Solid Waste Management Question Bank

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Solid waste Management SVIT






1. Define the solid waste. Explain the importance of solid waste management.
2. Explain the classification of Municipal solid waste.
3. With neat schematic diagram, explain the functional elements of the solid waste
4. Discuss the physical, chemical & biological properties of municipal solid waste.
5. What are the different sources and types of solid waste.
6. Briefly explain the classification of solid waste, with examples.
7. Explain briefly the factors affecting the generation of solid waste.


1. Estimate the density of a solid waste sample, on a discarded basis.

% by mass Typical density
Food waste 15 290
Paper 45 85
Plastic 10 65
Garden trimming 10 105
Wood 5 240
Tin cans 5 90

2. Explain the energy content of a solid waste sample on unit energy content on dry
basis and on ash free dry basis.
Components % by mass %moisture content Energy
Food waste 15 70 4650
Paper 45 06 16750
Cardboard 10 05 16300
Plastic 10 02 32600
Garden trimming 10 60 6500
Wood 5 20 18600
Tin cans 5 03 700

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Solid waste Management SVIT

3. Estimate the energy content of solid waste with the following composition. Assume
moisture content = 21%, ash content = 5%, What is the energy content on dry basis
and on ash free basis.
Components % by mass Energy
Food waste 15 4650
Paper 45 16750
Cardboard 10 16300
Plastic 10 32600
Garden trimming 10 6500
Wood 5 18600
Tin cans 5 700

4. Estimate the moisture content and density of 1000kg solid waste sample using the
data given in the table below.
Components % by mass %moisture content Density
Food waste 20 70 290
Paper 30 06 85
Plastics 10 02 65
textiles 05 10 65
Leather 05 10 160
Wood 10 20 240
Glass 10 02 195
Garden trimming 10 60 105

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Solid waste Management SVIT



1. With neat schematic diagram, explain

I. Hauled container system
II. Stationery container system.
2. Explain the factors to be considered in the design of transfer station.
3. Write with neat sketch, the explanatory note on the following:
I. Garbage chutes
II. Route optimization
4. Write a note on bailing and compacting.
5. Explain briefly about different types of transfer station.
6. What are the factors to be considered for layout of collection routes.
1. From the following data estimate the waste generation rate per day for a residential
area consisting of 1200 houses. The observation location is a transfer station that
receives all the waste collected for disposal. The observation period is one week. Also
estimate per capita generation rate assuming 4persons per house.
Vehicle type No. of loads Volume of vehicle (m3) Specific wt. of
solid waste
(kg/m )
Compactor truck 10 15.30 296.5
Flat bed load 08 1.53 133.4
Private cars/truck 25 0.23 88.9

2. An area consisting of 400 houses contributes solid waste. Estimate the solid waste
generation rate, if the observation is a local transfer station and period of generation is
one week. The waste is carried out in two types of vehicles viz, compactor trucks and
flat bed trucks.
Number of compactor truck load – 10; Number of flat bed truck load - 20
Volume of each compactor truck – 15m3 Volume of each flat bed truck – 1.25m3
Density of waste of compactor truck – 295 kg/m3 ; Density of waste flat bed truck =
110kg/m3; Number of persons in each house – 6

3. An area consisting of 400 houses contributes solid waste. Estimate the unit waste
generation rate, if the observation is a local transfer station and period of generation is
7days. The waste is carried out in two types of vehicles viz, compactor trucks and flat
bed trucks whose volume are 15m3 and 25m3. The densities of material in those trucks
are 295 kg/m3 and 110kg/m3 for compactor and flat bed trucks respectively. Assume
that there are 10 compactors load and 20 flat bed truck loads in a week.

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Solid waste Management SVIT



1. Explain briefly, the processing techniques involved in the treatment of municipal solid
waste as well as material recovery.
2. Explain briefly different techniques of component separation.
3. Write a note on mechanical volume reduction.
4. Explain the following component separation techniques
I. Magnetic separation
II. Air sorting
III. Hand sorting

5. Explain, the following processing techniques, briefly

I. Mechanical volume reduction

II. Mechanical size reduction



1. Explain incineration process. What are the products of incineration.

2. What is pyrolysis. Briefly explain the process of pyrolysis.
3. What do you mean by 3T’S to control high temperature in an incinerator.
4. With a neat sketch, explain the working of conventional municipal solid waste
5. Explain the parameters affecting the optimum combustion during incineration
6. Write a short note on prevention of air pollution.



1. Discuss the factors affecting aerobic composting process.

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Solid waste Management SVIT

2. Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic process of solid waste treatment.

3. Explain briefly Bangalore process of composting.
4. Explain with a neat sketch, Indore method of composting.
5. Write short notes on
I. Aerobic composting
II. Anaerobic composting.
6. Explain the factors that must be considered for the design of aerobic composting
7. Explain vermicomposting process of composting.
8. Explain briefly mechanical and semi mechanical process of composting.


1. Estimate the theoretical volume of methane gas generated from anaerobic digestion of
a tone of waste having composition C50H100O40N

CaHbOCNd + (4a-b-2c+3d) H2O (4a+b-2c-3d) CH4+ (4a-b-2c+3d)CO2 + dNH4

4 8 8



1. With neat sketch explain the procedure adopted in sanitary land filling.
2. Discuss the factors to be considered in the evaluating potential landfill.
3. With neat sketch explain the methods to control of gas movement, with vents &
4. Explain the formation, movement and control of leachate in the landfill.
5. With neat sketch, explain methods of gas recovery from landfill.
6. With neat sketch, explain the trench method of sanitary land filling.
7. Explain briefly, ramp and pit method of sanitary land filling.
8. Write advantages and disadvantages of a sanitary land filling.


1. Determine the landfill area required for a municipality with a population of 50,000
given the following details.

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Solid waste Management SVIT

I. Solid waste generation – 1500 gm/person/day

II. Compacted density of soil waste in landfill – 500kg/m3
III. Average compacted depth of solid waste – 3m



1. List out various methods of disposal of solid waste. Describe briefly ocean disposal of
solid waste.
2. Write a short note on Biomedical waste management.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the ocean disposal of solid waste.
4. What are factors affecting the selection of site of open dumping.
5. Explain different methods of disposal of solid wastes.
6. Explain the characteristics’ of bio medical waste and its disposal method.
7. Briefly explain the advantages and disadvantages of the disposal method of open
8. Write short note on i) Feeding of hogs ii) Ocean disposal.



1. Describe the reuse and recycling of solid waste materials.

2. Explain environmental significance of plastic waste.
3. Write short note on materials recovery from solid waste.

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