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Agustin, Mary Joy 12-02-2020

Psych 100


INSTRUCTIONS: Enumerate at least 3 of your coping mechanisms and defense mechanisms.
Beside these identified coping and defense mechanisms, cite one example that best describes
the mechanism based on your experience. After filling out the table, reflect on the effects of
these mechanisms to your life. (20 points)
Coping Examples Defense Examples
mechanisms mechanisms
Problem Focused Active coping through Reaction Formation Sometimes when I feel
Coping humor and relaxation. sad or down, I tend to
stay quiet but I always
get involved with other’s
happy time and I tend to
laugh even at the simple
things even though it’s
not funny.
Emotion focused coping Accepting the outcomes Repression I tend to repress my
and just go with the flow. anger, sadness and
anxiety and hold it in. I
tend to try to ignore it
and forget it. I know that
it’s there, but I shut it off
my mind.
Dysfunctional Coping Behavioral Fantasy I write, watch and dance
disengagement, I tend to when I feel like I am
stay quiet and less active close to breaking down.
on things I used to be Most of the time, I tend
interested with. to sleep it off and forget
things temporarily to
help myself and not
break down.

Growing up and slowly being faced with the real world, it has been a challenge for me.
Although I have my coping and defense mechanisms, sometimes it makes me forget why I
used to like, what I used to be and who I wanted to be. Regardless of how it turns out
sometimes, it helps me move forward and grow. It helps me have a wider understanding on
the things around me. I’ve reached this far because of those mechanisms.

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