Empowering Young Women For Community Development Proposal

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Project Proposal

South Asia Regional Project to Strengthen Community Resilience to COVID-19

Investigation proposed to:

Principle investigator:

Co. Investigators:

Warda Hussaini (M.phil Candidate)

Zehra Masroor (M.phil Candidate)
Sana Mahmood (M.phil Candidate)
Empowering young women for community development

Table of Contents
Location of the project.................................................................................................................................. 4
Community based ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Proposal Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Implementing Partner (If Any) ...................................................................................................................... 4
Address ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Key Contact Person ....................................................................................................................................... 4
University details .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Group Profile ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Executive summary: ...................................................................................................................................... 7
BACKGROUND/PROBLEM STATEMENT......................................................................................................... 7
PROJECT DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................................. 8
MONITORING AND EVALUATION PLAN ........................................................................................................ 8
IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE........................................................................................................................ 9
SCALING-UP AND IMPACT............................................................................................................................. 9
Implementing Partner Description and Capacity ....................................................................................... 10
Objective of training: .................................................................................................................................. 11
Training Activities:....................................................................................................................................... 11
Budget Breakdown...................................................................................................................................... 12

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Empowering young women for community development

Project Title
"Empowering young women for community development"

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Empowering young women for community development

Location of the project

Community based



Proposal Summary

To train the master trainers for entrepreneurial development and empowering

women for community development. The aim of these training is to develop sense
of business in young girls age 18 to 24 and empower them to secure a good future
by earning from small businesses. In these trainings girls will be trained in terms of
planning , budgeting , implementing and savings ( a complete business model)
from a small amount of money to initiate and then save the money to invest more n
bigger scale.

Implementing Partner (If Any)


Department of Public Administration, University of Karachi

Key Contact Person

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Empowering young women for community development


University details
University of Karachi
Main University Rd, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh
Postal code: 75270

Group Profile
Department of Public Administration, University of Karachi

A research student, has more than five years of experience in private

education sector. Her aim is to contribute to the new dimensions of research,
for result orientated outcomes in the field of Public Administration and
policy making, keeping in view challenges faced by Pakistan.

Department of Public Administration, University of Karachi

A competent and dedicated research student at the department of

public administration. She has acquired Post Graduate degrees from the
University of Karachi, having 6-7 years’ experience in telecommunication,
food and education industry. She has started research in the field of Public
Administration and Policy making.

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Empowering young women for community development

Department of Public Administration, University of Karachi

A dedicated, detailed and capable of a research student. A confident

presenter and teacher in classrooms. She has earned Post Graduate
degrees from the University of Karachi, having 5-6 years’ experience of
teaching as a Lecturer in a well reputed college and as a visiting faculty
member in well reputed Universities of Karachi. She has started research in
the field of Public Administration and Policy making.

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Empowering young women for community development

Executive summary:
20 Girls would get entrepreneurial training, and best three candidates would get
chance to secure chance for business startup along with entrepreneurial training,
this will create a sense of competition and how to perform best in competitive

While a global pandemic has been a looming risk for decades, COVID-19 has
come as a shock to society, health systems, economies and governments
worldwide. In the midst of extraordinary challenges and uncertainty, and countless
personal tragedies, leaders are under pressure to make decisions on managing the
immediate impact of the pandemic and its consequences, decisions that will shape
the state of the world for years to come. What might be the silver linings in the
crisis and how might leaders use this moment to build a more prosperous, equitable
and sustainable world? During this pandemic, protection needs of women and
children have significantly heightened as women and children may be at higher
risk of intimate partner violence and other forms of domestic violence due to
heightened tensions in households and communities. The domestic burden placed
on women also becomes exacerbated, making their share of household
responsibilities even heavier. All vulnerable groups are disproportionately affected
by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pre-existing vulnerabilities of such groups are
further aggravated by the related stressors, including family anxieties, the
disruption of means of income generation and subsistence activities, due to social
distancing and government lockdown measures. The coronavirus disease (COVID-
19) pandemic is of a scale most people alive today have never seen. Worldwide,
the outbreak is claiming lives and livelihoods as health systems buckle, education
is disrupted and families struggle to stay afloat. In order to address the immediate
threat and longer-term implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for the most
vulnerable populations in South Asia through greater awareness of health risks and
preventive measures, improved access to support services. These elements are
essentially important in containing and responding to COVID19 and maintaining a
continuum of care. Therefore, the biggest humanitarian needs in this pandemic are
the protection of poor, women and girls, minorities, and other marginalized
populations need to be prioritized as critical and lifesaving. Communities across
the Asia are rising to the challenge – from health and social workers risking their
lives to protect the most vulnerable, to young people deploying innovative ways to
share public health messages, Achieving safe and quality health services during an

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Empowering young women for community development

outbreak depends on the availability of an adequate workforce, in terms of

numbers, skills, and relevant medical supplies. In fact, there are numerous issues
common to the developing world that could worsen the impact of the virus. How
can people without access to clean water be expected to wash their hands? How
can people living in overcrowded, urban living situations expect to effectively
practice social distancing? How will preventative measures impact developing
nations that are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change or the economic
consequences of quarantine? These alarming and major challenges confront us
today, and they will remain when the pandemic has ended unless the global
community takes action ,protection principles and concerns incorporated into
programming a risk analysis is undertaken and programs are designed to minimize
risk to the greatest degree possible.



