Periodic B

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1. Q.1 Which of the following statement is not true? A.

F atom can hold additional electron more tightly

than Cl atom B. Cl atom can hold additional electron more tightly than F atom C. The incoming electron
encounters greater repulsion for F atom than for Cl atom D. It is easier to remove an electron from F-
than Cl-.
2. Q.2 Element X, Y and Z have atomic numbers 19, 37 and 55 respectively. Which of the following
statements is true -? A. Their ionization potential would increase with the increasing atomic number B.
Y would have an ionization potential in between those of X and Z C. Z would have the highest ionization
potential D. Y would have the highest ionization potential
3. Q.3 Select the correct order (s). A. IE1 of F ¡ IE1 of Cl (B) E A of O ¿ E A of S (C) Ionic radius of Cl-
¿ Ionic radius of K+ (D) None of these

4. Q.4 M(g) -¿ M+(g) + e- , ∆ H = 100 eV M(g) -¿ M2+(g) + 2e-, ∆ H = 250 eV Which is incorrect
statement ? (A) IE1 of M(g) is 100 eV (B) IE1 of M+(g) is 150 eV (C) IE2 of M(g) is 250 eV (D) IE2
of M(g) is 150 eV
5. Q.5 Which of the following is false A. Cr2+(g) ion has lower magnetic moment compared to Co4+(g).
B. The magnitude of ionization potential of iron anion (mono-anion) would be equal to electron gain
enthalpy of iron. C. lanthanide contraction is cause of lower I.P. of Pb than Sn. D. If successive ionization
energy are 332, 738, 849, 4080, 4958 (in kJ/mol). Then this element can be of 13th group.
6. Q.6 Consider the following changes - A -¿ A+ + e : E1 and A+ -¿ A2+ + e : E2 The energy required
to pull out the two electrons are E1 and E2 respectively. The correct relationship between two energies
would be - (A) E1 ¡ E2 (B) E1 = E2 (C) E1 ¿ E2 (D) E1 ≥ E2

7. Q.7 Electron affinity is a - A. Relative strength to attract the shared electron pair B. Necessary energy
required to remove the electron from the ultimate orbit C. Energy released when an electron is added
to the outermost shell D. Energy released when an electron is added to the inner shell
8. Q.8 The correct order of electron affinity for the different families is - A. Halogen ¿ carbon ¿ nitrogen ¿
oxygen (B) Halogen ¿ oxygen ¿ nitrogen ¿ carbon (C) Halogen ¿ nitrogen ¿ carbon ¿ oxygen (D) Halogen
¿ oxygen ¿ carbon ¿ nitrogen
9. Q.9 Fluorine has low electron affinity than chlorine because of - A. Smaller radius of fluorine, high
electron density B. Smaller radius of chlorine, high electron density C. Bigger radius of fluorine, less
electron density D. Smaller radius of chlorine, less electron density

10. Q.10 3 students Sita, Gita and Rita measured the radius of an element A. The values of their practical
were not same (Sita = 110 nm, Gita = 190 nm and Rita = 108 nm). Their teacher explained that their
measurement was correct by saying that the recorded values are - A. Metallic, Vander wall and covalent
radii respectively B. Covalent, Metallic and Vander wall radii respectively C. Vander wall, Metallic and
covalent radii respectively D. None of the above

11. Q.11 Element P, Q, R and S belong to the same group. The oxide of P is acidic, oxide of Q and R are
amphoteric while the oxide of S is basic. Which of the following elements is the most electropositive ?
(A) P (B) Q (C) R (D) S
12. Q.12 The first ionization potentials of four consecutive elements present in the second period of periodic
table are 8.3, 11.3, 14.5 and 13.6 eV respectively which one of the following is the first ionization potential
of nitrogen? (A) 13.6 (B) 14.5 (C) 11.3 (D) 8.3
13. Q.13 Which of the following order is wrong -? A. NH3 ¡ PH3 ¡ AsH3 (Acidic character) B. Li ¡ Be ¡ B ¡
C (IE1) C. Al2O3 ¡ MgO ¡ Na2O ¡ K2O (Basic character) D. Li+ ¡ Na+ ¡ K+ ¡ Cs+ ( Ionic radius)
14. Q.14 Strongest reducing agent among the following is- A. F- (B) Cl- (C) Br- (D) I-

