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Assignment 1 – Benefits of adopting

SHRM for Capgemini

Submitted by

Group 7

Avdhi Goel B014

Karan Gulati B016
Aditya Johari B027
Urvashi Ramnani B048
Anirav Bhargava H006
Sakshi Waigonkar H065

Submitted to
Under the guidance of
Dr. Seema Rawat,
About the Company
Capgemini is French multinational professional services and business consulting corporation
headquartered in Paris. It is world’s largest outsourcing and professional service company.

Competency model is framework for defining skills and knowledge requirement of job. It is been
widely used in organizations for understanding both soft and hard skills. These are key
components of recruitment and hiring as well as talent and performance management activities of
HR department.


The business value of technology comes from and through the people


To create and deliver business and technology solutions that fits the need and drive the result people

Core Values

 Honesty
 Boldness
 Trust
 Freedom
 Team Spirit
 Modesty
 Fun

SWOT of Capgemini
Strength: Strong presence is in the European market, global presence, multicultural, domain
expertise, strong leadership and solid values and solid brand portfolio
Weakness: Heavy reliance on consulting, global integration is a never ending process, poor
marketing, not a lot of scope apart from core business
Threats: European market turmoil and tough market, change of customer behavior,
regulations, shortage of new and innovative products
Opportunities: Cloud computing in this dynamic technological environment and
networking, Government green drive, lower inflation rate, online channels for customers
Competition is TCS, Wipro, HCL and Cognizant
VUCA Architecture and Engineering
The ability to architect for change and to engineer for continuous adaptation, new requirements,
efficient integration, and frequent releases will become a new core competency, drive the
enterprise closer to a software-company operating mentality, and provide the kind of speed and
agility needed in today’s competitive business landscape. Certainly, techniques including open-
and inner-source development and DevOps are quite relevant here.

Within Capgemini, we found specific information about the HR transformation practices which is
the contact point for all issues in the field of HRM. The HR transformation practice consists of
five Competence Clusters:

HR Engagement and Interim management:

Every organization changes. However, the reasons, size, pace, impact of that change can differ
greatly. For successful implementation the involvement of employees is a precondition. Especially
the implementation of more complex processes gives rise to an HR engagement manager who in
projects guides the change or to a temporary HR manager who manages an HR department within
the organization of a client.

HR Processes and Change Management:

The HRM processes and change management cluster concentrates on leveraging the added value
of HRM function within the organization, on one hand by ensuring that the HRM processes run
more efficiently and more effectively, and on the other hand by restructuring the HRM in the

Organization Design and HR Policy:

This cluster concentrates on supporting the organization by matters concerning the design and
development of HR instruments. The main focus is on improving the employee performance and
thereby the organizational performance. It advices the organization on the design and
implementation of instruments like talent management, competence management and mobility.

Capability Building and Career Development:

The focus in has been on growing new businesses with existing customers, becoming strategic
partner for our customers, building strong digital skills and core technical competencies

Delivery Transformation: To increase the breadth and depth of engagement with existing
customers and take Delivery to next higher level. Programs are designed for delivery leaders to
enable them to do delivery-led sales and next-generation delivery

Sales Transformation: In this digital enabled business environment, customers no longer look for
technology services but emphasize on business outcomes. Customers are looking for a strategic
partner to co-create a vision and execution strategy.

Digital Training: In line with the growing demand for Digital Services, we continue to augment
our workforce with digital skills.

Building core technical competencies: Trend.nxt Competency framework – in which employees

are encouraged to build depth and width of knowledge in technical skills – has helped us to build
strong skills across employees.

Social Learning: For a number of our capability building programs, groups have been created
focusing on specific technologies/roles in the organization, where employees can come together to
effectively learn from each other. After classroom training, the faculty use this platform to engage
with the participants for continued learning. The discussions are analyzed to derive feedback which
enables L&D to improve training programs.
Current HR Practices at Capgemini consulting
On a global scale, organizations need to adapt faster to internal and external challenges.
People management plays an important role in the adoption rate and flexibility of
organizations. To be able to keep up with the pace of their customers, HR needs to
change itself as well. We have identified four main trends that influence business
processes, people management and thereby HR function.

