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Aubrey riddle

Latin b

In the paragraph below, you will:

 list the five appositives in this story

 give the noun that each appositive renames

 indicate the Latin case for each pair

Remember that an appositive is set off by commas, renames the preceding noun, and,
in Latin, it will be in the same case as the preceding noun! So your job is to find the
appositive then determine the case of the preceding noun.
Herculaneum, an Italian town, was buried by an eruption of the volcano,
Vesuvius. This town took its name from Hercules, a great hero. To the inhabitants
of the city, an affluent people, the god's name gave particular pride. Among the
ruins, archaeologists have found many statues of Hercules, signs of the public's
devotion to its namesake.

Noun Renamed Appositive Case for Both

1. Town nominative nominative
2. Volcano nominative nominative
3. Hero nominative nominative
4. People accusative accusative
5. Statues nominative nominative

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