15. Q.15 The first ionization energy of Mg, Al, P and S follows the order - A. Mg ¡ Al ¡ P ¡ S (B) Al ¡ Mg ¡
P ¡ S (C) Al ¡ Mg ¡ S ¡ P (D) Mg ¡ Al ¡ S ¡ P
16. Q.16 Which of the following in increasing order of paramagnetism ? A. Al ¡ Mg ¡ O ¡ N (B) Mg ¡ Al ¡ N
¡ O (C) Mg ¡ Al ¡ O ¡ N (D) N ¡ O ¡ Al ¡ Mg
17. Q.17 The correct order of increasing size is - A. Mg2+ ¡ Na+ ¡ F- ¡ Al (B) F- ¡ Al ¡ Na+ ¡ Mg2+ (C) Al
¡ Mg2+ ¡ F- ¡ Na+ (D) Na+ ¡ Al ¡ F- ¡ Mg2+

18. Q.18 Match list-I with list-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below: List-I List-II (ele-
ment) (electronic configuration) A. Gallium i. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d1 B. Vanadium ii. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d10
(C) Zinc iii. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p1 (D) Scandium iv. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d3 Codes - (A) (B) (C)
(D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) i ii i iv (B) ii iv i i (C) ii iv i i (D) i i iv ii
19. Q.19 For the process X(g) + e −−→ X – (g), ∆ H = x and
X (g) −−→ X(g) + e, ∆ H = y Select correct alternate : A. Ionization energy of X – (g) is y (B) Electron
affinity of X(g) is x (C) Electron affinity of X(g) is -y (D) All are correct statements
20. Q.20 The compound of vanadium has magnetic moment of 1.73 BM. The vanadium chloride has the
formula- (A) VCl2 (B) VCl3 (C) VCl4 (D) VCl5
21. Q.21 Sodium forms Na+ ion but it does not form Na+2 because - A. Very low value of IE1 and IE2 (B)
Very high value of IE1 and IE2 (C) High value of IE1 and low value of IE2 (D) Low value of IE1 and
high value of IE2
22. Q.22 Lanthanoids are - A. 14 elements in the seventh period (atomic no. = 58 to 71) that are filling 4f
subshell B. 14 elements in the sixth period (atomic no. = 90 to 103) that are filling 4f subshell C. 14
elements in the seventh period (atomic no. = 90 to 103) that are filling 5f subshell D. 14 elements in
the sixth period (atomic no. = 58 to 71) that are filling 4f subshell
23. Q.23 Consider the M(OH)3 formed by all the group 13 elements. The correct sequence of acidic strength
of hydroxides [M(OH)3] is - A. B(OH)3 ¡ Al(OH)3 ¿ Ga(OH)3 ¿ In(OH)3 ¿ Tl(OH)3 B. B(OH)3 ¿
Tl(OH)3 ¿ Al(OH)3 ¿ In(OH)3 ¿ Ga(OH)3 C. Al(OH)3 ¿ Ga(OH)3 ¿ B(OH)3 ¿ In(OH)3 ¿ Tl(OH)3 D.
B(OH)3 ¿ Al(OH)3 ¿ Ga(OH)3 ¿ In(OH)3 ¿ Tl(OH)3

