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ĐỀ SỐ 05


PART 1 (10 points)

Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)?
For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A-H on the answers.
0. We can answer your questions B

Adults £2.50
1. This is Under
not for12s

2. Children do not have to pay. B

3. We are Under 16s only
open every day. C

Kenyan Coffee Centre

4. This is Opening hourspeople.
only for young D
8 a.m – 6 p.m. daily

Under 12s swimming course

5. AdultsSaturday
cannot sit10 a.m.
here. E

Waiting Room
closed for cleaning F


Under 12s

1. ……… 2. ……….. 3. ……… 4. ………. 5. ……….
PART 2 (10 points)
Choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

0. My brother is more intelligent than ____________.
A. me B. mine C. my he

6. __________ people go to football matches now than twenty years ago.

A. Fewer B. Less C. Lesser D. Few
7. I can’t understand the French visitors. I wish I ________French.
A. will know B. knew C. know D. have known
8. People in Israel are going to celebrate their festival ________is called Passover.
A. whose B. who C. which D. where
9. “How many pages ________so far?” –“Ten”.
A. had you studied B. did you study C. do you study D. have you studied
10. How__________ does a ticket cost?
A. much B. many C. quantity D. is
11. – “I suggest eating out.” – “________”
A. Yes, please B. We will C. Good idea! D. I’m afraid not
12. This test is _________ easy for me!
A. much too B. much too C. too much D. very much
13. This lesson is __________ difficult that nobody can understand it.
A. very B. such C. so D. a lot
14. There are not ___________ jobs for all of us.
A. too B. such C. so D. enough
15. Let us …………………… to school.
A. go B. going C. goes D. to go
PART 3 (5 points)
Read the article about Indian films.
Are the sentences ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’?
If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’.
Circling the best answer A, B, or C.

`Bollywood', which is the name of the film industry in Mumbai, India, makes
almost 1,000 films a year. Since making its first film in 1913, Bollywood has made
over 29,000 films. This is a much higher number than the USA and means it is the
biggest film industry in the world. Most Indians like watching films better than any
other free-time activity and ten million of them go to the cinema everyday. Bollywood
films tell romantic love stories, and singing and dancing are an important part of every
film. Indian films are also enjoyed outside India. Last year, Bollywood made over
$500 million by selling its films to other countries.
Indian actors make more films each year than American actors in Hollywood,
but they are not paid as much. This is why most Bollywood films only cost about $2
million to make. A Hollywood film is never made for under $5 million.

Most Bollywood actors are young. They work hard but only for a few years.
Amitabh Bachchan, who some people say is India's greatest actor, is different. He has
been the star of more than 140 films during an acting career of almost 40 years.
0. The Indian film industry is called Bollywood.
A. Right       B. Wrong       C. Doesn’t say 

16. Since 1913, Bollywood has made just under 29,000 films.
A. Right       B. Wrong      C. Doesn’t say     
17. Going to the cinema is most Indians' favourite hobby.
A. Right       B. Wrong      C. Doesn’t say     
18. Films are cheaper to make in Bollywood than in Hollywood.
A. Right       B. Wrong      C. Doesn’t say     
19. Most Bollywood actors work in films until they are quite old.
A. Right       B. Wrong      C. Doesn’t say     
20. Many young Indian actors want to work with the Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan.
A. Right       B. Wrong      C. Doesn’t say     
PART 4 (5 points)
Read the article about the history of chocolate.
Choose the best answer A, B, C, D to fill the spaces.
The history of chocolate began ____(0)____ ago. At that time, people in the
Americas __ (21) ___ as the Mayans and the Aztecs grew the beans and made chocolate
drinks from them. Around 1500, Christopher Columbus took cocoa beans to Europe, and
chocolate drinks ____ (22) ____became popular in Spain. However, it wasn't until nearly
100 years later that people started drinking chocolate in other parts of Europe.
In 1657, a Frenchman opened the first chocolate house in London. The drink
was expensive, so only rich people ____(23) ____ enjoy it. Chocolate continued to
become more popular, ____ (24) ____ it wasn't until 1847 that the first modern
chocolate bar was ____ (25) ____.Now chocolate is available everywhere, and we also
eat it in foods like cakes, biscuits and sweets.
0 A. thousand years B. months ago C. decades D. century

21. A. such B. most C. much D. many

22. A. ever B. soon C. already D. never
23. A. need B. must C. could D. can
24. A. like B. because C. when D. but
25. A. made B. making C. make D. maded


PART 1 (15 points)
Use suggested words to make meaningful sentences.
0. to/ go/he/always/on/ school/time.
He always goes to school on time.

26. to smoke /My brother/use/.

27. apple/ please/ I/ an/ can/ have?
28. listen/ you/ to/like/music/do?
29. do/ how/ language/ many/ speak/ you?
30. be/ person/ very/ he/ a/ interesting.

PART 2 (15 points)

Write a message
Write a message (about 30-40 words) to your classmate to borrow her books:
- Which books you want to borrow.
- Why you need those books.
- When you will give back.

Đáp án: 05

PART 1 (10 points)

Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)?
For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter A-H on the answers.
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. E
5. G
PART 2 (10 points)
Choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D to complete the sentences
6. A. Fewer
7. B. knew
8. C. which
9. D. have you studied
10. A. much
11. C. Good idea!
12. B. much too
13. C. so
14. D. enough
15. A. go
PART 3 (5 points)
Read the article about Indian films.
Are the sentences ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’?
If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’.
16. B. Wrong
17. A. Right
18. A. Right
19. B. Wrong
20. C. Doesn't say
PART 4 (5 points)
Read the article about the history of chocolate.
Choose the best answer A, B, C, D to fill the spaces.
21. A. such
22. B. soon
23. C. could
24. D. but
25. A. made

PART 1 (15 points)
Use suggested words to make meaningful sentences
26. My brother used to smoke.
27. Can I have an apple, please?
28. Do you like listening to music?
29. How many languages do you speak?
30. He is a very interesting person.

PART 2 (15 points)

Write a message
Ask students to write a note/message/email on the following provided space and
answer these questions.
 Has he included all three parts in my message? (2 points)
 Does his note/message answer given questions? (5 points)
 Are there between 25 and 35 words in his message? (2 points)
 Did he check all his spellings? (5 points)
 Did he put his name at the end? (1 points)

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