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Using Educational Video in the Classroom:

Theory, Research and Practice

By Emily Cruse

M.Ed., Curriculum Director, Library Video Company

This generation is said to be media generation as their frequent use of media devices also
these devices are easy to carry from one place to another even in schools and cars. Due to
media’s so much involvement in young people life, it deserves more attention. Kaiser Family
Foundation called the children from 8 to 18 years as media generation. Media such as TV
and videos are their first choice. This situation draws our attention towards video-based
learning in our teaching and learning systems.

Overview of Educational Video

Idea to use audio visual aid in classroom is not new, film strips were firstly used during
World War-II as training tool for soldiers. Educationists also have accepted the importance
of AV materials to make learning process more interesting and enhance motivation for
learners. Since the advent of media to use in learning, technology and knowledge have been
developed significantly. It increased the importance and value of audio-visual materials in
Classroom. Content of video lessons has developed due to launch of educational television
since 1950s and 1960s. This also enables the learners to replay the recorded lessons.
Educational television prepares and run these lectures to increase and support classroom
instructions. Use of media for these lectures were developed from simple filmstrip to TV
channels, VCRs, DVDs and CDs. Now with the advancement in technology video learning
materials are well-developed. A series of studies was conducted to determine the use of
media in learning process, revealed that the use of educational videos and educational TV
for classroom learning has been increasing rapidly for last 20 to 30 years. These surveys
were conducted to measure both aspects i.e. to find out the teachers’ role in use of media
and their expectations (outcomes) towards that. Recent surveys showed broader effect and
creativity in students through integration of videos and learning. These surveys revealed
positive role of video lectures on achievement and motivation of learners. The teachers who
used video based learning in classroom verify the importance and impact of videos on the
learning and are agreed upon maximum impact of TV on achievement and motivation.
Majority of teachers i.e. about 70%, considered learning through media as motivation
booster for students. Other teachers also find it a reason in increasing the vocabulary of

In short it is concluded from many researches that educational TV and videos can improve
learning materials. They can develop knowledge, comprehension and motivation of
students. They are also suit for many teaching methods and are effective for teaching. In
this paper we will try to find out the theories and practices in support and significance use of
educational videos in classroom. The term “video” is used collectively for such type of
Medias which are being used in classroom for learning purposes.

How does video promote learning?

It is a common view that TVs and video viewing is a passive activity. Viewers remain not fully
active during the lecture and it hampers and decreases their learning and achievement. But
the surveys that are conducted recently have proved it as an active process and showed its
positive effects. It is a complex interconnected process that develops the child and enhance
learning. Mayer (2001) explained about viewing and watching video that although it seems a
passive activity but involves high mental activity for active learning and promotes mental
development in students. Well-designed multimedia content can develop active cognitive
processing in students even when they are not watching so actively. The classroom
environment and materials both are most important elements to engage students in video
activity. Quality of material is more important than time spend in watching videos and TV.
Material should be able to fulfill the needs of the learners. Materials should be developed
according to age and abilities of the learners. Watching videos is a multi-senses activity
which attracts and indulges many sensations for actively participation. Video activity
engages multiple forms of intelligences and it also affects the emotions of viewers.

Multiple Intelligences

Gardener presented multiple intelligence theory and described different characteristics to

determine the intelligence of a person i.e. verbal, logical, mathematical, visual, musical,
physical, social, personal and naturalistic. These qualities determines about the
understanding and learning of an individual. This theory totally changed the traditional view
of intelligence that assumed that it is the quality to have verbal and mathematical aptitudes.

Gardner’s theory explicits the importance of such qualities in learning process. So a teacher
should consider these qualities when planning instructions. Traditional text book approach
considers influence of verbal intelligence only but due to multi aspects of senses TV and
video learning considers many aspects as logical and interest of learners in addition to
verbal aspect. This multi aspects content is valuable in school settings as it provides a wide
range of intelligence qualities to a broader group.