24. Q.24 Arrange the following hydrides in their increasing acid strength [CH4, H2S, PH3 and SiH4] - A.
H2S ¡ PH3 ¡ SiH4 ¡ CH4 (B) CH4 ¡ SiH4 ¡ PH3 ¡ H2S (C) SiH4 ¡ CH4 ¡ PH3 ¡ H2S (D) CH4 ¡ H2S ¡ PH3
¡ SiH4
25. Q.25 (A), (B) and (C) are elements in the second short period. Oxide of (A) is ionic, that of (B) is
amphoteric and of (C) a giant molecule. (A), (B) and (C) have atomic number in the order - (A) (A) ¡
(B) ¡ (C) (B) (C) ¡ (B) ¡ (A) (C) (A) ¡ (C) ¡ (B) (D) (B) ¡ (A) ¡ (C)
26. Q.26 Match the following lists and select the correct answer - List-I List-II (A) d-block element i.
1s2,2s22s6,3s23p6,4s1 (B) Halogen ii. 1s2,2s22p6,3s23p6 (C)Alkali metal iii. 1s2,2s22p6,3s23p63d6,4s2
(D) Noble gas iv. 1s2, 2s2, 2p5 Code :
(A) i i ii iv (B) ii iv i i (C) i ii i iv (D) i iv ii i

27. Q.27 Set containing isoelectronic species is – A. C2-, NO+, CN-, O2+ (B) CO, NO, O , CN 2 2 2 (C)
CO2, NO2, O2, N2O5 (D) CO, CO2, NO, NO2
28. Q.28 Mendeleev’s periodic table is based on atomic masses of elements. It was the first successful
attempt to classify all the known elements (63) that time. One of the most important advantage of this
classification was that Mendeleev predicted the physical and chemical properties of three elements : Eka-
boron, Eka- silicon and Eka-aluminium. These elements were discovered as : A. germanium, scandium,
gallium (B) scandium, germanium, gallium (C) iron, sulphur and germanium (D) iron, sulphur and
29. Q.29 The As-Cl bond distance in AsCl3 is 2.20 Å. Estimate the SBCR (single bond covalent radius) of
As. (1ssume EN of both to be same and radius of Cl = 0.99 Å.) (A) 1.21 Å (B) 1.31 Å (C) 1.41 Å (D)
1.51 Å

