What Is Electromagnetic Wave?: Unit-V Field Modelling and Computation Part-A

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1. What is electromagnetic wave?

The moving electron generates a magnetic field that will also become
wavy from the motion of the electron. These combined electrical and magnetic
waves reinforce one another. This kind of wave is called an electromagnetic wave.
The light is an electromagnetic wave.

2. What is skin effect?

Currents carried by the strands cannot be equal in magnitude, since the
impedances are unequal. The interior strand thus carries less current than the
outer so as to produce equal impedance drops along the strands. This
phenomenon is known as Skin effect.

3. What is the importance of Wein’s Law?

Wein’s Law expresses the relationship of the peak frequency of a black body to its
absolute temperature.
Wein's Law Imax = a/T

4. Write the Maxwell’s wave equation for conductive medium.η

The wave equation for conductive medium is
2 ∂2 E ∂E
∇ E−μ ∈ 2
−μσ =0
∂t ∂t
The phasor form of wave equation is
∇ 2 E−μ ∈ω 2 E− jωμσE =0
We can simplify this as,
∇ 2 E−γ 2 E=0

5. Define Snell’s law

When a wave is travelling from one medium to anoter medium, the angle of
incidence is related to angle of reflection as follows.
sinθ i η1 ∈2
√ √
sinθt η2
Where, θi is angle of incidence
θt is angle of refraction
∈2 is dielectric constant of medium 2
∈1is dielectric constant of medium 1

6. What is the main difference between E and H in the reflected wave?

The amplitude of E and H in the reflected wave are the same as in the incident
wave, and the only difference is in the direction of power flow.

7. State the law which expresses the relationship of the peak frequency of a black
body to its absolute temperature.

8. Say about Brewster Angle.

Brewster angle is an incident angle at which there is no reflected wave for parallely
polarized wave.
θ=tan −1
√ ∈1
Where, ∈2 is dielectric constant of medium 2
∈1is dielectric constant of medium 1

9. State conservation of energy law in terms of electromagnetic medium.

10. Define Pointing Theorem

The vector product of a electric field intensity and magnetic field intensity at any point is
a measure of the rate of energy flow per unit area at that point.
P=E × H


1. For the case of reflection by a perfect dielectric with oblique incidence, define
explain the two possible polarizations with appropriate sketches, and establish the
Snells Laws.

If a plane wave is incident upon a boundary surface that is not parallel to the
plane containing E and H a part of the wave will be transmitted wave will be refracted:
that is, the direction of propagation will be altered.
In the following diagram incident ray (2) travels the distance CB, whereas transmitted ray
(1) travels the distance AD and reflected ray (1) travels from A to E. if v1 is the velocity
of the wave in medium (1) and v2 is the velocity in medium (2), then


Figure. Reflection and refraction

Now CB = ABsin1 and AD = ABsin2, so that


In terms of the constants of the media, v1 and v2 are given by




Furthermore AE = CB
and as a result, sin1 = sin3

 1 = 3 (51)

The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection; the angle of incidence is related
to the angle of refraction by equation 50, which in optics is known as the law of sines, or
Snell’s law.
Since E and H are at right angles to each other, the power transmitted per square meter is
equal to E²/. The power in the incident wave striking AB will be proportional to
(1/)E²icos, that reflected will be (1/1)E²rcos1, and that transmitted through the
boundary will be (1/2)E²tcos2. By the conservation of energy.




Case I – Perpendicular Polarization:

In this case the electric vector E is perpendicular to the plane of incidence and parallel
to the reflecting surface. Let the electric field strength Et of the incident wave be
in the positive x direction and let the directions for Er and Et in the reflected and
transmitted waves also be in the positive x direction. Then, applying the boundary
condition that the tangential component of E is continuous across the boundary,


Inserting this in equation (54)





Now from equation (50)




Equation (62) gives the ratio of reflected to incident electric field strength for the case of
a perpendicularly polarized wave.

Case II: Parallel polarization:

In this case E parallel to the plane of incidence and H is parallel to the reflecting
surface. Again applying the boundary condition that the tangential component of E is
continuous across the boundary in this case gives



Inserting this in equation (54)







Recall that sin² 0 0 VLQð1

Equation (71) gives the reflection coefficient for parallel or vertical polarization, that
is, the ratio of reflected to incident electric field strength when E is parallel to the
plane of incidence.

2. Derive the Pointing theorem from Maxwell’s equations and explain its physical

Poynting Theorem: As electromagnetic waves propagate through space from their source
to distant receiving points, there is a transfer of energy from the source to the
receivers. There exists a simple and direct relation between the rate of this energy
transfer and the amplitudes of electric and magnetic field strengths of the
electromagnetic wave. This
relation can be obtained from Maxwell’s equations

 x H = D + J (78)


 J =  x H- 0D (79)

Multiplying equation (79) by E we get,

E.J = E.( x H) – ( 0E (80)


.E x H = H.( x E) – (E. x H) (81)

 E.J = -H H - .E x H – ( 0E (82)

t t

( since  x E = - H )

Consider ,

1(H²) = H(H) (83)

2 t t
1(E²) = E(E) (84)
2 t t

Using equation (83) and (84), equation (82) can be written as


Integrating over volume V, we get


Using divergence theorem for the last term in equation (86)


Then we get


In equation (88) the term on the left hand side represents power dissipated in the volume
V. The first term in the right hand side represents the energy density or stored
electric energy per unit volume of the electric field. Also the energy density or
stored magnetic energy per unit volume of the magnetic field is given by the term ½
H². If it is assumed that these quantities continue to represent stored energy
densities when the fields are changing with time, the integral represents the total
stored energy in the volume V. The
negative time derivative of this quantity then represents the rate at which the stored
energy in the volume is decreasing.