Multimodal Learning Styles

Education is based mainly on three traits i.e. to sharpen the talent, to develop the
personality and to improve the observational skills. Therefore instruction should be planned
by keeping these three aspects in mind. Information can be imparted through three modes
i.e. by seeing, by hearing and by feeling.
And such learners are categorized as visual, auditory and tactile learners. Silverman (2006)
linked these three models with information processing systems of students and described
three basic learning styles i.e. visual to spatial, auditory to sequential and tactile to
kinesthetic. Visual-spatial learners take information by capturing the whole concept in
images. Auditory-sequential learners think in words and understand the concept in orders
i.e. step-by-step. Tactile-Kinesthetic learners learn more by observing physically and from
practical demonstration.

Video learning is beneficial for all these three learners as videos for visual learners, audio for
auditory learners and also provides demonstration for tactile learners.

Dual-Channel Learning

All students can learn maximum from video-based instructions. Marshall, Wiman and
Mierhenry are agreed with Dale’s Cone of Experience that people generally remember from
10% by reading, 20% by hearing, 30% by seeing and 50% of what they hear and see

Video-based learning transforms information through two channels, visual and audio, which
is useful to gain knowledge in batter way. Learner comprehends the content easily by using
both mediums. Videos have information in images, motion, sound and text forms. This
enables the learner to learn through verbal, visual and by examining actual objects in
realistic scene. They can see the sequence of concepts in the motion and can view
perspectives that are impossible to observe in real life. Many educationists are agreed that
by combining two senses, chances of better understanding for the learners are increased.
Videos are the mixture of different modes which include pictures, movements, sound and
captions. Therefore, it results more learning as compare to by simply adding motion to still

Motivation and Affective Learning

Educational TVs and videos can also create and control emotions along with mental
development of an individual. Due to controlling emotions, educational videos have a
positive effect on motivation and learning. These motivations can improve and increase the
cognitive learning. Marshall presented three theories that how learning may be occur
through well selected videos. He described that entertaining media has ability to engage the
learners, activate their emotional state, create interests and also enables lerners to absorb
these informations.

Arousal theory:- It states that how media generalizes emotional arousals and balances the
behaviour of a person by relaxing through entertainment and recreations.
Short-term gratification theory:- It assumes that audience are not passive consumers of
media and how people actively utilize media to satisfy specific needs e.g. Concentration,
enthusiasm, preservance.

Interest Stimulation Theory:- It states that video media develops the imagination powers of
a learner and can spark the student’s interest in a topic.

It is scientifically proved that visual messages processed in our brain’s one part (Right
Hemisphere) whereas verbal and textual messages are processed in other part of the brain
(Left Hemisphere). Part of the brain for controlling emotions (Amygdala) influences with
these pictures and triggered the drive which produced and control emotions and
motivations. Memory is also triggered by these drives and hence increased the learning.

How does research support the use of video in the classroom?

It is the age of competition. Education is a weapon which prepares a person to compete in

new century. CPB conducted a survey to assess the role of educational TV since its advent
for last 50 years and evaluated the positive role of educational TV on significant and
permanent learning. It also proved a positive correlation between educational TVs and
achievements of the learners at any level.

Early Literacy Development

Many research studies have proved the positive effect of educational TV and videos on
preschool children and their literacy skills as well. Studies were conducted over 35 years to
find the effects of watching an educational program “Sesame Street” on children’s
educational achievement. These studies proved positive impact of watching educational
programs on learners’ later achievements in school. The children who watched educational
program in childhood, performed well as compare to learners who did not watch that
educational program in their preschool period. Two other studies conducted to find the
impact of educational programs “Between the Lines” and “Arthur”. Studies also concluded
the positive role of these programs on achievements, language learning skills and on other
literary skills.

Other Studies.