Evaluating the training program is the foremost important step. It basically helps
the trainers to know how successfully they have communicated with the audience
and delivered their knowledge and ideas to them. Observing change in the
audience before and after the training is important and this could be done by
various ways. Our designed training would be evaluated in four different steps
which are as follows;

In the first step, learner’s response towards the training would be evaluated. This
is commonly measured with the use of a survey form given to the participants to
complete after the training program.

In the second step, changes in participant’s knowledge and skills will be measured
by short quizzes and tests. This would greatly help us to know what participants
have learned from the training.

In the third step, behavioral change from the participants as a result of training
would be assessed. This is measured through workplace observations, comparing
before and after training behaviors.

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Empowering young women for community development

In the fourth step, we will be measuring and evaluating the result of the training
program against the training main objectives and purpose. It reviews whether
participants of the training have met their learning objectives. This is going to be
evaluated by measuring participant’s morale, productivity and exchange of ideas.

The expected time spam required to complete this project with fruitful results is
three months. There are usually lots of pre training arrangements which consume a
great amount of time like most time consuming task for arranging any training
session or seminar is its marketing. Other pre training tasks includes arranging
stationary, transportation, panaflexes, sponsors, printings, certificates, lunch,
refreshment etc. This requires extensive market research and survey and then the
order is placed where the prices and services both are satisfactory and reasonable.

The designed training would consume almost a month for its marketing only. Since
this training is specifically designed to train and help the needy women to develop
entrepreneurial skills in them, so it’s marketing is going to be quite different. It
would require our team to visit several slum areas of Karachi to find such women,
tell them the main objective of this training and the benefits which they are going
to get from attending this training. After arrangements of the desired number of
audience and the trainer, comes arrangements of the venue.

Venue arrangements and market survey will go simultaneously. Market survey for
arranging stationary, lunch boxes, refreshments, transportation etc. printing tasks
will be done in the last after confirmation of the venue, trainer and the definite
number of audience. Printing includes panaflexes, certificates, survey forms etc.
Total training sessions would be 4 which will be completed within 3 months with
all the above mentioned tasks.


The impact of this community based project will be very prominent and beneficial
for the society on short as well as on long terms. As per theme of the training
program, 20 girls aging from 18 to 27 would be selected and will be trained. The
main purpose of training will be to develop a sense of women empowering in them

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Empowering young women for community development

by giving some entrepreneurial ideas and tips. Selected girls will be from remote
areas of Karachi who will be need of such help.

This training will not be just beneficial for the audience attending it but for the
society too. The girls who will get training will be highly motivated to exchange
their thoughts and ideas regarding businesses. Motive of the training not just ends
here. Out of 20, any 3 lucky girls will be selected and they will get an opportunity
to execute their business ideas with the help of some funds which will be provided
to them by us for their small business startup. This is going to be a great
opportunity for the society as well because it will increase the job opportunities.

The impact and benefits of this training is not limited to job opportunities only.
Another benefit is the multiplication of the knowledge, awareness and motivation.
We will e training 20 girls only but these 20 girls will be multiplying this number
by sharing their experience and learning in their social circle.

Implementing Partner Description and Capacity


Occupation: Researcher and Vocational Trainer

Education: Masters in Social Sciences

Email: irsh_ghazal@hotmail.com

Contact: 03312957705

A Skilled consultant, trainer, and Researcher who has worked for many FMCG,
Social, Media, and Health sectors, Involved in the field of research and training for
more than 8 years. Worked with nearly all top local and international organizations
in the corporate and health sector in Pakistan.

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Empowering young women for community development

Objective of training:
● To help women in strengthening entrepreneurial qualities and in acquiring
skills and capabilities necessary for playing entrepreneurial role effectively in
the society.
● To develop the leadership skills.
● To give awareness of about availability of resources.
● To encourage self-employment tendencies
● To provide training to operate business.
● To create awareness about marketing.

As communication is the best way to know each other, so aim is to provide

inspiration and motivation to the women for setting up small, businesses, by
utilization of resources available in the nearby areas and areas of their links.

This training will help all those young women to do budgeting for their businesses
they would learn the small techniques to run their business with small startup, they
would be able to make strong communication with the community.

Training Activities:
 Communication session
 Team building activities
 Challenges and the solutions
 Budgeting and saving
 Marketing techniques

This entrepreneurial development program aims to developing all such qualities in

them, which may make them successful entrepreneurs, The qualities include self-
confidence, maturity, dynamic approach, dedication, leadership qualities, qualities
for innovations, decision making power, etc.

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Empowering young women for community development

Budget Breakdown
Budget Line Rs Cost per unit (Rs.) Total cost (Rs)
-Internal Consultant
*3 5000 * 12 60,000
(Total Sessions
5000*4 20,000
Consultant*1 80,000
((Total Sessions *4)

Total HR Cost
20,000 20,000
2.Program Expense 30,000 30,000
15,000 15,000
-Printing &
Stationary 10,000*3 30,000
-Refreshment 20,000 20,000
-Grant to the 5000 5000
(10,000/winner) 120,000
-Meeting Expense
(Furniture, Utility,

Total Program

Total Budget 200,000

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