The law of conservation of energy can represent the remaining term, that is, the rate
in the volume V must equal the rate at which energy is entering the volume V from
 The term
( 89)

Represents the rate of flow of energy inward through the surface volume.

Poynting’s vector P is given by

P=ExH (watts per square meter)

3. Using the equation of E and H for a plane electromagnetic wave

in good conductors, verify that all of Maxwell’s equations apply.
4. Drive the electromagnetic wave equation for lossless medium and also in conductive

In losseless medium:

1) From Maxwell’s equation, we have

 x H = D
performing curl operations on both sides

 x x H =  x D

 ( .H) - ²H =  [ 0E

we know that .B = 0

 ²H = -0 ( x E)

ð+ 0 ( B )

t t
²H = 0 ²H

2) from Maxwell”s equation, we have

 x E = - H

performing curl operations on both sides

 x x E = - x H
 ( .E) - ²E = -  x H
we know that .E = 0 ( in free space)

 ²E =  ( x H)


²E = ( D )

t t
²E = 0 ²E

In conductive medium

1) From Maxwell’s equation, we have

 x H = D + J
performing curl operations on both sides

 x x H =  x D + ( x E)

 ( .H) - ²H =  [ 0E + ( x E)

we know that .B = 0

 - ð+ 0 ( x E) - ( H/t)

= -0  (B) - ( H/t)

t t
= -0 ²H -  H
t² t

i.e., ²H -0 ²H -  H = 0

t² t

2) from Maxwell”s equation, we have

 x E = - H

performing curl operations on both sides

 x x E = - x H

 ( .E) - ²E = -  x H
we know that .E = 0 ( in free space)

 -²E = - ( x H)


= - D + E
t t

= 0 ²E -  E
t² t

i.e., ²E -0 ²E -  E = 0

t² t

The wave equations for sinusoidal time variations is given as:

In losseless medium:

(1) ²H = - ²0+

(2) ²E = - ²0(

In conducting medium:

(1) ²E + (²0 - j)E = 0

(2) ²H + (²0 - j)H = 0

The above equations can be written as

²E – ð(

²H – ð+

:KHUH ð M(  + j0

– propagation constant.

. M

. – attenuation constant
 - Phase constant.

 . M )² = j(  + j0

6ROYLQJ IRU . DQG , we get

5. Explain Reflection by Perfect Conductor under normal condition in a perfect


Reflection by Perfect Conductor

Normal Incidence

When an electromagnetic wave traveling in one medium impinges upon a

second medium having a different dielectric constant, permeability, or conductivity,
the wave in general will be partially transmitted and partially reflected. In case of a
plane wave in air incident normally upon the surface of a perfect conductor, the wave
is entirely reflected. For fields that vary with time neither E nor H can exist within a
perfect conductor so that none of the energy of the incident wave can be
transmitted. Since there can be no loss within a perfect conductor, non of the energy
is absorbed. As a result the amplitude of E and H in the reflected wave are the same as
in the incident wave, and the only difference
is in the direction of power flow. The expression for the electric field of the
incident wave is

( 1 )
And the surface of the perfect conductor is taken to be the x=0 plane as shown in figure,
the expression for the reflected wave will be
( 2 )

Figure. Standing waves of E and H

Er is determined from the boundary conditions. According to the boundary conditions

the tangential component of E must be continuous across the boundary and E is zero
within the conductor., the tangential component of E just outside the conductor
must also be zero. For this the sum of the electric field strengths in the initial and
reflected waves add
to give zero resultant field strength in the plane x=0. Therefore

E r = - Ei (3)

The amplitude of the reflected electric field strength is equal to that of the initial electric
field strength, but its phase has been reversed on reflection.
The resultant electric field strength at any point a distance -x from the x=0 plane will be
the sum of the field strengths of the incident and reflected waves at that point and will be
given by




If Ei is chosen to be real,


Equation ( 6 ) shows that the incident and reflected waves combine to produce a standing
wave, which does not progress. The magnitude of the electric field varies
sinusoidally with distance from the reflecting plane. It is zero at the surface and at
multiples of half wavelength from the surface. It has a maximum value of twice the
electric field strength
of the incident wave at distances from the surface that are odd multiples of a
quarter wavelength.

Since the boundary conditions require that the electric field strength be reversed in phase
on reflection in order to produce zero resultant field at the surface, the magnitude
field strength must be reflected without reversal of phase. If both magnetic and
electric field strengths were reversed, there would be no reversal of direction of
energy propagation. Therefore the phase of the reflected magnetic field strength Hr is
the same as that of the incident magnetic Ht at the surface of the reflection x = 0. The
expression for the resultant field will be




since Hi is in phase with Ei , Hi is real

The resultant magnetic field strength H also has a standing wave distribution. It has
maximum value at the surface of the conductor and at multiples of a half
wavelength from the surface, whereas the zero points occur at the odd multiples
of a quarter wavelength from the surface. From the boundary conditions for H it
follows that there must be a surface current Js A/m, such that Js = Ht ( at x = 0).

Since Et and Ht were in time phase in the incident plane wave , a comparison of equation
( 6) and ( 11 ) shows that Et and Ht are 90 degrees out of time phase because of the
j factor in equation ( 6 ).
That Et and Ht are 90 degrees apart in the time phase can be seen more clearly by
-M Œ
rewriting (6) and (11). Replacing –j by its equivalent e and combining this with the
jt j[t- Œ @
e term to give e equation (6) becomes



Similarly rewriting equation (11)


Comparison of (15) and (16) shows that Et and Ht 90


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