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30. Q.30 The IE values of Al(g) = Al+ + e is 577.5 kJ mol-1 and ∆ H for Al(g) = Al3+ + 3e is 5140 kJ
mol-1. If second and third IE values are in the ratio 2 : 3. Calculate IE2 and IE3. (A) IE2 = 1825
kJ/mole, IE3 = 2737.5 kJ/mol] (B) IE2 = 1600 kJ/mole, IE3 = 1737.5 kJ/mol] (C) IE2 = 1925 kJ/mole,
IE3 = 2037.5 kJ/mol] (D) IE2 = 1252 kJ/mole, IE3 = 1237.5 kJ/mol]
31. Q.31 For the processes K+(g) -¿[I] K(g) -¿[II] K(s) A. Energy is released in (I) and absorbed in (II) B.
Energy is absorbed in (I) and released in (II) C. Energy is absorbed in both the processes D. Energy is
released in both the processes
32. Q.32 The electronic configuration of an element is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4. The atomic number and the group
number of the element X which is just below the above element in the periodic table are respectively.
(A) 24 & 6 (B) 24 & 15 (C) 34 & 16 (D) 34 & 8
33. Q.33 Which of the following element is expected to have highest electron gain enthalpy- (A) 1s22s22p63s23p5
(B) 1s22s22p3 (C) 1s22s22p4 (D) 1s22s22p5
34. Q.34 Calculate the bond length of C-X bond if C - C bond length is 1.54 A and X-X bond length is 1.2
A and electronegativities of C and X are 2.0 and 3.0 respectively. (A) 2.74 Å (B) 1.37 Å (C) 1.46 Å (D)
1.28 Å
35. Q.35 The increasing order of acidic nature of Li2O, BeO, B2O3 A. Li2O ¿ BeO ¡ B2O3 (B) Li2O ¡ BeO
¡ B2O3 (C) Li2O ¡ BeO ¿ B2O3 (D) Li2O ¿ BeO ¿ B2O3
36. Q.36 For an element A. //
A −−→ A+ −−→
A2 + −−→
A3 + −−→ .......
The IE1 and IE3 values are 27 kJ/mole and 51 kJ/mole respectively. Then the value of IE2 is kJ/mole.
(A) 21 (B) 33 (C) 59 (D) 63
37. Q.37 Atomic radius decreases in a period, but after halogens, the atomic radius suddenly increases.
Thus, inert gases have almost highest radius in a period. The explanation for such an increase is- A.
Inert gases have most stable configuration B. Inert gases do not take part in bonding C. Vander Waal
radius is reported in case of inert gases D. None of these
38. Q.38 Considering the elements B, Al, Mg and K, the correct order of their metallic character is - A. B
¿ Al ¿ Mg ¿ K (B) Al ¿ K ¿ B ¿ Mg (C) Mg ¿ Al ¿ K ¿ B (D) K ¿ Mg ¿ Al ¿ B
39. Q.39 The size of the species, Pb, Pb2+, Pb4+ decreases as - (A) Pb4+ ¿ Pb2+ ¿ Pb (B) Pb ¿ Pb2+ ¿
Pb4+ (C) Pb ¿ Pb4+ ¿ Pb2+ (D) Pb4+ ¿ Pb ¿ Pb2+
40. Q.40 Which one of the following arrangements represents the correct order of electron gain enthalpy
(with negative sign) of given atomic species ? A. F ¡ Cl ¡ O ¡ S (B) S ¡ O ¡ Cl ¡ F (C) O ¡ S ¡ F ¡ Cl (D)
Cl ¡ F ¡ S ¡ O
41. Q. 41
42. Q.42 The correct decreasing order of ionic radius is - A. C4- ¿ N3- ¿ O2- ¿ F- (B) F- ¿ O2- ¿ N3- ¿ C4-
(C) O2- ¿ F- ¿ C4- ¿ N3- (D) N3- ¿ O2- ¿ F- ¿ C4-
43. Q.43 The correct order regarding the electronegativity of hybrid orbitals of carbon is ? A. sp ¡ sp2 ¡ sp3
(B) sp ¿ sp2 ¡ sp3 (C) sp ¿ sp2 ¿ sp3 (D) sp ¡ sp2 ¿ sp3
44. Q.44 If the ionic radii of each K+ and F- are 1.34 Å, then the atomic radii of K and F will be respectively
: (A) 1.34 Å, 1.34 Å (B) 0.72 Å, 1.96 Å (C) 1.96 Å. 0.72 Å (D) 1.96 Å, 1.34 Å
45. Q.45 Identify the wrong statement in the following : A. Amongst isoelectronic species, smaller the
positive charge on the cation, smaller is the ionic radius. B. Amongst isoelectronic species, greater the
negative charge on the anion, larger is the ionic radius. C. Atomic radius of the elements increases as
one moves down the first group of the periodic table. D. Atomic radius of the elements decreases as one
moves across from left to right in the 2nd period of the periodic table.

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STATEMENT TYPE QUESTIONS : - These questions consist of two statements each, printed as
Statement-I and Statement-II. While answering these Questions you are required to choose any one
of the following four responses. A. If both Statement-I & Statement-II are True & the Statement-II is a
correct explanation of the Statement-I. B. If both Statement-I & Statement-II are True, but Statement-II
is not a correct explanation of the Statement-I. C. If Statement-I is True but the Statement-II is False.
D. If Statement-I is False, but the Statement-II is True.
46. Q.46 Statement-I : F atom has less electron affinity than Cl atom. Statement-II : Additional electrons
are repelled more strongly by 3p electrons in Cl atom than by 2p electrons in F atom.
47. Q.47 Statement-I : Electron gain enthalpy of oxygen is less than that of fluorine but greater than that
of nitrogen. Statement-II : Ionization enthalpy is as follows : N ¿ O ¿ F

48. Q.48 Statement-I : Cs and F combines violently to form CsF. Statement-II : Cs is most electropositive,
and F is most electronegative.
49. Q.49 Statement-I: Al(OH)3 is amphoteric in nature. Statement-II: Al -O and O - H bonds can be broken
with equal ease in Al(OH)3.

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