A study conducted by Rockman to find impact of educational program “Bill Nye the Science
Guy” revealed a positive effect on students’ understandings of scientific concepts. It showed
to minimize knowledge gaps due to social and gender differences. A study was conducted to
find impact of watching a program “Cyberchase” on children’s improvements. This study
also proved that children who watched the program were more problem-solver as
compared to non-viewers of that program. Other studies have also proved the positive
effects on the learners who were taught through educational TVs. They were more problem
solver, high achievers and active learners.
How can video address the needs of special populations?

Video-based learning is also very effective for special students, students with hearing
problems or slow learners. It harmonizes their learning by using videos to overcome their
disabilities. Denning summarized the benefits of video for special students as, “Videos may
help to promote learning in students with high visual orientation in their learning styles.
Video can also provide visual-compelling access to information for many learners with
learning difficulties who might miss learning opportunities provided solely by print-based
materials. In this respect, videos provide important learning opportunities to students
working in a second language.” Videos have also been proved better to gain experience
than in a real-life field trip. A video can be play-backed easily to review again and again to
learn smoothly. These are also proved to be blessings for the slow learners. Videos are
dynamics in motion and images format. So learners can easily comprehend and can also
better understand the features, models, movement and perception by observing the
content. Language learners can also improve their pronunciation by listening.

How can video support the development of 21st-century literacies?

With the advent of new technologies communication channels are totally changed. Now due
to rapidly increase in inventions the concept of the literacy is also changed. To meet the
new challenges be well aware of these technologies is essential element. Now a man is
considered to be literate if he can utilize new mass-medias and have skills to use webpages,
video editors and virtual world etc. Organizations such as the Pacific Bell, The New Media
Consortium and NCREL are agreed that to be considered a literate individual, the ability to
learn through multimedia is essential element. PB/UCLA Initiative considers visual literacy
and media literacy as two of its four central skills. NCREL’s enGauge framework for
understanding 21st-century skills includes visual literacy as a central component. Students
spend most of their time in using media especially with televisions. Spending so much time
is not essential only to be a media literate. Instead proper instructions to grasp knowledge
are vital part to learn through media.

Visual Literacy

The term Visual Literacy was coined by John Debes in 1969 and described it as the basic and
essential creative ability to grasp the understandings of knowledge through integration of
different mediums by seeing and other senses. Visual Literacy program of Pomona College
briefly described the term as the basic skills and abilities to critically experience the A/V
materials to fetch the desirable knowledge. To make students visually literate means to
make them able to understand in-depth productive knowledge of all materials instead of
just watching as informational content. Callow (2006) concluded results from the study
conducted in Australia that students have not true experience and in-depth understandings
of many overt characteristics of objects as colour, prominence and arrangement. These
should be imparted through proper experimental instructions. He further stated that some
students have a bit idea but they don’t have mastered the understandings about the use of
these concepts. In his review of the relevant literature he also pointed out that this area
needed further improvements. It is important for students to prepare their own media
projects to become a visual literate. In past more attentions were put towards printing and
publishing technology. To equip with media literacy students will be able not only to
prepare their own media but also to invent more purposeful knowledge through these
media. Visual literacy is valuable itself but its powerful and broader results also proved its
significance and importance.

Media Literacy

Media Literacy is a 21st-century approach, through which messages can be created,

analyzed, evaluated and can influenced the society. It is a skill through which interest can be
developed in citizens about affairs of state in a democracy. TVs are commonly used
component of media. Videos are also an essential form of media literacy which are being
used in classroom and are being analyzed and assessed for learning purposes. Media
Literacy has a positive result on students’ achievements. Surveys conducted to find its
impact and concluded positive role on reading and writing skills on language learner
students. Whereas also had a positive impact on learning in core subjects. Media literacy is
not an essential part of recently in practiced curriculum but David Martison (2004) declared
it as a mandatory component to meet the new challenges of the society.

How is video best used in the classroom?

