in spite of hiring a new specialized
source. This is so because the old employees are more conversant and aware about the
Organizational culture that guides the Firm to achieve the desired results in more committed way
and hence if their salary is compromised with, then it shall end up lowering the morale of the
employees. In case of the new employees, a competitive salary package should be such designed
that it makes their decision worthy, for shifting to the new Organization. Moreover, the
compensation package should be in accordance to the Industry standards and the creativity that
they bring into the customization of the shoes as per the customer’s choice. Further, for every
sale of customized shoe, a variable compensation for example, in the form of commission, could
also be attached that could differ from product to product, depending upon the level of
customization asked by the customer’s. Lastly even the old employees could be further
contributed for such variable component of income if they get along with the new set of
employees to bring about more effective customization in the shoes owing to their active
involvement in the tracking the trend of the Sportsman shoes till the recent past and hence, even
they should feel involved in the transition phase.  

2) What kind of challenges will Sportsman face specifically in the area of compensation?
Sportsman will confront difficulties, for example, deciding the compensation for the new
employees. With employ individuals who have specific aptitudes in building up another plan,
they are worth money. On the other side, the current creators who have been working there may
feel a qualification to be paid more than somebody who is new in the organization. Something
else is to take a gander at the spending plan.

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