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Prediction of Water Pipe Asset Life Using Neural Networks

D. Achim1; F. Ghotb2; and K. J. McManus3

Abstract: This paper describes investigations into a development of a new application of neural networks 共NN兲 for prediction of pipeline
failure. Results show higher correlations with recorded data when compared with the two existing statistical models. The shifted time
power model gives results in total number of failures and the shifted time exponential model gives results in number of failures per year.
The database was large but neither complete and nor fully accurate. Factors influencing pipeline deterioration were missing from the
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database. Using the NN technique on this database produced models of pipeline failure, in terms of failures/km/year, that more closely
matched the number of failures of a particular asset recorded for the period.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1076-0342共2007兲13:1共26兲
CE Database subject headings: Water pipelines; Neural networks; Statistics; Predictions.

Introduction date, failure dates, replacement dates, failure cost parameters, and
failure type. The current study uses 6 years of data extracted out
City West Water Ltd. 共CWW兲 is an Australian retail water com- of the CWW database dealing with individual reticulation cast
pany, located in Victoria, Australia, that provides high quality iron pipes with diameters ⬍300 mm that experienced any failures
drinking water and sewerage services to a population of over from 1997 to 2002, inclusive. The basic data set of pipelines that
600,000 in Melbourne’s central business district and the Western registered failures between 1997 and 1999 is used here for initial
suburbs. CWW experiences one of the highest structural failures analysis. As more data became available this was extended with
rates on water supply pipeline assets in Australia, so a main ele- another 3 years of registered failures between 2000 and 2002,
ment of their strategy is to improve the capability to predict fail- inclusive.
ure. Traditional statistical models used at CWW have been based Significant data auditing was undertaken within CWW to as-
on past failure histories and use regression analysis to predict sess the accuracy of the records and eliminate unreliable records.
future failure rates. The models are based on age only and are The description of failure type was inconsistent, sometimes miss-
considered unsatisfactory, due to relatively low correlations be- ing, difficult to quantify, and hence was discarded.
tween predicted and actual failure rates 共Righetti 2001兲.
The possibility of using neural networks 共NNs兲 was explored
with the aim of improving failure predictions. NNs are often de- Previous Modeling
scribed as a network of interconnected processing units inspired
by the neurons in the brain and may also be viewed as a gener- Statistical models for predicting water pipe failure use historical
alization of any traditional statistical method such as nonlinear data of past failures to identify pipe breakage patterns. Details
regression or classification 共Ampazis et al. 1999兲. They can use about research carried out on structural deterioration of water
large databases and are tolerant of missing values and “noise.” mains using the traditional statistical methods can be found in the
comprehensive review of Kleiner and Rajani 共2001兲. The predic-
tive models currently used by CWW are the shifted time power
CWW Database model 共STPM兲 and the shifted time exponential model 共STEM兲
for individual assets 共Mavin 1996; Constantine et al. 1998兲, as
The information, in the CWW database, gathered for each pipe described by Righetti 共2001兲.
breakage was: asset ID number, location 共using a geographic in- The models are based on age and failure histories and use a
formation system兲, material type, diameter, length, installation shifted time parameter or scale parameter and a rate variable
parameter common to a set of pipelines. The STPM uses a rate
Post Doctoral Fellow, School of Engineering and Science, Swinburne variable parameter from modeling undertaken by Constantine
Univ. of Technology, John St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia 3122. et al. 共1998兲, using a set of data from the Melbourne suburbs of
Senior Lecturer, School of Mathematics, Swinburne Univ. of Ringwood and Sunshine. The STPM model is represented by a
Technology, John St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia 3122. power function or an exponential function increasing over time or
AM, Deputy Head, School of Engineering and Science, Swinburne pipe age.
Univ. of Technology, John St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia 3122 The STPM equations are 共Constantine et al. 1998兲
共corresponding author兲. E-mail:
Note. Discussion open until August 1, 2007. Separate discussions H共t兲 = l␭共x兲␤ 共1兲
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing where H共t兲 = expected number of total failures at pipe age x;
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- l = pipe length; ␤ = 2.063= variable rate parameter; ␭ = shifted time
sible publication on December 14, 2004; approved on March 13, 2006. parameter 共or the scaling parameter兲; and x = asset age 共years兲.
This paper is part of the Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Vol. 13, No. The rate of failure per year at age x is given by the derivative
1, March 1, 2007. ©ASCE, ISSN 1076-0342/2007/1-26–30/$25.00. of this equation