 Digital revolution: The digital revolution takes place in all (types and parts of) organizations.
There are no organizations where the impact of digitalization has gone unnoticed. The digital
revolution can impact an organization in a variety of ways
The opportunity to own larger parts of the value chain because steps of the value chain are
1. The opportunity to optimize internal processes of an organization by the use of digital tooling.
2. The change in the way the employees and managers communicate internally because of the use
of social media.
 Borderless business: To remain competitive organizations are becoming more borderless
geographically, internally, externally and virtually. The boundaries between countries and regions
are dissolving which enables clients to become less restricted by geography. In a business to
business (B2B) environment, clients are organized more globally and, therefore, also forcing
companies to treat them as a global client. Next to this the new way of working plus social and
mobile tooling enable the internal organization to operate more borderless.
 Personalization Customers and employees are changing: It is clear that the needs of (new)
generations are changing, and that people live and sometimes work longer. Through this, we can
predict that we will have a constant change in personal needs and preferences. All these people (as
customers and employees) are increasingly getting used to being serviced on a personal level, 24/7
and independent of where they are. This will impact organizations and the way they serve these
customers and employees.
 Shifting from cost reduction to investing for growth: The global economy has been in decline for
the last couple of years which has forced organizations to focus on efficiency and cost reduction.
For a lot of companies, the predicted growth will lead from a cautious shift in focus on cost cutting
and operational excellence to productivity growth and innovation.
Gaps Identified

 Identification of critical competencies is difficult. Without an assessment strategy and the

ability to predict the skills needed by the business going forward at two different locations,
organizations are left clueless as to what skills exist and are needed to distinguish between
the two competency models.

 Change management is difficult. Resistant to change is a common behavior but if the

change is executed strategically with proper communication with the employees, it becomes
easy. There should be a proper cause and effect defined because it gets easier for the
employees to identify the reason for the change.
 Alignment of competency development with business goals is weak. Only a few
organizations are somewhat effectively able to identify the critical talent segments and key
job roles for each of their locations. And if this is not done properly, the competency model
will undoubtedly fail.
 Skill management is treated as an HR process, rather than a business imperative and
the investment in competency management is deprioritized. Organizational performance
will continue to languish unless and until the skill management model is revered as the
business imperative.
 Negligence of Technical Skills. Many organizations often exclude technical skills from the
functional aspect of the model. And these technical skills are prevalent in most of the job
roles which can’t be neglected as such.

Benefits of adopting SHRM

1. Motivated Employees
As per employee’s performance graph Capgemini needs to boost its motivation level. Annual
increment, employee of the month, employee of the years and promotions are the tactics to
appreciate your loyal employees. These little things motivate them and build strong
relationships with employees for the future as well.
2. Development of Flexible workforce
The HRM strategic plan should include the activities to make flexible workforce
development. Strategic HRM including the policy to convert your work into flexible one.
Flexibility in employee’s shifts, schedules and work location allow them to work freely.
These relaxations will generate more quality in their work & performance.
3. Employees’ Empowerment
Strategic HRM, develops more enthusiasm in employee behaviour. The employee’s
development includes some short courses, training sessions and short lectures that will change
employees into more skilled assets. These skill assets will be used in future against business
4. Positive Working Environment
Strategic Human Resource Management, encourage positive work environment within the
organization. This environment will eventually bring rise in the employee’s progressive &
productive work graph. The positive work environment ensures the favourable benefits in
organizational aspects.

● Make employees understand the “Why” of the Change:
Most employees resist the change as they don’t know the reason behind the change. Sometimes,
they do not understand the importance of the new system and the problems that it would solve. If
employees are told the why and the benefits of the new system the resistance will be lesser.

● In-House Certified Training Team

Having an in-house certified training team is anyway better than the external trainers as the in-
house trainers will have the technical know-how of the company as well as the required skill-
setfor that role. Certified trainers would help since they would have complete knowledge about
the system and the training delivery would be standardized. This way all employees would be on
the same page.
● Training certification as a part of the KRAs
To incentivize the team to become trainers themselves, they should include this in the KRA at the
mid management level. If this can be used as one of the measures to decide promotions, more and
more employees would opt for it.

● Employee Voice Mechanism

The opinions of the employees should always be encouraged as by doing that the employees feel
more involved in the process after that. The views of the employees should be heard and
implemented, also making them a part of the decision making.

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