Use of videos in classrooms is increased since last few years. Technologies are easily
available and are well advanced in nature. Teachers are integrating videos and technologies
in their lessons to make learning effective. CPB conducted a survey and revealed that this
rapid use of video in classroom has increased the performances of students and teachers.
90% teachers described improvement in their performance while 88% teachers also
described increase in their creative powers in the classroom teaching. Videos are integrated
in teaching process which enhances the effectiveness of teaching. Activities are planned for
students for before, for during and for after viewing the videos.

Purpose and Expectations for Viewing

Teachers can prepare objectives by using these videos in classrooms and also can select the
content to achieve those objectives. The outcomes of the video are directly associated to
the content and its sequence. Videos can be used to generate interest at the beginning of a
unit, to bring demonstrations during the lesson (that might not be possible) or as a means of
motivation for learners. To obtain required outcomes, there should be proper planning to
utilize these media. A six years study of using mass media without any educational purpose,
in two Massachusetts schools, showed no significant impact of videos on students’ creative
learning. Instead this brought the use of media only as recreational activity. Therefore use of
video must be practiced with proper planning and guidance to obtain pre-determines
objectives. Otherwise, student will not show the desired outputs.

Selecting Video Content

Content selection for video is a very important factor for the successful integration and
achieving desirable learning. Fabos (2001) concluded by analyzing last century’s events that
content is more responsible for achieving successful outcomes or their failure than that of
technology itself. It is required to select visually rich content to achieve maximum results.
Effectiveness of video also depends upon visual materials. Educational videos with
demonstrating traits result more comprehension in the students. Tiles, drawing, graphics
and animations are very effective. Videos with captions promote reading habits and
comprehension skills. Denning described the following suggestions to evaluate videos,
variations in the presentation, humor, should be according to age and thinking skills of
learners, having chunking and associations, meaningful example, posing open ended
questions, to create individual thinking and carry opportunities for extensions activities.
Video will be useless if there is more non-visual material or abstract content. This type of
video has no effect on learning. Video is a two modes material, audio and video. Both must
be correlated, excessive use of sound tracks or still pictures and slides can detract the
learners. Resultantly, fail to achieve educational objectives.

New Technologies: The Age of Video-on-Demand

According to a survey conducted by CPB in 1997, most of teachers (about 93%) prefer to use
recorded program instead of live video and TVs. Recorded videos have many advantages
e.g. control, convenience and playback qualities. Grunwald Associates (2005) considered
recorded video as a new way of video technology to indulge in school activities. The main
advantage of video on demand system is to use videos when and where needed. Videos are
stored on digital devices and can be transferred to computer easily. They can be used
anywhere in school or in classroom through networking. Videos can also be uploaded on
Internet to use them from any place of the world. However, sometimes, there may be some
problems using Internet due to heavy traffic on internet. Through video on demand system
teacher can use any video by just searching it on computer. Instead of carrying cassettes and
play-systems in hard forms to play the videos. Teachers can use videos according to their
need. Videos on the computers can be stored categorically in different folders. Videos can
be stored in different folders by topic or lesson wise. In this way they can be easily accessed
by just searching that particular topic or category. Digital videos have a unique feature to
arrange content in specific sequences. These clips can be used for the whole topic or lesson
as needed. VOD system also assists teachers to generate, locate short segmental clips. Most
educational experts recommended these short clips for maximum learning. VOD also
provide control to students to review or to repeat the content for better comprehension.
It is concluded from a survey conducted in two different science classes that digital clips
promote learning in three ways. Firstly, these can be controlled according to the needs of
students. Students themselves can control the pace of videos and can learn smoothly.
Secondly, these provide facility to students to make detailed observation by pause the clips.
Lastly, it enables students to real life physical experiences, which make them comfortable.

By using such clips classroom lessons can be made interesting and learning can be
enhanced. Learning experiences can be made interesting and easier by integrating videos in
lesson plan. Video on demand technology opens many new opportunities for learning and
these are just beginning. Films, televisions and videos are easily available and accessible
through video on demand systems. These are strengthening the potential for learning and
opening up new ways for us.

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