J. Infrastruct. Syst. 2007.13:26-30.

= ␤l␭共x兲␤−1 共2兲
The equations can be applied to individual pipes. The model is
fitted to the cumulative sum of historical failures that occurred at
different times in the life of the pipe and solved for ␭, the shifted
time 共scaling兲 parameter. Once ␭ is known, the failure rate at any
future age can be calculated. With a nominated ␤ of close to two,
the prediction of failure rate becomes essentially linear, with ␭
adjusting the model for individual assets. However, in this case,
the model most likely is nonlinear and a linear model may not be Fig. 1. Prediction using CWW statistical models: 共a兲 shifted time
satisfactory. power model; 共b兲 shifted time exponential model
Following the categorization of data by Mavin 共1996兲 and
Constantine et al. 共1998兲, STEMs have been derived for various
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time bands. The STEM requires division of the data into four assets,” where “links appear to exist with soil type and weather
smaller groups of assets, by years of construction, and uses four fluctuations.” The statistical models used by CWW assumed no
different fixed parameters for each group of assets. In this case the end point in time, and the effect of the repairs is being ignored.
predictive capability of the STEMs can significantly decrease. Further development of these models by incorporating the effects
The STEM is 共Constantine et al. 1998兲 of soil and weather and repairs may improve their performance.
Ht = l␭e␤x 共3兲
where Ht = expected number of total failures at pipe age x; Description of Neural Networks Model
l = pipe length; ␤ = variable rate parameter; ␭ = scaling parameter
共or the shifted time parameter兲; and x = asset age 共years兲. The mathematics of NNs are reviewed by Anderson 共1995兲,
The rate of failure per year is given by the derivative of this Bishop 共1996兲, Ripley 共1996兲, Gurney 共1997兲, and Beale and
equation Jackson 共1990兲. NNs are adaptive and can represent any complex
dHt nonlinear relationships between the input and the output vari-
= ␤l␭e␤x 共4兲 ables. They are particularly good for modeling complex problems
dx and can deal with relative ease with the combined effects of a
The exponential model did not fit the data sets as well as the large number of input variables. The multilayer perceptron 共MLP兲
power model, according to Constantine et al. 共1998兲. Therefore ␤ is the most commonly used neural network model. The MLP has
共the variable rate兲 could not be calculated for a common class of a number of nodes 共neurons兲 or units organized in input and out-
assets and CWW needs to calculate both ␭ and ␤ variables in put layers as well as a number of hidden layers.
order to be able to use this model. This can be done by calculating A trainable nonzero bias term is used in each to account for
and fitting the model for a class of assets to the cumulative sum of external influences. The NNs are flexible and “learn” through an
historical failures of all pipes using the technique of minimizing iterative process of adjusting their weights and biases 共Ampazis
the sum of squares of the differences. et al. 1999兲. The most common learning is supervised learning,
Constantine et al. 共1998兲 recommends that the rate variables which provides a response value for every set of input values and
parameters in the STEM need to be calculated. Hence, STEM is requires a known 共input兲 target value that the response is trying to
not a true predictive model. It is not clear what covariates 共e.g., “guess.” The difference between the response and the actual tar-
soil type, bedding type, location, pipe diameter, pipe type, over- get gives the error value. The network weights are adjusted itera-
head traffic, ground cover, climatic data, presence of groundwater, tively in accordance with the error value, in order to minimize the
and internal pressure兲 are included in the STEM model, let alone error.
their significance.
Regression analysis, as described by Righetti 共2001兲, was
applied to analyze the strength of the CWW models. The rate Application of Neural Network Analysis
variable parameter 共for STPM兲 or parameters 共for STEM兲 were
supplied by Righetti. The shifted time parameter was fitted for The neural network topology is represented by a number of nodes
both models, using the first 3 years of data 1997–1999 and then organized in input, hidden, and output layers. The NN architec-
predictions were made for the next 3 years 2000–2002 and com- ture of an MLP with an input layer with six nodes, two hidden
pared with observed failures. layers with eight nodes each, and an output layer with one node,
The STPM model gives results in total number of failures and is represented in Fig. 2.
the STEM gives results in number of failures per year. However, The algorithm used for error minimization is a conjugate gra-
for modeling purposes, a better unit is number of failures/km/ dient. The error function to be minimized through training is the
year, since each asset has a different length. Taking this unit as a mean square error. The algorithm finds the nearest local minimum
basis for comparison between the models, it was found that in a mean square error for any given set of initial connection
STPM gives a moderately high coefficient of determination 共r2兲, values. The network was initialized a number of times with ran-
equal to 0.437, and STEM gives a very low r2, equal to 0.097, dom weights to find a good optimum. The sigmoid logistic acti-
between the predicted and the observed value as illustrated in vation function for neurons was found through trial and error.
Fig. 1. In order to deal with nonlinearity and hence possible overfit-
The main criticism of the statistical models, as reported by ting, a number of techniques have been used such as cross vali-
Righetti 共2001兲, is that “whilst failures generally increase with dation, bootstrapping, and random sampling in order to estimate
pipe age, there is wide variation in performance of individual the generalization error. Cross validation is applied in Neural con-


J. Infrastruct. Syst. 2007.13:26-30.

and the pair of geographical coordinates AMG X and AMG Y.
The neural network model developed is a predictive model of
structural failure of cast iron pipelines. The predicted value is the
number of failures/kilometer/ year for a pipeline asset denoted by
a particular ID in the CWW’s database.


SPSS neural connection software for neural networks 共version

2.1兲 was used in this work for the development of the NN. SPSS,
Version 13.0 was employed for all the statistical analysis, and
Fig. 2. Representation of MLP NN topology Microsoft Access was engaged for the database query.
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nection 共1998兲 by using an incremental learning technique where

the MLP is trained in four stages using incrementally larger
Data Processing
datasets with the best network being passed on to the next stage
for training. Bootstrapping consists of training the network using Together with the network configuration, the selection of
a split dataset where 80% of the data were used for training; 10% variables and scaling of inputs needed special consideration. The
of the data were used for validation; and another set of 10% of selected variables were chosen from those used by the water com-
data not previously seen by the network were used for testing the pany, as easily collected, quantifiable, and unambiguous. The
network. The second data set, called “Run data,” represents the Yes/No variables were coded as one and zero, respectively, for
same pipe population with the observed failure rates over the next CICL and CI. However, they were then discarded because further
3 subsequent years 2000–2002. The 2000–2002 data set as an examination of the data showed that type was a stratification cri-
independent test set was used to provide a basis for comparison of teria rather than a variable. All the variables were included in the
NN results with the statistical models results. The correlation co- NN model and no data was discarded or filtered. It was found that
efficient between the predicted and the observed failure rate over any division of data or exclusion of a variable diminished the
the subsequent next 3 years was used for the purpose of compar- predictive capability of the NN.
ing the strength of the statistical models versus the strength of the Two datasets; one for CICL pipes and one for CI pipes, were
NN models. processed. The data set for the older CI pipes was very small 共326
A number of networks have been trained to determine the cases兲 and all the pipes were the same size diameter and hence
optimal network topology including the optimal number of inputs.
diameter was excluded as an input. The NN model predictions are
The 1997–1999 records were randomly divided into training, vali-
likely to be less reliable than the ones for CICL pipes 共1,280
dation, and test datasets to create an even distribution of cases
cases兲 because less data are available for the network to “learn.”
that represent, as far as possible, the entire range of the problem.
It was found that predictions improved if age, as well as year The training process was improved by standardizing the data.
of construction, were included as an input. The predictions were However the output represents the true value of the predicted
significantly worse, if length was excluded as an input variable. number of failures/km/year.
The number of nodes and hidden layers were varied until an The free parameters estimated from the training set were ap-
optimal network was achieved for which the validation error plied to the validation set, producing the validation error. The test
began to increase, while the correlation coefficient between the set, not involved in the training process, was used to test the
predicted and the observed began to decrease with further network by comparing the NN model predictions with the target.
changes to the network. A second dataset, called the “run data,” was used to “test” the NN
For each pipe type, six input variables were included for regression capability and compare the NN model prediction with
analysis. These were diameter, year of construction, age, length the target.

Table 1. Coefficients of Determination 共r2兲 for Predicted versus Observed Values from NN Experiments and Statistical Model
Experiment Model layers Nodes Variable Pipe type Data set r2
1. NN 2 9 6 CICLa Test97-99 0.679
— 2 9 6 CICL Run00-02 0.5423
2. NN 2 9 5 CIb Test97-99 0.4825
— 2 9 5 CI Run00-02 0.3626
3. STPM — — — CICL Run00-02 0.4525
STPM — — — CI Run00-02 0.3728
4. STEM — — — CICL Run00-02 0.0946
STEM — — — CI Run00-02 0.1234
CICL 共cast iron cement lined兲: spun gray cast iron pipe with factory cement lining.
CI 共gray cast iron兲: horizontally cast, unlined pipe 共possibly cement lined in situ兲.


J. Infrastruct. Syst. 2007.13:26-30.

Fig. 3. NN model prediction versus target test sample 1997–1999 for Fig. 5. Residuals as function of age
CICL pipes; 共a兲 r2 for predicted versus observed failures; 共b兲 residual
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other pipe failure research using statistical models. For example,

Clark et al. 共1982兲 reported r2 equal to 0.23 and 0.47 using time-
Results and Discussion linear and exponential expressions. Kettler and Goulter 共1985兲
reported moderate r2 of 0.563 and 0.103 using time-linear expres-
Outcomes from the NN and statistical models are summarized sions for asbestos cement and cast iron pipes. Andreou 共1997兲
in Table 1. There are many measures to assess the performance reported r2 equal to 0.34 共applying a cutoff point of three failures兲
of neural networks and there are many issues when trying to and 0.46 共applying a cutoff point of six failures兲 using an expo-
compare the performance of different models such as NN versus nential expression for early stages and a Poisson distribution for
statistical models 共Marzban and Witt 2001兲. However, for the later stages in the life of the pipe.
evaluation of performance, scatter plots of predicted versus the In addition to scatter plots, residual plots Figs. 3共b兲 and 4共b兲
target and residual plots of error versus target were examined. In provide a useful means for assessing performance. Ideally, plots
Table 1, the calculated coefficients of determination, r2, can be should show a random pattern without a clear line or nonlinear
compared for the same pipe type with the corresponding value pattern. The fanning out pattern, in Figs. 3共a兲 and 4共a兲 suggests
from the statistical models for the Run data set 2000–2002. that the NN model may be less accurate for larger values of the
The overall best prediction, with the run dataset, was achieved predicted failures/km/year 共Marzban and Witt 2001兲. They are
by the NN in experiment Number 1, after pipe type was consid- also an indication that the model outputs have a nonlinear rela-
ered a stratification criterion and eliminated from the data set as a tionship with the observations. There are many corrections to the
variable. The r2 of 0.5423 compares with the r2 of 0.4525 for the residuals accounting for nonlinearity. However these are not fur-
STPM and 0.0946 for the STEM. That shows an improvement ther discussed in this paper. Plots of residuals versus other pre-
of 19% in terms of r2 when compared with the STPM model dictor variables can indicate that other additional variables might
prediction. As expected, the network performance is lower for improve the model 共Sain 2005兲.
the run sample r2 = 0.5423 as compared with the test sample More importantly, residual plots versus each input variable
r2 = 0.679. show a random pattern. This is illustrated with respect to age in
Figs. 3共a兲 and 4共a兲 show the scatter plots of the predicted NN Fig. 5. This suggests that additional factors related to lengths,
versus observed target output for the CICL pipes from the test set such as incorporating corrosion rates, may improve the results.
and run set, respectively, for Experiment 2 共Table 1兲. The diago- However such data are not currently available.
nal line on the scatter plot represents the line of least-square fit
through the data. The coefficient of determination 共r2 = 0.68兲 of
the network output versus the observed data is higher for the test Conclusions and Further Work
set, which is part of the 1997–1999 data set. The coefficient of
determination 共r2 = 0.5423兲 is still moderately high when regres- From the comparison of performance of the NN model with the
sion analysis is applied using the run data 共i.e., the next 3 years of current statistical models in use at CWW, the NN outperforms the
data兲 showing that the network has generalized well and is retain- statistical models, where databases are relatively large and noisy.
ing the patterns. Analysis of the NN model also suggests that improvement may be
The r2 coefficients of determination in Experiment 1 共Table 1兲 found in incorporating other factors that influence asset perfor-
can be further compared with coefficients of determination from mance, not taken into account in this analysis. For example, many
other factors have a potential impact on the deterioration of pipe-
lines, such as construction methods 共trenchless versus open cut兲,
contractors experience, soil type, overburden, and existing traffic.
At present such data are not currently available in the CWW
database, but will be examined in future work.
The relative ease of involving as many variables as possible in
the model brings further scope to the NN analysis. Another pos-
sible approach, as more data are being collected, is to use NN to
explore the time aspect of pipe deterioration by including time
dependent factors in the analysis, such as climatic factors, 共i.e.,
seasonal and El-Niño effects兲 and corrosion.
The application of NN to model pipeline failures has the
Fig. 4. NN regression model prediction versus target run sample potential to bring significant cost savings in terms of asset main-
2000–2002 for CICL tenance and system performance reliability. The technique has


J. Infrastruct. Syst. 2007.13:26-30.

further potential to evaluate the relative importance of various and Mgmt. Div., 108共3兲, 243–256.
parameters prior to the formulation of a deterministic model. Constantine, G., Miller, R., and Darroch, J. 共1998兲. “Prediction of pipe-
line failures from incomplete data,” Research Rep. No. 145, Urban
Water Research Association of Australia, Australia.
Acknowledgments Gurney, K. 共1997兲. An introduction to neural networks, UCL, London.
Kettler, A. J., and Goutler, I. C. 共1985兲. “An analysis of pipe breakage
The writers acknowledge the support provided by the Australian in urban water distribution networks,” Can. J. Civ. Eng., 12共2兲,
Research Council and City West Water for this work. They are 286–293.
also grateful to George Ruta and Julian Beasley from City West Kleiner, Y., and Rajani, B. B. 共2001兲. “Comprehensive review of struc-
Water Ltd. and Professor Tim Hendtlass of Swinburne University tural deterioration of water mains: Statistical models.” Urban Water,
of Technology. 3共3兲, 131–150.
Marzban, C., and Witt, A. 共2001兲. “A Bayesian neural network for severe
hail size prediction,” Weather Forecast., 16共5兲, 600–610.
Mavin, K. 共1996兲. Predicting the Failure Performance of Individual
Downloaded from by New York University on 04/17/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Water Mains Research Rep. No. 114, Urban Water Research Associa-
tion of Australia, Melbourne, Australia.
Ampazis, N., Perantonis, S. J., and Taylor, J. G. 共1999兲. “Dynamics of
Neural connection, version 2.1, user’s manual. 共1998兲. Recognition Sys-
multi-layer networks in the vicinity of temporary minima,” Neural
Networks, 12, 43–58. tems Ltd.
Righetti, B. 共2001兲. “Cast iron condition assessment study.” City West
Anderson, A. 共1995兲. An introduction to neural networks, MIT Press,
Water, Internal Rep., City West Water Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia.
Cambridge, Mass.
Beale, R., and Jackson, T. 共1990兲. Neural computing. Ripley, B. D. 共1996兲. Pattern recognition and neural networks, Cam-
Bishop, C. M. 共1996兲. Neural networks for pattern recognition, Claren- bridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
don, Oxford, U.K. Sain, S. 共2005兲. “MATH 4820/5320: Introduction to mathematical statis-
Clark, R. M., Stafford, C. L., and Goodrich, J. A. 共1982兲. “Water distri- tics: Simple linear regression II.” 具
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J. Infrastruct. Syst. 2007.13:26-30.

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